Hollie - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Uncle Jim

Chapter 7

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 7 - After Jacob rescued eight year old Hollie from a terrible fate, he presented her as his daughter from a previous marriage rather than turning her over to state authorities. Neither of them realized how this would change their lives. Why had Hollie runaway? Who were her parents and why weren't they looking for her? Also, who was this man who had rescued her? The answers eventually emerged, surprising everyone.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Cousins   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Revenge   Violence  

The following characters appear in this chapter:


Cook, 5’-8’’ tall, 165 pounds, 45 years old, brown hair going gray, gray eyes


Downstairs maid, 5’-6’’ tall, 130 pounds, 30 years old, black hair, hazel eyes


Upstairs maid, 5’-6’’ tall, 140 pounds, 27 years old, blond hair, blue eyes

Little Hollie Rust

Jake and Hollie’s first daughter, strawberry blond hair and green eyes like her mother

Joshua (Josh) Rust

Jake and Hollie’s son, brown hair and gray eyes like his father

Miriam Rust

Jake and Hollie’s second daughter, dark blond hair, green eyes, a very quiet baby


Jacob’s replacement at work, 5’-8’’ tall, 150 pounds, 38 years old, blond hair, a long time employee

While the wedding was to start at 2:30, the ushers arrived before 2:00 o’clock. A couple of them roped off several rows of pews on either side of the center aisle at the front of the church for those with invitations to the wedding and other important guests. Father had indicated that Hollie and I were to sit in the front row of pews on the right side of the center aisle. Shortly after 2:00, the organist arrived and began checking her instrument. Shortly, she began playing softly.

A number of guests had also begun to arrive by 2:10. Just after 2:15, I saw Sister Dennis Elizabeth, two other nuns, and several of Hollie’s teachers from the school here arrive from an entrance on the left side of the church. They were seated in one of the roped off rows of pews.

A few minutes later, I saw Birdy and a couple of the ladies who had worked for her over the years arrive, and they too were seated in one of the roped off rows of pews. Birdy was wearing an obviously new and expensive dress. It was very colorful, just as she has always been.

Shortly after that, a woman in an expensive dress, who I didn’t recognize, was escorted to the front row of pews on the left side of the center aisle. The remainder of the church had been slowly filling up during this time.

At 2:25, Father Rayon, Usher Joseph, and I took our places at the front of the center aisle, while guests continued to trickle in.

Just before 2:30, there was a commotion in the vestibule, and promptly at 2:30, by my watch, the organist played a loud chord and then began playing the wedding march. The first to appear were four of the ladies who assisted Birdy in running the restaurant. They were all dressed in different shades of blue, from light blue to royal blue. The dresses were obviously new but fitted them very well. They each carried a bouquet of flowers and proceeded down the aisle.

Hollie appeared about six feet behind them. She was dressed in a rather simple light blue wedding dress. While her dress was obviously expensive and brand new, it wasn’t fancy or ostentatious. I remembered then that she had never been a show off, but had been content to just be present at things but not the center of attention. It didn’t appear that she had changed in the last two years.

Mr. Albright was escorting her down the aisle, as her parents didn’t care about her and were now legally prohibited from seeing her. He delivered her to me, before taking a seat in the front pew on the left next to the woman who I hadn’t recognized. Apparently, she was his wife from the way that she greeted him. In passing, I noticed that several others, who I didn’t recognize, had joined them. The bridesmaids had taken seats in the second row of pews on the right side of the center aisle where their husbands had been seated.

Hollie and I turned toward Father Rayon, as the organ music stopped, and he began the marriage ceremony. Following that, we took our seats in the front pew on the right side of the church for the wedding mass. Father only spoke for a short time following the gospel on the sanctity of marriage.

When the mass was over, the organ music started again, and Hollie and I were the first ones to move up the center aisle following Father Rayon and those who had assisted him in celebrating the mass. In the vestibule, we greeted and thanked all of those who had attended the ceremony and the mass following it. There was a young man near us who handed out tickets to the wedding reception to all of those exiting the church.

Father Rayon returned after a few minutes to congratulate us, as did Sister Dennis Elizabeth. They would not be attending the reception.

There was a limo waiting for us as we exited the church after most of those in attendance had departed. We were taken to a well known photographers studio where he took the formal wedding pictures. He would follow us to the reception for more pictures. The limo then took us to the reception at the Briar Banquet Hall. Many of our guests had already arrived by the time that we did, as there were a lot of conversations and drinking was already in progress.

The band hired for the event struck up a chord as we entered, and everyone looked up to see who had arrived, or what had occurred. There were cheers when they saw us. We circulated and greeted people again for a time. During this the band had been playing dance music for a while, and I danced with Hollie and several of her Bridesmaids. Birdy wasn’t up to dancing, so we only talked for a time. Hollie danced with the husbands of her Bridesmaids and with several of the men who had been longtime customers at Birdy’s.

After an hour or so, the dinner was announced, and everyone moved to get a place at the several tables set out for the meal. Birdy, her assistants, and Joseph plus Mr. Albright and his wife shared our table, while everyone else found a seat at one of the other tables. The meal was excellent, and I had to wonder how much the reception was costing but didn’t ask.

The reception lasted four hours before we managed to sneak out. Even we’d had quite a lot to drink, but the limo was waiting outside for us and drove us to my house, much to my surprise.

“I want to spend our first night of marriage in familiar surroundings,” Hollie told me on seeing my surprise.

“Okay,” I agreed, as we arrived there. The driver opened the door of the limo for us, and I helped Hollie out and up the steps to the house. We were both a bit unsteady.

