Winning a Genie Harem - Cover

Winning a Genie Harem

Copyright© 2019

Chapter 19: Hot Genie Wife’s Passion

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 19: Hot Genie Wife’s Passion - Corey gets an offer from his old friend Kyle that he can't turn down! A Battered Lamp Spinoff!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Incest   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student  

Aleah Buckley – Thursday, September 10th

Ms. Reid the Ifrit leaned on me as we left behind the auditorium. She shivered, her flesh cold. She’d burned too much of her fire to kill the Svartálfar, Father Black. Her fires had exploded out of her and washed over the bastard.

It had been amazing. Stupendous. Those fires had caressed me but had not burned me.

Now I was worried about her.

“Come on,” I told her, the immortal being trembling and staggering. “You can make it.”

“‘Course I can,” she slurred. A violent shiver ran through her. “I’m Humayra daughter of Rawiya”

“That’s right,” I said. Humayra. “That’s a pretty name, Ms. Reid.”

“Reid...” She trembled again. “Means redhead. You know. Like it. One with fire hair.”

“Oh,” I said. I had no idea. “Well, come on. Let’s get you back to the others.”

“I burned for him. He’ll be proud of me.”

“Yes, he will. Corey’s going to love you.”

“Be his wife.” She glanced at me, her coal-black eyes dull. “Want that ... Seen him. Watched him with you all summer. He has passion. He blazes so bright. I want my man to burn.”

“Yes, he does,” I said, smiling. “I’m sure he’ll pick you. I mean, you almost killed yourself.”

“Yes!” Another violent spasm as we staggered down the halls.

Dazed girls wandered around naked, coming out of the various entities’ influences. The bastards must be getting beaten everywhere. Father Puck and Father Horn wouldn’t stand a chance. Then we’d figure out how to kick Asra out of the school, too. That bitch had to pay for all of this.

Tried to get me to cheat on Corey. To fall prey to that gorgeous dark elf. I shuddered at how close I’d come. Being bait had been a risk. Not that I’d die, but that I’d become the plaything for Father Black. Worshiping him instead of my Master.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

The Ifrit didn’t seem to hear me.

We rounded the hallway and the library lay ahead. Her library. The doors were sealed shut. The rest of the harem and Corey waited in there. My Master must be pacing with worry, chaffing that he couldn’t fight. But he was a man. What could he do against these dangerous beings that Asra had summoned?

Through the windows set in the door, Regina peered out. The cute, petite Djinn opened the door, blonde pigtails dancing about her face. She stepped aside for us, staring at Ms. Reid with a curious look.

“She’s damaged her core,” Regina said, blue eyes widening behind her glasses.

“Burned the bastard,” Ms. Reid said.

We entered the library where the harem waited. “You’re the first back, Aleah,” said Jennifer. She gasped. “What’s wrong with her.”

“Burned the bastard,” Ms. Reid slurred again, her body shaking.

“She’s cold!” I said. “We need to start warming her up.”

“Here, get her on the table,” Sister Nova Victoria said. The nun headmistress patted it.

Vanessa swooped in and came in on the other side to help me carry her. The brunette gasped. “She’s so cold. How is she still standing?”

“Not human,” I said. I couldn’t imagine a human surviving with such a low body core. “Okay, settle her on the table.”

We did. Ms. Reid gasped as she stretched out on it, her fiery hair spilling about her face. Her black-rimmed glasses shifted on her dainty nose. Her large breasts jiggled. I grabbed her right thigh, rubbing at her flesh. The harem swarmed in to help. Havva rubbed at Ms. Reid’s right arm and Jenny her left. Vanessa took the left thigh and Sister Nova Victoria groped the Ifrit’s large breasts. Natiqua rubbed her ebony hands across Ms. Reid’s smooth, beige belly. In’am went straight for the Ifrit’s pussy, sliding through the fire-bright hair to massage the Ifrit’s twat. Ursula and Pita rubbed calves and Zahia massaged Ms. Reid’s face with dusky-brown hands.

“You’re going to be fine,” I said, feeling Ms. Reid’s skin drinking in our warmth. Already she seemed to be improving.

