Tesol (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - Cover

Tesol (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

by John Natch

Copyright© 2021 by John Natch

Erotica Sex Story: Dustin is working in an environment with a lot of Chinese girls. Some do. Some don't. Some have to.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Heterosexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Torture   White Male   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Oral Sex   Teacher/Student   .

(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

British English throughout. For errors in grammar, refer to the title. Many characters do not speak perfect English.

Dustin was never really sure why the training centre had more females than males. He’d come to China years ago to teach English for twelve months, and never got round to going home. In secondary schools, the majority of girls were better at English than the boys. So you would think once the kids got older, and started to pay for extra classes here, it would be the guys trying to catch up. But no, he was heading a team of various nationalities, teaching spoken English to Chinese adults, seventy percent of whom were women. Not that he was complaining.

It was Saturday afternoon, weekends were always the busiest times at Best English. He had finished his own quota of lessons, and was in his office, next door to the top Course Consultant. The parent company in Beijing had recently given him an unusual task. They suspected some kind of fraud was taking place. Money was disappearing from his, and four other centres, in this city. They didn’t know how, but asked him to investigate. Such a job, would normally go to one of the centre managers. But they might be involved and, prior to coming to China, Dustin had a background in security.

From his observations of the day-to-day running of the place, he could see how a scam might be carried out. So he had cameras installed in three specific locations. This was done secretly, at night, of course. Only Dustin knew where they were, and only he could view the feeds. One was behind Reception. It looked down on the two girls who sat at front desk. No money changed hands there, but it afforded a good view of staff and students clocking in and out, complete with times.

Some students had been complaining about Scott, his only Australian teacher. English Corners welcomed all abilities and levels, to participate in a pre-advertised topic. Apart from politics and sex, anything could be discussed. But Scott had been accused of not letting students answer questions. Dustin had spoken to him about it.

“It’s basic stuff, Scott. They’re here to improve their spoken English. But they tend to be reticent, so to get them to speak, we have to ask them questions.” “I do ask questions.” “But you’re doing two things wrong.” “What?” “Try once with a general question by all means, but do not expect any answers; they still hold teachers in awe. So you have to coax them. Point to individual students, and say ‘What do you think?’ Start at the back of the class where the lazy ones congregate. Try to get everyone to speak.” “OK.” “And once you’ve asked, you must wait. They hear the question in English, translate it in their heads, try to form an answer, and then translate that back into English. They need time. What you do is jump in and answer questions for them. In your English Corners, you are usually the only one to speak. They may be relieved at the time, but later they realise it was a waste of time. Then they come to me and complain.”

That had been a week ago. English Corners took place in a large open area to one side of Reception. The external walls on two sides were glass, so passers-by in the shopping mall could see in, but not hear. The idea was to make them curious, and attract potential customers. Dustin thought Scott was now slipping back into his lazy ways, so he had swivelled the Reception camera round to record Scott’s class from an hour ago. It would make good evidence for an official warning. The other two cameras were paying dividends too. He was viewing the results as the normal classes ended, and the corridor filled with noise. He opened the office door.

“Checking on your kingdom?” asked Nicole, sarcastically. She worked from the office next door, and was also viewing the passing throng. “I’m watching for a student I need to speak to Nicole. And I am not a king, just Head of Education. But you always have something bitchy to say, don’t you?” “Do you have to calm yet another student with a complaint? You do seem to get a lot.” “You do your job, and I’ll do mine. No need for you to keep sniping at me.” “Sniping?” “Having a go. Criticising. Why do you do it?” “I think you are not good at your job.” She sneered and retreated into her office.

“Victoria, could you come in here a moment?” Victoria came in and sat across from Dustin’s desk, which had colourful plant on one corner. Propped up behind the terracotta pot was Dustin’s phone. He set it on Video. “Do you have any more classes today?” “No, I finish.” “So what will you do with the rest of your Saturday?” “I usually work through yesterday’s, I mean tomorrow’s, class on the school computers, so I’m ready for it. Then I go to noodle shop for supper. My husband works late at the airport on Saturdays.” “Interesting.” “Why you ask?” “I like to understand what students want from this centre.”

