Ali Gets Control - Cover

Ali Gets Control

Copyright© 2020 by Bill Smith

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - My daughters friend Ali finds a way to control me and has me perform various degrading and humiliating acts for her own sexual fulfilment and sick desires. Her control over me increases with each act and before I know it, I am completely powerless and find myself fulfilling her every perverted want.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Wife Watching   Wimp Husband   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Fisting   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Prostitution  

Back in the kitchen with my wife Lyn, I felt my daughters knickers in my pocket. Ali, my daughters friend and house mate had pretty much blackmailed me into, not only wanking in front of her, but had tricked me into wrapping my daughters panties around my cock and shooting my cum into them. She had also made me look at a photo of my daughter on my large monitor while doing so and finally made me say things to my daughters face on screen, all while she recorded me saying them and wanking my cock.

if this wasn’t freaky enough, I had visions of my daughter appear in my head while I fucked my wife. I can’t really blame Ali for that, but I do maintain I wouldn’t have had those thoughts if Ali hadn’t made me bring myself off while looking at my daughters pretty face.

The next day Ali almost behaved as if nothing was wrong until it was time to go and she’d slipped her tongue in my mouth, when all I was doing was giving her a goodbye kiss on her cheek, oh and of course popping the afore mentioned panties, that I now had in my pocket, under my wife’s pillow.

I was just starting to calm down and thinking I could perhaps slip my daughters panties into the laundry undetected when I got a new message from Ali on my phone:

“Hey Papa, fancy swinging by this evening after 9pm, I want to show you something, oh and best not tell your wife you’ll be coming here - see you later sexy xxx”

Lyn said “Is that your mate from work again Honey?” Which gave me a perfect idea to come up with a reason to be out later

“Yes Love, he’s got a problem with some figures for an important meeting tomorrow and I told him to give me a shout when he’s ready to go through them”. I felt bad lying to Lyn, but this was all new and I really didn’t know what else I could do. I did wonder though that it might be a foolish thing to come up with because surely Katie will be there and she might tell her mum she’d seen me. Hmmm, I could always say my work colleague lived near Katie, so I popped in to say hello. Having a plan sorted, I relaxed a little convincing myself Ali just wanted to have a giggle about what she’d made me do. A giggle at my expense no doubt.

Even though this wasn’t a date and I’d be foolish to think it was, I still fancied Ali and always wanted to make myself look as best as I could for her, so I shaved and showered and popped some aftershave on. Lyn didn’t bat an eyelid and simply told me I smelled nice once I was ready. She told me she was tired and not to expect a repeat of last nights sex because she was tired and would probably be asleep when I got home - The words “Result” went through my head.

Five minutes before I set off I had another message from Ali, it simply read “Remember to bring Katies panties back”.

I am sure she left it this late to unnerve me; if she did, it worked. I quickly ran upstairs and got them out of the laundry and popped them back in my pocket. I said goodbye to Lyn, kissed her on the cheek and set off wondering what the hell Ali wanted me for.

In the car, I felt for the knickers and brought them to my nose and smelled my daughters fading pussy odour. I sniffed deeply and licked the gusset again. My cock stirred and I felt a little bit of disgust with myself, but I’d done it and sniffed again. what the fuck was wrong with me?

I parked up at Katies and Ali’s and tried to regulate my breathing. Walking up the path I noticed all the curtains were drawn and only the lounge and Katies bedroom lights were on. Both those rooms were at the front of the house and Ali’s at the back.

One final deep breath and I pressed the doorbell, but nobody came straight away. I was just about to press it again and Ali opened the door from behind it. I couldn’t actually see her properly as the porch and hall lights were off.

“Come in Papa and close your eyes” Ali said

She took me by the arm and proceeded to take my coat off and fasten a blindfold tightly across my eyes. She then lead me into the kitchen and sat me down on a chair. I asked her what the hell was going on and she simply said, while getting very close to my face so i could smell her delicious perfume “We are going to have some fun Papa. Nod if you want to have some fun with me Papa”.

I of course nodded and she spoke more. “Rules for tonight Papa are you only speak when I ask you something, or tell you to speak. Katie has taken a sleeping tablet and will not be disturbing us. You are to keep your blindfold on until I tell you to take it off. You must do everything I tell you without hesitation. If you fail me or take your blindfold off before you are told I will hit send on the email I have prepared showing you talking to Katie on screen while wanking your cock into her panties. Finally, from now on you will address me as Mistress whenever we are alone or you haven’t got your clothes on. Nod if you understand.

I nodded of course, what option did I have? In my way of thinking none, besides I was getting quite turned on. It all sounded pretty hot at this stage.

“Good boy Papa, now stand and remove all your clothes”

I thought about protesting, but remembered the threat of the email, besides my cock was reacting to this game and with Katie being asleep, it had the making of some naughty fun. Ali had certainly taken our close flirting to the next level after seeing me wank myself off for her last night.

I stood and unbuttoned my shirt, then slipped it off to expose my chest. I was quite proud of my body, so getting naked didn’t bother me. I unbuckled my belt and removed my trousers, shoes and socks. I was stood in my boxers which I knew were bulging because of my growing erection. I stood still for a moment and then heard Ali sigh impatiently. I took the hint and slipped them off. My erect cock sprang out and stood to attention for my new Mistress.

“Hello again Mister Hard Cock” Ali said and I gasped when she wrapped her hand tightly around it and lead me out of the kitchen and guided me upstairs to what I assumed was her bedroom.

She spoke to me, again very close to my face so I could feel her breath on my cheek, fuck it was a turn on “Papa, I am going to lay on the bed and spread my legs for you. You will then crawl on the bed between them and without touching my legs, you will proceed to finger me with one finger to start with and then when you think i am ready you will add another and then if I feel I can take it you may add a third. If I catch you peeking, or feel you touch any other part of me I will not only kick you in the balls so hard that you won’t ever have sex again, I will send the email. Nod if you understand”

I was desperate to talk, to be normal and to enjoy my fantasy for real. Why oh why did she have to play this game? I quickly guessed this must be a big deal for her. I mean after all I am her best friends father. She considers me her own father too. Coming to this conclusion I simply nodded and tried to play along by keeping a straight face. I heard her get on the bed and she said “Okay, I am ready, come and finger me Papa”

I walked towards the bed until my knees bumped against the mattress. Bending down I crawled up to where her legs were surely spread. A thought crossed my mind and I hoped to god this wasn’t some big joke and the light would go on full and a bunch of people would all burst out laughing at my humiliation.

A few more inches shuffling up the bed and I could feel the heat of Ali’s body. I tried desperately not to touch her legs, but I couldn’t help brushing against them. Fuck, this was hot and my cock was throbbing underneath me. I move a little further and I could smell the unmistakeable smell of pussy. I wanted to lick it and rub my face on it so much, but thought about the testicular kicking I’d receive if I did. Instead then I tentatively moved my outstretched finger towards where the smell was coming from. It came to a stop and I was finally touching Ali’s pussy. I rubbed my finger along her slit wetting it with her juices before pushing it in. My god, she was literally dripping. After enjoying the sensation of my finger being sucked into the warmth of a twenty five year old pussy for a few minutes, I added another. I heard Ali moan and that encouraged me to be firmer.

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