The Ifrit just moaned. In’am jammed two fingers into Ms. Reid’s pussy, plunging them in and out of her while Sister Nova Victoria squeezed those breasts, digging digits into the pillowy flesh. My hands stroked and massaged and kneaded Ms. Reid’s thigh, caressing over her skin and working life back into her, restoring what she lost.

“Who just kicked a fairy’s ass?” Bettie announced.

I threw a look to the door to see the Jann striding in with Tania on her arm. My fellow sex slaves both had big grins on their faces. Bettie thrust her arm up into the air, her round breasts heaving. Burnished-brown hair swayed about her lush and haughty face. Her triumph glazed.

“That’s right, Master, I...” Her voice trailed off. “Master?”

I frowned and realized Corey wasn’t here. He wasn’t massaging his Ifrit. Wasn’t helping us warm her back up. I glanced around at the other members of the harem. They were all shifting, rubbing at her flesh, none meeting my gaze.

“Where’s Master?” my sister asked. “Did something happen to him?”

“He, uh, left,” Regina said.

“What do you mean, ‘he left’?” demanded Nadia, the Marid sauntering in, hands on her hips, her glossy-black hair falling down around her shoulders.

Behind her, Sister Francis Jean peered over her shoulder, a look of wild lust on her face. “But Master has to be here! I need him so badly! I have to be fucked!”

“What do you mean, ‘he left’?” Nadia repeated, fixing Regina a withering glare.

The Si’lat, already the most petite of the Djinn, shrank even more. Bettie joined Nadia, advancing on the blonde. She swallowed and then said, “He, uh, left.”

“Why didn’t you stop him?” Nadia asked.

Bettie nodded in complete agreement.

Regina straightened up. “He overruled me.” She swallowed. “I can’t stop him.”

“Why did he go?” Bettie asked.

I groaned in realization. “He went after Asra, didn’t he?”

“What?” Ms. Reid demanded. The Ifrit’s flesh flared with warmth. A chill swept through me. Goose-pimples broke out across my body and a violet shiver racked me. My teeth rattled. And I wasn’t the only girl ripping back hands and gasping. Ms. Reid sat up and scooted down the table. “Why would he do that?”

“Because he’s a man,” Bettie groaned.

“Then let’s go,” Ms. Reid said. She scooted off the table. “You should have at least went with him.”

“I had to protect his harem,” Regina said, her spine straightening. “That’s what he wanted me to do. He ordered me to guard them.”

“Well, the threats are neutralized,” Nadia said. “Let’s go and save him before Asra kills him.

Corey Derrickson

“They’ll hate this,” my new wife said.

Wife ... I knew I would pick a genie to be my wife, I just didn’t think it would be today. And certainly not Asra. She had a pleased smile on her face as she took my arm with a certain possessiveness. If she was my wife, then I was her husband.

That fact cut both ways.

The Ghul was quite cute. Gorgeous, even, with that smile on her black lips. She went with the Goth look and it fit her slender figure. The heavy eye shadow and mascara made her eyes at once haunting and vulnerable. Her black hair contrasted with her milk-pale skin. Even my skin seemed dark against hers, and I was a redhead. Small, firm breasts, a black bush dripping with my cum, and a spiderweb tattooed on her inner thigh.

I wondered what she really looked like, this flesh-eating monster I married. Regina had shown me her true form, though hers was just an Arab version of her current blonde form. Was Asra the same, or was she like the others claimed: disgusting?

“Mmm, the other four are going to be so pissed at you for choosing me,” Asra continued as we walked across the school roof where I’d confronted her.

If I couldn’t stop her from trying to harm my harem, then I would neutralize her the only way I could. So I had ended this and chose her. I could hate her for being a bitch, but I felt pity when I realized why she was lashing out. She was excluded when she only wanted to be included, despised for no other reason than being different.

Now I’d tamed the monster and she clutched to my arm with a smile on her lips.

We descended the stairs naked. My clothes were back in my math class, Sister Ester Sarah’s room. She’d been swept up by Father Horn. I’d last seen her and the girls in an orgy with the satyr. I supposed he was dead by now. I had faith the other Djinn would win.

And I knew they would be angry at me.

We descended down the stairs to the first floor. Asra’s steps were light, her hips swaying. She had a feline grace to her. Predatory. Yes, she hungered. I could feel it in her eyes when she glanced at the naked girls stumbling through the halls, coming off the lust magic that had permeated the school. A pair of them were kissing in an alcove, still lost to it.