“Oh, next month there is a new job at the airport. They need someone who can speak English good.” “Well.” “Yes. My husband has already rec...” “Recommended you?” “Yes. I have interview in half a month. My husband and me, need the more money.” Dustin looked at her. Victoria did indeed look like someone who needed more money. The grey A-line skirt was the only one he had ever seen her wear. Her shoes had seen better days, and her T-shirt was baggy and threadbare. She was so petite, skinny in fact, that he imagined there was not much under it. It gaped at the sleeves to reveal a large patch of underarm hair. Many of the older Chinese women still did not shave there.

“You were at Scott’s English Corner earlier, and had ten minutes spare before your last class.” “Yes.” “I’m going to ask you a question Victoria. And I want you to think about the airport job when you answer.” “OK.” she smiled. “When you found your handbag had been stolen, why didn’t you report it?” She went white. “I, um, I leave it at home.”

“No, you didn’t Victoria. It’s a small clutch bag, looks like a Gucci. I have a video of someone stealing it from your carrier bag.” The English Centre gave every student a free carrier bag for their class materials. Free advertising as they travelled around the city. “But, I...” “Tell me what’s in it!” Dustin was so abrupt, she answered without thinking. “My keys and phone.” “I saw your face on the movie. When you found it was missing, you looked scared. Very scared. So, tell me why you said nothing. Or I will call the police.” He reached for the landline phone. “No! Please don’t!”

Dustin sat back in his chair. Next one to speak would be the loser. Victoria was clearly in some distress, twisting her hands in her lap. He moved his mobile from behind the plant pot and started filming, sure she would not notice. “I steal it!” she blurted out. “Go on.” “Last week, on the Metro, a girl forget it. I pick it up but she’s gone. There is nothing in except a travel card.” “If that was a real Gucci, she will have gone to the police. So when they come here to the school, they will recognise it. No job for you, at the airport or anywhere else, and no more English classes. We do not want thieves here.” “Please don’t tell police. I don’t want the bag any more. Just my keys and phone.” Dustin turned his phone off and slid it back behind the plant. He hadn’t decided yet, how to use Victoria’s confession. But a plan was forming.

“Maybe I will not call them, and will give you back your keys and phone. But you must do what I say.” “OK.” “Go out to the toilets, take off your bra and panties. Then come back to my office in an hour.” She looked stricken. Victoria was in her late forties, and no married Chinese woman would usually agree to such a thing. But she stared at the office phone and hesitated. Dustin thought she would do it, and her reluctance would add to the fun. Victoria stood up. “OK. But no sexy!” “Agreed. No sexy.”

As the next class finished, he was at his office door again. “Betty, do you have a moment?” All Chinese students took on English names when they enrolled at Best English. In fact most had already adopted one, and he was delighted with many of the females’ choices. They liked old-fashioned names like Lily, Doris, and Gladys. Names tended to be more traditional in China. They had meanings, and were less prone to the tides of fashion. Students frequently asked him what Dustin meant.

Betty was a different type of Chinese womanhood. Nothing like Victoria. She was mid-twenties, medium height and curvy. Her solid bust was the envy of many other female students, and quite a talking point with the male teachers. She always dressed well, leaning towards glamorous, and wore make-up on class days. Now she sat where Victoria had been, less than hour ago.

Today she was wearing a tight sweater with a deep V-neck. It hugged her bust and displayed some significant cleavage when she leaned forward. And in her classes she tended to lean forward a lot. Her ample hips and bottom were covered with a short pink skirt. Every teacher claimed to have had a gusset glimpse up her miniskirts, despite her chubby thighs. But today she was wearing black tights, which obscured any detail up there. Even though her legs were already drifting apart.

“I’ve been looking at the forms you signed when you first joined Best English, Betty. You’re twentysix and a travel agent. One who takes foreign tourists round the lake?” “That’s right.” “I notice your travel company paid your tuition fees.” “Yes, they pay as long as I com, er, complete each level in four months. I come here every time I’m not working.” “Is the bag you stole still in the building?”

It must have caught her off-guard, but she was made of sterner stuff than Victoria, and barely missed a beat. “I did not steal it, I found it on the floor. It’s here in my carry bag. I want to hand it in before, but I have a lesson.” “Come here, and stand next to me Betty. There’s something on my computer screen you need to see.” He admired her swaying hips as she walked to his desk. She stood at his right shoulder and leaned forward towards the computer screen. Her breasts were almost touching his face and he could smell her perfume. It was giving him an erection. He remembered a joke from his homeland. ‘Your profile is affecting mine!’

