The Adventures of Tim Bodge - Cover

The Adventures of Tim Bodge

Copyright© 2020 by THodge

Chapter 78

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 78 - Tim is recovered from the escape pod and starts a new life. He meets the ship's AI and saves two felines.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Robot   Space   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Big Breasts   Nudism   Transformation   Violence   Illustrated  

Tim stood there, attentively listening to Sarha, contemplating how he could offer assistance. He turned towards the planet’s AI and inquired, “If we were to extend an offer to assist your planet in defending itself, would you be open to accepting it?”

“Do I need to request your help to carry out a task involving harm to another individual?”

“Would you activate the defense system to ensure the protection of your people?”

“Again, our rules and the way of life do not allow me to do such things.”

“If we were to place probes in orbit around your planet. They would diligently observe and report any approaching ships to your planet, while simultaneously providing you with the ability to issue warnings for them to depart. If they were to attempt to land, our probes would sound the alarm and notify us.”

“Tim...” Sarah interrupted, saying, “I have discovered in the AI’s database. She mentioned that there were 200 ships, which is a large number. They did not have any markings. They must have been pirates.”

Tim stood there, feeling shocked. He asked himself, “Why would pirates be interested in capturing all these fairies? What purpose would they have for such a small individual?”

Tim turned his gaze towards the AI and inquired, “In the event of a ship landing here, would you be able to protect your people?”

“I have been unable to accomplish that throughout all these centuries. Why would I be able to start now?”

“What if we provided you with the necessary equipment to accomplish that task? Could you defend them, then?”

“No, I am prohibited from causing harm to anything or anyone.”

Pauline, Shanae, and Connie sat off to the side, attentively listening to everything that was being said. They were engaged in conversation with each other. Pauline turned to the others and inquired, “Why don’t we consider placing an MTS here?”

“That way, if someone were to arrive here and cause trouble. We could deploy soldiers to address the situation.” Connie responded.

Shanae sat there, pondering when the last time a ship had landed. “Sarah, could you please determine the date of the most recent ship’s arrival?”

A few minutes later, Sarha said, “Shanae, the last ship arrived three days ago and is still here. There are twenty individuals on it.”

“Sarha, where are they?” Pauline asked.

“I will inquire with Tim about his interest in sending probes to search for them.”

They all stood up and walked towards Tim. Sarah informed Tim about what she had found and inquired about his desired course of action.

Tim gazed at the planet’s artificial intelligence and asked, “Do you happen to have a ship somewhere on your planet? Are they searching for more of your fairies?”

“Yes, is the answer to both of your questions. They will find a small village of ten if they keep going in that direction.”

“May we offer our assistance?” Tim asked, his face filled with sadness.

“What would you be able to do?”

“First, our AI needs to determine their location. We will proceed by sending a probe to that location in order to check on them. Simultaneously, we will dispatch two probes to the village in order to alert them and provide guidance on the direction they should move in order to avoid the approaching individuals.”

“The probe will kindly request individuals to promptly return to their ship and depart the planet without delay. And then inform them that Tim Bodge will now be responsible for protecting this planet.”

The AI stated, “I believe that will be sufficient for completing the task. What would occur if they chose not to return to their ship and depart?”

Tim gazed at her and calmly stated, “We are prepared to offer you two options ... The first step is to issue a warning and reiterate the request for them to leave. The second point is that we will engage in a fight against them. The decision of what we do is in your hands.”

The AI of the planet, “Tim, what is your plan for bringing your soldiers here to provide assistance?”

With your permission, we will proceed to construct one of our MTS machines. If we could construct it at the location where our ship has landed. We would ensure constant maintenance of the post by assigning four soldiers to the task.

“Now, what about the individuals who are hunting my people? How do you plan to address that situation?”

“First, we will locate them and politely request that they depart. If they refuse, we will engage in a confrontation with them.”

“Tim, please do whatever you need to do. One of my people has recently been captured. Please hurry, they are at this location.”

Tim turned to face the girls and spoke urgently, “We need to arrive back to our ship promptly. Connie, could you please take Shanae, while I take Pauline? I’ll request that the micro-nano-bot increase my speed in order for us to promptly return to the shuttle.”

Pauline gazed at Tim and playfully suggested, “Why don’t you put me in your pocket?” With a flick of her wrist, she transformed herself into a tiny mouse. Tim gently reached down and carefully placed her in his breast pocket. He sprinted quickly towards the shuttle. Tim and Pauline quickly reappeared at the shuttle, their movements a blur. Connie, who had the ability to teleport, took hold of Shanae’s hands and visualized a location next to the shuttle. Connie and Shane stood there, patiently waiting for the others.

Sarah informed Tim, “I have obtained the location of the pirates, and a probe has been dispatched to investigate. It will arrive in just a few minutes. I have also sent three probes to the village. One of them will remain cloaked and discreetly monitor the movements of the villagers. The other two probes will safeguard the village until your arrival.”

