The Pharaoh's Blessing - Cover

The Pharaoh's Blessing

Copyright© 2021 by alechunter

Chapter 6: Establishing the Academy

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 6: Establishing the Academy - An archeologist discovers a secret chamber that changes his life forever. He must navigate good and bad. Will he be able to trust the right people? Will his choices and companions be the right ones for him? How will the world react to his actions?

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Mind Control   Rape   Romantic   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Paranormal   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Voyeurism  

February 2025

James Smith:

I arrived with Conrad and Layla to the former temple of Osiris, which Mira had now acquired in my name. As I got out of the car, Mike saw me and waved me over.

“My King, welcome. I think it is best if you proceed to Mira by yourself.”

I didn’t understand why, but if it was that important for Mike to allow only me to go there, then it must be quite important. “I understand, please help Conrad and Layla set up an office for Mira and myself in the pyramid”. They all nodded and went to work. I could see people running everywhere, cleaning and preparing the temple as Mira and Nekhbet had ordered them. Before I arrived at the situation room, I saw Malia. Her face was as white as a ghost. I went over to her and held her in my arms, she immediately started crying. I held her in my arms for at least another ten minutes, reassuring her that I’ll take care of whatever lays in that room. When she finally calmed down I asked her to go with Elly and Jessica to write down what everyone’s skills are. We needed to start building a community and we need workers and skilled people to do so.

I regained my focus and continued towards the room Mira was at. I saw her outside the room, Nekhbet was hovering above Adam and Roy’s unconscious bodies. “What the fuck is going on??” I asked Mira who sat in the corner. She didn’t even answer and just pointed towards the open door. As soon as I walked in I understood.

The room looked like a crazy stalker’s room. On the wall there were pictures of everyone from my group, and lists of personal information and possible weaknesses. There weren’t just normal photographs, they also had nude photos of my group, and a picture of each one of us at each moment of the day. There were strings running between the pictures, drawing connections, and moments of interactions between us. To the side there was a stack of folders, these were crossed off and had the tag “Eliminated” on top of each folder in red. I went through all the folders only to find that there were close to 200 of them in various cabinets. Each folder had the same type of photos as my group had, but these had an additional photo of a tortured or mangled body. I also found a laptop, which I decided to deal with later. I left the stalking room and saw that the boys were awake. I grabbed Roy by the neck and threw him to the corner. “WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT?? WHO DO YOU PEOPLE THINK YOU ARE??” I yelled at them, suppressing my urge to hurt them, badly.

Adam explained: “My king we are sorry! The Hand of Osiris would use this room to give the agents their targets and manage threats against the order.”


Adam’s eyes started to tear up, his voice breaking as he said: “I have nothing to say my Queen, we were lied to and deceived by the Hand of Osiris. We were raised one way, and then you came along and our entire view of life was shattered. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive us, I know I am never going to forget this and work my whole life to make it up to you two.”

As I got to the door I looked back and said: “I will think of your punishment, for now get rid of everything in there and meet me in my new office in the pyramid.” I simply left them there.

Adam and Roy stayed behind, Mira and Nekhbet came with me. While walking towards the pyramid I held Mira’s hand, trying to comfort her. “I will find the Hand of Osiris and make him pay. No one targets my people, especially the woman I love.”

Mira stopped dead in her tracks, and looked at me: “You really love me? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?”

I pulled her closer, staring deep into her eyes.” My dear queen, I do love you and I would never lie to you or say something just to make you feel better. I admit that this isn’t the most romantic setting, and I was planning on declaring my love at our palace ... Forgive me.”

With tears in her eyes she grabbed my cheek and kissed me. This kiss felt different, it wasn’t playful or sexy, and it was just us, together, in each other’s embrace. As we parted lips she giggled and said: “Silly King, you have nothing to be sorry for. I love you too. But let’s finish our business here and then go home to declare our love some more.” she winked.

I kissed her one more time and we continued on our way towards the pyramid. Only then did I notice Nekhbet had never left our side. I looked towards her, and before I could say anything she nodded. “Don’t be sorry My King, I enjoyed being here and witnessing that moment. You two make the most amazing couple I’ve ever seen, and I have been around for a while!” She laughed. I thanked her as we walked into the pyramid and into my office. I asked Nekhbet to gather our group, including Alexis and Wadjet that were in the second temple. Once everyone had arrived I began explaining the rest of my plan.