Her heart sank. The clip of the earlier English Corner started, clearly showing Betty sitting behind Victoria. There was a minute of Scott droning on to the conclusion. While they watched, Dustin’s hand made the short journey from the hem of her skirt to her crotch. He loved the feeling of her silky tights as he stroked the backs of her thighs. When his hand reached the top, he felt their hard seam dissecting her pussy. He couldn’t swear he could feel any panties under there, but pinched her pussy lips together anyway. Hard.

Under other circumstances, a Chinese girl would have yelped and stepped away. Possibly slapped his face. But Betty had already guessed what must be coming. The movie showed her hand reaching into Victoria’s carrier bag which hung on the seat in front of her. “Open your legs wider.” She complied and he ripped the crotch of her tights with his fingernails. The seam flopped to one side and he gripped her panties. It felt extra erotic, not knowing what colour they were. Definitely small though.

The screen showed her take the little Gucci, and slip it into her own carrier. She even looked back towards the hidden camera, unknowingly showing her face. Then she left the room. With his left hand, he paused the movie clip. And with his right, he circumnavigated the elastic on her panties. There was not much of it so Dustin imagined it must be a thong. He pushed two fingers into her cunt.

She gave a little gasp. It could have been seeing her theft so clearly on the computer. But he preferred to believe it was pleasure. “This shows you’re lying. You did not find the bag, you stole it. I’ve telephoned Head Office about this, and they say I must decide how to handle it.” He curled his fingers up inside her, on the word ‘handle’. “But they would like me to bring the police in. Good publicity for future customers. When they read about it in the local papers - how Best English caught a thief – people will feel safer studying here.” She started to straighten up. “Stay where you are!”

Anybody looking into the office would only see her looking at something on his computer. His busy hand was out of sight. He reached up to the waistband of her thong. He dragged it over her buttocks, along with what remained of her tights, giving him access all areas. Dustin’s hand returned to her crotch and he slid his wet fingers over her pubic hair. Then thrust his thumb up into her vagina, and scratched her clitoris with his fingernail.

“Personally, I do not want to call the police.” “Good.” said Betty, looking up to keep an eye on the door. His thumb was now revolving inside her cunt and making it very wet. The truth was he had informed Head Office of the theft, but they had forbidden him to involve the law. “We cannot allow thieves to stay at this centre though. When I show this to your employers, they will fire you. And they may choose to call the police. Imagine all those trusting tourists who leave their belongings on your coach, while you show them the sights. You will have to pay back the costs of your course, and will never get another job.”

Betty was far from stupid. Dustin’s fingers were now pressing hard into her pubic mound. And his thumb was pushing towards them, as if he was making a fist. It felt like he was about to lift her up. She was not particularly enjoying this assault, but knew that if offered a way out. He would not be doing this to her if he did not have an alternative punishment in mind. Time to make her offer. “It was a stupid thing to do, and I’m sorry. I will do anything you want, if you keep this quiet.”

“I finish at six and need you to come to my apartment. You’ll be staying all night, so make whatever arrangements you need, but do not change your clothes. I live in Greenway Gardens, two blocks from here. I’ll meet you at the gate at six fifteen.” “OK.” “I will need to be completely satisfied you have not stolen anything else, so I will search you up here.” His thumb had a final prod in her vagina, and was withdrawn. “OK.” “I will also search your mouth, and up here.” His soaking wet thumb transferred to her anus, and wriggled in. “I will need to search your whole body, several times.” “OK.”

Betty returned to her seat, retrieved the clutch bag, and gave it to Dustin. He put it in the desk drawer and saw her to the door. Nicole was standing outside her office again. “Another unhappy customer?” “She is not unhappy about anything.” “She looked very red in the face.” “You know what, Nicole? I think you encourage them to find something to complain about. Just to make me look bad. Why do you do it?” “I told you. You are crap at this job and should go back to just teaching!” “I suppose you think you could do better.” “I” she pointed to her chest, “bring most of the money into this centre. “And I” he replied, pointing at his own chest, “Am considering reporting you to the centre manager. At your last consultant’s meeting, you told your colleagues to send as many complaints as possible to my office. You made it very clear to them that you want me sacked. For what it’s worth, they do not all agree with you.” “Huh!” She spun on her heel and returned to her desk.

