My Sister's Best Friend - Cover

My Sister's Best Friend

Copyright© 2020 by RickSands

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A story of Gary's illicit attempt to spy on his sister and her most beautiful best friend. Much sex and eye opening surprises for Gary, but with him eventually finding love and happiness

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex  

Saturday morning. Gary woke early but chose to remain in bed, half asleep, letting his thoughts steep within what had happened just the night before. A wonderful time with Cyn, just the two of them, all playing out like a dream. Gary knew he had come home alone, yet in his groggy state of mind he imagined Cyn taking a shower with Penny after she had returned from her date with Keith. Stupid, but just in case he still reached out to see if her form had somehow materialized to join him in his waking slumber. No, not even Penny, his bed cold and empty. No matter. After the all too short goodnight kiss Cyn had given him, Gary was able to smile and believe that his life would become much warmer in future days.

Then Gary fully woke and remembered that the girls were planning to go to a party that same night. A party that he had not been invited to. Gary dragged himself out of bed and tried to pretend nonchalance, shrugging the event off as though it was just some get-together for high school kids and of no import. But it was all pretense. He knew that Jason and Keith would be there and he also knew how well they knew the girls, inside and out. Damn. Some things were better not to be known.

“So, how’d the date go?” he asked Penny when she finally got around to rising in late morning. “Is Keith still on your dance card for tonight, or did he show his true self last night?”

“Oh, he’s still on my list,” said Penny, looking around to check on where her mother was. “If anything, he’s number one.”

“Really?” said Gary, genuinely sounding surprised. “I thought he seemed more than a little rough around the edges,” with an emphasis on the word “rough,” referring to what Penny never wanted him to bring up again. But her scowl quickly turned to a sly smile, Penny saying, “Yeah, he’s rough, but at the right times, and he made sure I got mine just as I helped him get his. Twice even.”

Gary could only try to stifle his imagination, having a hard time explaining how wonderful his own date with Cyn had been. Penny didn’t even try to hold back her laughter when he described Cyn’s parents pacing the room as Cyn and he played video games. “Told you,” she said, “Cyn likes it slow, and no way will her parents ever let you get close enough to cop a feel. But seriously Gary, she likes you, and a little patience on your part will get you where you want to go.”

That was all fine and good, but Gary was more than a little miffed at the party Cyn and Penny were still planning on going to. Then in the late afternoon Penny banged on his bedroom door, walked in and asked if Gary could drive her and Cyn to that same party. “Keith offered to pick us up, but it’s good to have a little independence, you know? So, drop us off and promise to be here and ready in case I call for emergency extraction, if you get my meaning. OK?”

Better. Gary was now in the loop, and though he worried about acting like some old dad dropping his kids off at a party, at least now he’d have a kind of foot in the door. As Gary was getting ready to leave, Penny walked out from her room, shocking both parents and Gary. As ever her clothing was a little revealing with her midriff in plain view and a top that plunged like a waterfall. What struck them was that she was wearing a skirt and low heels, and even a bit of make-up. “Wow, some fancy party you’re going to,” joked her father, and as she and Gary drove over to Cyn’s house she explained that the “boys” had requested that the girls wear dresses. So, yes, kind of a fancy party, at least for somebody still in high school.

Cyn was waiting for them on her front porch, and unsurprisingly she too was wearing a dress. Different from Penny’s, more conservative, and, in Gary’s eyes, far more beautiful. It was a standard sun dress, with spaghetti straps and sleeveless, not cut too low below her neck, just reaching her knees, and for all the soft cotton cloth that covered her, Cyn’s shapely beauty easily stood out. She could have been headed to a friend’s wedding instead of some questionable party, and as Cyn climbed into the back seat even Penny voiced some wonder at how beautiful she looked. “Shit Cyn. You trying to find a husband or something? You know you’re going to get pregnant wearing that thing.”

Gary could only throw out a quick hello, having to keep his mouth shut and his mind on the road as Cyn explained that she had told her parents she was going to a school friend’s birthday party. “I explained that they wanted it to be all formal and special, and my parents bought it. If I had worn jeans and a tank top they would have chained me to the kitchen table, so good thing the guys wanted the girls in dresses. Worked out, huh?”

Gary remained miffed and steaming but guarding his words, his quiet if stern demeanor hiding nothing from the girls when Cyn leaned up and loudly whispered into his ear, “Don’t worry Gary. I don’t plan on getting pregnant, at least not tonight.”

