The Pharaoh's Blessing - Cover

The Pharaoh's Blessing

Copyright© 2021 by alechunter

Chapter 5: The Fall of The Orders

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 5: The Fall of The Orders - An archeologist discovers a secret chamber that changes his life forever. He must navigate good and bad. Will he be able to trust the right people? Will his choices and companions be the right ones for him? How will the world react to his actions?

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Mind Control   Rape   Romantic   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Paranormal   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Voyeurism  

February 2025

James Smith:

My newly pledged followers and I enjoyed the feast prepared for us. When I saw everyone was done eating I laid down the plan for the day: “Listen up! We are going to go to the temples in two groups. I will take Layla, Alexis and Conrad to deal with the Order of Set. Mira will take Malia, Elly, Jessica and Mike to the Order of Osiris. The plan is to get people to pledge to my reign, the people that do not pledge will be removed from the temples as I want you to declare them mine. If there are people that object, remove them by force. If they try to harm you, well ... make sure to stop it”. I looked towards Mira: “I know how you feel about killing, I also do not intend to kill anyone. Sadly if it comes to that then I will, I hope you do too. I don’t want to see you or anyone from your group hurt.”

She simply nodded. “You can trust me, my King”.

I was about to continue when Khufu appeared in front of me with two familiar looking figures. “I heard of your plans, and I do not wish to see any temple of yours damaged or destroyed. Therefore I have brought these two goddesses with me, the two Patrons of Egypt.”

I suddenly understood why they looked so familiar, they appear in pyramid texts, icons, temples and even in the king’s name.

The first was Wadjet, the patron and guardian goddess of Lower Egypt. She looked exactly like her icons; a simple woman with the head of a cobra.

The second was Nekhbet, the patron and guardian goddess of Upper Egypt. She also looked exactly like her icons; a simple vulture-like monster.

As I nodded to them, they bowed down. Wadjet was the first to speak: “My King, we are here to keep watch over your temples, and I will be the patron of the temple that the Order of Set currently inhabits. My counter-part Nekhbet will be the patron of the other temple, where the Order of Osiris is residing. We will stand guard, out of sight, and will not allow unpledged followers enter the grounds.”

Khufu continued: “I didn’t forget the most important temple and palace. I will bring the 42 Assessors of Maat to guard this property. For those of you followers that don’t know of them, let me explain their role. The Assessors of Maat are minor gods that were instructed with judging the souls of the dead with Osiris at the Weighing of the Heart ceremony. They are able to see people’s true intentions and will not let anyone not true of heart enter your palace James. Pledged followers or complete strangers, it does not matter.”

Khufu vanished, but Wadjet and Nekhbet remained, bowing to me. “We would like to assist you with taking over the temples.”

I nodded, and returned to my people that were still in shock. I could see Mira and Layla’s huge smiles from seeing the deities that they had researched so much. “Gear up people, we have work to do!”

All of us left the house and got into our vehicles. As we left the house I could see two weird Egyptian-like statues sitting at the gate. Alexis looked at me with a puzzled look, I understood what she was thinking so I explained: “The Assessors of Maat are usually portrayed as sitting in a row above Osiris and the ceremonial feather. I believe these are two of the Assessors Khufu has tasked with protecting the property”. She nodded to signal she understood as we continued driving. Our car headed towards the Temple of Set as Mira’s car turned the other direction and headed towards the Temple of Osiris.

The drive didn’t take us too long. We approached the front gate and were allowed to enter. Wadjet used her powers to disguise her cobra head, I didn’t want to ruin my surprise. As we got out of the vehicle we were greeted by the Hand of Set. I saw Conrad’s visible anger towards the Hand of Set for lying to him all those years.

“Welcome back to our Temple, King James”. He bowed in respect.

“We have business to get to, please arrange for all the Agents of Set to meet me in the auditorium in the Pyramid. I don’t want anyone who isn’t an agent present, and that includes you”. I didn’t even wait for his answer as my party started going towards the Pyramid. I could hear him murmur something under his lip as he got his phone out and followed my orders.

Ten minutes later, there were close to 30 agents in the auditorium. As everyone took their seats Conrad scanned the room for any intruders. Suddenly he went to one of the chairs and grabbed a young looking girl by the throat, lifting her out of the chair.

“You are no Agent of Set! Who are you?” He said with anger in his voice. I could see my whole group tense up including Wadjet, I motioned them, and especially, her to calm down. I didn’t want to unleash an Egyptian goddess just yet. I told Conrad to bring the girl down to the front, he did so without letting go of her throat for a second. When he arrived at the stage he threw the girl to the floor, she landed on her knees, making her wince in pain. I grabbed her hair and pulled her to her feet, I tore her clothes off her and she was now exposed and crying.

“I’ll give you one more chance to confess, or else...” I told her.

She suddenly yelled at me: “I’m not afraid of you, you are a false king and a sick bastard!”

