My First Secondment - Cover

My First Secondment

Copyright© 2020 by Zak

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - My life on Secondment, how I met the wonderful stacey and then met her mom, who really did have it going on

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   White Male   White Female   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

The doorbell being rung over and over and over again awoke me; I got out of my bed and peered out of the window, it was raining cats and dogs. Sarah was standing at my door; I could see her face was red and her hands were balling in and out of fists. This was an incredibly angry woman. I look over at the bedside clock; it was seven-thirty so I must have slept through my morning alarm.

I thought about ignoring and allowing her time to calm down, but she glanced up and saw me looking down at her. She waved up at me...

Bugger there was no way I could not answer the door now I thought to myself, I waved back at her and mouthed the words “I won’t be too long.”

I grabbed a t-shirt and pulled it over my head before heading down the stairs. I stood behind the door in my boxers and t-shirt and took a deep breath. I was worried about what she was going to say and how she might react. If she knew about my relationship with Stacey this could get messy!

I opened the front door and she stared at me; tears were running down her cheeks. She was dressed in a blouse and jeans; both were soaked through as the rain poured down.

“I need to talk to you about something, “she said as she brushed past me into the kitchen, she was obviously incredibly angry. Only one thought entered my head, she definitely knew about Stacey and me. I followed her into the kitchen; she was soon dripping rainwater all over the tiles. I could sense from her body language she was seething inside. I grabbed a towel from a drawer and passed it to her as she sat down.

“Thank you,” she said as she took it from me.

“Would you like a cup of tea?” I said as she wiped tears and raindrops from her face.

“No, I don’t want a fucking cup of tea” she growled. My heart skipped a beat.

I sat on the opposite side of the table; the room seemed exceedingly small all of a sudden.

“So, Stacey got home safe and sound and then she dropped a bombshell,” Sarah said, the anger in her voice was obvious.

“Okay...” I replied, unsure what to say. My head was spinning, and my throat was dry. I slipped my hands under the table and gripped my thighs. I did not want her to see that I was shaking.

“So, what has she told you?” I asked I could hear my own voice and it was full of nerves.

Sarah was now sobbing, normally I would have moved around to console her but in current circumstances, and I guessed it was not the right thing to do. She looked me in the face, and I could see the anger and the hurt in her eyes. My shoulders drooped at what was about to happen, I never meant to hurt either of them and the look on Sarah’s face told me I had.

“I’ll fucking tell you what she told me,” Sarah said, anger clouding her normally gorgeous face.

The room fell silent...

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and could feel my chest rising and falling.

“She told me ... She told me she is going to live with him ... in fucking Spain!” she spat out and then her head dropped to the table and the room was filled with the sound of her sobs.

“They have got the idea that they can run a bar over there and have a great life together “she sniffed.

I let out an audible sigh of relief. My shoulders lifted and I sensed my breathing start to return to its regular rhythm. After what seemed like an hour but was no more than a few seconds I got out of my chair and moved around to Sarah’s side of the table and wrapped my arms around her. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

She cried on my shoulder for a good ten minutes, and then she pushed me away.

“I am sorry to drop this on you, but I don’t know who else to talk to, “she said as she stroked my arm.

I smiled at her but did not have the words to say anything. I kissed her forehead. If only she knew...

“I need to visit the loo,” she said, and she got up and headed upstairs. I dropped some bread into the toaster ready to toast and filled the kettle.

A good twenty minutes passed before Sarah came back down into the kitchen. She had washed her face and was smiling. Nothing was said between us, nothing had to be said she just stood before me and took me in her arms. We hugged for a few minutes before she stepped away from me. I kissed her on the cheek and asked if she was okay.

“Does that offer of a cup of tea still on?” she said. She sat down as I switched on the toaster and made a pot of tea.

As I busied myself, Sarah told me all about Stacey’s homecoming. She had come from the airport and started to pack her clothes and possessions into black bags. She told her mom that she was going to live with Dave, her old school friend, and then they had both been offered jobs working in a bar. The job came with a flat and both Stacey and Dave seemed to think they could make a go of things Sarah thought it was a backwards step and not a good career move for her daughter.