Tim stood outside the doorway of the shuttle and addressed Sarha, saying, “I require 100 soldiers equipped with gear to assemble at this specific location. Additionally, Gento will begin assembling his team to construct an MTS in this location as well.”

“The initial soldiers will establish a 200-yard perimeter around the shuttle. It is important to ensure that no harm comes to any fairies. I require probes to be deployed at the pirate ship. I require the standard information regarding the ship and its crew. It is imperative that the ship does not depart under any circumstances.”

“Tim, the probe has successfully located the pirates. There are a total of ten pirates in this group. They are carrying two fairies that are locked in cages. The pirates are equipped with laser pistols.”

“The village is approximately one mile away from their location. Would you like the probe to instruct them to return to their ship?”

“No, please allow them to continue. We will surprise them right outside the village. I would like to request an image that captures the village and its surrounding area.” Tim asked Connie, “It would be really helpful if you could transport each of us there.”

A probe descended from the sky and positioned itself in a location where Connie could observe the image of the village and its surrounding area. After carefully examining the images, she confidently declared, “I have located the exact spot and will proceed to transport each person there. Who will be the first?”

Tim glanced at both Shanae and Pauline. He believed that Shanae had the ability to withstand being shot, but he was concerned that if she did, the pirates would become aware of the presence of others. Pauline was able to conceal herself by presenting herself in a humble and unassuming manner, much like a mouse, as she did when she arrived here. Let’s start with Pauline first. He turned to Pauline and advised her, “Please remain small and stay out of the way until everyone has arrived.”

Connie gently grasped Pauline’s hand as she pondered the whereabouts she had witnessed before vanishing. They reappeared right where Connie wanted to be, letting go of Pauline’s hand and contemplating the spot next to the shuttle.

Pauline was startled when she suddenly transformed into a mouse and found herself on the ground. Everything around her appeared much larger than before. She searched for a hiding place while waiting for Tim and the others to arrive. She saw a shadow covering her body and looked up just in time to see a large bird, swooping down to get her.

She started running without even thinking about returning to her normal size. Pauline, the mouse, found herself ensnared in the bird’s talons as it swiftly descended upon her. As she glanced downward, she realized that she was suspended hundreds of feet above the ground. If she were to change into something large, the fall would be fatal for her. She would need to wait until the bird dropped her off at a location.

Connie dropped off Shanae at the village and then went back to pick up Tim. Shanae scanned her surroundings in search of Pauline. Unable to call out her name, she refrained from doing so as she lacked knowledge of the pirates’ whereabouts.

Pauline observed the direction in which the bird was flying. In this way, she would have the knowledge to find her way back to Tim and the others, with the hope of doing so before the commencement of the fighting.

She noticed that the bird was flying towards the cliffs. She hoped there would be enough space for her to change into her gorilla body. As they grew nearer, Pauline saw that it was a nest and there were small birds in it. She was going to feel bad about the birds not having their meal, but she was needed back with Tim.

The mother bird gracefully glided above the nest and dropped Pauline, providing a meal for the little ones. As Pauline was freed, she pondered the gorilla and felt a transformation taking place within her. She gracefully touched down, her feet landing precisely on the outer edges of the nest.

The little ones pecked at her legs, and the mother bird noticed that something was amiss and started attacking Pauline. In order to avoid harming the little ones, Pauline gently picked up the mother bird and carefully threw her away from the nest. She desired sufficient time to change into something different.

She quickly made up her mind about what to change into. She was miles away and needed to return to Tim and the others. It had to be a large bird. She remembered seeing a picture of it on Sarha’s view screen. It appeared to be a rooster, possibly a specific breed, with noticeably large wings. As she pondered over it, she started sensing a transformation occurring within her body.

As she stood on the edge of the nest, her feet transformed into large claws, while her hands began to spread out and take the shape of wings. Her arms, which now resembled wings, were tucked into her side, and there appeared to be a tail.

The mother bird returned to her nest to protect her young ones, while Pauline still standing on the edge of the nest, emitted a piercing screech that was so loud it caused discomfort in her delicate ears. The mother bird observed and heard this and flew away, leaving her little ones behind.

Pauline spread her wings, leaned forward, and gracefully left the edge of the nest, commencing her descent. She spread her wings and gracefully started gliding. After soaring around for a few seconds, she gracefully headed back toward Tim.

Green dragon flying

Tim and Connie reached the outskirts of the village and inquired about Pauline’s whereabouts. Shanae responded, “I haven’t seen her.”

Tim wore a worried expression as he began searching his surroundings. He asked Saraha, “Where are the pirates now?”

They are approximately one hundred yards away from your current location. Pauline is expected to return in approximately five minutes.

Tim, wearing a puzzled expression, asked, “Where did she go?”

“I will allow her to share her adventures with you.”

Tim now understood that initially, there would only be the three of them. Tim realized that he needed Connie’s to free the two fairies from their cages, while he and Shanae focused on handling the remaining eight.

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