Winning a Genie Harem - Cover

Winning a Genie Harem

Copyright© 2019

Chapter 21: The Genie Harem Problem

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 21: The Genie Harem Problem - Corey gets an offer from his old friend Kyle that he can't turn down! A Battered Lamp Spinoff!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Incest   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student  

Corey Derrickson – Thursday, September 10th

Zaritha’s words seemed to echo through the bedroom as I dressed in my school uniform. My women were all staring at the Ifrit who’d burst into our celebration in an eruption of fire. She stood tall and proud. A warrior, her skin dusky, her hair black, her eyes full of passion. She had plump lips that all but promised she would fall to her knees and suck on my cock.

“We should accompany him,” Ms. Reid was saying to Zaritha as I pulled on my dress shirt and began buttoning it up.

“The Sultan requires his presence, not yours, Humayra,” said Zaritha, her eyes flashing to Ms. Reid. “You have rebelled enough today, haven’t you?”

Ms. Reid, my Ifrit, folded her arms beneath her breasts and did not back down. “I was sent to be his wife. I am.”

“You were sent to win honor for our clan. You did not.” Zaritha’s eyes blazed. “This is not a negotiation. The Sultan has commanded.”

“Well, Corey isn’t under Kyle’s rule!” shouted Aleah. My first sex slave, my first woman and love, marched up. “So the other genies can go with him. You’re lucky he’s going at all.”

“Aleah!” I barked, my voice cracking with command. “I’m going alone. I was ready for this. I knew it was coming. I might not be Kyle’s subject, but the Djinn are. He has power over them. You want me to go to war with Kyle. How many soldiers does he have.”

“All of the Ifrit are with him,” said Ms. Allie. “He reunited our sheikh with his missing wife. He won their loyalty. They will fight for him.”

“And he is married to the royal house of the Jann,” said Bettie.

“He sexually dominated our sheikha,” said Regina.

“Only the Marid and the Ghul are uncertain,” said Nadia. My Marid stepped forward. “Though our sheikha is loyal to the Sultan, many of my people benefited from Sultan Rashid’s extended rule. And as for the Ghul.”

“He killed my father,” Asra said. “He refused to send me. But, I did win.” She took my arm. “So the Ghul will support you.”

“And we’ll annihilate them if we have to,” Zaritha said, her eyes blazing with anger as she stared at Asra. Then she flicked to Corey. “You shall not be harmed. You have the Sultan’s word.”

“I know,” I said. I pulled away from Asra. Tania slipped on my tie. “I am going alone. Kyle’s my friend. We’re going to figure this out. One way or another, I’m keeping you. I’m not giving any of you up.”

“Bold words,” Zaritha said. I wasn’t sure if she was mocking me or praising me. Maybe both.

Tania gave me a supportive smile, her green eyes soft behind her glasses. She finished making the knot with the tartan tie and snugged it tight about my throat. “There, Master. You go and make Kyle understand all those hotties are yours.”

She rose up and kissed me on the lips. I savored the feel of my second slave, the second woman I loved, kissing me. Then she stepped back and my women surged around me. Vanessa and Jennifer, Zahia and Havva, the two nuns, In’am and Natiqua, Ursula and Pita, and then the five Djinn. They all came up to kiss me. To murmur their goodbyes, their good lucks.

Aleah came up last, her auburn pigtails swaying about her naked face. Her small breasts quivered. All she wore was her collar that marked her as my girl. She cupped my face and gave me a supportive smile. She kissed me with all her love and passion. Her tongue danced around mine.

I didn’t want to go when she broke the kiss. I wanted to stay here. With my harem. All these women who’d come to mean so much to me. But I had to straighten this out with Kyle. There had to be a way to fix things. To make it so I didn’t have to give up my genies.

What would going to war with the Djinn really mean? I didn’t see how I’d win, but ... I wouldn’t give up my women.

I broke the kiss and said, “Watch out for all of them. You’re in charge.”

“Master,” Aleah said and let out a soft sigh. “You just be careful.”

I winked at her.

Then I moved around her and marched to Zaritha. She looked stunning in her red pantaloons and vest-like blouse that she wore lace shut. A veil covered her face, transparent and gave her a delicious beauty. I stood before her and said. “So?”

She grabbed me and the world became fire.

