MBA - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Wolf

Chapter 17: Group Decision Making

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 17: Group Decision Making - A special Residential MBA Program starts at Harbridge College, tailored for eleven graduate students. They quickly establish an enviable intimacy with each other that persists throughout the two-year program. This is their polyamorous story, including that of the lead faculty member and the others than join in. 27 Chapters.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory  

Joe pondered Lauren’s question, ‘What do I have to do to join?’ He studied the pretty girl and even felt a wave of lust wash through him at the possibility that she’d become available to him.

“Lauren, the decision is not mine alone. You need to talk to each member of the house, and I suspect you should start with Dane, since he got you this far. Remember that the basis for our relationships has shifted from an initial physical one based on lust to ones that are based on love.”

Lauren nodded, “Thank you. If you’d said anything else, I would have been suspect.” After a pause, she smiled, “Dr. Basehart, I really want to join in the emotions, behaviors, and ethos of Colburn House. What can I do to convince you of my sincerity, my commitment, and my love for everyone in the house? May I have your vote?”

Lauren had moved into Joe’s personal space, so close that he automatically extended his hands to her hips. He realized there wasn’t much under the fabric of the dress, and confirmed that as he allowed his hands to slide upwards along her body until he could use his thumbs to stroke her nipples through the thin material of her blouse.

Joe said, “I’m pretty convinced. I think that actions speak louder than words, however. I will watch you with the others. I’ve had a chance to observe the others and to enjoy their presence, especially on Friday and Saturday evenings. We were usually all together in the living room – or the loving room, which I prefer.”

“Group sex?”

Joe nodded. “Yes. When we’re next to each other making love, we feel each other’s passion and joy; there’s a great sense of sharing all the good things that we’re feeling and that are going on. It’s like we’re all of one mind.”

Lauren nodded, “That’s what I want.”

Joe grinned, “I won’t kid you, it’s also fun to be both an exhibitionist and a voyeur. As you apparently discovered last night, watching can be very arousing.”

Lauren laughed, “I want that, too; and just so you know, I’m still aroused.”

Just then Gail came into the dining room and greeted the couple. Joe got a morning kiss and few whispered words. Lauren watched, and Joe was keenly aware of her observing.

After Gail got her breakfast and sat down, Joe said, “Lauren has something to discuss with you. I’m getting us refills on coffee, so I’ll be a minute or two.” He picked up Lauren’s empty mug and his own, and headed into the kitchen where the large urn of coffee usually sat.

He’d been tempted to listen in, but he resisted. After filling the mugs, he did some straightening of the breakfast area, intentionally made some cleaning and stacking noises, and also washed out some pans left over from the previous night that the caterers hadn’t taken for some reason.

When Joe heard other arrivals for Saturday morning breakfast, he came back to the dining room with the two mugs of coffee just as others came into the kitchen to use the buffet that had been left.

Eventually, most of the Colburn House were in the room. Lauren stood and walked to the head of the table. “Joe suggested I talk to everyone in the house, and Gail said that if I waited a few moments I could have almost everyone’s attention. I beg your forgiveness if this seems brash, but ... here I am at your mercy.

“I am Lauren Ladd. I’m twenty, a junior, and from a middle-class family. I grew up in and my parents still live in Leominster, but really, I’ve mentally and physically pretty much left home. My parents turned my bedroom into a real guest room, so I’m on my own. I’m a good student and would like to get my MBA degree before really starting on a full-time career. I have some ideas about how to do that, and Harbridge College would continue to be my choice for that degree. I’m heartened that Beth came here right after her Bachelor’s degree, and that Morgan is also a recent alum.

“Now, why I’m talking. I would like to become part of Colburn House. The first time Dane brought me here I could feel that something was really different here – and exceptionally nice. It took me a couple of weeks to figure out what it was and how it affected your behavior and emotions. It has affected me so much that I throw myself on the mercy of your court of opinion and plea for access to the unlimited pool of love you all bask in.

“I have fallen for Dane, and then Morgan, Mark, Jason, and Beth who I’ve spent time with getting tutored or just talking, and more recently Joe, Gail, and the rest of you. I feel the love you have for one another, and want that as a two-way street with each of you in my life. I’ve only made love with Dane, but I’m young, enthusiastic, and to be honest, right now I’m pretty horny – and that’s after watching some of you last night enjoying each other – those of you who were in the living room as Dane and I made love above you on the hallway balcony.

“I know I’ve inhibited a few of your evening orgies, and I apologize; that happened out of ignorance on my part when I was still figuring things out. I didn’t know about the group sex or connect all the dots until I talked with Joe only an hour ago. I’ll be a little shy at first, but I think I will flourish in this environment. Also, if you think I’m an inhibiting factor, somebody nudge me out the front door and I’ll leave.

“More about my sex life, because I think that’s important for you to know. I have nerd like tendencies, and that’s why I am a Computer Science major. I did lose my virginity at sixteen, but it was an experiment with another nerd. We liked it, and kept at it as friends-with-benefits. College has been a quieter experience sexually until I met Dane.” Several at the table looked over at him; he was blushing but their heads snapped back to Lauren as she added, “And I hope to make love with each of you – both sexes, in case that wasn’t clear.” Several noticed her glassy eyes as she teared up.

