Fear of Fucking - Cover

Fear of Fucking

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A mature Hispanic housekeeper is worried about something. Her Fifty-year-old male client seeks to help her and it gets both rewarding and complicated.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Tear Jerker   Sharing   Interracial   Hispanic Female   First   Oral Sex   Nudism   .

Rosie, short for Rosita, has been my housekeeper for about three months. She is Hispanic, I’m guessing around thirty, nice looking but a bit pudgy like many are, and a good personality. Good English, having been born and raised in the US. We would always visit a bit as she did her thing around me since I work at home, especially with this damned virus in full swing.

It was one day of the twice a week, Monday and Thursday, she would be here in the afternoons, when she seemed to be moping. She usually fixed my dinner so I asked her to fix for two and stay a bit. I was her last client for the day so she agreed. I split a beer with her and we visited a bit more than usual. “Rosie, what is going on? You are not as happy and lively as usual.”

“Mister Clyde, it is nothing.”

“It sure seems to be something or I wouldn’t have noticed. Please share with me.”

She seemed tense, “It might be embarrassing.”

“At my age nothing can embarrass me.”

That got a smile, “It is me that would be embarrassed, not you.”

“Try anyway.”

She braced herself, “It is about my boyfriend. I think he is the best one I have ever had and he wants to be intimate with me. I am resisting because I have never been intimate with any man.” She got a bit red under her light brown skin.

I asked to confirm, “You are a virgin, then.” She nodded. I continued, “That is unusual but I did a virgin who was 33 once.” She looked at me with wide eyes. I asked, “Can you tell me why you still are? I am not being judgmental, just very curious.”

She relaxed, now that this was out in the open. “My boyfriend does not know why I am resisting and I worry that if I don’t do it soon he will leave me for another woman who doesn’t resist. He has had them before, I know.” She thought for a minute then continued, “There are several reasons I can think of. I am Catholic and the church is very stern about unmarried sex, my mother is also and has often made sure that I know that, not letting me even date until I was eighteen and then insisting on approving the boy, and finally, I know little about a man’s body and how sex works since my Catholic school and my mother have withheld that from me.”

I digested this and said gently, “I do understand. I was once Catholic so can relate to it.” A pause. “Do you like and trust me enough to help you with what you have told me?”

She looked at me, “I never thought of that. Do you think you could?”

“I’ve been through enough relationships including marriage that I have learned probably enough to help.”

She sat back, “Let me think about it and I will tell you next time.”

“Then can I plan on dinner together and you staying a while? I enjoy your company since I do not have any other female companionship at this time.” She hugged me as she left, a first.

It was Thursday and I had bought the supplies for a nice non-Hispanic meal. Nothing was discussed as she worked but when that was done we changed from client to friend mode. I offered a glass of white wine to go with the chicken dish as she began cooking. We could converse much of the time then. She had been accustomed to beer so I had to ask her to try the wine and she said it was something to get used to. I smiled, “There are many things in life to get used to and it is important for you to be willing to try them. Have you thought about what we talked about on Monday?”

She didn’t look at me as she responded, having to attend to her cooking. “I have and it is important for me to learn things, as you have said. If you can be careful with me I will become a student, something I haven’t been since high school.”

I hugged her from behind. “I will be careful and will tell you the day before what it is I would like to get you comfortable with the next time. All you have to do if you aren’t is say ‘STOP’ and I will. Is that good?”

“Oh yes, Mister Clyde, that is good.”

“Please just call me ‘Clyde’, OK?”

We had a good dinner and talked of her a bit. When it was time for her to leave I asked, “Can I start something now ... kissing like your boyfriend would like? During all of this I want you to think of me as a boyfriend so you will be comfortable with him. After we do something here it would be good to then use it with him and he will stay interested, I think.”

She nodded so I gave her a French kiss and she got it and hugged me while our mouths and tongues danced. The last thing I said to her was, “Next time we will work on you being undressed in front of him.” She gasped a little but looked determined and nodded.

On Thursday she asked me when she first arrived about being undressed, now or later? I said it was up to her but she could start with just her top off and I would do the same. It was warm enough to work that way. I appreciated her determination and she turned around to take off her blouse and bra, then slowly turned back to me. They were full and pendulous with dark areolae and nipples jutting out. Her face was a bit flushed but she started to her work without a word. I resisted staring when she was close by as I was working.

At five o’clock I got her a beer and asked her how she felt about being topless. She said it was actually kind of fun from just the feeling of freedom and a bit exciting to because I could see her. I smiled and asked if she was ready to uncover the rest while she cooked. She gulped and wondered if she’d be so distracted by seeing me that the cooking might not go well.

“Good observation, Rosita. How about doing it when dinner is ready and we’ll have a toast to a big breakthrough for you?” She agreed and, when the food was on the table, she dropped her jeans and panties without turning around. I took my shorts off and my cock was filled enough to point straight out with a curve. Her eyes widened until I sat down and it was hidden. My eyes often went to her lovely bosom now and my cock filled but she couldn’t see it until I stood up to clear the table. Another small gasp. I was her first look at a hard one, I guessed. I just played casual and it wilted. We visited for a while and she sat carefully so I couldn’t glimpse much of her pussy. That was ok for now.