I couldn’t help myself from slapping her, letting her fall to the ground. Conrad held her to the side per my orders as I knew she would help me get more followers. I turned to the agents who were now wondering themselves who the fuck she was, and what I was doing here. They were murmuring amongst themselves regarding the possible reason for this gathering.

“Listen up!” I yelled, and they all shut up in a second.

“Thank you for coming, I will deal with this imposter in a few minutes. For now I want to focus on the reason I brought all of you here. I am bringing back the Pharaonic culture, I’m bringing back the customs and religion, and I will be the king of the new world order. My followers and I will take over the world and enact the true world order! I have come here to ask you to pledge yourselves to me and to my teachings, to follow my orders and commands. I am the true Pharaoh and God!”

The room was silent for a second, then suddenly one guy in the back stood up. “Bullshit! We follow the prophet of Set, his right hand man, the Hand of Set is the true leader! You are nothing compared to him!”

Layla, Wadjet and Conrad were pissed, as opposed to Alexis and I, who found it amusing. I looked at the man and invited him to the stage: “I’ll show you why there is no bullshit here, if you aren’t convinced by the time I finish I will let all of you go”. He simply nodded. I thought for a second about what to do, then I had the perfect idea.

“Try to punish the girl, try to hurt anyone here on stage. I will warn you that I am going to mentally block your attempts and teach you a lesson at the same time”. After warning him, I focused on his mind:

You will not be able to touch anyone, any attempt will cause a small cut to appear on your body.

He didn’t think too much about my warning as he surprisingly went towards Layla. Relax my dear, he won’t be able to touch you. I reassured my servant mentally. The guy lifted his hand, going for an open handed slap. As soon as his hand came close, it was pushed down by an invisible force and the guy screamed in pain. Everyone got on their feet, trying to understand what had just happened. The guy turned towards the crowd and they gasped. He suddenly had a small cut with blood dripping down on his cheek, in the same spot where he would have hit Layla.

I looked at the crowd: “Listen up, whoever is convinced, and wholeheartedly wants to pledge themselves to me, may come to the bottom of the stairs and kneel. I will warn you that I have people that will know if you are not 100% true of heart”. I looked back at the guy, signaling him to continue.

For the next five minutes he frantically tried to hit everyone on the stage, his body was filling up with scars. There were two people willing to pledge so far, so I decided to bring my secret weapon out. I grabbed the guy and simply tore his bloody clothes, exposing his medium sized cock, but more importantly all of his cuts. I focused on his cuts, healing each one of them. As soon as I finished, half of the crowd came down and kneeled. I had one more idea to convince the rest, I looked at Wadjet and winked at her.

“I have one final thing that I think will convince everyone, I will now summon Wadjet, the Egyptian goddess”. I did my best to theatrically call on her, half a minute later Wadjet removed the spell that disguised her. She exposed herself completely, standing on stage in her true clothes, with her Cobra head hissing at everyone.

“My friends, say hello to Wadjet. She will be the guardian of my new temple, and the new temple will replace this one. Whoever wants to pledge themselves can join at the bottom, as the guardian she needs to deal with the two threats we have on stage. Wadjet, they’re all yours.”

“Thank you, my King”. She said as she bowed. She went towards the guy that was now scared shitless. He literally started pissing himself, which was even more embarrassing since he was naked. As she approached him he started begging for forgiveness. She simply said: “No! He who disrespects my King will suffer my wrath!” She hissed and extended her neck, biting his throat. Blood started to run down his body and pool by the floor, she let go and we could see two big snake bites.

“I’m ... sorry ... I ... didn’t ... mean ... it ... please ... help ... me ... I ... can’t ... breathe”. He could barely find the strength to say the last word and once he did he collapsed on the floor. I didn’t even need to check his pulse to know he was dead. I looked at Wadjet as she laughed, “I can deliver as much venom as I want my King, and he deserved this!” I thanked her and pointed her to the girl. “No killing her before we know who she is”.

I remembered why I was here and turned to face the agents, there wasn’t a single person in a chair. All 28 of them were now kneeling in front of the stage. I went one by one, hearing their pledge and tapping their shoulder. As I got to the last person I signaled them to rise. “My new followers! Let me welcome you to the true Order! I will explain everything later on today. For now remove all markings of Set from this pyramid, and gather all the people in the property outside, I will arrive shortly. No one is to leave without my permission, do not kill anyone. However, if they object to the gathering, restrain them and strip them”. They all left to get to work, clearly not wanting to disrespect me. I signaled to the girls and Conrad to leave us alone and help the people outside. As they left I mentally told Layla to not let Alexis out of her sight, she wasn’t trained in martial arts and I didn’t want to see her hurt.

They left in a hurry as Wadjet and I turned to face the girl.

You are bound to the pole, and cannot move.