“Well of course not,” joked Penny, much to Gary’s displeasure. “You just changed to the patch, right? That’s got a guarantee of at least a hundred million sperm. You should be able to safely take on half the guys there.”

The girls laughed at the joke and started helping each other apply some last-minute make-up as Gary focused on his job as chauffeur. He tried to join in with a joking word and phrase of his own as the girls made friendly swipes at each other’s honor and what the party might be like, but all through the remainder of the drive his gut was tied in a knot.

The party house was in a nice part of town, and as the two girls voiced approval and a little awe at how upscale the place was, Gary had to ask, “So, this isn’t Keith’s place? Do you know who it does belong to?”

“No. No idea,” said Penny, and without thinking Cyn followed up saying “And I know it’s not Jason’s. Must be one of their friends’.”

Gary just bit his tongue, remembering that he wasn’t supposed to know who Jason was, and just wished them a fun night as they walked up the grassy slope that led to the front door. He happened to notice another couple parking down the block and walking toward the same house. Both were nicely dressed, the older guy with a sports coat and his much younger date wearing a short skirt obviously intended to reveal rather than cover.

Gary just shook his head, pushed back his fears and jealousies, and returned home. For about an hour. Then his gut won out. He tried to dress to fit in, with a good quality shirt and slacks, then snatched a bottle of his father’s cheapest red wine and drove back with full intent to spy and interfere. He was afraid that someone might be checking a guest list at the door, but he walked right in, the house full of music and light, every room with a group of like-dressed people. He wandered from room to room, from front room back to the pool area and around the side to the oversized kitchen, placing his wine on one table while picking up an iced beer from an open cooler. Gary talked with a couple of girls and joined in on a conversation some guy was leading on international politics, but through it all he kept his eyes open for either Penny or Cyn.

The one thing that stood out was that all of the men seemed older, maybe averaging mid- to late 20s, while most of the girls could still easily be called girls. He started making a second round of the house, worried that Cyn and Penny may have already left with Jason and Keith, when he suddenly spotted Penny in the corner of a patio adjacent to the pool. He saw that Jason was on the far side of the same room and quickly went over to pull Penny away from the two strange men trying to physically corner her. The men weren’t pleased but Penny seemed fine with Gary grabbing her hand and loudly telling her that he had something to show her.

“Good one Gary. Saved me from a couple of wolves. Wonder where Jason went? He said he’d be right back.” Penny seemed a little high, a little out of it, and not at all surprised to see Gary at a party he wasn’t supposed to be at. He got right to the point. “Where’s Cyn? I haven’t seen her anywhere.”

“Oh, well, she was here, but no, I know, she’s in the game room. We were down there and I came up to get some air, so she’s still there.” Penny’s words meandered but made sense, and when Gary asked where the game room was she got right to the point. “Oh, downstairs. Down the hall and turn left.”

Gary would have stayed to talk with Penny, maybe try to judge how many wine coolers she had downed, but suddenly Jason walked up. “What’s up, dude? Who’s this Penny? Someone you know?” Three quick questions, all in a row, and before Penny could unmask him as her brother, Gary said, “No way man. Not hitting on the girl, just getting to know her. My mistake,” and backed up and walked off toward the hall. He felt bad about leaving Penny with Jason but figured she was safer with him than the other two men.

Down the hall, then left and around a railing to a set of stairs he had missed on his earlier round. The room below was dark but noisy, full of music and sounds that made him think back a dozen years: Mario Kart. Down another short hall and into a large open room where a small crowd of people surrounded a man and woman with game controllers, all eyes focused on a large wall-mounted screen filled with images of an odd assortment of cartoon characters driving vehicles around what was obviously a bizarre type of race track. Definitely Mario Kart, which remained one of Gary’s fun go-to games during long boring afternoons, but why would people at an upscale party like this bother watching others do the driving? The answer came soon enough.

As Gary edged into the back of a crowd of maybe a dozen people, the race ended, the crowd cheered, and everyone but Gary started chanting “Drink, Dare, Drop; Drink, Dare, Drop.” Totally weird. As he got to know later, the words referred to the three things the loser of the race had to choose from: chug a shot/glass of something, dare to do something from a pre-selected list of actions, or drop a piece of clothing. In this instance the loser was a man. If he chose to drink, he had to pay $10. If he chose to drop a piece of clothing, it would go to the winning girl who could sell it back to him for $10, but only if she so chose to. If he chose a dare, then good luck. This guy chose to drink, earning groans from the crowd, throwing down ten bucks and downing a half-glass of wine with a smile.

