Discovery of My Sex Goddess Wife - Cover

Discovery of My Sex Goddess Wife

Copyright© 2020 by robertl

Chapter 52

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 52 - Story of how my beautiful, conservative wife's eroticism unfolded in front of my eyes, beginning with a night of passion with my Coast Guard friend after his year-long tour of duty on an isolated duty station, inspired by true events. The story is numerous chapters, will be submitted every 2-3 days until completion

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching  

An hour later, after I had gotten myself in a bit of control, I thought about flying to Miami the next day to get her. At least, that gave me a plan of action. Then I realized I couldn’t do that either. Michelle was only spending the first night at the Hyatt because it was close to the airport. By the time I flew to Seattle, then to Miami, Michelle would have already checked out of the Hyatt

I didn’t know where she was going after that, or what she’d be doing for the next week. Brett hadn’t told us where except the first night. I tried to remember if Michelle had told me the name of the hotel he’d been at in Seattle, but was sure she hadn’t, other than how nice it was and that it wasn’t the Sheraton.

I thought, “What have I done?” I’d potentially thrown away everything important in my life for a thrill. I was totally helpless, with only a thread to cling to, my trust in Michelle. But I’d never told her what I knew, that Brett had no intention of letting her come home. He planned to take her away from me. Kristen had told me he could and would do it, and I naively believed he couldn’t. He’d already started, by cutting us off from each other and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop it!

I didn’t get any sleep the rest of the night. When I stumbled out of bed in the morning, I realized that nothing had changed from when she left. I’d already known exactly what was going to happen, that she’d be cut off from me, that I’d be here alone fretting about her faithfulness. I just hadn’t realized how strongly the fact that I wouldn’t be able to contact her would hit me.

It was Monday, there wasn’t any way I could go to work after not sleeping and worrying about Michelle, so I called my office and told them I wasn’t feeling well. Then I remembered that Brett had e-mailed Michelle a phone number I could call in case of an emergency. I was actually kind of glad I hadn’t remembered it last night. I’d probably have made a fool of myself blubbering incoherently. Yes, I was still scared of losing her, but the feeling of intense panic was gone. That had been the most frightful night of my life.

At least the panic was gone for a few minutes until I thought again about how wonderfully Michelle described Brett, and that I wouldn’t be able to communicate with her at all for the next month. I fought the urge to call that emergency number. I counted to ten, then to a hundred to calm myself again. I knew that unless I lied and told whoever answered that I’d injured myself badly or one of Michelle’s parents had died, that she’d never get the message anyway. I realized that, short of a real emergency, I simply had no way to contact my wife, and I may as well face that reality.

The next month loomed like an eternity in front of me. I realized it wouldn’t do me any good to sit around the lonely house and moping, so after lunch, I dragged myself to work and told them I was feeling better.

The next several days were a hell I hadn’t even imagined. When Michelle had gone to Las Vegas with Shaun, I was lonesome at home, but at least knew I could call and talk to her. This time, it was a void like she didn’t exist anymore. The house was cold and lonely whenever I was at home. I subsisted on McDonald’s, day after day. Anything I ate tasted more like cardboard than food, so what did it matter? I wished I had some idea what Michelle was doing. I had friends, but none I could talk about this with, not even Ginger or Eric.

I remembered one thing I’d vowed to do after Michelle left. Wednesday after work, I called Diana. I told her I knew a really nice, single guy, and wondered if she’d be interested in another blind date. She was apprehensive, but I did my best to assure her that she’d like him and stressed that he was single. I was pleased that she finally agreed she’d go out with him if he called. Then I repeated the call, with much the same kind of conversation to Shaun. I didn’t do that because I wanted him to break up with Michelle. The opposite was true, I liked her going out with and sleeping with him. All he finally said was that he’d think about it. I wasn’t going to worry about it, I’d done my good deed for the week. Although if it worked out, Michelle might not consider it such a good deed when she gets home. Then my reality hit me again and I changed my thought to “if” she gets home.