She stiffened up feeling the mental restraints, of course she tried to break free. “Who are you!?!” I yelled at her. Wadjet used one of her nails to make a long scratch from the girls right nipple down to her clit, the cut was slowly starting to bleed. She had tears running down her cheek now. Wadjet didn’t care, and made a few more small scars across her body.

“I promise I will heal you the second you tell me why you are here, otherwise...” I signaled Wadjet and she used her pinky to make a small cut on the girl’s cheek. The girl jerked back and continued sobbing. “I am here on orders from the Hand of Osiris!! Please make it stop!! I’m in so much pain! I want to serve you, not that fake son of a bitch!!”

I decided to keep my word. I also made a mental note to get her to my palace so I would know if she is true of heart or just speaking from pain. I removed my previous mental commands and healed her, she instantly fell to her knees.

“I’m so sorry my King, I didn’t understand how much he lied to me, I grew up in the order and I didn’t want to believe it. However, now that I have experienced your powers for myself, I will be yours, obey you, and help you bring new world order!”

I raised her chin, signaling her to rise.” You may serve me in my order, but first, a little payment for healing you!” I opened my pants, exposing my cock. God it is so much fun to go commando, I thought to myself. She simply looked at it, it took me a while to remember she is a member of the Order of Osiris, the most non-sexual order there is. I looked at Wadjet, only to find her naked and back with her human head. She was so beautiful and perfect in every aspect. She kneeled in front of me and started kissing the girl, exploring her mouth with her tongue. She finally stopped and said: “Sit this one out, watch and learn, because you will need to know this, slut!” She winked at me as she engulfed my cock all the way into her warm mouth. She started bobbing back and forth, using her tongue to play with my cock as she sucked it. She did the exact things I loved. As I thought about the amazing feeling of having a goddess suck my cock, she started deep-throating my cock making her gag and drool all over herself. A minute or so later I came to my senses and decided to treat her in the way she desires, and not be afraid, I am her king. I pushed her off of my cock, simply using my leg to push her to the floor. As she fell down, I lifted her ass and positioned myself at her juicy cunt.

“Do you want this slut? Do you want to be fucked by your King?”

She pleaded back. “Yes my King. Please fuck me! I need it, I need you. I am yours to use, yours to fuck, simply yours!”

I acted upon her words and began fucking her, her cunt was warm and inviting. As I started picking up the pace I began spanking her ass. Even though she was a goddess her cheeks turned red. I decided to try something:

You have a collar around your neck and a small rope that attaches it to your new butt plug.

As soon as I said that I could sense something in her other hole, I ran my hand over her back just to feel a tight rope. I decided to pull on it. She started choking and I could feel her orgasm as her cunt tightened on my cock. I continued to fuck her, she was moaning and shaking as her orgasm was subsiding. I pulled out and laid on my back, she knew what I wanted and she immediately impaled herself on my cock and started riding me. Suddenly I heard a small moan from the side. I looked only to see the girl still on her knees rubbing her clit and fucking herself. I totally forgot she was there, not that I cared. I signaled her to come to me, she positioned her cute pussy above my mouth and I instantly started licking and sucking on it, making her almost fall over. Wadjet caught her, and she played with the girls nipples while sticking her tongue into the girl’s unexpecting mouth. The girls started making out as I was licking her pussy and Wadjet was riding me.

Vibrator command activate on both of them.

Both girl moaned into each other’s mouth. We stayed like that for a few more minutes as I approached my orgasm. I decided to play with them, focusing on both of them I commanded:

Both of you will now be on the edge of orgasm and will not go over until I cum.

Their bodies reacted as they were sweating, moaning, and shaking from pleasure. They stopped kissing to catch their breath and moan louder. Another minute later and my cock erupted into Wadjet, filling her with my hot cum. Both the girls exploded, crying out in pleasure from their orgasm. As soon as Wadjet was calm enough she pushed the girl to the floor, straddling her face, letting all of my cum flow down into her mouth. Surprisingly enough the girl opened her mouth and helped coax the cum out by licking Wadjet clean, I turned off all mental commands.

We laid there for a few more minutes, catching our breath and relaxing. I suddenly heard a cute voice in my head. My king, it would be best if you would come to deal with the members of the order. I smiled and replied: Sorry my dear, I got caught up. I could hear her laugh. I know, Wadjet shared her experience with me, let me tell you my king, I almost passed out from how she came.

We got dressed and headed out, I mentally focused on Wadjet. I didn’t know you could do that, or that I can mentally command you!

She smiled at me and replied: My king, I am a goddess, I have many powers, sharing my feelings and thoughts is one of them. I could sense Layla would enjoy this. I also am your servant my King, I will obey any command you give me! Also ... it was super-hot, so thank you! I have an idea for something after everyone pledges, trust me my King.

We arrived outside and everyone was there, my group, my new followers, and all the followers of the Order of Set. I saw approximately five cuffed naked people on the side, Conrad approached me.

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