The Adventures of Tim Bodge - Cover

The Adventures of Tim Bodge

Copyright© 2020 by THodge

Chapter 79

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 79 - Tim is recovered from the escape pod and starts a new life. He meets the ship's AI and saves two felines.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Robot   Space   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Big Breasts   Nudism   Transformation   Violence   Illustrated  

Tim and the girls return along the pathway to the shuttle. They arrived at the clearing where soldiers were standing, diligently scanning the tree line for any indications of movement.

They heard a soldier yell, “Commander, someone is approaching the clearing. I believe it’s Tim and his team.”

Commander Anden-Aipas approached the soldier in order to ascertain whether it was Tim and his team. She caught sight of Tim emerging from the forest, accompanied by the rest of his team. She approached Tim and inquired, “Have you managed to locate the village?”

“Yes, we have obtained permission from the head fairy to construct and manage the MTS site.”

“Gento and his crew have begun transporting the necessary materials to initiate the MTS machine,” Commander Anden-Aipas stated.

Tim turned his gaze towards the commander and inquired, “Commander, has there been any recent activity observed at the pirate’s ship?”

“No, the TOC has placed probes all around the ship. They went as far as to position explosives near the engines.”

“Go ahead, I’ll return to the ship and take care of the remaining tasks. Please express our gratitude to the soldiers for their exceptional work.” Tim turned around and gestured for the girls to come with him.

Tim, Pauline, Shanae, and Connie boarded the shuttle went through the MTS, and returned to the Star Ship Gladiator 1. As Tim came through the MTS,

Wendy was standing there, and she asked her daddy, “Daddy did you see the fairies?”

Tim bent down, gently lifted her, and embraced her. He reassured her, saying, “Yes, I did see and spoke to the head fairy. We can visit him and the others later.” He carried her up to the bridge, where he settled into his captain’s seat. He looked at her and said, “Honey, I need you to be quiet while I get an update, okay?”

Wendy nodded and then leaned into his chest. “Sarha, could you please provide me with an update on the status of the pirate ship, as well as any measures we are taking to ensure the safety of our new members?”

“The current status of the pirate ship is that there are still one hundred and twenty-five individuals on board. I am unable to determine whether they are pirates or prisoners. Some are in a constant state of motion. The TOC positioned the probes adjacent to the engines. It appears that they are waiting for the individuals to come back.”

“In order to safeguard this planet, I have strategically placed fifteen probes in orbit. Certain probes are positioned in low orbit, allowing us to observe the ground area closely. I have had a conversation with the planet’s AI, and she has assured me that she will provide us with regular updates regarding the fairies and any issues they might encounter.”

“Are there any other important things that I should know about?” Tim asked as he looked down at Wendy sound asleep, lying against his chest.

A female bridge crew member approached Tim and kindly inquired, “Would you like me to take her to your quarters and return her to Deniece?”

Tim nodded and gently transferred Wendy into the arms of the woman. Wendy nestled into the woman’s arms and remained sound asleep.

Tim observed the female crewmember and Wendy departing from the bridge, then redirected his attention towards the view screen. “Sarah, I would like to see the pirate ship.”

The view screen lit up and showed a ship that Tim had never seen before.

Tim inquired, “Sarha, do you happen to know the type of ship that is?” He was fixated on it.

“No, Tim, I haven’t seen anything like it before. It is a brand-new ship. The company who owns that ship is very wealthy.”

“TOC, could you please let me know where you placed the explosive probes?”

“We positioned them at the back of the ship, next to the vents.”

“I believe it would be wise to deploy nano-bots to mine the area, as the ship appears to be strongly constructed.”

“Sarha, could you please call Areyaka and ask her to come to the bridge?” Tim was in disbelief as he gazed at what lay before him.

Areyaka walked onto the bridge and noticed the ship on the screen. She exclaimed, “Wow, someone must have found the money to purchase one of those!”

Tim gazed at her and inquired, “Have you encountered that ship previously?” With a look of surprise.

Areyaka glanced at Tim and replied, “I haven’t personally seen the ship, but we did have drawings of it in our files a few years ago. The company required a significant number of credits. The director doubted that anyone could have constructed something like that.”

“Well, someone did and now we have to take it out.” Tim looked at Areyaka and asked, “Can you hack into their systems?”

“Well, if I recall correctly. There is a universal port located next to the exhaust area. If we can obtain a transponder for it, there is a possibility that I could gain access. If I am accepted, we will evaluate the quality of the thing’s construction.”

“Sarha, look around and see if you can locate the port that Areyaka is referring to. Check to see if there is a way to connect to it. Please keep me updated. I’ll be in my office.”

Althurin and Ethdrin received Tim’s permission to travel to Aleksandra Sofia Mikhail’s home planet, Delqarion. Their purpose for this journey is to further the trade agreement. They decided to go back to their place and retrieve some different clothes. They planned to stay there for a day or two.

Althurin entered her unit, while Ethdrin made her way to her own. Althurin approached the closet and started packing her overnight case, hastily tossing items inside. She dressed in a suit and stood in front of the full-length mirror.

