Winning a Genie Harem - Cover

Winning a Genie Harem

Copyright© 2019

Chapter 10: Administering the Teacher’s Discipline

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10: Administering the Teacher’s Discipline - Corey gets an offer from his old friend Kyle that he can't turn down! A Battered Lamp Spinoff!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Incest   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student  

Corey Derrickson – Wednesday, September 9th

I was eager for my English class. Ms. Reid had certainly made me a promise that something naughty would happen. And she was definitely the sort of teacher to keep such a scandalous promise. Yesterday, while having the class read silently, she “spoke” to me up front, sitting on her desk, her back to the class. She had her legs spread wide, showing off her shaved twat to me. The young and naughty teacher had pulled my cock out and jerked me off.

I came all over that pussy under the noses of the entire class. Because she was that wild, her promise kept me hard all through my first class. I ached and throbbed for some wild fun. Besides Asra causing problems, everything was going great for me at St. Maria Theodora. I had figured out all the genie.

After school, I would get them all in my dorm room and confront them.

Then see what they would do for me to be my wife. To figure out which one I got to keep. In the meantime, there was plenty of fun to have with them and the other girls at the school.

“Master,” Aleah purred as she came up alongside me.

My sex slave had a sway to her step, her auburn pigtails swaying about her shoulders and caressing the crisp fabric of her white blouse. The school’s coat of arms was monogrammed over her heart, her nipples poking hard against the fabric molding to her small titties. Her pleated, tartan skirt swirled about delicious thighs.

My first sex slave had a delicious scent wafting around her, a mix of her perfume and the naughty aroma of her spicy pussy.

“How did your meeting go with the headmistress?” she asked. “Because I was given an intriguing note when I arrived at my first-period class.”

“You’re moving into the dorm?” I asked.

“Yes, the special ‘student council’ suite.” She arched an eyebrow.

“The headmistress needs to keep an eye on me because I’m such a dangerous influence,” I said, grinning. Sister Nova Victoria, the Arab beauty and a nun, was definitely the Ifrit. “It lies where the convent and the dorms connect and is, conveniently, right by her room. She can easily burst in on us for surprise inspections.”

“Oh, how wonderful,” Aleah purred. “And how many other girls are moving in?”

“A fair number, I imagine,” I said.

“What are you two smirking about, Master?” Bettie Black asked as she waited for us. The flirty and submissive girl had a twinkle in her eye. She had her hands idly rubbing at her round breasts, squeezing the fabric of her white blouse into those lush mounds. It was obvious she had no bra on, her pierced nipples rubbing against the fabric.

I still couldn’t believe that slutty girl had been a virgin. Though, according to her, only technically. Like any good Catholic schoolgirl, she kept herself limited to anal and blowjobs. After all, that wasn’t “sex,” so she was still a good girl.

She had a blatant fertileness about her, skin tanned gold, her burnished-brown hair falling in curls about a lush and wanton face. She had a regalness about her. The daughter of a rich man who got her way, a spoiled princess looking for someone to finally tell her no and give her orders.

In short, me.

“I’m putting a collar on you,” I told her as she fell in on my other side. “I want you on your knees with my other slaves tonight.”

“With Aleah and Tania?”

“And the others I decide to collar,” I told her.

“Do I get a choice?” she asked, a playful tone in her voice.

“Do you want a choice?” I gave her a direct look. “Or do you want me to grab a fistful of your hair and drag you there?”

“Oh, a fistful of my hair,” she moaned. “Master.” She leaned in. “Why don’t we blow off English and have some fun. You could practice pulling my hair, Master. I could practice being a good slut. I’ve never felt anything as good as what we shared.”

“And miss our next class?” I asked her. “We’re here to be educated, and Ms. Reid promises to teach so much.”

Bettie looked like she was about to object, that spoiled princess in her rising to the surface.

“Bettie, plant your hands on the wall and thrust out that ass,” I said before she could.

She blinked and then gave a huge grin. “Ooh, in the open. Yes, Master.”

She didn’t care that there was a stream of girls moving down the hallway. They all glanced at me, many giving me smiles or blushes when I glanced at them. Whispers, giggles, and my name drifted through the air.