“Victoria, sit down. I have good news and bad news. The good news is I have your bag here. And your keys and phone are safe inside.” “I will not have sexy with you. I will go to prison!” she blustered, sounding uncharacteristically bold. Well, her outburst at least confirmed she had probably taken her undies off. “You do not have to have sex with me. But you must do something, to make me happy. It’s only a small thing, and if you do it, I will not call the police.” ‘Three small things to be precise!’ he thought. Victoria hesitated. “What?” “Did you take your underwear off?” She looked over her shoulder. “Yes.”

“Nobody out there can see what you’re doing. Lift up your T-shirt and show me your breasts.” “I...” “Come on. I won’t touch them.” ‘I prefer bigger tits, but that’s not the point.’ he thought. ‘The video is the point.’ He slid his camera out from behind the plant, as before. Victoria lifted her T-shirt and showed what little she had. Namely, the breasts of a twelve year old, but the nipples of a full grown woman. “Very pretty. Now lift your skirt and put your heels up on the chair.” “My what?” “Your heels. Your feet.” “You no touch!” “I can’t reach you from here; I’ll stay in my chair. Quickly Victoria, before someone comes!”

Going red in the face, she raised her skirt and lifted her heels, as ordered. Dustin had seen his fair share of Chinese pussy over the years, but never so much hair. Her pubes spread out to the sides till they touched the V of her groin. And the top formed a peak that almost reached her navel No pink details though. “Wow! Hold it open for me, and this is all over.” As he said ‘Wow!’ Victoria looked quite proud of herself for the briefest of moments. She must be aware she had far more hair than most Chinese women. Reluctantly, she reached round her skinny thighs and pulled open her pussy lips. Dustin ogled at a very pretty cunt. It would be well worth making his way through that forest of pubes, to get a closer look. He was disappointed it did not look wet.

“Very nice, thank you. Now come and get your bag.” He opened his drawer and she stood, letting the skirt fall back into place. She came round his side of the desk and stood in the same spot Betty had. “I only want my things. You keep the bag.” As she reached into his desk drawer to take it, Dustin couldn’t resist. He grabbed her wrist, holding it down, and grabbed her pussy from behind. “No!” she cried out. He held her in place and got two fingers through the hair and up inside her. She dropped the bag and tried to push his arm down. “But you have such a pretty little cunt Victoria!”

She struggled free, took her things out of the bag, and threw it onto the desk. As she fled from the office, Dustin checked his phone. Three Victoria segments now. One confessing her theft. One displaying her cute little-girl titties. And one showing her hairy charms, highlighting her stretched vulva with her fingertips. He thought he would wait until she got the airport job before using them. Who knew what she would do to keep it? As she left, he sucked absent-mindedly on his fingers. Hardly wet at all.

“Another student complaint?” asked Nicole, sticking her head round the door. “She doesn’t look happy either.” “Ah, Nicole. Being bitchy again? Don’t you have anything better to do?” “Lots. You keep me busy.” “Me? How do I do that?” “The students I sign. They come and see me every week, so I know how they progress. If they have problems with study, I send them to you. The guy that had Head of Education job before you, did not get as many complaints as you. I was top consultant then, so I know.”

Suddenly, all became clear. It was true, there were more problems since his promotion. Obviously Nicole was fishing for them and encouraging students to complain. But he couldn’t work out why. Dustin had always hated her sneering attitude. ‘I’m the best CC here, and I make most of the money we get’. She strutted round like she owned the place. But he was a professional, and had never let his feelings show. Whatever he had done to make her hate him, was a mystery.

He deliberately kept Betty waiting at the gate to his community, till after six thirty. Then felt a bit guilty when he saw she was holding a KFC bag. “I got some supper for us. I thought you might not want to go out once you start. I also bought some oil. I’ve never done it up my ass before.” “I take it you mean lubricant.” “That’s it.” As they walked to the main door, he noticed she was wearing the same clothes as instructed. There was a ladder running down one leg of her tights. He lived only three floors up so they took the stairs. Naturally, he insisted she go up in front of him.