We rounded the corner and the library’s doors lay ahead. I drew in a deep breath, preparing myself for the storm. I was just about to open it when the doors flung open and a naked Ms. Reid stood before it. She had a look of fiery determination on her face that exploded into shock.

“Corey?” she gaped at the sight of me. “And ... What is she doing on your arm?”

Asra tightened her possessive grip.

“You made her your bitch,” Bettie said, standing behind Ms. Reid. The Jann burst into mocking laughter.

Ms. Reid stood aside. The other three genies were behind her. The Marid had an intense, studious look on us as we swept past them. Regina blinked in surprise. Ms. Reid seemed to be deflating, the exuberance with which she flung open the doors melting out of her. Bettie kept giggling with spoiled delight, reveling in the supposed humiliation of Asra.

“I am not his bitch, Jann!” snarled Asra.

“You’re dripping with his cum,” Bettie observed, her hazel eyes sparkling.

“You made her your wife,” Nadia said, disapproval thick in her voice.

Bettie’s mirth popped.

“What?” gasped Regina.

“No!” roared Ms. Reid, heat dancing around her body, her hair fluttering in the roiling air. “You did not make that disgusting, vile, filthy, flesh-eating—”

“—maggot-ridden, corpse-rutting—” spat Bettie at the same moment, the ground rumbling.

“—polluted, stinky, miasmic, and rotting thing—” snarled Regina, her blue eyes wild behind her glasses, a pair of vortexes while her blonde pigtails whipped around her face.

“—treacherous, foul-mouthed, poisoned-clawed harridan your wife!” exploded Nadia, water pouring off her body. “What were you thinking?”

“How could you choose that thing over us?” Bettie demanded. She stamped her foot and the room shook. Books fell off shelves.

The harem shouted in surprise.

“I fought for you. Burned for you. I almost died for you!” raged Ms. Reid. “And you picked this odious, blood-sucking, fly-spawn whore to be your wife?”

“This is unforgivable!” howled Regina. The winds swirled around her faster and faster. “You have offended every Si’lat choosing such a putrid and loathsome thing over a creature as sublime and perfect as me.”

“What were you thinking sticking your dick in her rotten cunt?” demanded Nadia. “Do not be fooled by the form she wears. She’s black. She’s a sack of rot and pus and carrion!”

“Diseased slut!”

“Poxed whore!”

“Worm-ridden slattern!”

I weathered their anger, Asra clinging to me, her head raising higher and higher. Their insults blinded together. The four of them pressed inward, all shouting over each other. The hatred in their eyes slammed into me.

Finally, they sputtered out into hissing words and shaking mutters and crackling snarls and sputtering silence. I faced them all, the fury in their eyes. The rage in their faces. Especially in Ms. Reid’s.

“Are you done throwing your tantrums?” I demanded.

“Tantrums?” roared Ms. Reid. Her hair waved again as the heat distorted the air around her. “I burned my core for you. I almost died protecting your woman, and you pick that thing? I could understand the little Si’lat trollop or the Jann bitch. Even the Marid. But a Ghul! There is nothing in the universe more foul, more ugly, more nauseating than a Ghul.”

I pulled away from Asra and motioned to her. “That’s ugly?” I squeezed a firm breast, kneading that boob. “That’s not a ripe pair of tits?” I spun her around and bent her over. I thrust her ass out at the others. And smacked it.

Asra cooed in delight.

“That’s not a tight and gorgeous ass?” My fingers slid lower. I parted her pussy lips. My cum spilled out. “Let me tell you, that was virgin pussy. Untouched. And she tasted sweet. Nothing rancid about that cunt. She was as delicious as any of you. She sucked my cock with hunger. She surrendered her body to me with zeal.”

“You picked her,” muttered Bettie.

“She is sexy,” said Aleah. She strode up to us and then she knelt and kissed each of Asra’s butt-cheeks, right then left. “That is a great looking ass and...” She ducked her head into Asra’s black bush and licked. “Mmm, she tastes good mixed with your cum. Nice and sweet. Master, I don’t know what the Djinn are talking about. She’s gorgeous.”

All four of the Djinn bristled.

