The Pharaoh's Blessing - Cover

The Pharaoh's Blessing

Copyright© 2021 by alechunter

Chapter 4: A Tough Choice

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4: A Tough Choice - An archeologist discovers a secret chamber that changes his life forever. He must navigate good and bad. Will he be able to trust the right people? Will his choices and companions be the right ones for him? How will the world react to his actions?

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Mind Control   Rape   Romantic   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Paranormal   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Voyeurism  

February 2025

Mira Ma’at:

The drive to James’s house was weird, my mind was running through the events of the past few days. My thoughts shut up when I parked in front of his house, and I saw that brunette he called Layla, and this other girl I had never seen before, stand behind her. I got out of my car and approached Layla;

“Hi there, Layla?” I asked hesitantly, in case I got it wrong.

“Yes, hello Mira, how was your drive here?” she asked, with a cute smile.

“Very weird, is James inside? He said we can talk about some things...”

She smiled and said, “He isn’t here, however I am tasked with greeting you and bringing you to his new palace.”

I was shocked, “he moved?? Then why did he want me to come here?”

“It’s simple, my king does not trust easily, and due to recent events and your connection to the Order of Osiris, he doesn’t want you or them to know how to get to his palace. Due to that fact, I will need you to get into our car and wear this blindfold”. She took a blindfold from the girl that was standing behind her and gave it to me.

I didn’t want to do it, but I did really want to talk to James. I took the blindfold from her hand, and got into the back of their car. Once I fastened my seat belt I put the blind fold on. The drive was uneventful, Layla spoke to the girl that was with her at the house about day to day tasks. The only weird thing was that I heard a phone camera snap a picture. The car stopped and I assumed we arrived at the palace, my thoughts were confirmed when Layla told the girl “thanks Elly, park the car and meet me inside, we need to get to work”. Elly agreed, Layla helped me get out of the car, and took off my blindfold. The palace was shocking, I was standing in front of a huge mansion that looked as if it stretched forever. I noticed that there was a Zen pagoda to the side, meditating there must be fun.

I looked up to see James waving at me, “Hello, Mira.”

“All this is yours, King James?” I asked, still shocked”

He laughed, “What can I say? It’s good to be king. Come on in, and we’ll talk”. He motioned me to follow, and I did. The interior was amazingly lavish, matching the exterior. We sat down in what was obviously a living room. Malia walked in and asked us if we would like anything to eat or drink, we both asked for coffee and she immediately went to get it.

“She looks like nothing ever happened to her!” I told James.

“That is the beauty of our powers Mira, we can heal people to make sure they aren’t hurt. Do you have any more questions or should we get down to business?”

I shaked my head to signal I don’t have any questions, and James began giving me the full explanation. He started with the discovery of the chamber, how he made Layla his servant, the press conference and how he was forcefully brought to the temple. How he met Malia and Alexis, his realtor. Finally he arrived at the day of the kidnapping, and explained how he found Layla in his house. I believed every word, as if I knew in the depths of my subconscious that this man could be trusted. I started to cry from the thought of seeing a loved one like that, and the fact that the Hand of Osiris was the one to blame.

James came to sit by me and held me close to him.” I know this is hard to hear, if you need a break tell me. Due to our powers and the real prophecy we must know the truth about both sides, and not hide anything from each other. Let me tell you something that might seem weird. I don’t trust either one of the orders. The Order of Set are more trustworthy in my opinion, and they are helping me. However, I don’t plan on telling them everything as I think they will always worship Set and not me.”

I looked at him and asked quietly: “How do you know wrong from right?”

“It’s simple, I don’t. I go with what I believe and what I desire, I don’t care if it’s against the beliefs of the Order of Set, and we both know it goes against the Order of Osiris. Fuck it, I don’t care if it goes against the government.”

He looked at me to check that I’m still following, and continued. “We have received the gift of the gods for some reason, the one main thing Khufu told me is that the power is mine to use, mine to decide in which direction to take them, so that is my intention. I want to bring back the pharaonic culture, I want what I have researched for all these years to become a reality. If the Order of Set wants to help me with that, awesome, if they want to go against it, they will get hurt.”

I smiled, I liked the idea of bringing back the culture of ancient Egypt and the Pharaohs. “What is my part in your plan?” I asked, not sure of his answer.

“I’m not going to force you into anything nor command your mind, as Khufu said and we witnessed, we are stronger together. I have a feeling you like the idea of bringing back the Pharaonic culture and I would like your help. Know that the road will not be easy and sometimes we must do harsh things that go against what you were raised on. If you are asking exactly what you will be to me, I believe someone with almost equal powers should be my queen, there might be conditions or other limitations but that is the general idea.” He leaned towards me and kissed my cheek, of course I blushed. Something is luring me into him, maybe his dominance or his kingship, maybe it’s even the Egyptian mindset, I do need to think about it before deciding anything further.

“I know you will want to think about everything first, but may I suggest we practice some of our powers to see how strong we are together?” James said, seeing my thinking face.