When she departed we had our first naked hug with the tongue kisses and my swelling organ bumped against her pubes Her nipples were hard points on my chest. “Next time we will do some touching to learn how that can bring great pleasures.” Then she dressed and left. I beat my meat.

On Monday she stripped as soon as she arrived and I worked with a hardon for much of the time she was there. At five we started on dinner as usual and it seemed we found ways to rub up against each other during that process. She seemed more relaxed too so I asked her how her weekend had gone. “I spent some time in my room naked which I have never done before and when everyone was gone I went around the house that way too. I did date Brad (her boyfriend) and we did the tongue kissing but there was no good place to get naked with him. He might have taken that to mean more than I was ready for too.” I nodded.

We sat on the couch and I told her to start at my hair and touch me with her fingertips, gently rubbing me every little place too. I sat with my back to her first and she worked her way to my buns so I stood up and she went all the way down to my heels. Then I turned around so she could do the front. My cock stood out proudly and expectantly. A couple of times it was ticklish so I asked her to press more firmly. When she got to my waist she had to squat down and my erection was in her face. She paused but kept going when it was where her fingers would explore next. It felt SOOO god. It had been a very long time since others had touched it. On down to my toes and then it was her turn to be touched.

“Would you rather lie down,” I asked. She nodded so I spread a towel out on the carpet and she laid face down. I heard some pleasure noises as I mixed in a little massage as I moved down her body. There were some soft humming sounds too. The she had to turn over. After I did her face and neck she asked for a pillow under her head so she could see the rest. I so wanted to suck on those lovely big hard nipples but that would be for next time. I had to urge her to part her thighs when I go to that part and I made sure her pussy got well touched in all the sensitive places. She had difficulty holding still, especially when I got her off with touches to her clit. I didn’t let her protest, just paused while she settled down to keep going to her toes. She was breathing hard.

“I didn’t expect that to feel so good!” she remarked. I gave her a tongue kiss and said I’d liked it too. Time to leave again. I told her that there were even more intimate ways to touch so be ready for some more pleasure. I’d keep her wondering.

Thursday was off to a good start with a tight naked hug to start her wok time and then a good frozen pizza and beer. Two brews each by the time we got to “lessons”. She had to pee and I followed her into the bathroom saying, “No secrets now!” It took her a bit to relaxed and I insisted she keep her thighs spread so I could see the yellow stream flowing. Then I had her push my half-hard cock down with her hand and I had to relax to let mine flow. She had fun moving the stream around the bowl.

I took her to the bed this time and started today’s “lesson”. I used mostly my mouth, kissing many places, especially ones that were erogenous zones and she immediately got sensitive to what was doing and let out assorted sounds. Kissing the curves of her breasts made the sounds louder and when I reached the “mountain peaks” they really took off. Nibbles were added to kisses and sucks and tongue licks. I could tell she regretted when I moved lower. Some tickling as I tongued her belly button and kissed her thighs. It was “difficult to hold still” time when my lips and tongue began by sucking on her projecting inner lips and tasting the plentiful and nicely scented fluid issuing from her glands. My tongue doing work on her outer lips and then pushing in as far as it could made her hips shake. Finally getting to her projecting clit set her off and she clamped her thighs on the sides of my head and shook as she moaned in orgasm.

I moved up to hold her and fill her mouth with the tongue that had just been in her wet pussy. It took her a moment to realize she was tasting her own stuff for the first time but she didn’t pull back. Gawd I wanted to slide in that pussy! We just skipped me going down to her feet. She wanted to do me!

I was pleased at her patience as she copied what I had done but I knew she really wanted to get to my erection and balls. She started with kisses on the pee hole and down each side as she held my balls with her other hands. The licking it and finally putting the mushroom in her mouth to suck and roll her tongue around on. I finally had to ask her to move on so I didn’t explode in there but she looked up at me and kept on and smiled after I unloaded. “You tasted me so I wanted to taste you. You get a kiss too.” Yup, I did. We called it quits after that. Time to go. I advised her that my plan called of getting our parts together on Monday. She just nodded.

I dwelled on that all weekend and wondered how much of what she had learned she would use with her boyfriend on their date. We hadn’t talked much about it. I hoped some because I would ask before we got started with Monday’s “lesson”.

When we finished a hurried dinner I asked. She seemed so much more confident now and smiled as she answered. “I think it is working. We got naked for the first time after getting back to his place and was delighted when I sucked on his cock which is about the size of yours. When I made him shoot in my mouth he was amazed. I told him I hadn’t done it much but no details and he said it was really good and he wanted to pay me back. He’s a good “pussy-eater”, I think you called it. He wanted more but I said that I wanted to get comfortable with what we just did. No promises. Isn’t full sex what you meant for today?”

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