Friday after work I decided maybe a little company would help. In a way, I didn’t want to go to any square dances because I knew I’d need to make up a lie about where Michelle was for so long. I went anyway and invented a fib about her grandma being really sick and only having a little while left. How lame was that!

I’d hoped that Eric and Ginger would be there, but they weren’t. There were two single ladies that I danced with quite often, so at least I had dance partners. It helped my loneliness being around friends, but I knew that afterward I was going home to that lonely house, and that took away about ninety percent of the fun.

After I climbed into my bed, I did what I figured any sane human in my condition might do; I started counting the plaster splatters on the ceiling. There were a lot more than I’d ever suspected, over two hundred in just a couple square feet. Then I started to calculate in my head how many that would be in the whole room and finally gave up.

I wondered what Michelle might be doing. She left five days before the cruise so that either means she was with Brett now, or it might be tomorrow. If she was with him now, it was a sure bet what she was doing right at that instant! Then I had a thought how I could connect with her a little bit. It seemed a little perverted, but so be it!

I went to her lingerie drawer where all her new nighties were stacked so neatly inside. I thought that the feel of one of her silk ones on my hands and face would help me picture her. She’d neatly stacked the silk one I wanted, the one she wore the last night before she left, on top of the pile. The first thing I noticed was the fragrance of perfume wafting out of her drawer. It was one I hadn’t smelled before and it was gloriously feminine! I ran the back of my hand over the soft material, then went to pick it up. I was confused; there was something hard and crinkly inside it. When I picked it up, an envelope fell out on the floor with my name on it. I picked it up and looked at it, it was sealed with “Robert”, neatly written on the front with Michelle’s handwriting.

I took it and the nightgown, and sat down on the bed. The only thing that went through my mind was a “Dear John” letter she’d written before she left. I tried to remember her the day she left. She’d seemed cold and distant, or was that just my imagination from the façade that we’d had to create to comply with Brett’s contract?

It’d be easier if I drank, I could drown myself in a bottle and ease my fears before opening it. As it was, though, I’d just make myself sick. I’d be ashamed and throwing up.

My hands were shaking, and tears were already forming in my eyes when I tore it open. There was a single piece of stationery folded inside. I slowly unfolded it and started reading, “My dear husband, Robert, I know we won’t be able to talk, so I thought about how I might still be able to communicate with you when I’m gone. I’m going to hide this letter where I hope you’ll find it when you get lonely for me. I want you to know how much I love you. I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but I hope you do.” I smiled at that and wiped the tears from my cheeks. “I hope you’re enjoying spending lots of time with Diana, especially in bed with her. I have to admit that fixing you up with her wasn’t altogether altruistic of me. I don’t want to be worrying about you being alone all the time while I’m gone.”

“I also thought of a little game we can play, kind of together. I hid a few things around the house where you can have a kind of scavenger hunt and I’ll be able to think about you finding them. There are three more envelopes in the drawer, inside my nighties underneath where you found this one. Don’t touch them yet! Wait a week in-between looking at each envelope. That’ll give you something to look forward to.”

“For now, though, there’s another envelope on the bottom, left side of my underwear drawer. I think you’ll like looking there, and I hope you’ll like what’s in the envelope. Love, Michelle.” She’d made a little happy face under her name. There was a short “PS” underneath her signature, “Oh, I hope you can still smell the perfume. It’s one that I thought Brett might like. I wanted to share it with you too.”

My mood had brightened about a thousand percent! I practically ran back over to her chest of drawers and found the envelope. She was right, I did enjoy pawing through her drawer full of bikinis, thongs, and bras. There was a big manila envelope where she said it’d be, with another regular envelope taped to the front that said, “Open me first”.

The stationery inside read, “I thought about having these professionally made but decided it’d be more fun if Shaun took them. Besides, I knew you’d enjoy thinking about how much Shaun and I wanted to play, but couldn’t. Enjoy!”