Then two other people grabbed controllers and started up a race, the girl being instantly recognized as Cyn. The man dropped some money ($10 per game) into a jar, but Cyn didn’t bother, girls and women all being most welcome to freely partake. It turned out that women were welcome to play, to drink, to dare, and to drop, all for free, and all with a cheering crowd. Of course. As the rules were whispered out to him by another partygoer in the back of the room, Gary didn’t need to wonder why the girls were treated differently. You’re a hot looking girl and you want to get drunk and take off your clothes? Please. Be my guest.

Gary stared open mouthed at the screen as the race began, silently cheering Cyn on. She was good but a rolling rock somehow turned her around and she wound up well behind where the guy scored on the screen. Then began again the chant of “Drink, Dare, Drop” and she chose Dare. There was a pile of cards for each gender on a table, and the one she chose was read out loud by her male opponent. “Remove top/bra and display your chest for all to see. Turn around three times before covering up.” Hoots came from both men and girls in the crowd.

Cyn turned her back to the crowd, reaching under her dress to remove her bra, her male opponent happy to help her unsnap it at her back. There was a cheer as she held up the surprisingly small lacy garment, then a larger cheer as she slipped off the thin shoulder straps of her dress, dropping the top down to her waist to show her most magnificent breasts to the crowd. There was a sudden moment of silence as both men and girls took in the sight, then another round of applause as Cyn laughed while turning around three times. Her winning opponent tried to play keep-away with her bra but she eventually got it back and returned to her seat on the floor, bra in her lap but her dress returned to cover her chest as best it could.

The games went on, Gary, like all the rest, staying more out of curiosity about what the losers would do than any real interest in Mario Kart. The next male loser also chose to drink, but the second guy who lost chose a dare in which he had to drop his pants and underwear and do a duck walk around the room. He should have chosen to drink as well. The three other girls who lost were split between taking a drink, dropping a piece of clothing (for auction later) and doing a dare. The one girl chose to drop a garter belt, the crowd giving a boo but the male winner was happy at being allowed to take it off of her, pushing her dress up high to give the crowd a quick look at her ass. The girl who chose a dare was dared to do a handstand for a count of five. That sounds easy, but she was more than a little drunk and she had already given up her panties. It turned into a long two-minute ordeal in which the crowd got a very long and intimate look at what was between her naked white thighs.

Then Cyn chose to try again. Why? Maybe thrill and excitement, maybe the safety of being intimate in front of a supportive crowd she would never see again. Unfortunately, something got in her way and she finished just seconds behind her male opponent. She was in the process of choosing when she looked into the crowd and spotted Gary. He saw it in her eyes, her shocked stare as her eyes caught sight of him, and in that split second he knew he was busted. Whatever she had planned on choosing, she quickly shot out the word “drink,” and of course the crowd groaned. A man on the side poured out a glass of her drink of choice, white wine, but then he reached out and dropped a pill in her hand. They exchanged a word or two and Cyn dropped the pill into the drink before then chugging the glass dry.

Gary stepped back into the hall near the stairs, putting on a poker face as Cyn parted the crowd and walked over to him. “So what the fuck are you doing here?” and without waiting for a reply she looked into his eyes and said, “Checking up on me, aren’t you? Come on. One date and you think you own me.”

Gary swallowed and would have melted into the floor, but Cyn’s slight smile made him smile back, nod, and say, “No, not own you. Let’s just say I’m hooked and I’d like to stay close.”

“Hey,” she said, “Fine, just don’t tell me what to do. And don’t judge me. I can’t tell you how tired I am of that.”

Gary would have tried to think up a comeback but she pushed past him and into a restroom, throwing out a “Be right back,” and leaving him alone to listen to the roar of the crowd and the glowing lights of Mario Kart. Just a minute later Cyn was back, openly adjusting her newly-donned bra, saying, “I bet you saw that, right? Glad I didn’t have to do a handstand. Somebody copped my panties an hour ago and wouldn’t give them back. I suck at this game.”

As Cyn walked up the stairs, into the light and away from Marioland, Gary closed his open jaw and put his brain into high gear, trying to think up something to say that didn’t involve how magnificent he thought her breasts were. “Um, really interesting seeing what’s going on here. Have you noticed, all the guys are men and all the women are girls. I mean, literally, like a major age difference. All of the parties I go to are all college aged people, all about the same age. But this is weird.”

