Appalachian Pickup - Cover

Appalachian Pickup

by Akarge

Copyright© 2020 by Akarge

Humor Sex Story: Just a simple pickup at a high school Science Fair. Some stereotyping may have taken place. A Swarm Cycle story.

Caution: This Humor Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Grand Parent   Harem   .

Charleston, West Virginia

“So, you got an Honorable Mention, huh? Any money in those?” Joe Don Kinney was still trying to figure out exactly what his son’s Science Fair Experiment was about. “An Examination of Replicator Enhancement in Photo-Catalytic Water Purification Methods.” He had figured out that it might have something to do with those confounded Alien Replicators, and something to do with cleaning up the water, but he still could not figure out how a camera was involved at all.

“Pa! It’s not about money. Well, not much. I might get some college scholarship money in a couple years, especially if I have a good experiment next year, too. The judges all said it was a good idea, but they wanted a proof of concept, and well, no one would let me borrow a replicator.”

Luke Kinney was more than a bit ashamed right now. Part of it was that he had not won his tech group at the West Virginia State Science Fair. Well, he was only just sixteen and he was from a small, poor school. He knew that, but it still was disappointing. What was really embarrassing though, was that his entire family was here and they all seemed so dumb. Normally it did not bother him, but today they were all here and everyone else here was, ... well, educated. None of his family understood his exhibit, at all. Not his Pa, Uncle Owen or Aunt Beryl. His older brother and sister were pretty clueless as well. Ma and Grampa Garth could almost follow along, but neither had the education or the words. His cousin Carrie Sue seemed to have a glimmer, as well. In fact, the only person that he knew in all of Pocahontas County that really understood it was his science teacher, Miss Lee. He knew his Pa was a hard worker, and a good person, but he’d always wondered where he had gotten his smarts from. Well, people always said he took more after his Ma’s side of the family.

The intercom kicked on. “May I have your attention please?” Luke looked around. He wondered what the announcement was for. Judging was done and the awards had been given out. Once he got a chance to talk to Miss Lee again, it would be time to start packing up. They had all just been walking around for the last hour, looking at the other exhibits. “I am Sergeant Klein of the Confederacy Space Marines. This is a pickup operation. Please be calm and we can be done with this quickly.” Oh! Oh, phooey!

His Pa immediately let everyone around him know that he was completely uninformed, by yelling out, “This is , West Virginny, sonny! We never joined the Confederacy!” Well, at least he knew his state history.

“Pa, it’s not the South. It’s the Space Marines.” Luke checked his wallet. Yup, he had remembered his card. “They are here for me and everyone with CAP cards with a 6.5 or higher. We have to go into space with some women for sex. Well and a job, too.”

“Oh? Hey, I got me one of those!” Luke watched as his Pa, his Grampa, and his Uncle Owen all pulled out their CAP cards.

His brother Joe Bob searched his wallet but came up short.

A couple of Marines showed up at the edge of the group. “Any weapons?” They seemed alert.

“Left the shotguns in the truck,” his Pa said. His brother reluctantly turned over his lock blade. No one else had anything.

“Ok,” the Marine said, “Luke Kinney?” He was looking at a smart phone looking thing. The news reports called them PDAs, which stood for Personal Data Assistant.

Luke handed over his card. The Marine glanced at it and his PDA. “7.0, not bad. You get four concubines. No one else here with a score higher than 6.4?” He pointed to another Marine and then down at Luke’s feet. Obviously, that Marine was now posted here. However, as the first one started to step away, Luke’s Pa spoke up in a slow, smiling type drawl. “Wealll there, sonny, not so fast. I got me a fifteen and a half.” Before Luke and the Marines could finish their double take, Uncle Owen spoke up. “Mine’s a fourteen.” Then Grampa Garth announced that he had a twenty-two. They all three held out their cards. Joe Bob grumbled. “ Sheeoot! I left mine at home, but it was only a thirteen if’n I recollect.”

Suddenly there seemed to be a lot more Marines surrounding them, all pointing their nasty looking little stinger guns at Luke’s elders. “Pa, where did y’all get those cards?” Luke asked carefully, while holding his hands well out in plain sight.

