An Unexpected Visit - Cover

An Unexpected Visit

by mikan

Copyright© 2020 by mikan

Erotica Sex Story: When her slightly tipsy crush visits her in her dorm room, her year abroad gets so much better

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   True Story   Interracial   White Female   Oriental Male   Cream Pie   First   Oral Sex   Big Breasts   .

My phone vibrated on the desk, I dragged myself off my bed to look at the message. “Where are you now?” it read. There was a drinking party downstairs that I decided not to go to, even though it would have been an opportunity to see him, I came back from a week in Tokyo last night so I was still a little tired.

“My room, why?” I replied back. There were usually such long gaps between his replies, I don’t know if it’s because he’s busy or if he just doesn’t want to talk to me regularly. I’m completely smitten by him, if it took him 4 days to reply without a reason or apology my heart would still flutter when I received his message.

I first met him at the English speaking society 5 months ago. He introduced himself to me and I was immediately struck by his accent. He had a prefect southern English accent, like me. I asked him if he lived abroad he told me his father was English and his mother was Japanese. After that, the more I saw him the more I started to become interested in him, getting drunk with him at the dorm parties were something I would look forward to. Seeing him every Thursday morning for the one class we take together would fill me up with enough happiness to last the week.

I laid back on my bed with my phone by my head waiting for a reply, whenever it would come. I thought back to the time we went to the festival together, ate gyoza and chatted for hours by the river, and how lovely it was. I sighed to myself wondering if we could ever do something like that again.

Suddenly there is a knock at my door. I get off my bed and shuffle in my fluffy 100 yen socks to the door. I open it, expecting to see my friend wanting a coffee or something. But instead I see him.

I look up at his light brown eyes, staring at him in disbelief that he is actually standing at my door.

“Can I come in?” He asked

“Oh” I said, finally coming to my senses “Sure” I opened the door wider to let him enter “how did you find my room?” I laughed as he walked past me

“I remember you said you lived on the 2nd floor, and this is the only room without a name outside” He smirked “figured it was yours”

“ah, good guess then” I suddenly realise that my room isn’t as clean as it should be when expecting outside company “I’m so sorry” I said picking up a used plate and moving the clothes from my desk chair onto the shelves before putting the plate on top of the mini fridge to clean later “I wasn’t expecting you to come round. Um, sit ... somewhere” I gestured to the bed or the chair, as those were the only two seats available.

“Is that your family?” he asked looking at the photos and letters I had taped to my wall

“Yep” I answered sitting on the bed

“You really look like your brothers” he laughed I rolled my eyes, I haven’t heard that before!

He turned around and sat down next to me.

“So what are you doing here?” I asked nervously playing with my hair, oh god I didn’t even look in the mirror before opening the door I thought suddenly feeling self-conscious

“I was at the party downstairs and I thought I haven’t seen you in a while, since you were in Tokyo...”

“I was there for a week!” I laughed nervously

“Yeah but, you didn’t go to Ken’s birthday party because you were in Tokyo and, I kinda missed you there”

My heart must have stopped beating, or I forgot to breathe or something. Did he say he missed me? Or kinda missed me?

Oh god say something, you’re just staring at him, say something!

“ ... really?” I replied He nodded, his eyes are so bright, and I don’t know what to say. He moves closer to me, he leans in slightly, I am too stunned to move so he leans in more and presses his lips against mine. I grow weak at the softness of them. I’m starting to feel dizzy so I close my eyes. I’m very unexperienced with men, and truly I’ve never really had any interest in any one ... until him He opened his mouth slightly and brushes his tongue against my lips, it felt so good. I parted my lips too, our tongues touched lightly.

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