“My friends and followers, first of all let me congratulate everyone on our actions today. We may have caused some bloodshed, but it was kept to a minimum, and I am proud of everyone for that. Now that we have both orders and more followers, I want to establish our power before acquiring more land. Therefore, the former Temple of Osiris will now become the “House of Mira”. The House of Mira will be a simple temple, most of the people will reside here and work where needed. The former Temple of Set will now become the “Academy of James”. The academy will be our training ground. For now there will be four segments to the academy:

1. Embalmment and ancient Egyptian rituals- a major part of the Egyptian culture and religion was the passage to the realm of the dead. I want to have many people fluent in the texts and rituals in order to make sure all of my true followers are able to pass into the afterlife.

2. Hieroglyphs- I don’t intend for everyone to only write in hieroglyphs, however I do want everything ritualistic or official to be written in hieroglyphs, as did the ancient Egyptians. I want our followers to be able to make ritualistic items with magic chants in order to help our followers achieve peace in the afterlife, and those require hieroglyphs.

3. Firearms and military- I am not planning on starting an all-out war. However, as we grow and expand our reach, we will need to be able to defend ourselves and our followers. I want to build an army with all the capabilities, as we expand we will be able to commandeer military bases and supplies. Until then, begin training more agents and spies.

4. Servant and slave academy- I want to open a slave academy, for my palace and in general.

The first two will be under the supervision of Wadjet, until she can choose and train a protégé to be in charge instead of her. Mike will be in charge of training our future army, please make sure no one under 18 is able to draft. Layla will be in charge of the slave and servant training, no underage servants, and no males. The rest of you are to return to the palace to your original duties. Conrad you are to protect Mira and I. Jessica, return to protect Malia. Elly, you will come with us to the palace, but will take Layla to the academy and return her whenever she wants. If she wants to go somewhere else, escort her there. Any questions?”

There were a few moments of silence, Mira was the one to break it: “Wake up people! Get to work! Malia and Jessica, follow us home, everyone else help each other out”. They all nodded and got up. I helped Mira up, giving her a kiss on the cheek for her help. We left the newly established House of Mira and drove towards my palace. Once we got there I asked Malia and Jessica to make us a romantic dinner. I told Mira to go freshen up as I need to arrange some business. I quickly ran to the Zen pagoda, bringing a small table and two chairs, candles and wine. I rushed upstairs to get dressed, but stopped at the doorway as I saw Mira. She was wearing a beautiful white skirt with gold and blue decorations. The most amazing brown-red top, a falcon shaped pin held her hair together, and two golden wrist bands adorned her arms. She caught me staring, blushed, and asked me: “That bad?” I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. “How can I compete with you My Beautiful Queen?” she laughed and blushed some more. “Thank you My King, now go get ready!” I ran to the shower, and five minutes later I was out wearing a similar attire but more male oriented.

Malia and Jessica acted as our waitresses, giving us a five-star treatment as Malia and I got some quality time together. We talked for what felt like hours. We spoke of her life, Egypt, discussed archeological discoveries and Egyptian culture ... We were still sitting and chatting long after dessert. I could sense something was bothering Mira. I held her hand and asked:

“My dear, what’s wrong? Talk to me...”

I could see she was thinking about what to say, she finally opened her mouth and said: “After I ran away from the Hand of Osiris, and almost killed Adam and Roy, I spoke to Khufu. I expressed my anger towards myself for my actions and how I lost control, I compared myself to you, and how calm you had always looked. Khufu mentioned something about hardship and difficulties that taught you to control your anger ... I was wondering ... may I ask what happened? I would totally understand if you don’t feel comfortable doing so!”

I took a deep breath. “My love, I don’t want to hide things from you, just promise me you won’t think any different about me.”

She smiled, “Never.”

