Hollie - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Uncle Jim

Chapter 6

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - After Jacob rescued eight year old Hollie from a terrible fate, he presented her as his daughter from a previous marriage rather than turning her over to state authorities. Neither of them realized how this would change their lives. Why had Hollie runaway? Who were her parents and why weren't they looking for her? Also, who was this man who had rescued her? The answers eventually emerged, surprising everyone.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Cousins   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Revenge   Violence  

The following character appears in this chapter:


Chief Usher, 5’-8’’ tall, 165 pounds, 51 years old, gray hair, blue eyes, distinguished looking

We arrived at the rectory to find Father Rayon in old clothes with a paint roller in his hand and an upset look on his face.

“I see why they charge so much to do painting now,” he said as we entered, but he was facing away from us. Apparently, he was expecting someone else.

“Good morning, Father,” I said to get his attention, as we obviously weren’t the ones he was expecting. At the sound of my voice, he quickly turned around and a smile appeared on his face.

“Jacob!” he said in surprise and looking past me, he saw Hollie.

“Hollie!” he said even more surprised. “Why you’ve grown up into a beautiful young woman. How are you, and what can I do for the two of you?” followed that.

“Good morning, Father,” Hollie said in a quiet voice with a big smile on her face.

“You must forgive my appearance. We were scheduled to do some painting in the rectory today, but my assistants are late in arriving, and I have discovered that I know little about painting,” he told us.

“It’s all right, Father,” I told him. “We are here to discuss something else. I’ll give you a hand later with the painting. It isn’t all that difficult,” I assured him with a smile. Father appeared to be a bit disturbed however.

“Jacob, there is something that I just recently learned that I must tell you,” he said in a somber voice.

“What could be so terrible, Father?” I asked him on hearing his voice.

“Do you remember that when you first came to me with Hollie, that I sent out an inquiry about her and your former wife?” he asked.

“Yes, I don’t believe that you ever heard anything on that,” I told him.

“No, not for a long time. Nearly ten years in fact, but just recently I received a letter from a pastor on the west coast. He indicated that your former wife had died there two years ago in a vehicle accident. This is the first that I have seen you since receiving the letter,” he told me. I was shocked to say the least.

“What is it that you wish to discuss, Jacob?” he asked in a much better voice, before asking, “do I need to change into my more formal clothes for this discussion?”

“I think you will be just fine, Father, dressed as you are,” Hollie told him.

“So, what is the problem? I presume that there is a problem,” he finished.

“It’s not so much a problem, Father, as a request,” Hollies told him.

“A request!” he asked.

“Yes, we, Jacob and I, would like you to marry us at your earliest convenience,” Hollie told him. Father Rayon stared at us in complete shock for over a minute on hearing this.

“Marry you?” he asked in disbelief.

“Yes, we wish to be married and would like you to perform the ceremony here in the church where I received all of the other sacraments,” Hollie told a rather flabbergasted priest.

“But ... but you’re his daughter!” Father gasped.

“No, Father, Jacob never adopted me. He only took care of me for eight years. My last name is not Rust. It is Brady, like the famous Civil War photographer, though he is not a relative of mine,” Hollie told him.

“So, the two of you aren’t related?” he asked in wonder.

“No, we aren’t related. There are no Rusts in my family history that I know of, at least, not for four generations back,” she told him.

“I don’t know how this will be taken by the local community. Many of them believe that you two are related. It might be better if you were married at a different church. What church were you attending while you were separated?” he asked. Hollie told him where she had gone to church for most of the previous two years. Father Rayon looked at her in amazement.

“That is a very prestigious church and parish. Why don’t you want to be married there instead of here?” he asked.

“I wasn’t impressed by their fancy church, or their parishioners who are mostly stuck up and impressed with their own importance,” she told him.

“I still think you will be making a mistake being married here,” he told her.

“I will make a deal with you, Father,” Hollie told him in a somewhat different voice. Father looked at her in surprise.

“Yes, I’ve read ‘The Art of the Deal’,” she told him before continuing. “Marry us here in your church, and I will have the church painted both inside and out plus the rectory, inside and out, by the best professional church painting company in the country at my expense. They have worked on many of the most important churches and synagogues in the US and Canada.

“They understand about having the paint dry and the church ready for mass and other services. They will only start after mass is finished each day, but not on Sunday. They will redo all of the fancy lining and other important details. I will also take care of their lodging while they are here, but that is separate from the cost of painting the church,” Hollie told a stunned Father Rayon.

“But ... but do you have any idea how much money you are talking about?” he asked on recovering. “I’ve seen estimates of some two ... two hundred thousand dollars and more for something like that,” he protested.

“Yes, something like that,” Hollie agreed. “I make more than that a month, Father. It won’t be a problem,” she told him with a smile. I hadn’t said a word yet. Father turned to me following that.

“Are you the one who instigated this, Jacob?” he demanded in an upset voice.

“No, Father. Hollie was the one who proposed to me last night,” I told him to another shocked expression from him.

“And you have agreed to marry her?” he demanded.

“I would do anything to make her happy, Father,” I told him in a sincere voice. He looked very confused for a time. Finally, he turned back to Hollie.

“Why here?” he simply asked.