“Joe used the term polyamory to describe the ethos of Colburn House. I’d heard the word, but I see how it’s implemented here. My heart soars with the possibility of being included. I’ll hang around here today for questions both in group or in one-on-one settings. I want to be an open book to you. But ... I want to be here ... with you.”

Lauren started to walk back to her chair when Dane spoke loudly. “Just so you know, I know of Lauren’s wish to be here with us, and I approve. I should have mentored her more, I suppose, about being here, but didn’t. My bad. I thank my friends for picking up that slack with her. Please, let’s add her to our intentional family.”

Beth spoke next, “Lauren and I have had some great study sessions. She’s helped me, too, so don’t think it was all one way in her direction or undervalue her contribution because she’s an undergrad. The issue of space hasn’t come up, but if Lauren is willing to put up with me, she can sleep with me – and I mean that in a romantic, physical, and practical way.” She blushed and waved attention away from her.

Mark said, “I want to ask a blunt question of you, Lauren. If I wanted to have sex with you right now, how would you respond?”

Lauren blushed, “I’m eager, BUT ... I would like to spend some time with you one-on-one. Maybe a lunch where we talk more, especially about our vulnerabilities and sensitivities. I’d also want to know what, besides the animal attraction, makes you want to be with me. If that’s all, then I think we might need a few more dates. Just so you know, Dane and I had been out together a few times before we did anything really sexual together. He does kiss divinely, and that was only one convincing factor.” The room laughed, especially Dane, who blushed again. She added, “On the other hand, maybe I can be convinced to be with you and build our relationship over time with great sex as part of it.” There were more chuckles.

Jason asked, “Are you kinky?”

Lauren shrugged. “In many ways, asking to be part of your group is kinky, so I guess yes. Am I into whips, chains, pain, canes, domination, or submissive behavior, the answer is no, but I’m game to experiment? I know Professor J ... Joe talks about innovation. Maybe I need to be more innovative in my approach to life and sex. I consider myself a work in progress.”

Katie asked, “You indicated you were bisexual, but are you experienced?”

Lauren squirmed but got a sheepish grin. “My freshman roommate and I experimented a lot, but she eventually got a boyfriend ... so my lab partner disappeared on me. Since that year, I haven’t had a female friend that close. It’s one of the reasons I like it here. I’ve seen some of you go off with each other and I can tell it’s with excitement and eagerness. I think I can deliver the same emotions along with love.”

Megan said, “What will you tell your parents?”

Lauren shrugged, “Just that I’m living someplace else on campus. They don’t visit, so it’s not an issue. If they plan on visiting, they’ll call first so I can give an alert.”

Valentine said, “What will you do when you graduate?”

Lauren nodded, “I hope to get into this program and stay on campus, and I mean Joe’s Residential MBA Program. I do want a master’s in business administration to combine with by computer science degree.”

Ryan said, “We all graduate the same day that you do, Lauren. I don’t think many of us have a clear idea of what we’ll be doing after that day. Joe reminded me of that the other day. I don’t want to see this group break-up, but I know we’ll have to leave the ivied walls of Harbridge College with our degrees in hand.”

Lauren nodded, “Maybe I can help be some of the glue that holds you all together after graduation. I will never live far from this place, so know that once you admit me to this tribe, I plan on staying close to everyone.

Mark spoke again, in a way calling her bluff on a date, “Lauren, I’d like to take you lunch today. Let’s talk after breakfast about arrangements.”

Lauren grinned, “I accept and thank you for asking me out.”

Joe came back from the hardware store about three o’clock on Saturday afternoon. He had the parts to fix a light switch on the upstairs hallway. The college had given him a petty cash account for small things related to Colburn House and keeping everything functioning.

Joe got his tool kit plus what he’d bought and headed up the stairs. Just as he passed by Mark’s room, he heard a long moan in a feminine tone. Although he didn’t know her well, he did recognize the spoken words a moment later as coming from Lauren. There was no doubt that she was in the throes of orgasmic ecstasy. So much for their first ‘date’. He chuckled and went to fix his light switch.

Lauren was in some kind of heaven. Her lunch with Mark had been deeply personal and revealing by both of them. She’d never opened up so much with another human, and in so short a time of knowing them. Later, they’d held hands and walked around the downtown area of Dillon looking in storefronts, but really just talking.

Mark kissed her on the corner of Main and Hillside. She’d never forget. Her heart soared into outer space and she kissed back, hoping every emotion she felt was revealed to him. They kept kissing until someone walked by and laughingly said, “Get a room!”

Mark whispered to her, hoping for a positive response, “I have a room.”

Lauren pulled him back to his car, and they returned to Colburn House. As they drove, Mark posed a question to Lauren, “What about Dane?”

Lauren reached out and touched his arm. “I do love him. He’s supportive of this and my becoming part of the house. When you see me kissing someone else please know that I STILL love you and want to be with you. I’m just ... not being exclusive, right now.”

Mark said in a solemn tone, “You don’t have to have sex with me to get my vote.”

Lauren laughed, “I WANT to make love with you – to show you how I feel about you and my commitment. Your vote has nothing to do with it. Dane or Carlos or Jason, or for that matter Beth or Morgan or Katie, none of the others have anything to do with it except I hope someday to show them how much I care about them, as well. I want to be very physical with YOU right now.”

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