Eli's Kingsom - Cover

Eli's Kingsom

Copyright© 2020 by The Story Teller

Chapter 17

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 17 - A story about the capturing of a terrorist who holds the world at his mercy.

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft  

After Bondar agreed to reveal the passwords and the book that contained the codes, Margo was quickly brought in. Although everyone was eager to use the new information to access Eli’s hideout, the computer expert insisted on patience.

“I know how eager everybody is to find out about the terrorist and view his bunkers but I insist we use caution and common sense. For example, how do we know that Bondar isn’t fooling us? There could be a trip wire that alerts Eli somebody unauthorized is trying to access his network of computers. That’s why we got to be very careful about this. I suggest we make only one move at a time and we do so only after a complete investigation.” Margo explained.

Travis scowled down at Bondar who sat beside him in front of the computer. He asked. “You ain’t shitting me, are you? These passwords and codes are the real thing?”

“Yes,” Bondar insisted. “I can show you, it will only take a couple of minutes.”

His hands were already on the keys when Margo interrupted.

“Don’t let him touch those keys. I don’t trust him so give me a second and I’ll take control of Bondar’s computer. He can give me the passwords and codes and tell me the proper way to use them. That way if I catch any hint of a trap, I might be able to shut our secret intrusion down before much damage is done.”

Travis looked back at Ashley who was standing quietly in the background. Her arms were across her chest as she leaned against a wall. She nodded at him so he said. “Okay, Margo, it’s all yours. We won’t touch a thing on this end.”

“Thank you,” Margo replied. “I may sound dictatorial and completely paranoid but believe me this is the best way.”

“Okay, I got control,” she said. “Now I want Bondar to show me how he accesses Eli’s computer. I want the password first and then the codes.”

Travis nudged Bondar. “Explain what you do and you’d better not make any mistakes.”

“This is today’s password.” Bondar ran off a 10 letter biblical phrase but then cautioned Margo about using it immediately. “You have to know what the corresponding phrase from the book is before you start because it only gives you about a 20 second gap before the site automatically shuts down. And if you try again, it alerts Eli that somebody who doesn’t know the proper procedure is trying to get into his computer.”

“Right,” Margo said. “I’ve seen that system used before. It’s quite an effective fire wall and provides very good security. Mainly because you not only have to have the right book at your fingertips, you have to do know which phrases to use.”

With Bondar prompting her, she began the process of gaining access into Eli’s computer. Since it was quite an elaborate set up it was time consuming, but Margo made it even slower because she didn’t want to make any mistakes. Everyone knew she couldn’t afford even the slightest error. It was like a high wire act without a net, one miscue and it’s all over.

“Okay, I’m in and I don’t think I’ve been detected yet, at least there’s no alarms going off.”

The whole room gave a collective sigh of relieve at the news.

“Now, let me take a look around.” Margo said.

Ashley moved closer and stood behind Travis so she could also watch Margo maneuver around Eli’s computer network. With limited computer knowledge, the whole room thought she was performing a magic act.

“Yes, quite a tour and quite an interesting place,” Margo quipped. “And definitely underground because there is no natural lighting, not even a glimpse of sunlight. See the number of lights in every room, which by the way, are full of cameras. It looks like they keep an eye on everybody and everything. I don’t think even a mouse could run across the floor without being detected.”

Ashley and Travis watched as Margo moved from room to room. The guards’ room interested them and so did another that contained all kinds of weapons.

“It’s very well equipped with the best of rifles and ammo. Look, they even have rocket launchers. See how they’re hidden it all underground but have retractable roofs for when they are in use,” Ashley observed.

“That could cause us problems because if they’re able to use them we’re going to need a shit load of armaments to take them out.” Travis said.

“Maybe not that much of a problem,” Margo interrupted.

The cameras moved from the launchers unto a nearby control panel.

“This Eli guy thought of everything but I think he may have outsmarted himself because guess what? The doors to the rocket launchers are computer controlled which is a very nice set up except for one thing. Anybody that controls his computer system controls those doors. That makes them totally useless unless they go manual which is slow and clumsy.”

Ashley and Travis nodded with big smiles on their faces.

“Okay, we’ve seen everything but there’s still something we’re missing. The hostages where are they?” Margo said.

“They are in this compound, aren’t they? Ashley looked fiercely at Bondar.

“Yes but in a different section which is separate,” the broken man quickly responded. “If you are underground you can get to by a tunnel and if you are above ground, you have to walk across open space to get to another building.”

“Then show Margo,” Ashley demanded and there’d better be no funny stuff,” she warned.

Margo slipped out of the main compound and followed Bondar’s instructions on how to get to where the hostages were held. First she explored the tunnel access and then focused on the space between the buildings above ground. Once Travis and Ashley finished their assessments, Margo moved them into the hostage room.

What they saw appalled them. The hostages sat dejectedly on thin mats, either crouched on their hands and knees like wild animals or leaning against the wall. The fine clothes they’d worn to the celebration had been torn to threads leaving them half naked. The marks on their bodies showed how badly they’d been abused.

Ashley cursed after getting her first glimpse of the females and realizing how they must have suffered.

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