“I would like that”. We got up and went out to the Zen pagoda to practice, Layla and Malia were right behind us.

“Before we begin let me unlock your telepathy so you may contact me and the girls at any time.” I suddenly heard him say in my head.

You can communicate with me and the girls mentally.

Well? Can you hear me? James asked in my mind. I heard two giggles and then Layla and Malia’s cute voices say in unison

Welcome to the club, our Queen.

I can hear all of you!! OMG James this is amazing.” I told them mentally. James explained in his normal voice about the limitations and the fact that he wants to keep it secret. We practiced together the power we had to make someone feel as if they have something on them that isn’t really there. We decided to focus together on Layla, she was on her hands and knees as we both focused on her.

You have cuffs binding all your limbs, connecting them.

All of a sudden, our thought became a reality. Layla’s limbs were connected with real black leather cuffs. We were both shocked, we tried to do it to Malia separately, and they did not physically appear. We asked Malia to lean on the pagoda and we both focused again, together.

Your wrists are tied to the wall and you have a spreader bar between your legs.

Once again when we both focused on it the actual item appeared, it was amazing and I could already feel how both of us thought about all the possibilities this opened up. I looked at James and saw we had the same idea, we both focused on the ground.

There are two floggers here.

Our smile grew wider when two floggers appeared, we each took one. I went to tease and play with Malia and James went to Layla. I started running my hand across her naked body. Interesting, to males I feel submissive, but I feel dominant towards females, good to know. I looked at Malia; “Do you want me to spank you slut?”

She nodded and said: “Yes please my Queen. I am yours!”

I used the flogger to slap each of her cute tits, Malia jumped from the pain. I continued to slap her for another few minutes, making her wince from pain and watch her body get red and marked really turned me on. I felt my pussy juices running down my leg, do you feel ok? Do you want me to heal you? I mentally asked Malia, she simply replied, at the end mistress. I nodded, and continued playing with her, slapping her everywhere. After another minute I untied her, I laid her down and decided to sit on her face. I placed my juicy pussy on her sweet lips and she immediately started licking and eating me out, trying her best to make me feel good. Her tongue made love to my clit, licking and sucking on it, she even stuck her tongue into me, trying to fuck my pussy with her tongue. After a few minutes I looked at James who was balls deep into Layla,” I need a strap on James”. We both focused on a strap on that magically appeared in front of me, I quickly put the strap on around my waist, and positioned myself at Malia’s sweet cunt. It didn’t take me a lot of force to penetrate her due to how horny and wet she was. I began fucking her like I saw James do, my pelvis slapping her ass with every thrust. I pulled her hair as I focused on her nipples.

You have nipple clamps.

Malia jumped from the sudden punch on her nipples and a huge moan escaped her mouth. The nipple clamps and hair pulling only drew her towards the edge as I continued fucking her like the slut she was. A few minutes and a few slaps later she screamed as she started exploding into her orgasm, I cancelled the nipple clamps and removed myself from her pussy and started to heal her. It took me a minute due to the intense amount of spanking I gave her. I finished healing her and she jumped on me hugging me and kissing me, “thank you Mistress! That was amazing, I hope you join us and become our queen”. I smiled and kissed her back. After untangling our hug I looked at James and noticed him healing an unconscious bruised Layla. I approached him and asked, “James, will you fuck me like you fucked Layla?” He didn’t say anything as I heard him focus on his cock, replenishing it for the upcoming fucking. Without any notice he grabbed my throat and pushed me to the floor, he pinned my mouth to his cock and I began deep throating and fucking myself on his cock. We fucked for what felt like an hour, he took me in every position and way he could, from fucking me from behind to lifting me with one hand and fucking me in the air. After fucking me the fasted and hardest I’ve ever been fucked, he began cumming all over my naked body, pushing me over the edge as I had my own orgasm. Something about us having sex felt more “right” than any kind of previous sexual interaction, and I instinctively knew he felt it too. Layla and Malia quickly appeared, licking every drop of cum from my body, essentially cleaning me like a couple of cats.

All four of us laid there, entangled together. Jessica and Elly came out to us with sandwiches and drinks, “we didn’t want to interrupt, but you guys need to eat, it’s almost dark and you haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

We quickly ate and drank everything they brought us, I then looked at James and asked “I need to get back to the temple, can I get a ride to my car? He simply nodded.

I got into the back of the car, this time with James and one of his guards. I put on the blindfold and we started the journey back.

When we got to his old house there were a few agents of Set moving items, they all just stared at me. Don’t worry, they won’t hurt you my dear, I heard James tell me mentally.

Thank you for today, I need some time to think it all through, and then I will contact you. I replied, and got into my car, driving off towards the temple.

The drive back to the temple was uneventful, I just thought about everything he told me. I drove into the temple grounds only to see the Hand of Osiris waiting for me with five agents. I looked at him trying to understand what was going on as I got out of my car,

“Is everything ok?” I decided to break the silence.