Ursula and Pita strolled by, both giving me little waves while Hailee, who was heading to the same English class, stopped to see what we were up to, her cheeks flaming and her blue eyes curious. The Asian girl with the long, blue-black hair and willowy figure hurried by, her cheeks darkening.

“Aleah, hike her skirt,” I said.

My sex slave flipped up Bettie’s skirt. She wasn’t wearing panties. Her shaved twat gleamed with excitement. Girls gasped up and down the hallway. I loved the sight of the gold piercing through Bettie’s clit. The fertile princess had a delicious look on her face. She would let me fuck her right here. Right now.

I spanked her instead.


She gasped, her face widening in shock and then she let out a moan of pain as the golden-tan skin of her ass reddened. She squeezed her butt-cheeks together, quivering. I nodded to Aleah and she dropped the skirt.

“Master?” Bettie asked in some confusion.

“You were about to object when I said we were going to class,” I told her. “Slaves don’t object, do they?”

“No, Master,” she moaned, her voice throaty. From beneath her red-and-green tartan skirt, a line of pussy juices ran down her inner thigh. “I was such a bad, bad girl for even thinking that. Maybe you should spank me again?”

“Trying to make us late to class?” I asked, arching an eyebrow. “You’re going to be a SAM, aren’t you?”

She blinked at me. “A Sam, Master?”

“A Smart-Ass Masochist. A BDSM term for a sex slave that gets herself in trouble for the joy of being spanked. I’ll find other ways to punish you that aren’t nearly as fun if you get off on the pain that much.”

“Yes, Master,” she said. “I’ll be your good girl.” She pressed against me. “Mmm, let’s get to class and see how submissive I can be. You can order me to do anything.”

Aleah giggled beside me.

I took both their arms and moved on, loving the girls still watching, all of them whispering to each other. A few of them—Pita and Ursula especially—looked with some envy at Bettie. That was something to investigate later on. I had them in my chemistry class later on today.

We rounded a hallway and arrived at our English class, Hailee trailing behind us. We slipped inside and Ms. Reid sat perched on her desk, her thighs crossed. She wore a dark pencil skirt and those delicious thigh-high stockings cladding her gorgeous legs. Her glasses perched on her dainty nose and her large breasts filled out her ash-gray blouse. Auburn hair fell about her face in lush waves. She simmered with passion.

Her coal-dark eyes followed me. She pursed her lips, looking so sexy. That naughty teacher wanted to do something wicked today.

The other students filtered in. Briana, a brunette with cute freckles, flashed me a smile as she sat down before me. She bent down to play with her bookbag, her rump just happening to sway before my eyes, her pleated skirt falling over it. She wore knee-high, white socks that looked delicious on her. Hailee sat down beside Briana and the pair then started whispering and looking back at me.

“No way,” I heard Briana gasp. She leaned in and Hailee talked animatedly, even miming a little swat.

Briana shuddered as she sat down at her desk. I wondered what flashed through her mind. Maybe she was thinking she’d thrust her rump at me and almost got her own spanking. Did she want that? Was she curious what it would be like?

“Okay, okay,” said Ms. Reid. “We have more Shakespeare to read. Which is a good thing, because I need to run a quick errand. My order for books for you to read has arrived. It’s in the library. I’ll need some help carrying them. Books are so heavy.” She picked up one off her desk. “It doesn’t seem to weigh much until you have twenty of them to carry.”

Laughter rippled through the room.

“Mr. Derrickson, I need to borrow your strong back,” she said. “There are benefits to having a boy at our school, right, girls?”

The laughter had a naughty, even wild, edge to it as it rippled through the room. Girl squirming, glancing at me. I grinned as I rose, my dick throbbing and tenting the front of the gray pants I wore. My tie, matching their bow ties, swayed down to my stomach.

“And, I think, Miss Buckley, we’ll need your help, too,” she said. “Corey can probably manage them all, but why risk injuring him? I know you girls wouldn’t be happy with me if I did that. You all want him nice and strong.”

Bettie folded her arms as Aleah rose to join me. My new, bratty sex slave had a full-on pout on her face. She glanced up at me, pleading. I gave her a helpless shrug. Ms. Reid wasn’t my sex slave. Not every woman had to be. I liked variety.