“Bedroom,” Hollie said after I had closed and locked the front door. The limo had already departed. We left a trail of discarded clothes on the way to the bedroom, as it was evident what Hollie wanted.

“Fuck a baby into my belly, daddy,” she demanded as we lay there in bed naked. We were both drunk enough that we wanted sex, but still sober enough to be able to still have it. We kissed and hugged for a time, as Hollie grew hotter and more passionate. I was certainly hot enough myself, and soon entered her.

“Yes ... oh yes, daddy. Fuck me for a long time,” she pleaded, as she was already shaking with need and desire. Our pace soon picked up speed until we were both crashing into the other at a frantic pace, which couldn’t and didn’t last long. Shortly, Hollie went rigid under me, as the orgasm in her belly escaped and shot through her, locking up all of her muscles. I had plunged as deep into her as possible at the time, and delivered a load of my seed deep inside of her, before her muscles relaxed, and we crashed onto the mattress again. Somehow, I rolled off of her, and we lay there for a long time recovering, before passing out from all that we had to drink at the reception.

I awoke early in the morning to the familiar presence of Hollie pressed up against me. We had slept together nearly every night since I had found her. During the two years while we were separated, it was the one thing that I had really missed. Now she was back with me, and we were married. I would never have to miss her again. However, as warm and comforting this was, I had a great need to get up and get rid of much of the booze that I had consumed at the party.

Hollie was up when I returned to the bedroom, and quickly moved to take care of her own needs. When she returned, she had a request.

“Love me again, daddy,” she asked as she slipped into bed with me. We hugged and kissed for a time before I moved over on top of her and entered her. The strokes were long, slow, and passionate then for a long time, as we enjoyed each other for a considerable time. Eventually, our needs asserted themselves, and the pace became faster and the needs more urgent. At last, we could wait no longer, and the orgasm that had grown in Hollie’s belly escaped again locking up all of her muscles. This set me off, and I deposited another load of my seed deep inside of her, before we crashed back onto the mattress, exhausted. We were soon asleep again.

We were eventually awakened by the sound of the alarm clock. It was Sunday morning, and we needed to get up for church. I wasn’t sure that I would make it. My head was bothering me from all that we had to drink yesterday at the party. It seems that Hollie was in worse condition than I was.

“Oh God, daddy, my head is pounding like a drum, and my stomach isn’t doing very well either,” she complained on awakening from the sound of the alarm clock.

“It’s Sunday morning, sweetie. We need to get up for church. You know that Father Rayon will expect to see us there this morning,” I told her, as I sat up and got out of bed. I needed to get rid of the remainder of the booze from last night. Hollie got up as I returned from the bathroom. She looked about how I felt. We dressed but didn’t eat. I made coffee, strong coffee, as we needed something to keep us awake.

“Do you drink coffee?” I asked her when she joined me in the kitchen.

“Yes, but I prefer Tea. I need coffee this morning though,” she told me. When we left the house, the limo was there waiting for us. That was good, as I wasn’t in the best shape to be driving this morning.

Arriving at the church, we were early enough that Father Rayon was still outside greeting people.

“It’s good to see the two of you,” Father said before adding, “it wasn’t necessary to be here this morning. The mass yesterday at your wedding would have sufficed for this weekend.”

“We didn’t want to start married life by missing Mass, Father. It’s too easy a habit to get into,” Hollie told him with a smile. Inside we were greeted by a number of people who had been at our wedding yesterday. We sat near the back of the church today, as had been our habit over the years.

We remained at my house that day and Monday. Being on vacation, I didn’t need to get up early and we didn’t either day. On Tuesday, we went to Hollie’s house. It seemed huge after my small house. There were servants there to greet us. Once we were inside, Hollie introduced them.

“This is Clara, the cook,” she told me indicating an older lady of 45 or so. She was about 5’-7’’ tall and about 165 pounds with brown hair starting to go gray. She had an apron on. Next was Malinda, a young woman of about 30 or so. She was 5’-6’’ or so tall, about 135 pounds with black hair, and her eyes were hazel in good light. She was the downstairs maid. Kathleen was the upstairs maid. She was about 27 or 28 years old, 5’-6’’ tall, about 140 pounds with blond hair and blue eyes. I was told that both maids did the laundry also.

“There is a gardener who comes in two days a week to take care of the lawn and the various plants and trees,” Hollie told me. I could see where she would need people to take care of this large house and its grounds, as it was a full-time job.

“Will you be staying here for a time, Miss Hollie?” Clare asked.

“Yes, WE will be staying here for the foreseeable future,” she told her.

“We?” the servants asked.

“Yes, this is my husband, Jacob,” she told them to looks of surprise.

“But from what you said, we thought Jacob was a much younger man,” the maids protested.

“No, I have loved him since I was a little girl. He has always been much older than me,” she told them. She took me upstairs to show me our bedroom. It was huge, and had the master bath and a sitting room attached to it. The other bedrooms weren’t in use presently, but were kept scrupulously clean.

Later downstairs, I got to see the living room, dining room, and the den. There was also the kitchen, the pantry, the break room, and the laundry. On the side of the house was the three-car garage, and behind the house, the servants quarters. It was all surrounded by the five acres of land that the house sat on. Wednesday, I used the SUV to move most of my things here from my small house.

This house and the lifestyle it represented were a great change for me, and it required a lot of adjustments. I still had most of the two weeks of vacation left to become somewhat accustomed to it.

In our new bedroom, Hollie still pursed her desire to get pregnant. We had sex every night and sometime more than once a night. It was always very late when we arose in the morning. Clara always had breakfast ready for us no-matter when we arose.

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