I gasped as I was fire. She had merged me with her essence. It roared around us. We soared, passing through the cracks in the door and whirling down the hall to the exit. She slipped through those cracks like they were nothing, compressing our bodies. We were just flame, plasma, so it was nothing for us to pass through and rise up into the air. We hurtled towards the school roof where a woman awaited.

She wore purple harem garb, the same pantaloons and vest-like blouse, though hers was lace shut with gold thread. A veil covered her face. She wore slippers and clutched a staff of black wood. It was clear she wasn’t Arabic. Her skin pale. Her hair a curly light-brown that spilled over her face.

Zaritha set us down before her, and we separated. I shuddered, back to my own flesh and blood. I wanted to pat myself, especially my cock, and make sure everything was in place. I panted then glanced at the waiting woman.

I knew her. “Christy?”

“Hey, Corey,” Christy said. She’d been Kyle’s girlfriend before all the craziness of last January happened.

“What’s with the staff?” I asked.

“Just doing some magic,” she said and winked. “You’ll want to touch my shoulder and hold tight. This will be interesting.”

“That’s a word for it,” Zaritha said and placed her hand on Christy’s right shoulder. I grabbed her left. Christy gripped the staff. She concentrated and—

The world folded in on itself. We flashed through darkness, compressed into terrifying balls of matter all wrapped around each other. I wanted to scream, but I had no mouth. No body. I was a singularity. Reduced to an infinitesimally small point while reality—

I sprang back to normal and staggered. “God fucking shit!”

“Yes, that’s one way to describe it,” Christy said. She and Zaritha stood straight while I all but stumbled and fell over from the disorientation of the wild travel. I panted and then realized it was much darker here. Sunlight filtered down in a shaft of bright light that fell on a stone nearby. “Where are we.”

My voice echoed around us.

“Majlis al Jinn,” said Christy. “The second-largest single cave gallery in the world. And the easiest way into the Unseen Realm.”

“Rasha, open the gate in the name of Sultan Kyle Unmei the Second, Ruler of the Unseen Realm!” Zaritha shouted.

The air rippled nearby. A haze that parted like a veil to show a desert. Zaritha marched forward through it. She stepped into bright sunlight. The wind suddenly rippled at her black hair. Christy followed after, walking with regal grace I definitely didn’t remember her possessing last January.

Swallowing, I followed after them. I stepped from the real world into the Djinn’s. The Unseen Realm. I shuddered as I stepped onto hot sands. The sun hammered at my head. The temperature soared thirty degrees from cool to blazing. I gasped, my forehead baking in an instant. It hammered on me like an anvil.

I was glad to teleport with Christy again. I put my hand on her and the world warped again. We appeared in a room of polished stone. Grand columns held up a ceiling. Arabic men, and a few women, crowded the wings, staring at us and murmuring to themselves. They wore a mix of blues, reds, greens (only women wore that hue), and yellows with a smattering of black. Those were wrapped around what looked like rotting corpses. Zombies or vampires so ancient they’d lost their humanity.


On a throne over all of them sat my friend, dressed in white clothing and looking like an Arabic prince. He held a regal bearing and looked natural sitting there. I’d always thought of him as Japanese, but his mother was Arabic, and I could see that now in some of his features accentuated by the white turban, trimmed with gold fringe, wrapped around his head. Four lesser thrones flanked his, three occupied.

Including one by his little sister, Fatima. A Japanese girl occupied a third, and Aaliyah the fourth. Christy took her seat in the empty throne while Zaritha flowed past them to a group of women in the back. They wore mostly black, with two in green. I knew more than a few of the girls back there. They’d gone to our high school and been claimed by Kyle.

Not sure what else to do, I knelt as best I could like a knight. One knee, hand resting on the other. I didn’t lower my head but stared at my friend. I felt all those eyes on me, especially from the Djinn lining the edges, studying me.

Kyle rose from his throne, standing tall and strong. He stepped down from the dais and motioned me to rise. I did, not sure what to expect. I certainly didn’t expect him to hug me and plant a kiss on each of my cheeks in greeting.

We’d never done that before.

“It’s good to see you, my friend,” he said. “Welcome to the Unseen Realm.”

My mind grappled with this. So formal. I had to be careful. “I am honored by the invitation.”

Kyle gave a slight nod. “Come, come, let’s talk in private. We’ll have honeyed dates and coffee. We’ll speak of our current issues.”

He clapped a hand on my back and led me towards a side passageway, a silk curtain draped over a doorway with an arched top. Everyone kept watching us until Aaliyah said something in Arabic, her voice bursting with a queen’s power. Someone answered her. Then Kyle and I were stepping into a hallway.

