Ali Gets Control - Cover

Ali Gets Control

Copyright© 2020 by Bill Smith

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - My daughters friend Ali finds a way to control me and has me perform various degrading and humiliating acts for her own sexual fulfilment and sick desires. Her control over me increases with each act and before I know it, I am completely powerless and find myself fulfilling her every perverted want.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Wife Watching   Wimp Husband   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Fisting   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Prostitution  

The week was passing without a hitch. Ali and myself continued to administer the sleeping tablets and subliminal message training on both Katie and Lyn. Ali told me I needed to fuck and stretch my wife’s ass every night while she slept with the exception of Friday night, as she wanted me fresh to fuck my daughter, who was apparently really looking forward to the next blindfolded mystery man session planned for Saturday.

Ali had made some additions to the recordings she played Katie on a nightly basis to include these messages ‘I want daddy’s cock in my ass’ ‘finger me in the ass daddy’ ‘my ass belongs to daddy’ ‘take my anal virginity daddy’ ‘stretch my ass hole daddy’

Everything that happened was recorded, not only for Ali to enjoy at her leisure, but to assess how everyones training was progressing. As an example, she told me it was now time to introduce the next sized butt plug into my wife’s ass while she slept. She would arrange to come and get the smaller one to start using it on Katie, so when I fucked her in the arse on Saturday it wouldn’t hurt her too much.

She reminded me that I’d have to take it steady with my daughters arse on Saturday for two reasons, one she didn’t want anything to jeopardise the fact Katie was falling in love with her mystery man and two, she’s not had the same amount of ass training that Mama had been getting.

Ali said she’d pop over to ours with Katie on Thursday night for a drink with me and Mama and that I should have the small butt plug ready to give her then. It will be the first time we’d all got together since this started. She sensed my panic and told me not to worry, it’ll be fine, but she needed to observe how Katie was around me and to see if there were any changes in Mama’s mannerisms.

I had no choice of course, Ali was the one in control; besides it sounded pretty kinky to have the three woman I was fucking all in one place.

The only person out of the four of us that this wasn’t affecting was Lyn, she was sleeping well and as a result was very happy, she still had a spring in her step and she said she was so looking forward to seeing the girls on Thursday.

ME: My mind was constantly thinking of either Ali, Katie or the now nightly ass training of my wife. My work did take my mind off it a little, but Ali took it upon herself to send me several WhatsApp messages a day with photos of my daughters tits, arse or smooth pussy. She always included photos of my daughter pouting and showing off her bright red luscious lips too. In them my daughter was always smiling and looking sexy. They were definitely keeping me horny.

I guess this was Ali’s way of training me, albeit my training was while I was awake. Either way it was having an effect on me. After a few hours I found myself anxious for the next message. I needed a Katie fix and when I got it my cock responded every time. My daughter had become a sex object to me, a means to me of getting off. Ali had trained me well.

KATIE: Katie kept mentioning her mystery man to Ali at every opportunity, she’d started to refer to him as ‘her masked daddy’ which Ali loved. At one point Katie surprised Ali and also pleased her all with one question “Ali, can I ask you something, does anal sex hurt?”

“Wow, I didn’t expect that question Katie, but seeing as you ask, the first time is strange and does hurt a bit to start with, but if you’re having it with an experienced and caring man, then he’ll make sure he takes his time and the pain will quickly turn into pleasure. Why are you asking?”

“I had another dream, and masked daddy asked me if he could fuck me in the arse”

“Oh my god, don’t stop there Katie, what did you say, did he do it in your dream?

“I honestly don’t remember us doing it, but when I woke up I had a feeling that I really wanted him to”

“You should let him, I know he’s quite experienced in that department from when we chatted about it once”

“Has he fucked you in the ass Ali?

“No, so out of the two of us, that’ll be something you’ll have done with him that I haven’t. Are you going to suggest it when you meet on Saturday?”

“I don’t know yet. All I know is I want masked daddy’s cock so much. I ache inside when I think of him”

“Oh my god Katie, you’ve got it bad for him and tell me again who do you see in your head behind the mask”

“You know who I see, you are evil Ali. Please don’t make me say it out loud”

“It’s your real daddy isn’t it Katie?”

Katie threw a cushion at her friend and laughed at her as she said “Yes, okay yes, it’s my dad I see in my head, now will you leave me alone, I wish I’d not asked you about anal sex now”.

“Alright alright lover, I’ll leave you be, but I think that’s kinda cute”.

ALI: And then lastly of course was Ali herself. She was putting in so much effort into all of this that she wasn’t getting as much sleep as she wanted. She was juggling so many balls in the air, which included the payment in kind of Sam and her medical student friend. Her late night training sessions of Katie. The monitoring and filing of my bedroom recordings of my wife’s ass training and the constant horny high she was on. I suppose it was inevitable she’d feel horny when she saw the results of her work, it meant she constantly had the need for some self relief. That reminded her, she needed to get some new batteries for her bullet.

Luckily the thrill she got from all this control kept her going.

Thursday evening came around and I have to admit I felt nervous about seeing my daughter knowing I’d not only fucked her, but I’d actually made love to her. I’d filled her with my cum and given her multiple orgasms. How would she feel if she knew it was me and not the mystery friend of Ali’s? Oh god, I hope Ali keeps to her side of the bargain and never lets on.

When they arrived Katie went to her mum first and Ali came to me with her arms open wide. She discreetly winked and said “Hello Papa, give me a hug and a kiss, it’s lovely to see you”.

I embraced her and probably hugged her more than I should have, but Lyn and Katie were busy hugging and giggling about something random so it was no problem.

Lyn said “And here’s Ali, come here girl, give your Mama a hug”

“Hey mama, look at you. You look amazing, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in such tight leggings before. You should wear them more often, they really suit you and your bum looks incredible in them”.

It’s true, I had noticed she was wearing them, but I hadn’t told her how good she looked in them.

Lyn blushed a little and as she said “Why thank you Ali, I am glad someone’s noticed” she pushed her ass out and pouted like a movie star. We all chuckled.

Ali said “Wow Papa, how can you keep your hands off that sexy bum eh?”

Katie jumped to my defence and said “Leave him alone and stop teasing him Ali, but Ali is right mum, you should wear them more often, you look fabulous in them. Now daddy, come here and give me a hug, I’ve not seen you in ages”

I held my arms out for my daughters embrace and we hugged and kissed each other on the cheek. Katie leaned back and looked at me strangely and I froze. She looked at me quizzically and rested her hand on the side of my face, she ran her fingers down my cheek and simply said “Daddy!” Almost with a question in her voice. My heart pounded and she didn’t say anything but continued looking at me in a strange way. Her eyebrows furrowed and then she said “It’s lovely to see you and kissed me again on the cheek before giving me another tight hug.

Ali saw what had just occurred and said “Is anyone going to take our coats and get some drinks? I am gagging here”.

We all laughed, me more nervously than the rest and everything was back to normal. I tried to convince myself I was just imagining something that wasn’t there, but I felt uneasy.

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