“Miss Black, is something wrong?” Ms. Reid asked, giving a concerned look. The intelligent woman pushed up her glasses, her eyes searching Bettie’s face.

“No, Ms. Reid,” she muttered. It was clear she knew that more than picking up books would happen. I’d told Bettie about the handjob.

“Good, then you’ll enjoy doing your reading. I’ll be asking questions when we get back. Pick up where we left off yesterday.” Ms. Reid slipped off her desk, her large breasts bouncing in her blouse. Her heels gave her legs such delicious shape, and those dark stockings hugging them...

Damn, she was hot.

Aleah trailed after me as we headed up the aisle, schoolgirls staring at me with blushing cheeks. I grinned at them, nodding when they met my eyes. Then I followed the sexy teacher out of the classroom and into the deserted hallway. Her heels clicked, the sounds echoing as she strode before us.

My longer legs caught me up. I boldly put my hand on her rump and squeezed. “Carrying books isn’t the excitement you promised.”

“Mmm, well, Mr. Derrickson, like anything in life, you have a choice. You can find your own fun in it or think of it as a chore.”

“My own fun, huh?” I squeezed her rump. I loved the feel of her butt-cheek flexing beneath her skirt as we walked. “Sounds intriguing.”

“You seem like the sort of student who makes his own fun wherever he can.”

Aleah burst into giggles on the other side. “Oh, that’s so true, Ms. Reid. He certainly makes life fun for me.”

“I bet,” the teacher said. She glanced past me at my sex slave. “I hear you and your little sister are dating Mr. Derrickson. That sounds fun.”

“So much fun,” she said. “But we’re his sex slaves. His girlfriends are Regina, Jennifer, and Nadia.”

“Oh, Nadia? That athletic girl.” The teacher glanced ahead. “She’s a bit of a tomboy, isn’t she? I’m surprised. I thought you liked more feminine women.”

“If you’ve seen her naked and dripping in soap suds, you’d know she’s plenty feminine,” I said and gave her ass a squeeze. “Besides, tomboys can be hot. Wearing tight shorts, jogging in front of you, begging you to chase them. There is plenty of femininity about Nadia.”

“So, will they be living in your new dorm?” Ms. Reid casually asked.

“Yes, they will. You know about it?”

“Well, you just happen to be on the floor that I’m responsible for,” she said. “My room is right across the hall from yours.”

“So you and the headmistress will be keeping an eye on me. Making sure I’m safe.” I grinned at her. “I am so comforted that the faculty is so concerned for my well being.”

“Is the headmistress a girlfriend or a sex slave?”

“I’m thinking sex slave,” I said. “She likes doing what I say.”

“And me?”

I squeezed her ass. “Girlfriend.”

“You are a bold one, Mr. Derrickson. You must think I’m just such a horny thing to want to be a part of your sordid harem of girls.”

“I do. Why else are you taking me to the library to fuck?” I asked as we approached the library’s stately, double doors. It lay at the end of the hallway. It made sense that this was where the books she’d ordered were dropped off. “Though I can’t imagine the librarian would like us making such use of her domain.”

“Well, I am the librarian,” she said. “Though during classes, teachers have to fend for themselves. I only staff it before and after school and during lunch. I have to eat in there. Poor me.” She shuddered. “But I am surrounded by all those books. Such vast knowledge.” A look of ecstatic passion rippled hot across her face.

“Damn, you are a sexy librarian,” I said, staring at those cute glasses. “I want to fuck you even harder.”

She smiled and then stepped before me to yank open the doors to her domain. They creaked wide and both caught on their own stops. She stepped into the library and motion sensors turned on the lights in that flickering fashion of fluorescent lights. They illuminated the small study area with round tables and chairs sitting atop them. To the left, the librarian’s desk, complete with computer and attached barcode scanner. To the right and beyond the tables, all the shelves with the books. The air had that dry scent of paper.

“Isn’t it gorgeous?” she moaned, her body trembling.

“You certainly are,” I said, staring at her quivering breasts.

She smiled.

“Now,” she said, sauntering to the one table that had no chairs on it, but a large box that must hold the books, “there is something we need to discuss what happened in my classroom yesterday.”

“Oh?” I asked. “When you jerked me off onto your pussy?”