“You tell us, Mira.” He said with a stern voice.

“I don’t know what you want from me, I’ve had a long day and I’m going to bed”. I said and started heading towards the mansion only to be blocked by the agents. One of them grabbed my arm, I tried to break free from his grip but he just tightened it. I decided not to use my powers to see how this situation would unfold.

“I’m not done, Mira”. The Hand of Osiris said, now angry.

“Let go of me! I did nothing wrong!” I yelled at him, still trying to break free. Suddenly the Hand of Osiris slapped my face, making my mouth drop and my ears ring.

“Take her to the conference room, I don’t want anyone seeing this.”

One of the guards just lifted me over his shoulder and carried me to one of the conference rooms in the Pyramid. Once there, he sat me down as the Hand of Osiris took his seat in front of me.

“Where did you go today?”

Why do they care? “To visit a friend, why?” Once again the thought of stopping this with my powers came to mind. I decided not to use them simply to see how far he would be willing to go.

He slammed his hand on the table, “YOU CALL JAMES A FRIEND??”

“How do you know who I saw? Were you following me??” I started to get angry too.

“What I order my agents to do is my right, why did you go to him Mira? After what he did to us?”


“We needed payback and information, we needed to know what he is capable of”.

I took a deep breath, using what I learned from James, and I focused on myself.

I am stronger.

I stood up and flipped the table, almost crushing the Hand of Osiris. “WHO ARE YOU TO TORTURE SOMEONE?? HE HAS HIS POWERS AND THEY ARE HIS!”

Undo strength.

The Hand of Osiris stood and grabbed my neck blocking my air ways, “YOU WILL REMEMBER YOUR PLACE GIRL! YOU WILL NOT USE YOUR POWERS AGAINST US!” I was barely breathing when he let go and threw me to the floor.

“Take her to her room, make sure she doesn’t get out!”

The Agents lifted me and carried me to my room, my mind was running wild with anger and disappointment. They threw me into my room and locked the door, I was so mad but also sad at the same time, everything I grew up on was a lie. The man I had idolized for most of my life just slapped and chocked me. I needed to get out of here.

James can you hear me? I reached out mentally.

Of course my dear, how can I help you? He replied in my mind.

Can you come pick me up? I can’t be here anymore ... They are questioning me about you, and trying to hurt me.

His tone became stern and angry. How dare they?? I’ll come pick you up from the gate in thirty minutes, can you get out by then?

Yes, thank you James.

My pleasure Mira, nobody will hurt you as long as I’m alive!

I calmed myself down, making mental notes on what I needed to take with me and how I was going to get out of here. As I was packing my bag Adam and Roy came in.

“What are you doing? You’re ordered to stay here!” Roy asked me.

I took a big sigh, “I’m not staying, and we can do this the easy way, or the hard one.”

They didn’t answer and just ambushed me trying to pin me down, thankfully I was fully trained in martial arts and I quickly deflected each of their blows. They looked at me with shock in their eyes, they had obviously forgotten about I was this good. At that point I decided to go on the offensive, I started kicking and punching at them, releasing my anger on them. I was so lost in my frenzy that two minutes later I noticed both of them were on the floor, their bodies looked as if a wild gorilla had attacked them. With blood running everywhere, I leaned forward to check if they had a pulse, they barely did.

With tears running down my cheek at the sights in front of me, I quickly leaned and placed my hands on them. Healing them just enough for them to stay alive until someone would find them. I finished packing my bag and started to make my way towards the front gate. Each guard that tried to stop me found himself passed out on the floor, the ones I didn’t make pass out I punched or kicked until they were out. I arrived at the gate and saw three cars waiting, James and his detail were standing at the gate waiting for me, Jessica and Malia stood at one end of the convoy, Layla and Elly stood at the other end.

James looked at me. “They wouldn’t let me come without them. Come on, we should go”.

I jumped in the first car with James, the girls got into their car and we drove off.

This time they didn’t blindfold me, not that I planned on telling anyone were the palace is. As we arrived to his palace the adrenaline passed and the weight of my actions came bearing down, I burst into tears. James came to me and hugged me, trying to calm me down.

“Thank you but I need to be alone”, I left him and went to meditate in the Zen pagoda. I sat down meditating and running through everything that had just happened. I opened my eyes and I was in Khufu’s chamber, he was sitting the same way I was in front of me.

“Hello my child, I could sense your troubles and wanted to check on you”.

“I’m a monster!” I yelled and burst into tears.

Khufu lifted me into the most soothing embrace,” hush now my child, I assure you that you’re not a monster”.

“I hurt them! Those boys that I grew up with! I lived in a temple with the Hand of Osiris! The same man that turned evil and tried to choke me and who knows what else!” I was panting and sobbing on his shoulder.

“I wish I could tell you about his true nature beforehand, but sadly there are some things that I cannot tell you or James. However, you were in danger. Those boys tried to hurt you, and your instinct just kicked in. It is not your fault.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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