It was open on the right, peering into a garden of lush greens. Water splashed in there from an unseen fountain. Songbirds chirped. Many flowers bloomed, lush and full of promise. Kyle relaxed now, the majestic posture melting into one I found more familiar. That of a seventeen-year-old guy like me strolling with his friend.

“You’ve been busy,” Kyle said. “So many women in just a few days.”

“Aaliyah’s wish to make them all horny certainly has ... its advantages,” I said. “They’re all but throwing themselves at me.”

“No competition.” He grinned at me. “That’s an advantage I never had.”

“You still were hovering up the girls left and right,” I said.

“Well, Aaliyah let me see which ones could be dominated. Who craved it. Yearned to be taken in hand by a strong man.”

“Like Aleah?” I asked, remembering how Kyle suggested her to me.

“Exactly.” We reached a door this time. He opened it, which felt wrong since he was the ruler of the Djinn.

Inside was a low table, the kind you sat on the floor around, with a pair of pillows. A bowl of honeyed dates sat in the middle, a carafe steaming with coffee along with two delicate cups of porcelain with gold rims. Phillipa Stoddard, one of the girls who went missing and was presumed dead by the police, knelt there, dressed in dark-crimson.

I blinked at the sight of her. Her friends had all been killed along with one of our teachers. It was Kyle and his women who were suspected of it. Why the police had come for my friend and why he had fled when they’d tried to arrest him. I didn’t believe it, though. A lot of crazy stuff happened.

And here sat Phillipa with a bright smile on her face. “Coffee, Corey?”

“Sure,” I said.

She poured it, a stream of rich black spilling into my cup and then into Kyle’s. He sank down to the pillows and I sat across from him, legs folded. Phillipa poured cream from a little saucer into Kyle’s then held it up to mine.

I nodded.

“We have a problem,” Kyle said.

“Oh?” I said, feigning ignorance. “Really?”

“You chose Asra.”

Phillipa added two sugar cubes to Kyle’s coffee. I motioned with my hand, not liking sugar in mine. She smiled, rose and then backed away to the corner of the room with perfect submission. I studied my friend.

“The problem isn’t that I’m keeping all the Djinn?” I asked. That was what I expected, not Asra.

Kyle grinned. “That’s a problem, too.”

“What did you expect me to do?” I demanded, staring at my friend. “They’re all perfect.”

“All?” He arched an eyebrow at me and then picked up his coffee. “Even Asra?”

I frowned at that. There was something in my friend’s eyes. Something sly. I studied him as he sipped his coffee. I squirmed, feeling that something was off. Why was Asra the biggest problem? I had to understand this fully.

I started when I noticed another person was in the room. Britney Kingston, Kyle’s best friend, stood watching us. She looked better dressed than usual, wearing black pantaloons and a vest with silver threading. Her bushy brown hair was still a wild mane. I was surprised by how fit and athletic she was. The nerdy girl always wore the baggiest sweatpants and sweaters, not caring about her appearance, so I assumed she was on the plump side and trying to hide it.

“Is she a wife?” I asked without thought as I stared at Britney.

“My bodyguard,” said Kyle. “And my vizier. She advises me. Let’s me know when I’m being stupid.”

“Which is often,” Britney said. Her eyes flicked to mine. They had something feline in them I’d never noticed before. I shivered beneath her scrutiny. “Though, I must say, it hasn’t been as much lately.”

“Like with this scheme of his to give me a Djinn wife?” I asked.

Britney didn’t answer, though her stance shifted ever so slightly. She stood almost like a haughty cat. The type that surveyed the living room and believed she owned it. That everything was right and she took pride in that.

Then my eyes glanced at my friend. He was acting too cool. He was waiting for me to do something. Say something. He had a scheme, but he didn’t seem to want to clue me in. He wanted me to figure it out.

Why Asra...? Why was she the most important part of all of this? She wasn’t supposed to be a part of this. Was that it? That she had disrupted everything? And yet, I didn’t feel like Kyle or Britney were annoyed or frustrated. They were almost expectant. Kyle was like a woodcarver sculpting a log into a statue. He had a vision for it. A plan, and now he was making the last few strokes of the knife to see if he would make something beautiful or if there was a hidden flaw that would ruin everything. Which meant...

“You wanted me to pick Asra.”