I sighed and started to explain: “When I was young, I started noticing changes in my parents. My dad would do less and less around the house, my mom would work harder at home and she slowly became less social. When I was 14 I noticed my mom had a few bruises on her. Once I noticed that the marks weren’t disappearing and only getting worse, I decided to try to figure it out. One night I stayed up late, hiding in my room until my parents thought I was asleep. I understood when they thought that simply by the fact that my dad started yelling at my mom. He blamed her for everything wrong in the world, as he was yelling I decided to get closer to them. I peeked around the corner of the living room, and there they were. My mom was on the floor as my dad was slapping her across her face. I felt myself get angrier and angrier. I couldn’t understand why he would be doing that to the woman he married and supposedly loved. I ran back to my room and cried myself to sleep. I didn’t know what to do to help her. As the months flew by I could see it wasn’t changing, it even got worse because I found a ton of pill bottles. I decided that I need to put an end to it. The next night I waited again, and when he started yelling at her I made my move. I stormed out of the room and jumped on him, trying to pin him down. He grabbed my arm and pushed me off of him. He then came to me and punched me in the stomach. He yelled at me to stay out of it and go to my room. I could see my mom nodding and I understood I didn’t stand a chance. Once again I cried myself to sleep. Over the next few months everything got worse, he started abusing her in front of me, and I could see more and more pills around the house. One day, when I was 15, I came back from school, and I saw police lights near my house. I dropped my bag and ran towards the front door. I was almost at the door when a cop grabbed me and stopped me. He pulled me aside and a weird woman that said she was from child services joined us. The woman started explaining to me that my mom had an accident, and she had taken a few too many pills, and sadly they couldn’t save her in time. As she finished speaking I saw two medics bring out a gurney with a body bag on it. I ran, screaming and crying, towards them. Once again I was stopped before I could get to my mother.
I started to scream with tears in my eyes, that it was all my dad’s fault and that he had abused her. The police officer tried to calm me down, explaining that they were aware of the situation, and that my dad was already in custody. A few moments later I saw my handcuffed dad being led to a police vehicle. As they walked him out, he turned to me and yelled at me, blaming my involvement in their relationship for the pills my mom had taken. To make a long story short, I started to blame myself too. If I hadn’t tried to stop my dad that first time, he wouldn’t have made his abuse worse, and she wouldn’t have overdosed. Ever since that day, I promised myself I would never let my anger control me ever again, and that I would never hurt the truly innocent the way my father hurt my mom.”

I finished my story with tears in my eyes. I excused myself and started to go up to our bedroom. Mira followed suit. She sat by my side on the bed, stroking my cheek.

She started speaking, the honey practically dripping from her voice: “My lovely James, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Even more so ... You are not to blame here! Your father is the one to blame, he abused and hit your mother. You were the protective human being you are now. And I’m sorry, but it did change my mind about you. Your story just made me love you even more. I know you would never hurt anyone, and that’s what I need in my life. I love you, don’t ever change. I’m here for you now, and forever.”

She leaned in and kissed me, slowly laying me back on the bed. I started returning the kiss, holding her close to me. A minute later I moved on top of her, slowly kissing her neck, then her shoulder. I removed her clothes as I leaned closer, and began caressing and licking her nipples. I played with them for a while, giving a small bite every now and then. Mira was moaning from pleasure as she began pulling my clothes off. I slowly slid lower, in between her legs. Her cunt was soaking as I pressed my lips against her clit, playing with it, making Mira jerk in pleasure. I decided to add to her pleasure as I inserted two fingers into her, impaling her rhythmically. She started to shiver, her climax building, until she finally collapsed around my fingers, her juices running down my hand. I only picked up my pace, using my mouth to pleasure her clit, riding her out. We stayed like that for a few more moments. My lovely Queen had enough, and she pushed me away. She flipped me on my back and leaned forward, taking my cock into her mouth. She began sucking it and playing with my balls. I moaned in pleasure and ran my hand over her naked body. We had had enough foreplay, we wanted more. Mira straddled my hips and lowered herself onto my cock, letting it penetrate her all the way. She started riding me as I played with her nipples. I decided to pick up the pace, lifted her ass with my hands, and began using my pelvis to thrust faster into her, moaning in ecstasy. I pushed her off of me onto her back, and quickly inserted my member back into her, holding one leg by my shoulder. We continued in our entangled pleasure, changing positions every few minutes but always holding hands. After what felt like a full day of me thrusting deep into Mira from behind, I told her I was getting close. She simply looked at me: “My love, I want you to cum, you deserve it”. I listened to my Queen, and a few seconds later my balls churned and emptied their load into her amazing cunt. We fell to our side, still connected. I stayed inside her, holding her close to me until we fell asleep.