Tania appeared next. She knelt down by her sister and nuzzled her face into Asra’s pussy. The Ghul moaned and wiggled her cute, pale tush. Tania had a big smile, her green eyes bright behind her glasses. “Yum, Master.”

The sisters rose, then the two nuns appeared. Sisters Nova Victoria and Francis Jean both knelt down and kissed Asra’s rump and murmured how cute she was. “Mistress,” Sister Nova Victoria said, “please make our Master happy by being his wife.”

“Just the happiest,” Asra said with smug delight.

“You’ve earned the enmity of every clan of Djinn,” snarled Ms. Reid, her dark eyes flickering with flames. “Do you know what you’ve done, Corey. How you’ve insulted us?”

“Not all the clans,” Asra said. “Or do you forget that the Ghul are Djinn, too?”

“Barely,” muttered Nadia.

“She’s not one of us!” Bettie hissed. “She cheated. The Sultan will be mad at her. You can’t pick her!”

“Can’t?” I demanded, flashing her a look. “That’s quite a lot of backtalk from my sex slave. You need to put that mouth to better use. On your knees and suck my cock.”

Bettie flinched back at that. Her head lowered and she squirmed.

“NOW, slave!”

Bettie squeaked and then fell to her knees. She opened her mouth wide and sucked on my dick covered in Asra’s cunt juices. The Ghul just smiled as In’am and Havva came up next, two more of my sex slaves kissing and licking at the Ghul’s cunt. Bettie sucked harder, her eyes squeezed shut as she did it.

“And I don’t care if Asra cheated,” I said to the other three. “I don’t give a fuck about your rules. I claimed her. I had my reasons for picking her.”

Regina burst into tears. “Her over me?” She hugged herself, her body shaking. “I could accept the others, but ... but...”

Ms. Reid ground her teeth together. “I fought for you. Don’t you care about that? We risked ourselves to protect your harem and you throw us aside for her!”

“I didn’t throw any of you aside for Asra,” I said, fury boiling through me at this damned game. It seemed like a lark in the beginning, but Kyle had messed up leaving out one of the tribes. “I’m keeping all of you. You’re all my wives. I’m done with this choosing. I can’t. We went through something today. We all worked together to defeat the threat.”

“That she caused!” Ms. Reid hissed, pointing at Asra. “Now she’s getting a reward!”

“The point of this was to win honor for our Clans!” Regina said. “How will the Si’lat clan supposed to be the best if you marry all the others!”

I flashed my gaze to her. “If you’re just here to win your people honor and have no interest in being a part of the harem or being my wife, then you can get the fuck out. I only want you to stay for yourself.”

Regina wilted.

“So it shouldn’t matter what clan wins. It should only matter that you want to be here.”

Bettie sucked harder on my cock.

“The Jann’s in. Regina. You?”

She quivered there. “Well ... I mean ... I do care for you. Love you.” She blushed. “I just ... I don’t want to give you up.” She flung herself at me and hugged me from the other side as Asra. She rubbed against me in a cute and trembling way. “I’ll be your wife. I don’t want to give this up. I mean, I get to have Tania as my slave, and she’s so much fun to molest during classes. I was going to tease her with air and make her squirm and gasp and have orgasms.”

“I love you,” Tania moaned. “Let’s keep her, Master.”

“You cannot have five wives,” said Nadia. “A man is only permitted four wives.”

I rolled my eyes. “Why four?”

“Four is a number with power. It is the symbol of the world. Of creation itself. The four elements. The four humors. The four corners of the world. The four cardinal directions. It is a foundational number, as a man’s wives are the foundation of his harem.”

“So four wives and all the concubines I can want?” I asked.

She nodded.

“You stepping out then?” I asked. “Making way for me to have the other four?”

Nadia blushed. “I didn’t say that.”

“It’s fine,” I said, smiling at her. “Bettie’s my sex slave. It would be weird for her to be my wife. I’m keeping her no matter what. Look at her, she’s already surrendered to me.”

Bettie kept sucking. She nursed on my cock with worship, her head bobbing, cleaning off all of Asra’s juices. My dick throbbed in her mouth, my orgasm building and building, bringing me closer and closer to erupting into her hungry mouth.