“That made teaching the rest of the day so naughty,” she said, opening the box. She pulled something out, but I couldn’t see it. She wiggled her hips, her ass hugged by her dark pencil skirt. “No, I’m talking about Aleah masturbating in the middle of my class.”

She whirled around and held a wooden paddle in her hand. The polished wood gleamed in the artificial light. It was a narrow one, as wide as her palm, and long as my arm from elbow to wrist. She held it out to me, her dark eyes smoldering.

“She was naughty in my class and needs to be punished. And since she’s your sex slave, I’ll let you do the honor.” Ms. Reid then sat on the table and spread her legs. Her skirt rose up those lush thighs. The fabric was so short and tight, it had no choice but to ride up her legs. Her thick bush of fiery hair came into view, that splash of color so vibrant compared to the dark clothing she wore. Her thick pussy lips gleamed with her passion, coated in her dew.

“Aleah, strip,” I ordered, gripping the paddle.

I had commanded Aleah to masturbate in the middle of English class yesterday, and now I was punishing her for it. Unfair, I know, but did my sex slave object now? Did she even pout or wince or show any sign that she was upset?

No. She obeyed with a smile on her lips.

Aleah, my first love. My first sex slave. My feelings for her only increased as she undid her bow tie. It whisked through the collar of her blouse. She dropped it to the floor before me, proof of her devotion to me. That day when I claimed her soared through my memories. I had been so scared, but Kyle’s words echoed in my mind.

He knew Aleah was a submissive looking for the man to tame her. I just had to be bold. I came up to her and told her, “Follow me if you want that secret itch inside of you scratched.”

“Corey?” she’d gasped in shock, her cheeks going scarlet.

I hadn’t said another word. I just marched away from her and headed through the school’s hallways. She followed. It was lunch. I led her out back behind the gym. Someplace secluded. Out of sight. If we were caught, we’d be in so much trouble.

“I’ll give you what you crave,” I told her, cupping her face as she leaned against the red-brick wall. “If you give me what I need.”

“What’s that?” she asked, her green eyes quivering. She wore a pair of tight jeans that molded to her athletic legs.

“Your devotion,” I said. “Your submission. Strip naked and blow me, and I will give you everything you desire.”

She did.

And she did it for me again on this day. Her fingers undid the buttons of her schoolgirl blouse, exposing the black, leather collar she wore with the metal nameplate inscribed with “Corey’s Girl” in bold letters. The only thing she would keep on. Her fingers revealed her small breasts, perky and firm. Thick gold rings threaded her pink nipples. She slid her blouse off and unzipped the skirt. The tartan cloth dropped down her lush body revealing her shaved twat and those gorgeous, toned legs. She only had her frilly ankle socks and Mary Jane shoes.

“Bend over between her thighs and apologize to Ms. Reid for your deviant behavior,” I told her.

“Yes, Master,” she cooed.

Ms. Reid smiled. She leaned back on her right hand, her left pulling down on her blouse. Her large tits popped out, both nipples pierced like Aleah’s. Hers was dark-red and thrust out from oval areolas. Her boobs jiggled with a plump softness, quivering with her excitement. She pushed up her glasses, her knowing eyes flicking up and down my naked sex slave.

Aleah bent over, hands sliding up Ms. Reid’s stocking-clad thighs, and thrust that ass at me. Aleah widened her stance, exposing her shaved cunt dripping with her juices. Ms. Reid sucked in a breath, breasts bouncing, then she moaned out in delight.

“I know,” I said, smacking the paddle into my hand as I advanced, “Aleah gives the best apologies.”

“Mmm, she definitely does,” the teacher moaned, her voice so throaty. She leaned back her head, arching her pale neck. Her auburn hair flowed off her back, rippling behind her. She quivered. “She’s got her tongue fluttering up and down my folds. Ooh, she knows just where to lick.”

“Yes, she does,” I said and drew back my paddle.


The paddle landed across both of Aleah’s butt-cheeks. Her flesh rippled. Her body flinched. She moaned into Ms. Reid’s pussy, a throaty sound of pain. She rose on her tiptoes, a fresh bead of cunt cream sliding down her inner thigh.

“One,” she moaned. “Thank you, Master. May I please have another?”