I thought the same to be fair. Stacey had a good job and was well-liked in the company and she could go far. In my mind, wandering off to Spain to do bar work with a person she hardly knew was not a good plan. But hey when I was her age, I might have made the same choice if I had been offered the chance.

I spent a good half an hour trying to console and calm down Sarah but to be honest, she was seething, and I was not sure that anything I said or did would make her change her mind or her views.

Her mobile phone beeped announcing the arrival of a text message. She opened and it and her face clouded over.

“Shit it’s my boss at the farm shop, I am late for work,” she cried looking at her wristwatch, “As if things could not get any worse!”

“I’ll give you a lift “, said I, trying as always, the valiant gent!

“No, it’s okay I will call a taxi “she replied.

“No arguing “I replied and headed off to get dressed.

She followed me up the stairs.

“Can I be a pain in the arse and borrow a t-shirt?” she asked. Hers was obviously still damp and covered in makeup. She stripped off the blouse and stood before me, her bra barely concealing her big boobs. She fixed her makeup while I found her a t-shirt. I then grabbed some jeans and training shoes and was ready to go in five minutes flat.

So, I gave her a lift to work and she kissed me before she got out of the car

“You’re a great bloke, Zak!” she said and gave me a wink.

“I try Sarah, I really do” I replied, “Shall I pick you up at the end of your shift”

“If you don’t mind,” she said with a warm smile, “I should be done by five-thirty”

I watched as she walked across the car park to the farm shop, she wiggled her arse as if she knew I was watching her.

I went home and started to make myself a coffee before firing up my laptop. As windows loaded up my house phone rang.

It was Stacey

“Hey Zak, hope you are okay, “she said, her voice was full of sadness and it sounded like she had been crying.

“Hi Stacey, I am great thanks and how are you” I replied, it was good to hear her voice.

“Not so good, can I come round to see you?” she asked. My nerves were jangling, what if Stacey had found out about me and her mom?

“Of course, you can,” I said casting my eye around the kitchen.

“Cool, I will see you in ten minutes!” she said and hung up.

For two or three minutes my head span, what did she want to see me for, what was she going to do or say?

I dashed around the house, washed the cups and plates Sarah and I had used, ran upstairs, and hide the wet blouse she had left. I checked the bathroom in case she had let any evidence of her being there.

Stacey rang the front doorbell around fifteen minutes after she had called. I ran downstairs and opened the door and she stepped in. She looked hot, fucking hot. Her holiday in Spain had obviously included a lot of time sunbathing. Her low-cut top showed a lot of bronze cleavage and my cock twitched.

She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. It was a little cooler than our last meeting.

I ushered her inside.

“Do you fancy a cup of tea?” I enquired as we walked into the kitchen.

“Oh yes please, “she said and turned to face me.

“Thank you so much for sorting out our money issues,” she said and kissed me on the lips, “you’re a great bloke Zak”

Now, where had I heard that before it thought to myself? The kiss had been electrifying and as I started to make the tea I wondered if Stacey had popped around for another session in my bed.

As I placed the tea down in front of her Stacey handed me an envelope, I did not open it. The money was the least of my worries at that moment.

“That’s half the cash you sent, my aunt Linda said she will sort out the other half later this week,” she told me as I sipped my tea.

“It’s cool honestly “I started to say, but she interrupted me

“No aunty Linda told me she wants to pay you and thank you personally, “she said, “she lives in London, but she is in town later this week for work”

“Please tell her it really doesn’t matter,” I said and smiled at Stacey.

“She is insistent zak,” Stacey said and flashed me that smile, the smile that she and her mum shared.

“Okay if she is in town, “I said with a smile, “Give her my number”

“We all agree that if it had not been for you that holiday would have ended very differently “Stacey replied and slipped her hand into mine.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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