I unclasped the manila envelope. There were several 8x10 portraits of Michelle dressed in the nightgown her first letter was in. There were several different kinds of poses. All of them were sexy, some more than others. In one, she had a saucy, come-hither look on her face with her fingers pulling the gown up on one side just enough to reveal her waxed pussy. Her hair was pushed to one side, draping over the front of her shoulder adding to the sexiness. In another, the gown was pushed down with both her bare boobs poking out above it. Shaun must have been going crazy taking these photos!

I checked the time and realized Walmart was still open, so jumped in the car and bought a bunch of picture frames. As soon as I got home, I carefully put each photo in a frame and placed them around the house, where I could always see one; in the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room etc. The thought that anyone else coming in the house could also see them didn’t even enter my mind. I folded the nightgown, putting it on my nightstand with the picture of her holding the hem of her gown up with her fingertips on top of it. The one with her bare boobs went on the nightstand on the other side of the bed, so I could see one or the other no matter which way I was laying. I even thought about putting one on the ceiling. It would sure be better than counting plaster splatters!

Then I have to admit I almost went back to her lingerie drawer for the next envelope. I didn’t know if I’d be able to wait another week! That was the first night since Michelle had left that I went to bed with a smile on my face.

The next day, Saturday, I knew that Michelle would be with her lover. I couldn’t help but wonder what her first time with him would be like, after abstaining for so long.

Saturday evening I decided to treat myself to a decent dinner for a change and went to the Olive Garden for lasagna. I would have loved to go to the Black Angus and have Trisha for my waitress, but in the sexually frustrated situation I was in, didn’t think it’d be a good idea. If she hadn’t gone back to her husband, I would have in a heartbeat, and hopefully brought her home with me. Damn husbands!

The next several days were much easier to take. I knew I had something to look forward to in only a week. I wondered if it was more pictures of Michelle or something else I’d love. The house still felt lonely, but I had those pictures to look at wherever I went in the house. Of course, in a way, it didn’t help that I knew another man was now getting to see her the same way, even much more provocatively ... in person ... and making love with her whenever they wanted.

By the middle of the next week, my loneliness was starting to hit me really hard again. I knew what I had to look forward to on Friday, but that still seemed like a long time yet and it still wasn’t my Michelle! She was off on a romantic holiday with her hot stud that wanted to take her away from me!

Friday evening, I vacillated between going square dancing and staying home with my scavenger hunt. I decided that I could have both, my surprise from Michelle just delayed a little. I was glad I did go to the dance, Ginger and Eric were there this time. Eric and I took turns dancing with Ginger and the other women. The single ladies in our club are all much older, as is typical of most square dance clubs. It’s rare to be blessed with a young, attractive single girl like Jacqui had been when she was in Kennewick. God, I missed her! If only she hadn’t been transferred away, she’d be here with me now!

The only problem with dancing with Ginger was my heightened sexual sensitivity. Every touch sent an electric shock through me to my cock. It’s hard to square dance with your cock hard the whole time. I’d learned that in Reno with Jacqui (and HOW I learned it!), but it’s a little more uncomfortable in your own club, with people you dance with all the time.

After the dance, several in the club wanted to go to Shari’s Restaurant for dessert. I wanted to go home but thought it’d be rude to not go along. Besides, Ginger wanted me to go and who was I to deny her the pleasure of my company. Maybe she’d want to send Eric home and accompany me to my house. Dreamer! Unfortunately, it didn’t happen. I ended up going home alone after eating my caramel pecan pie. Oh, the sacrifices we must make!

When I got home, I went straight to Michelle’s lingerie drawer again and pulled out her next silk nightie. That sweet perfume was a little weaker, but it still almost did me in. I was ready for the envelope this time and it didn’t make it to the floor. I also wasn’t afraid to open it, like the first one. It contained a short note: “Dear husband, I’m not sure whether to trust you or not. Did you wait a week, or go straight back to the drawer? If you went back to the drawer without waiting, close the damn drawer and go in the other room to calm down. Don’t spoil the game. If you were a good boy and did wait, check the next nightie down, Michelle.” Arghhh, she’s killing me!