Once in his apartment, Dustin stripped off his clothes, then sat on the sofa and instructed Betty to stand in front of him. She pulled her sweater over her head, messing up her hair. Then she reached round and undid her black bra. Unlike most Chinese girls Betty had truly fabulous tits, with no sag whatsoever. When she threw her bra onto the sofa, they hardly moved at all.

Betty unzipped the pink skirt and dropped it, staggering slightly as she stepped out of it. She was amateurish and far from elegant, but that merely added to the entertainment value. He’d wanted to see this fine body for some months, and it had been well worth the wait. Standing in front of him, in just tights and g-string, she looked slutty. The hole in her tights was much bigger now, highlighting her pale highs. He saw the panties for the first time. Black and tiny, and bunched up into a wedgie. He stood up, and grabbed them front and back, and see-sawed them into her. “Does that feel nice?” She didn’t answer, but closed her eyes.

“Stay there.” He left, returned with a pair of scissors, and sat. “Come closer.” He slid the blades under her tights, and cut through the waistband of the g-string; first on one hip, then the other. The severed portions drooped sadly, but the rest remained, kept in place by what was left of the tights. “Turn around, and bend over.” Dustin grabbed the back and tugged them away. They seemed reluctant to part from her, clinging to her cunt as they slid past, and leaving a snail trail in the gusset.

He held the tattered garment to her face. “Turn to me. Look how wet these are.” he said. “They didn’t want to leave your cunt. I don’t think I would either! Tell me what made them so wet.” “I did.” “Yes. And you did it because you are excited. You want me to fuck you don’t you?” She didn’t hesitate. “Yes I do.” He licked the creamy mess in her thong and passed them to her. She knew what he wanted, and licked them too. She smiled at him, and licked hem again.

When ordered, she stood close to him with her legs apart, either side of his knees. Like most oriental girls, her pubic hair was sparse. Dustin had a good poke around, then told her to turn her back to him and stick her arse in his face. For the second time he gripped her pussy hair and shoved his thumb up her. Definitely better now he could see all the detail. Wetter as well. He drew his thumb out and instinctively she stretched her buttocks apart for him. Betty groaned as his slimy thumb thrust into her arsehole. “Ever been fucked up here before?” “No. But I want to try.” “Good. I’m sure you’ve done blowjobs before though. Let’s start with one of those,”

She immediately grabbed a cushion from next to him and knelt on it. ‘Very professional.’ he thought. His penis was erect already, when she kissed the head, almost demurely. Then she bent it back to his belly and gave it a series of butterfly kisses all the way down to his balls. She didn’t stop there but kept going. Gripping one of his thighs, she kissed his balls, her hand creeping under his buttocks. Then she took each one into her mouth and playfully fingered his anus, in much the same way as he had done to her.

When they were thoroughly wet, she squeezed them and her moist mouth made its way back up the shaft. Gripping the base of his dick more firmly she licked all around the head, and then plunged down. There was a slurp as she took the whole length into her mouth. Dustin felt it come to halt, as it hit the back of her throat. Betty set to with a vengeance, wanking and sucking him at the same time. He was tempted to cum in her mouth, and thought she was probably looking forward to that. She looked disappointed when he pulled her head up. “Get up here and sit on it.”

Betty put the cushion back on the sofa, and lowered herself onto him. She was exquisitely tight and wet. He gripped the tops of her thighs and dug his thumbs into her groin. At last he could watch those magnificent tits on the move. They were solid, with nipples almost the same colour as her skin. As she picked up speed, Dustin was surprised to see they hardly wobbled at all. They shuddered, but only bounced a little. He wondered if they might be fake, and grabbed them.

Ah! Definitely not fake then; just very firm. Her pale nipples were so hard they felt like they might cut him. He squeezed them tight enough to make her yelp out loud, but that did not stop her rhythm. Suddenly Betty stopped bouncing and threw her face down to his. He slipped a finger up her arse, as she kissed him passionately. Her orgasm coursed through her, and nearly triggered his, but he hung on. “Finish me with your mouth.” he said. “I thought you want my ass – arse.” “Plenty of time for that later. Right now I want your cunt to stay clean. I might go down on you after we’ve eaten. You can be dessert.” She eased herself up, inch by inch, revealing his glistening cock. Then got down between his knees and licked him clean. No cushion this time. A minute of energetic sucking, and he exploded into her mouth. She didn’t spill a drop, just looked up and grinned. Betty was good at this, and she knew it. “I like the taste of me!” she announced. “And of you!”