Kyle just sipped at his coffee, not answering me. But he didn’t deny it. So why couldn’t he admit it? There was something here. Politics? Was that it? Did he need plausible deniability? All those angry Djinn out there. From all the clans, but mostly the Jann, Si’lat, Marid, and Ifrit.

“You needed a way to integrate them. The Ghul.” I straightened and picked up my own cup of coffee. “That’s it, isn’t it. They’re reviled. Despised. The other four clans don’t like them.”

“Very true,” said Kyle. “And then you went and chose one of them first. The others are not happy. They send daughters to this competition. They seem to think the Ghul have cheated. They want the other four back.”

“That’s not happening,” I muttered.

“So we have to figure out what to do with you keeping them all.” He leaned back. “The terms were simple. They were there to compete to be yours. You had to choose one to keep.”

“You have a solution,” I said, giving him a look.

Kyle didn’t say anything, but his look spoke volumes.

“You must be the one to suggest it,” Britney said. “Anything that came from us would appear pandering to the Ghul. Perhaps you will come up with something better. After all, it is your happiness on the line.”

“I would hate to issue royal decrees and pull back Batul, Humayra, Arij, and Nadiyya from you.” Kyle spoke the four Djinn’s real names—Bettie, Ms. Reid, Regina, and Nadia—with skill. “You can keep Asra, of course. Since you picked her. It will mean problems for me. Internal strife. But that’s not your problem, Corey. Do not concern yourself with it.”

I stared down at my coffee. “And you can’t give me a clue?”

“Some of the Djinn are skilled at detecting deception,” said Britney. “If you say it is your plan, they will believe you. They will accept it coming from you. After all, we didn’t send Asra to you. We can’t control a mortal. That was why you were chosen as the judge for this contest. They cannot fight each other.”

“So you’re using us all as proxies to avoid a real war,” I muttered. “You’re distracting them.”

“If you wish to speculate that way,” said Britney, her voice flat.

Judge ... I thought about my women. They were all remarkable women. Amazing in their own ways. Even Asra was growing on me. I leaned back and sipped at my coffee, my mind working. That was the key. Being the judge. This was a contest.

“The Djinn you sent to me, Kyle, are so amazing,” I said. “It’s rather hard to choose between them.”

“Oh?” my friend said with a look of innocence in his expression.

“A school year, it’s just not enough. How can I get to know them intimately in such a short time? How can I judge them? Yes, I claimed them, but I need them close to me. I need them in my life. Not just for the school year, but after graduation.”

“An extension,” said Britney. “It seems reasonable. And the Ghul?”

“Well, I don’t see why she can’t be involved. She certainly is exciting. And she’s another type of Djinn. I’m going to judge her, too. See how her people stack up against the other four clans.”

“It is hard to argue with that, Kyle,” Britney said. “The Ghul are Djinn. They deserve to be judged as much as the others. Being an outsider, divorced of any of the preconceptions, is why Corey was selected. Clearly, he sees merit in all the Hidden People.”

“How long do you need to judge this matter?” asked Kyle. “A year? Two.”

“Boy,” I said, running my hand through my hair. “It’s going to take a lot, lot longer than that. There’s so much to evaluate. They’re all so different, and, really, how well can you really get to know someone in a few years?”

“A decade?”

“I think a lifetime,” I said. “A lifetime of them loving me, serving me, and showing me what they have that the others lack. To prove, definitively, which clan is the best. After all, Djinn are immortal. What’s my lifetime going to be? Another fifty years. Sixty, maybe? Seventy if I get lucky. They can wait.”

“No, It won’t be long for them,” said Kyle. “They waited a thousand or so years for me to show up.”

I grinned. “And in the meantime, the Ghul are now involved. They’re brought into the contest. They’ll be boasting about the skill of their daughter. How she compares with the others. It will give you what you need, won’t it?”

“I just want a harmonious rule of the Hidden People. So if that’s what you require to be the judge...”

“It is. It’s the only way I can fully appreciate the complexity of such an ancient, noble, and proud people as the Djinn. Anything left is not giving this matter all its due importance such a weighty matter requires.”

Kyle grinned and glanced behind him at Britney. “I told you.”

She returned his smile with something feline and hungry. For a moment, I swear her pupils became slits like a cat’s.

Asra al-Ghul

I paced. Everyone was nervous. I certainly didn’t expect Corey to choose all the Djinn and defy the sultan. Nor did I expect him to pick me. I had skirted close to rebellion by disrupting the judgment in the first place, but the Sultan had snubbed my people. He couldn’t get away with that.