“Bought them from Mr. Drucker over at the Marlinton General Store ‘bout a couple year ago. He said you didn’t need one since you weren’t even thirteen yet. Must’a been over three years then, I guess. He said the higher up the number, the better it were and them revenuers needed everyone to have one. Now, I don’t really cotton to government types making us do stuff, but you know we’re law abiding people. We picked them so’s the oldest got the high ones and Drucker just printed them out on a machine, easy as pie. Looks like you didn’t pay much for yours. Only a seven?”

“Pa, the numbers are only supposed to go to ten! And you have to take a test to get them, like a driving test, but harder. Yours are all fakes. I got mine at the school last year when we had the County Science Fair. They brought in a mobile testing unit.” He looked at the Marines. “It’s serious, right?”

“Yeah, we have to punish anyone with counterfeits.” The Maine looked kind of embarrassed at the situation.

“But, you do know they had no clue what they were even for?” He glanced at his elder’s cards. “And they don’t even look like the real thing.”

“Sorry, kid. We have to do something. Jail at least, maybe. No one can be seen to get by unpunished.”

Luke thought furiously. “Well, then...” Suddenly he had it. “Ok, they stay, obviously, and uhh, you take their women folk.” He seemed to just now realize what he had just said as he looked at his mother, sister, aunt and cousin. “Oops.”

“Well, none of the women have cards, either. We can take concubines without them nowadays, but people generally want to screen in advance so they know what they are getting. We can’t let people think they are getting a pig in a poke.”

“Hey, now, whose women are you calling a pig,” yelled his Pa, as he caught up a bit, “An’ what makes you think you can just take our women by putting a bag over them?”

Luke rounded on his father. “Pa! Shut Up! They are trying to decide whether they’ll have to kill y’all for having those stupid, fake cards, or just send you to jail for a few years. Now shut it, and let me fix this.”

It was the first time Luke had ever yelled at him and he had never, ever, told an elder to shut it as far as Joe Don knew. Pa blinked as he backed up a step from his youngest. That boy was not acting like the youngest and weakest right now. Looked like he had finally stepped into his grown up shoes. “Ok, son. I don’t understand.” He looked over at the exhibit. “I can’t figure you out most of the time, but you’re always right, I guess. Since you was a little tyke, even. But it looks like you done growed a pair. If’n you understand it, you fix it, Ok?”

Luke rounded on the Marine. “Look, I know them all. The women, I mean. If they go with me, you could let the guys go, right?”

“Well, Ok, but this is your family, right?” Luke nodded. “They all have to be willing to commit incest with you. There’s no medical problem, but...”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’ve been following the stories and doing research on the internet at the school library, especially since I got this card. Ok, Ma, Sis, do y’all understand what’s going on?”

His ma looked at the men folk and then at Luke. “Sort of. Your pa and the others did something they shouldn’t’ve. So now they have to get punished. And you are going to punish them by taking us instead of doing something else?”

“Well, yes’m. I’ll take y’all into space. Ah, and y’all become my women and have my babies. I get four women in space ‘cause o’ my score, and there are four of y’all. The little kids’ll all come with you as well. Uhh, you will get new medical care, so y’all’ll probably live to be well over a hundred. Carrie Sue and the kids might make it to one fifty or so. Me, too. You can have lots more babies and no worries about money to raise ‘em, or medical problems with them or you. And uh, well, you know you’ve thought I should be having more fun in the family. I’ll be in charge though. Absolutely in charge, like you are my slaves even.”

“Hey, Like we said, this here is West Virginia, Luke. There’s no slavery here,” said his Uncle Owen.

“Yeah, I know Uncle Owen, but that’s what it’s like. They need to know. I’m responsible for them, like they are my cattle, or my dogs. No offense, Ma. Anyway, they have to agree to go or they stay here and ... I don’t know what will happen to you, Grampa and Pa, if’n they won’t go, but it won’t be good.”

All the family members got together and talked it over. It seemed they all agreed. They turned back to Luke. “Ok, son,” said Joe Don Kinney. “We’ll miss your Ma, and the others, but I know you’ll take care of them. I been hearing about them Swarm critters and how the only safe place is off the planet.” He hugged his wife and daughter.