I woke up, still holding Mira in my arms. She opened her eyes and looked at me. Once again we declared our love to each other and got up to start our day. After getting dressed I went down, only to be greeted by a full table of food waiting for me. I asked Malia for coffee and she simply giggled and replied: “My King, we know ... Jessica is getting it right now.”

“Thank you my dear, how are you and Jessica getting along?” I asked her before Jessica arrived.

“She’s so amazing and like me in many ways! Thank you for commanding her to help me and stay by my side sir!” she finished talking as Jessica came. I could see Malia blushing when she looked at Jessica. I have to remember to ask Mira what that’s all about...

As I finished my coffee I saw Mira and Layla approach the table. I signaled for them to sit, Layla started talking:

“My King and Queen good morning! If it pleases, I would like to discuss some things with you. First of all, yesterday we finished preparing the house and the academy to begin work today. Each head of training has chosen the first few followers to begin training. I have sent the list you asked of us yesterday to your mail. I also talked to the head accountants in both orders and they have emailed you the account information for each one. I wanted to ask if Elly can help me on a regular basis, and even Adam and Roy every now and then. Also I would like to go out to buy equipment to prepare my part of the academy. I know everyone has a list of things they need, they just sent me to talk to you.”

I laughed at the cute puppy face she was making. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we can find a solution for the equipment. Regarding sending you here to speak with me...”

She immediately jumped in protest: “NO NO NO my king! It wasn’t like that, they know I’m your head servant and thought it would be best if I talked to you and not each one of them to disturb you separately! You are not to be bothered by menial things like shopping...”

I giggled in amusement. “Don’t worry, I just wanted to see how you would react. Send me the list, I will make sure we can afford everything and then you and Mira will go shopping”. She squealed from excitement and ran off to send me the list.

“I’m going to plan a few things for our expansion my Queen, so I want you to go with her and help her.” I told Mira, she nodded in agreement.

I got up and headed towards my office. I sat down and opened my laptop. The first email was from Layla, but what interested me was that there was only another one email and not two as I expected. I opened it and it read:


We, the accountants of the Orders, thought it would be wise to write to you together, as we are now one. We have calculated the value in assets the orders have in their possession:

Liquid assets: 300 Million dollars. This money is available for your use and command. We will issue credit cards as you require.

Invested assets: 700 Million dollars. The money is invested in various stock markets and companies.

Savings account: 600 Million dollars. Meant for times of crisis, or as you see fit.

The money is yours to use as you please, we just ask of you to notify us of big transactions or requests so we can make sure it is viable and not disappoint you.

With regards,

The Accountants.

I was amazed, just a few weeks ago I was merely okay financially, now I’m fucking rich. I responded to their mail:

Dear Accountants,

I am pleased to hear the finance is being managed, and I too hope you do not disappoint me.

Please make sure that Mira has unlimited access to all of the finances. You are to listen to her directions as if they were to come straight from me.

Issue one credit card for every head of training, one for my chef, one for Mira, and one for me. Please make sure none of them have a limit.

Today there will be a number of transactions on my account, make sure you are updated on the specific amounts from Mira or Layla.

Lastly, I want a monthly report of our finances, and each credit card’s transactions, so I can monitor them.

Best of wishes,

King James.

I texted Conrad to get the car ready, and prepare for a trip. I went downstairs and saw Layla and Mira waiting patiently, Layla was the one to ask: “Well? How much can we spend?”

I smiled and stroked her hair. “As much as you want, we don’t have a financial problem, make sure everyone gets exactly what they need.”

Both of them jumped in excitement and ran towards the car, leaving me to work on my plans.

Mira Ma’at:

Layla and I ran to the car to start our shopping spree. Conrad didn’t seem as enthusiastic as us, but he’ll live. We started off at the sex shop Layla said was nearby, we needed equipment for her academy. When we arrived we could see there was no one there other than the person in charge. We approached him, and although I can command him to mentally give us what we want for free, I prefer paying for his work, and I know James would too. I also wanted to see if I could convert him as a bonus.

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