Eli's Kingsom - Cover

Eli's Kingsom

Copyright© 2020 by The Story Teller

Chapter 19

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 19 - A story about the capturing of a terrorist who holds the world at his mercy.

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft  

As Johnathon McKay sat hunched over the computers his disillusionment hung over him like a thick, wet blanket. That, along with the mounting tension due to the kidnapping had him feeling like he was sitting on a powder keg that was ready to blow.

For the hundredth time he asked himself how he could have been so stupid as to be taken in by Eli but he knew the answer. In the beginning, the man had been charismatic and mesmerizing with his fiery speeches. He always hit just the right notes that flamed the fires of his youthful dissatisfaction when he ranted against the evils and the excesses of the world powers and how they gained their power and privileges from the exploitation of the third world countries. After listening to a few of those speeches, McKay had become so convinced that something must be done to stop such evil he had renounced his US citizenship, snuck out of the country and headed for Afghanistan. Determined to take a stand a stand against what Eli called world power exploitation, he had offered his services to him. Because of his computer expertize he soon became head of Eli’s communication operations. At first his zeal knew no bounds as he went about creating and safeguarding an elaborate computer system that was second to none.

But then Eli had changed. Instead of being the simple, idealistic man of the people he had begun revealing his true nature. It turned out he was nothing but an egotistical, narcissistic fanatic whose hatred against the world knew no bounds. He proved it after the abduction of the women and girls which was supposed to be merely an end to a means, to force the world powers to negotiate and stop exploiting third world countries.

The hostages weren’t supposed to be harmed and released as soon as the world powers ceded to his demands but Eli showed no intention of doing that. The negotiations he arranged were a total fake and his demands impossible to fulfill. When the world powers protested and pleaded for time Eli took great delight in filming the hostages being tortured, raped and even killed. McKay now knew Eli’s true purpose was to bring the world powers to their knees. He cared very little about the plight of the third world countries.

That’s it, I’ve had it. I’ve no longer got the stomach to tolerate the abuse of the girls and women and the first chance I get I’m out of here, McKay kept promising himself. As soon as I can I’m going to slip away from the compound and disappear. But his chances to escape the nightmare seemed to be getting slimmer by the day. Ever since the kidnapping Eli had been like a mad man, forbidding anybody to leave the compound and acting more and more paranoid by the day. He had the place shut down tighter than a maximum security penitentiary and acted as if the only secure place was behind the walls of his impenetrable fortress.

McKay’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone entering the communications room. It was Eli. Lately he had taken to prowling the compound like a restless lion. McKay cringed at the feel of the man’s hands on his shoulders and his harsh breath on his neck as he stopped behind him to peer closely at the computer screens. There were a half dozen of them. Some showed the area surrounding the compound for several miles in all directions. Cameras had been set up to catch any intruders who wondered too close to it. It was to prevent any kind of surprize attack, a safeguard not needed because so far the world powers had been unable to find the location of Eli’s hideout. Other cameras depicted the activities in various locations inside the bunker. In some areas there were guards shown going about their duties or relaxing and eating. There were also screens which monitored the hostages but they were blank because McKay could no longer tolerate watching what the off duty guards were doing to them.

“Turn them back on,” Eli demanded. “Don’t you know by now that my orders are for them to be monitored at all times in case some of them start causing too much trouble or try to escape.”

“What’s the matter? No longer have a stomach for it?” Eli snickered and muttered something about the weakness of men from the Western World.

McKay knew better than to get Eli angry so he dutifully switched on the monitors and forced himself to view the poor, hostages who sat half naked on mats. In the beginning there had been screams and outright refusals, but the female hostages no longer made an effort to stop the guards from using them anyway they wanted.

“There, that’s better,” Eli said. “Can you see how those bitches are learning their proper place in the new world?”

McKay said nothing as Eli finally stepped back and began one of his speeches that showed just how crazy he had become.

“You see, I’m the most powerful man in the world now. I’m better and stronger than Napoleon who conquered most of Europe, or even Alexander the Great who conquered the known world. But me.” He brought home his point by pointing his finger into his chest and pumping his arm into the air. “I’ve conquered the entire world. Soon everybody will be kneeling at my feet.”

McKay felt sick at the pronouncement, but remained silent because there was no way he was going to contest Eli, especially right now with the mood he was in. He heard Eli snort in contempt at him and realized the feeling was mutual.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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