“This is the church where I was accepted as a child. No one asked any questions or wanted to know how much I was worth. I was accepted and loved. Educated and received the sacraments. I have many fond memories of that time. This will add one more to the others. You can’t imagine what it is like to be rich. Everyone judges you by how much money you have and how much of it they can gain access to, or convince you to participate in one of their schemes. I was sick of it after six months but continued so I could help those who had helped me, but who asked nothing in return but love,” she finished in a very quite little girl voice. Father Rayon just stared at her again for some time.

“All right,” he finally agreed, “I’ll marry you, but not because you’ll have the church painted. No, because you are still the same sweet little girl you always were while going to school here. The only difference is that you have a LOT of money now,” he finished.

“When would you like to be married?” he asked next.

“In a week if possible, but two weeks otherwise,” she told him.

“I will announce the wedding tomorrow in church. Will both of you be there?” he finished.

“Yes, we will both be there,” we both told him.

Back at Hollie’s car, I was astonished when I looked at my watch. It didn’t seem like we had been in there that long, but it was definitely time for lunch. Leaving the car in the church parking lot, we walked to Birdy’s restaurant. The normal Saturday lunch crowd was there when we arrived, but Birdy had a table set aside for us, and we were quickly served. It appeared that Hollie or someone had called ahead to reserve a table for us and had also ordered for us. All of the ladies who worked there were very glad to see Hollie again.

On finishing our lunch, Hollie collected all of our dishes and carried them to the back to be taken care of. She had certainly bused enough tables here while growing up, and hadn’t forgotten what to do.

From the back of the restaurant came much laughing and giggling when Hollie joined those there. Shortly, I could hear them explaining about the new equipment that her generous gift had allowed them to purchase. They were especially excited about the new dish washing machine that they had gotten. Eventually, Birdy emerged from the back as things quieted down there. She headed directly for me.

“Jake!” she said in a loud voice, as she approached, and I rose from my seat.

“Congratulations,” she said as she gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Birdy is a large woman, and she has a grip like a polar bear. I was glad that she wasn’t mad at me. She seemed very excited that I was marrying Hollie.

“You always be good to her Jake,” she warned me before releasing me.

“You know that I could never stand to see her unhappy,” I replied, and I never had been able to.

Later, we left the restaurant, but Hollie didn’t go to look at wedding dresses. It was too late in the day for that. Instead, we visited HER house. It was located some distance from the part of town where we had lived. The house was set on five acres of land. It was two stories with a steep roof.

“There is a full basement and a lot of storage space in the attic. It has six bedrooms and four full bathrooms plus two powder rooms or half baths,” Hollie explained as we looked at the house. We didn’t actually go into the house at this time.

The large gates in the fancy iron fence that surrounded the property opened on a signal from her remote, and we drove up to the triple garage doors. Sitting in front of them was a brand-new Mercedes SUV.

“It’s yours,” she told me and handed me the keys. “It’s full of fuel, and the insurance is paid up for the next two years,” she told me, before adding, “follow me to your house.”

The vehicle was brand-new and only had 15 miles on the odometer. I needed to adjust it to fit my large size, and then followed Hollie to my house. It was considerably smaller than hers.

“What do you want for dinner?” she asked once we were in the house.

“It’s too early for dinner,” I objected.

“I’ll need to get out what we are going to eat, and it will need to defrost,” she told me.

“I usually just have something that doesn’t need to be defrosted ahead of time when I eat here. I still eat at Birdy’s a lot,” I told her, but Hollie already had the freezer side of the refrigerator open and was looking through it.

“Jacob, you need to eat better than this,” she said in disappointment after going through the freezer. She never called me Jacob except when she was very upset with me.

“I’ve never been much of a cook,” I said in reply, but her disapproval had really stung me.

“Well, I have been a cook, and WE will eat better than you have been,” she answered, as she closed the freezer door.

“That’s all right,” she said in a brighter voice as she came into my arms. “It will leave more time for us,” she continued and pressed herself against me. A lot of hugging and kissing followed that. Things eventually wound up in the bedroom, where we managed to lose our clothes and wound up in bed.

The hugging and kissing continued there for a long time with the addition of breast massaging and rolling around on the mattress. It was a long time before Hollie pulled me over on top of herself.

“I need you in me, daddy,” she whispered then, and I slipped into her very wet opening. The sex was as slow and as long as the loving had been, but it was even more passionate. There were long slow strokes, breast massaging, hugging and kissing. It went on and on for a long time

Eventually, our needs and our pace increased and became even more frantic as we sought release. Hollie had already had several minor orgasms, but there was a huge one brewing in her belly and soon it would seek release. Just before it did, she arched her back pushing herself harder up against me. The move allowed me even deeper in her than I had already been. That was when that orgasm escaped from her belly and traveling through her, it locked up every muscle in her body, as she screamed out her joy before passing out in orgasmic bliss.

At the same time, my nuts cramped up and began pumping my seed deep into her vagina and even into her womb through her cervix. It seemed like I came forever and pumped a gallon or more of sperm into her. In reality, it took only a few seconds and was less than an ounce, as I had emptied everything that I had stored up last night, and only had what I was able to produce today. Still, it was an absolutely fantastic feeling.

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