“So, Ms. Reid?” I asked. “You fought for me. You risked everything for me. Be my wife. I want you at my side. I want your passion for teaching, for love, for protecting my women with me.”

Ms. Reid swallowed. She glanced at Asra. “When did you make this decision to keep us all? After you chose her?”

“Fuck, no. I’ve been wanting to keep you all. How could I choose between you? I was going to drag this out until the last possible moment just to be selfish. I wanted to enjoy all you for as long as I could. Well ... I’m going to be as selfish as I want now.”

“The Sultan will be mad,” Ms. Reid said and took my proffered hand. “You’re defying him.”

“Kyle’s my friend, but I am not giving you up for him. I’ll defy him.” I smiled at her. “Going to be just as passionate when that happens.”

“I’m your wife,” she said and I felt that shifting happen. “It’s my duty to support you. Fight for you.”

“Guide and counsel you,” said the Marid. I felt that connection forging with her.

“And fuck you,” said Regina, pressing her small breasts into my arm and joining with me as my fourth wife.

I glanced down at Bettie. She closed her eyes, sucked with all her might, and bound herself to me as my slave. Perhaps the Jann would be pissed that their representative got the lesser role, but Bettie willingly accepted being my concubine-slave.

“Damn,” I groaned and erupted in her mouth.

I trembled surrounded by my four genie-wives and pumped my cum into my genie-slave. Bettie gulped down the cum. She sucked with hunger on me, swallowing it with zeal. I bucked, Asra and Regina clinging to me, my harem clapping around us.

“Damn,” I groaned, riding the high, my pleasure slamming into my mind. “Fuck, you are one hungry slave, Jann.”

“She makes such a docile pet,” Asra said, rubbing her hand through Bettie’s burnished hair.

Bettie sucked hard and her eyes tightened. As I spilled out the last of my cum into her mouth, I knew I’d have to do something about the enmity the four had for Asra. I couldn’t let it fester. My women had to get along. My wives had to be willing to play with each other.

“This school day is fucked,” I said. “Let’s go to the dorm. I want you four”—I gave the four original genies looks—”to bond with Asra.”

Nadia grimaced and Ms. Reid sighed. That was what I had to fix. They had the wrong idea about her. Maybe her people really did deserve their reputation, or maybe they were just the outsiders getting shit on for being different. I didn’t know. Asra had a temper. She brimmed with pain. But what I’d found in my monster’s heart, so far, had been delicious.

“Master, may I make sure the school is in order,” Sister Nova Victoria said. “I have to make sure my chargers are recovering from what happened today.”

“Of course,” I told the headmistress. “Get things settled. Join us when you can.”

And with that, I led my harem to the dorms. The five Djinn were around me, Regina and Asra clinging to my arms, Ms. Reid and Nadia striding before us, Bettie trailing behind us. The rest of the harem orbited around us, grouping up and chatting. Pita and Ursula looked the most unsure, not surprising since they were the newest. They’d relax.

We entered our dorm suite and the bed awaited. I looked at Asra. “Choose one for them to play with,”I said. “Then the next and so on. We’re going to get them to see that you are anything but disgusting.”

“Bettie,” she said. “She’s the most accepting. I want to show that I can be loving even to a slave.”

“Er, yes, uh, Mistress,” the Jann said, sounding unsure. “I guess you’re my Mistress now.”

“We all are, Bettie,” said Regina. She smacked the Jann’s ass. “And I know that’s just how you want it.”

“I guess so,” the Jann said.

“Well, my wife, how are we going to play with you?” I asked, leading Asra to my bed. It lay in the central room of what should be the shared living room. The four genies had set this up. The other rooms were for the members of the harem who didn’t get to share my bed that night. I mean, there was only so much room.

“To show how generous I can be,” said Asra, “Bettie can sit her pussy on my mouth so I can eat her.”

“I bet you want to eat me,” Bettie said, a hint of muttering in her voice.

“Well, if Corey gives me permission, I can eat you in other ways,” Asra purred and slid onto her back. The dark hunger in the Ghul’s eyes glittered. She opened her mouth and, for a moment, her human-like teeth became fangs. Sharp and needle-like.

Bettie glanced at me and said, “Master, I am your slave. Do with me as you will.”

“I won’t do that,” I growled. “You’re not helping, Asra. Stop being a bitch to them.”

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