And now my people had won the competition.

I had to support Corey. I was his wife. His first wife. I had to be united with him. So if he wanted to keep the other four, I would support it. Anything else in public would cast derision on the Ghul. Show us to be what everyone claimed: foul, untrustworthy, little more than beasts.

The doors flung open. Everyone in the harem jumped, even Ms. Reid. The Ifrit hugged herself, showing almost fear. She relaxed when Corey stalked in with such confidence. He had a strut to him. A cocky grin on his handsome face. His brown eyes held such triumph. His smile spoke volumes.

Behind him came Zaritha and Sultana Christy. Sultan Kyle’s wife stepped up beside Corey, her black staff, an artifact from my own people which had been lost to mortal hands centuries ago, clasped before her. She looked as much a witch as a queen.

“The competition is extended,” said Sultana Christy. “Your husband and Master requires more time to make the decision on which of you five”—her gaze flicked to me—”is truly his favorite. He will expect you to vie for that position and demonstrate every day your value to him. How much you love him. Care for him. Why you are the best choice over the other four.”

My stomach soured. I hadn’t won, but ... I was included. I was a part of this now. The Ghul were competing for victory. And for a lifetime?

“On Corey’s deathbed, he shall make the determination,” said the sultana, her voice ringing. “I am sure Corey will let you know the manner in which he desires you to compete. Your clans each need you to be the best wife, or sex slave, to him as possible. Your people’s hopes rest on you. Make the most of the next fifty, sixty, or even seventy years. It may even be longer. Who can say what the future holds. We know this is a great task to ask of the five of you, but the Sultan is certain you are all eager to win and show Corey why your people are better than the others.”

Nadia shook her head, a smile on her lips. She’d realized something and...

Corey had found a way to keep us all. He never planned on making a decision. Or, if he did, it would be that he loved us all. And yet we had to compete. We had to be the best wives, and sex slave, possible. We had to prove every day the worth of our clans. The Sultan made a play to consolidate his power, to integrate my people, and focus the clans’ internecine conflict upon the five of us.

The sultana took Zaritha’s hand and the pair folded into a point of darkness and were gone. For a moment, there was silence, then the five of us rushed to Corey. I could see the happiness in Bettie and Regina’s eyes, the broad smiles on Nadia and Ms. Reid’s lips. I felt the tears of joy gathering in my eyes.

I would be the best wife for him. I would prove that my people could be trusted. That we weren’t vile. We were as necessary as the other four clans. I threw my arms around his neck moments before the other four swarmed us.

Corey hugged us all. Then the rest of the harem rushed in around us.

Aleah Buckley – Friday, September 11th

It felt surreal to be back in classes after the craziness of yesterday.

Incubi, orgies, Corey claiming all the Djinn, his weird deal he made with Kyle, and now we were dressed in our school uniforms again and heading to our first period. I broke apart from Corey and the others, walking with Sister Francis Jean and Pita. She taught me history in that first period. I was the head slave, and I was eager to have some fun.

I had all the slaves fitted with vibrators. Havva, Sister Nova Victoria, In’am, my sister Tania, Bettie, and, of course, the nun walking beside us. I had one, too. My hips swayed as I strode through the halls, feeling that toy inside of me.

Pita gave me a suspicious look. “You have a big smile on, Aleah.”

“I do,” I said, giving her a grin. “This is going to be such an interesting period, don’t you think?”

“I have no idea why I should think that,” she said, a smile playing on the Latina girl’s lips. “But you and Sister Francis sure are walking weird.”

I winked at her.

We reached the classroom and took our seats. I sat in the back with care thanks to that large shaft in me. Pita took the seat beside me. She studied me. I think she wanted to give me orders, but she was still new to having sex slaves. She didn’t have a collar on like me. She was one of Corey’s many, many girlfriends.

I set my phone before me and opened the app. All the vibrators were showing online, connected to the various slaves’ phones via Bluetooth. I had a slide on each of them, allowing me to control how they buzzed and hummed.

Havva would be sitting with Corey, Natiqua, and Vanessa in his math class. Ursula and Bettie were in Mrs. Blackwood’s philosophy class. In’am and Jennifer, both juniors, were in Ms. Reid’s first period English class, and my sister would be with Regina in their first class. Only Sister Nova Victoria would be alone.

And only Sister Francis would have to teach.