Later, they ate their warmed up chicken and chips. “So why did you steal that bag?” “I don’t know really. I think English say ‘it was a moment of mad’.” “A moment of madness.” “Right. When I’m working, I have to be so careful. So perfect. Tourists vote on how well I look after them, and my boss sees the votes. My only other life is at your school. Suddenly, I wanted to be naughty.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?” “No. I had two at university, but now I have no time. I like a lot of the foreign tourists, and many of the men, how to say, hit me?” “Hit on you. American. English would say, chat you up. So why don’t you try one of them? When you do the river cruise, up to the Tree Gorges dam, you sleep on the same boat don’t you? Stay overnight in the same hotel?” “Boat people and hotel people maybe notice. They tell my boss. I have to be so careful.” “I see.” “By the way, before you said you might ‘go down with me’. What do you mean?” “Come back to the sofa. I’ll show you.”

Now it was her turn to sit, and he knelt on a cushion. She gripped her legs behind the knees and pulled them back to her shoulders, squashing her magnificent breasts. But only slightly. He kissed her navel and licked all the way down to her minimal pubic hair. Then kissed softly between her cunt lips. He thumbed them open and did a thorough job of getting his tongue in as deep as he could.

Betty moaned loudly as he got lower and lower. Dustin’s mouth finished his journey at her anus, and she groaned again as he slipped his tongue inside it. He sucked his thumb and pushed it up her arse, as his mouth made its way back up her vulva. With his fingers digging into her buttocks, he thrust his thumb in with force, and clamped his mouth over her clit. She screamed out loud and squirted. Dustin drank it all down, and lifted his head. It was a couple of minutes before she recovered.

“You’re delicious!” he told her. “I thought that might be what you mean.” she said. “Nobody has ever kissed me down there before.” “A first then.” he replied. “It’s only fair; you do it to me, and I do it to you. It’s called oral sex. Oral means with your mouth. Like oral English, where you speak.” “It’s nice. I don’t think Chinese men do that.” “So I believe. Well, I think you’re about ready for anal sex now.” “OK.”

Next day, Sunday, Dustin had a day off. Betty stayed for breakfast and lunch, and a lot more sex classes. But she had English classes in the afternoon and left. After she left, he reflected on her visit. It had been far better than he’d hoped. He knew he was better hung than most Chinese men, and had long suspected they did not care for cunnilingus. After her first anal, Betty had said it was only ‘OK’, but enjoyed it more the second time. She agreed she would get used it. She actually put forward the idea that going down must be what lesbians do to each other.

“I take it you’ve never tried it with a girl?” “No. But it’s very sexy when I taste myself after you’ve been inside. So it would be interesting to know what another girl tastes like.” “We would call that your fantasy. Wanting to taste another girl. Perhaps I can arrange that for you one day.” “Oh good! What was that word again?” “Fantasy.” Dustin found himself looking forward to her next visit. There would be many more, and all on a voluntary basis from now on. No more blackmail needed. Though in a way, that was a disappointment. He had particularly enjoyed the feeling of power. Making a woman do something against her will. Possibly hurting her. He usually had Mondays off. But today two bosses from Beijing had booked into a four-star hotel to assess his fraud evidence; one from security, and one from accounts.

“I should get a substantial reward for this. I’m going to save you a lot of money. Maybe millions of yuan.” “Yes, we have discussed rewarding you, and may be able to do something. But it will depend on what you have discovered.” “What I have discovered, is proof. How you’ve been robbed. Your problem will be recognising it. I placed two secret cameras. The first is in Nicole’s office; she is our top Course Consultant. We have three CCs, and she signs up fifty percent of our new students.

After she signs one, they visit Emma the accountant, to pay their fees. The second camera is in her office. She issues them with a receipt, and they take it back to Nicole. hey return to Nicole. She checks it and they get their schedules, computer access codes, fingerprint entry scan, and so on. And a Best English carrier bag of course, to put it all in. “We know all that.”

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