The Marine in charge cleared his throat. Luke realized they were back down to only three Marines nearby. “Ok, here’s the rules,” the Marine said. “Concubines, by which I mean you four ladies, have to take all of your clothes off before we get on the ship. Every stitch. Also, each of you needs to give your name and agree to become Luke’s concubine. He needs to agree to each of you in turn. Also, each of you needs to demonstrate that you are willing to commit an incestuous act. We find that this cuts down on problems later.”

“What’d he say, Hon?” Aunt Beryl asked Luke.

“Uhh, strip, say you are my slave and then have sex with me. Or maybe with each other. Right here. All four of you.”

“Well why didn’t he just say that?” She started to pull her clothes off. “I told you a year ago I’d be happy to show you what’s what. It’s a little early for Carrie Sue but I think she’s ready.” All four of the women were shedding their clothes so fast the marines were surprised.

Luke started to pull off his own clothes, but Carrie Sue showed up to help him get his pants down. She dropped to her knees as she pulled them down and then she inhaled his dick. She was only fourteen, but she had learned someplace. His sister Susannah showed up to help pull his shirt off. Then she rubbed her bare breasts against him and pushed him back against his display table. “Luke. I heard about these pickups and the Swarm in social studies. You’re taking us off world?” Luke could barely nod. ““Does it matter that I’m pregnant already?”

“No. Uhh, when did you get pregnant?”

His Ma suddenly was in front of them. “And who got you pregnant?” She turned on her husband in a fury. “Gol’ darn it, Joe Don. I told you not to put no babies in her until she was eighteen or married off.”

“It weren’t me! I just licked her and let her suck me. Just like you told me to. Well except her first time, but you helped with that one! And that was two years ago.”

“Ma, ‘tweren’t Pa.”

Ma rounded on Owen, who held up his hands. “Not me Sis! You and Beryl are enough for me and Carrie Sue’s only been draining me lately. She dearly loves sucking me dry. I haven’t touched Susannah since last summer. You remember. You and her woke me up afore church.”

Before Ma could turn around to Grampa, he said, “Nope, Princess. My lumbago’s been acting up, you know that. I ain’t covered a filly in two years. She does have a sweet mouth and titties though. Takes after her Ma, I guess.”

Before she could say anything to her oldest son, her daughter spoke again. “‘Twern’t family at all! It was Preacher Earl. And it must have been about two, three months ago.”

“How did that happen?” Ma asked.

“Well, it was at ladies’ choir tryouts. And after, for the special practice.” Susannah was twirling a lock of her long brown hair around her finger. The end was flicking Luke on his chest about one inch from where her nipple was pressed against his. Luke was trying to follow the conversation, but between Carrie Sue sucking and Susannah rubbing, he was barely keeping up.

“Preacher allowed as those ladies that were willing to help him out were helping to keep a parson at the church. Since it paid so poor an’ all. Fringe benefits he called it. So we all had a go while his wife played the pianer. Then she helped the married ladies clean up so’s their husbands wouldn’t wonder if they were stepping out. You know, she cleaned them all up with her tongue the same way you cleaned me up after Pa done made me a woman. An’ after the married ladies went home, she showed the rest of us how to do that to her an’ each other. Carrie Sue weren’t but fourteen, so her and a couple other young girls only sucked him off, but Charlene showed them all how to lick anyway. Carrie Sue got showed at least twice.” Carrie Sue held up her free hand and first put two, then three fingers in the air. “Ok, three times I guess. Charlene really likes lickin’ her.

“Anyway, remember how Carrie Sue and me, we went back every week for voice training? Preacher Earl, he said we had to learn to really sing out. So I sang out when he squirted in me, and Carrie Sue sung out when she got licked. One time, he was kinda tired, so we only did it twice, then we talked a bit while Charlene was larning Carrie Sue. Seems Charlene was a great helpmate for Preacher Earl in training girls to sing out. Said this was the best church they been in for trainin’ girls. He’s gonna miss us, I bet. I know I’ll miss Charlene.” Carrie Sue nodded and Luke erupted into her mouth. While he was still pumping sperm into her willing lips, Susannah leaned in to him and put a tongue into his ear. “So, any problems with me being pregnant, little brother?”

“No,” he gasped.

His Ma had settled down by now and she approached him from his free side. “So, son. All we’ve done before is I sucked you and tucked you in at night. You never wanted to sex your old mother, before.”

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