“Okay, okay,” said Sister Francis. “I know yesterday was a ... disruptive day.”

Giggles burst through the girls. They all seemed to have accepted the wild orgy that descended on the school as something normal. They had enjoyed themselves with the various incubus-like entities that had visited. The magic those four put out had let the girls accept their lusts and wild actions, to rationalize it.

“But we have to get back to Colonial America,” Sister Francis Jean said. “The king of England was granting charters to various expeditions to settle the East Coast of the United States. First, we had—”

Her words cut off as her eyes widened.

I smiled as my finger slid her slider up and up. I turned her vibrator to midway. She shivered, feeling the effects of the toy buzzing away. My smile grew as I watched the nun grip the podium and struggle to gather her thoughts.

“You wicked slut,” whispered Pita.

“I am,” I said and then turned on my own. It buzzed away inside of my snatch. I shuddered, clenching my pussy around the humming toy. Right there in class, such joy rippled out of my cunt. A delight that would have me gasping out in rapture. I grinned, savoring the pleasure buzzing inside my twat. It was such an incredible delight to enjoy.

Wanting to have more fun with it, I activated the other sex slaves’, putting Bettie’s all the way up to max. The Jann would be melting in her seat right now while the others were feeling that delicious buzzing in their cunts.

I gave my little sister a slightly higher bump, too. I knew she’d love that.

I was. This was the best way to endure history. To have a big, thick vibrator buzzing away inside of me. Just churning me up. It was incredible. A wonderful delight. My nipples throbbed while the waves of bliss rippled out from my pussy being so exquisitely massaged by the toy.

“Anyways,” Sister Francis Jean said, her eyes flicking to me. She absently touched her throat, beneath her wimple, she wore Corey’s collar.

She was Corey’s Girl, just like me.

Like Pita, too. Even if she didn’t have a collar on. I smiled at that thought. Corey had formed such an amazing harem of sexy women. It made me so excited to enjoy them. St. Maria Theodora Catholic School was our playground. We were going to have such a fun year here.

I kicked all the vibrators up a notch.

“Mmm, yes,” I whispered, slouching back in my chair.

“So ... we uh...” Sister Francis Jean’s face flushed, contrasting with the white wimple wrapped around her head and neck. She gripped her lectern. Her habit rustled as she swayed. “The king gave charters to Pennsylvania and Virginia. It hadn’t split apart yet. New York and Connecticut and Delaware. They were all forming, growing with every ... Every ship...”

The class was shifting while I kicked up the vibrators another notch. My back arched as the buzzing toy increased in intensity. I let out a long groan. On the other side of me sat Hallie Hunt. A blonde who wore her hair in a French braid. She stared at me as I squirmed in the seat, the pleasure rippling through my pussy.

“Oh, Lord,” groaned Sister Francis. “Oh, Lord, what are you doing to me, Aleah?”

The class all turned to stare at me. “What?” I asked with complete innocence and then turned her vibrator to max. “What makes you think I’m doing anything?”

Sister Francis leaned over the lectern. She let out a throaty moan. I knew that toy was buzzing away at full speed, melting her pussy. She couldn’t withstand it. That wasn’t good. She had to be able to lecture while having a vibrator humming away in her. I’d have to train her.

I smiled at that thought. I would have all year to train her. I would be sitting in the back, the vibrator buzzing away in my own cunt as I conditioned her more and more to the bliss of the toy. Soon, she wouldn’t even show it to the class. The girls would never break into whispers like they were right now.

Hallie kept staring at me in awe, her blue eyes wide.

“Did Corey say you could do this?” asked Pita.

“I’m the head slave,” I moaned. “I get to determine what to do with the others. She needs this.”

“Oh, Lord, that’s ... You’re...” Sister Francis sank to her knees now. She gripped the narrow stand of the lectern. Her face contorted. “Aleah!”

I tapped my phone and groaned as the vibrator hummed faster in me. “Oh, yes, Sister Francis, try and lecture us. You have to keep teaching.”

“But ... but...” The lectern shook. “It’s buzzing so fast. You’re melting my pussy and driving me wild.”

I grinned and savored my pussy drinking in every last vibration from the toy. They rippled through me. They swept through my body and drowned my thoughts in such wondrous rapture. I squirmed in place. I had such a huge grin on my lips. It was amazing. I never wanted this to stop. Didn’t need it to ever end. I could just enjoy this buzzing away in my pussy until the end of time. It was incredible. I loved every second of it.

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