She took a moment to observe her reflection in the mirror and contemplated that this ensemble could potentially be perceived as a manifestation of diplomatic attire. She carefully considered her words before responding. She would employ while having the privilege of meeting the queen for the first time. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror and greeted herself with a polite, “Good morning, esteemed leader.” She softly shook her head and considered, ‘I apologize, but maybe not.’ Then she tries again, “Good morning, Your Majesty Queen Aleksandra Sofia Mikhail.”

A knock sounded at Althurin’s door, prompting her to call out, “Please, come in.” Ethdrin entered the room, carrying two suitcases and an overnight bag.

Althurin glanced at her and replied, “Our stay will only be for a day or two. Why are there so many items?”

“I am currently contemplating the option of staying. Do you remember that dream I had about the guy with six hands who made me feel incredibly happy? We are going directly to Delqarion, his homeland?” She placed the bags next to the couch and jokingly remarked, “I really wish I had a clone to help me carry all these things.”

Althurin kindly suggested, “Perhaps it would have been helpful to consult with Tim regarding the possibility of bringing along an entourage, which would have allowed us to bring two clones.”

“That idea didn’t even cross my mind.” Ethdrin responded with a look that said, ‘I may be a smartass, but at least I’m smart.

They both gathered their luggage and walked out of the door. As Ethdrin walked along, she pondered, “Who knows, maybe I will encounter the man of my dreams!”

They crossed the MTS and came out on the Delqarion side of the machine. They stepped aside and were astounded by the spaciousness of the room. They beheld a vast expanse embellished with pristine white walls on both sides. The floor, made of polished marble, featured a captivating arrangement of black and white squares in various patterns. A variety of signs were on display, with some flashing and others featuring images of people showcasing different items. The street exits were located at the far end.

As they made their way toward the exit, they couldn’t help but notice the large number of travelers present. What caught their attention even more were the individuals behind the counters, who appeared to be locals due to their possession of six arms. The locals’ distinctive customs and traditions piqued the interest of both Althurin and Ethdrin, adding to the lively atmosphere of the area. It seemed like a melting pot of cultures as different languages and dialects filled the air, creating an atmosphere of diversity and excitement.

They had just made their way outside into the street when they came to a halt. What they saw astounded them. This was not some backward, tiny village that was completely isolated in the middle of nowhere. It was a vast metropolis that was bustling with activity. Towering skyscrapers reached towards the sky, their glass facades reflecting the vibrant energy of the city. People from all walks of life hurriedly crossed the streets, while colorful billboards and neon signs illuminated the bustling sidewalks. The air buzzed with excitement, and it became clear that they had stumbled upon a thriving urban center that held endless possibilities.

Ethdrin saw that the vehicles seemed to be moving through the air. She didn’t know whether to call it a bus or a train, but it was heading right for them. It had six more vehicles attached to it, and not even one of them touched the ground.

Ethdrin saw, as the bus drew closer, that individuals were smoothly boarding and disembarking from each compartment as it neared. She realized that she had come onto a mode of transportation that was unlike anything she had ever seen before when she was left in amazement by the transit system’s futuristic design and cutting-edge technology.

Althurin was observing the clothing worn by the women as they passed them. The intricate designs and vibrant colors of the dresses on display were impossible for her to resist admiring. She was captivated by the meticulous attention to detail in every garment, finding it hard to look away from the exquisite pieces. The women wear head scarves that cover their heads, but leave their faces uncovered.

As they stood on the street corner, they were faced with the dilemma of choosing which direction to take. However, their decision-making process was interrupted by the sound of someone calling out their names. As they looked around, they noticed a man waving.

Ethdrin looked in the direction of the voice and was absolutely ecstatic! She couldn’t say a thing; her eyes grew wide, and her mouth felt open! Oh, my goodness, she dropped her baggage!

Althurin looked at her and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Ethdrin took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. “I ... I can’t believe it,” she finally managed to stammer out, her voice filled with excitement. “It’s ... it’s him! I’ve been dreaming of him for so long!”

Althurin’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she tried to make sense of Ethdrin’s reaction. “Him? Who are you talking about?” she asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

Ethdrin’s face flushed with embarrassment as she realized she hadn’t explained herself properly. “I’m sorry, Althurin,” she said sheepishly. “I’m talking about the man in my dreams, the one I had sex with.”

Althurin looked around to see where this guy was. She sees the guy waving to them and asks, “Is that him?”

“Yes, that’s him.” Ethdrin said as she tried to hide her excitement. “I’ve been dreaming about him for weeks now, and it’s been driving me crazy.”

Althurin’s eyes widened in surprise as she saw the man waving at them. She couldn’t help but feel a mix of curiosity and disbelief, wondering how someone from Ethdrin’s dreams could be standing across the street.

They stood there, waiting to determine whether the man was waving at them or someone else. He began to walk across the street, heading towards them. As he got closer, they noticed the six arms and a smiling face, confirming that he was indeed waving at them. They couldn’t help but feel relieved and excited to finally see the man of Ethdrin’s dreams.

Ethdrin had spent numerous nights imagining this very moment, and now it was finally coming true. The anticipation grew as the man drew nearer.

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