I put that gown under the other picture on Michelle’s nightstand and pulled out the next one in the pile, being careful again to not let my precious envelope fall on the floor. I opened the folded stationery and read her note: “Sweetheart, you know how much I love you. Check under the big shoe box on my side of the closet. Love, your wife.” It was followed by another happy face.

I didn’t remember a big shoe box. She has lots of shoe boxes scattered around. I checked her closet and found several on the shelf over our clothes. One was a little bigger so I peeked under it. Sure enough, there was another, smaller manila envelope with a regular white one taped to the front. I knew the routine this time and opened the white one.

There were two pages of folded stationery. I started reading Michelle’s neat handwriting, “Sweetheart, I’ve read the stories you’ve published and noticed one thing over and over again. You enjoy being jealous of other men with me. If you actually waited a week from the first envelope, you know that I’m with Brett now, very likely as you read this, making love with him, or dancing with him, or snuggled up in his arms sleeping, or just gazing into his eyes before our loving kiss. Whatever we’re doing, you can be assured that I’ll be loving it.”

“I thought you should know a little more about the man than I’d told you about before. I told you that he was a fantastic lover that one night. If anything, I downplayed what it was like. Right now, writing this, my pussy is absolutely drenched from wanting him inside me. I’ve been imagining what our first time is going to be like and I can hardly wait. I know it’s going to be like nothing else on earth.”

“Ever since I met him, I wondered why he’s still single. I’ve been insisting I can resist him, but the closer the time comes, the more I wonder if I can. Maybe he won’t be single much longer, Hmm? I’m hopeful you and Diana are getting along as well as I’m expecting.” What the fuck? Did she just tell me that she really fixed us up in case she left me? That really worked out well didn’t it!

“You like to picture me making love with other men. I thought a picture of him would help you to visualize him making love with your loving wife, so I asked him to send me one. It’s in the manila envelope if you want to see. I hope you do, I want you to see what a handsome man I’m making love with several times a day. I guess the fact that he’s rich, charming and about every sexy adjective I can think of doesn’t hurt either, does it? I’m going to have to take a break from writing this, I’m getting close to coming without even touching myself.” If my Michelle is trying to make me jealous, it’s damn well working! And what the hell is this statement that he might not be single much longer?

“I’m back, calmed down a little bit, but still horny! I guess that’s what he wanted with making us stay away from each other that long. You should know that it’s working, and very well!”

“When he sent the picture, he told me a little about the cruise. It’s a honeymoon cruise with all adults and designed to be romantic. I’ll be posing as his newlywed wife, Mrs. Brett McKenzie. I’m pretty sure I’ll be wearing his wedding ring too. He said we’ll be stopping at lots of romantic resorts as well.”

“Now that you know what a sex god your wife is with while you read this, go ahead and check out his picture. Your loving and horny wife, Michelle.”

Oh crap! How the hell am I supposed to process that? I know she’s just pulling my chain ... at least I think so. Crap, I didn’t know what the hell to think after reading that! How the hell does little old Robert Fields, Building Official, compete with someone like that?

My hands were shaking again when I opened the manila envelope and took out the picture of Brett. Another little paper fell on the floor. Shit, she wasn’t exaggerating even a tiny bit, he’s damn good looking. If I had to think of someone people might relate to, I’d say he looked a lot like Mike Weatherly, of NCIS, except with a neatly trimmed beard, and little flecks of gray in his hair and beard. Damn, that’s the guy I sent my wife off with on a romantic, month-long cruise. What a friggin idiot I am! And not a damn thing I can do about it now!

I picked up the little paper that fell on the floor. She’d written, “The beard? It tickles and feels so good ‘down there’.” Shit, not only was I scared beyond words again, but my cock was raging hard!

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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