The loud sound echoed through the library. I painted another stripe across both her butt-cheeks. My cock throbbed in my pants at the blushing red. She whimpered, rump clenching tight. Then she wiggled it while Ms. Reid shuddered in delight.

“Two! Thank you, Master! May I please have another?”

“Oh, she’s such a good sex slave,” moaned the teacher. “She keeps her tongue licking through the pain and ... Ooh, yes, yes, probe that into my cunt’s depths, you naughty slut.”

“She is a wonderful slave,” I said. “A model for my others.”


I landed the paddle on Aleah’s upper thighs. She gasped in pain. It hurt more striking their. She arched up on her toes, her entire body trembling. Pussy juices spilled down both her thighs, her cunt on fire.

“Three!” she croaked, agony twisting her words along with throaty rapture. “Thank you, Master. May I please have another?”

“Always,” I said, “you naughty, naughty slut.”

“I was naughty!” she moaned and then I heard sucking.

Ms. Reid’s big boobs heaved. Her back arched and she gasped out in rapture as my sex slave nursed on that pussy, probably sucking on that fat nub. I adjusted my swollen cock, drew back the paddle, and slammed it forward.


I struck square on her butt-cheeks, crossing the two bright welts with a diagonal one. She gasped and quivered. A sob of wondrous pain burst from her. She wiggled her head, rubbing her lips into the teacher’s shaved twat.

“Four!” she groaned, feeling the punishment. Her ass glowed. “Thank you, Master! May I please have another?”


I landed only on her right butt-cheek, almost a vertical blow. Her firm butt-cheeks jiggled wonderfully. Her hips wiggled. Ms. Reid moaned as she enjoyed the sobbing groans coming from my sex slave.

“Five!” screamed Aleah, her agony as sweet as her passion. “Thank you, Master! May I please have another?”


I struck her left butt-cheek. I squeezed my cock with my left hand through my slacks as I stared at her red ass. Every bit of it blazed. She moaned and groaned, almost crying from her punishment, but the pleasure was still there. Her pussy dripped juices. Her spicy aroma filled my nose.

Her ass arched up as she moaned, “Six! Thank you, Master! May I please have another?”


I landed on both her asscheeks again while my hand squeezed the tip of my cock through my slacks. She gasped and trembled, rising up and down her toes, shaking that scarlet ass at me. Welts puckered across her flesh. Ms. Reid shuddered. She grabbed a fistful of my sex slave’s hair, pulling Aleah’s face tight into that hot pussy.

“Seven! Thank you, Master! May I please have another?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” I growled.


The sound resounded through the library. Ms. Reid gasped. Her face twisted in delight. The table creaked as she shuddered on it. She kept a firm grip on Aleah’s hair as my sex slave apologized.

“Eight! Thank you, Master! May I please have another?”


I savored that stinging sound. I felt the impact through the handle. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock as my sex slave screamed her pain and rapture into Ms. Reid’s pussy. Hot cunt muffled the sound. Aleah’s entire body shuddered. Her ass had to be pure agony now. I knew she loved it.

“Nine! Thank you, Master! May I please have another?”

I pulled out my cock, holding it in my left hand. I stroked it as I drew back the paddle.


Her head tried to snap up from Ms. Reid’s cunt, but the teacher held her down. She kept my slave pressed into that hot, delicious muff. My sex slave’s pussy spurted out juices. She must have had a mini-orgasm from the pain, a burst of pleasure born out of agony.

“Oh, my god, yes!” Ms. Reid moaned, finding her own pleasure. “You naughty slut! That’s how you apologize!”

“Ten!” Aleah howled, her voice quavering. She must be drowning in pussy juices as she spoke. “Thank you, Master! May I please have another?”

“No!” I snarled and threw down the paddle.

Ms. Reid trembled through her rapture as I seized both of Aleah’s pigtails. I hauled my sex slave’s face from our teacher’s pussy. Aleah whirled around to face me, staring at me with a burning ecstasy in her swollen eyes, tears spilling down her face, her lips smeared in pussy juices.

“You’re punishment’s over, slave,” I told her.

“Master!” she moaned and threw herself against me. She kissed me with hunger, her lips spicy with the teacher’s cunt cream. My right hand slid down to her ass. It blazed with the heat of her spanking.

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