Cyn stopped at the top of the stairs, saying, “Yeah, I noticed. But isn’t that what guys like? Young girls? Like, the younger the better. Still, I agree, kind of off. I thought this would be a night when Penny and I could let loose, you know, not have to bend to any guy’s whim. No dates, just a party where we could have fun, but, yeah, the guys here are more on the make than usual. Nothing personal, but sometimes a girl likes her freedom, and not just free from a boyfriend.”

“Yeah, I get it,” said Gary, feeling a blush coming to his face. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to come off as some jealous guy who wants to control you. I’ll leave if you want me to.”

They both moved aside as another couple headed down the stairs to join the Mario Kart crowd, Cyn staring over at Gary all the while. “Stop it. You’re here, and it was getting weird anyway. Seriously, a party where in the first hour I lose both bra and panties? Time to go, right?

“No. I mean, isn’t it just the opposite? I mean, really, losing both in the first hour. Isn’t that the sign of a really good party?” Gary was hoping for a laugh but Cyn only gave a half scowl and half smile, so he quickly followed saying, “So since we’re here and you’re not throwing me to the curb, let’s dance.”

Cyn gave a huge roll of the eyes but turned and walked on, down the hall and into the cacophony that was the heart of the party. Passing the kitchen Gary saw that one of the open ice chests still had a few decent beers and snagged a bottle, but when he held it up to Cyn she gave her head a shake. The music seemed to be a streaming mix of randomly selected tunes, a few couples bobbing back and forth while most just watched and talked on the fringes of the large open room.

Gary pulled Cyn into the middle, pretended to dance while really focusing on her. Her height, as tall as half the men there (including him), and her youthful form (full and womanly, more than any one set of eyes could take in), and her presence, stern but with a smile, poised and confident, but Gary knew there was a weaker side to her. While thinking of Cyn he also kept an eye out for Penny, looking through the large back window into the back patio, and further on to the pool area. Nothing.

The generic song ending, Gary took Cyn’s hand and said he wanted to find Penny. Just then another man came out of the crowd and placed a hand on Cyn’s shoulder, asking her to dance. Before she could answer Gary took over, telling the man up close and personal that they were looking for a friend and had to leave and pulled Cyn away. A second later Gary realized what he had done and turned to Cyn (without releasing her hand) and apologized. “Shit, sorry, didn’t mean to go all Rambo and tell you what to do. You go on back. I just want to find Penny and let her know I’m taking off.”

A squeeze of his hand let Gary know it was all OK, Cyn looking straight into his eyes with a smile, not a word having to pass between them as they stayed together and began searching the milling crowd. When they reached the pool Gary had to pause, finding two women in nothing but panties sitting with their legs in the water. His blank thoughts were interrupted by Cyn asking, “So, you want to keep searching, or do you want to get their phone numbers?” He gave a short laugh, said “Just taking in the scenery. Let’s go,” and turned, pulling Cyn back into the crowd.

“Damn. I meant to keep an eye on the girl but I got too caught up in that game,” said Cyn. “I do my best to keep her out of trouble, but I guess that’s all this party really guarantees.”

They did another check of the front room and then the kitchen, Cyn then turning to Gary and shocking him when she said “You’re right. Nothing but older guys looking for some bush. I wonder how many of these girls are going to get pregnant tonight?” Before he could close his jaw or think of an answer, Cyn pulled his arm and said, “I think I know. Too late, but we should at least check it out.” Gary had no choice but to put his now empty beer bottle on a counter and follow after.

This time they went up a set of stairs, up to a second floor and hallway on either side. Cyn paused and shrugged and went right. So far Gary had been largely in the dark, only now realizing that Cyn thought Penny would be up to something with somebody in one of the upper bedrooms. At the first door Cyn paused again, muttered something under her breath and opened the door slowly, then sticking her head in for a private look.

She quickly withdrew her head with a loud yell following telling her to get out and something else about shoes. Cyn closed the door with a loud “Shit” falling out of her mouth, putting her head into Gary’s chest while laughing out the words that some guy was getting a blowjob while sitting on the toilet. Then she looked around, pointed at the two pairs of shoes in front of the bathroom door they both had overlooked. “In college dorms they use a piece of clothing on the doorknob,” said Gary, trying to act as though this was all a normal part of his life. “Should have seen the shoes.”

Cyn gave a quick look down the hall, then turned and went down another way, stopping at the end of the hall where she pointed to a small pile of shoes saying, “Penny’s sandals. Don’t ask me who the other shoes belong to but its more than one guy. You wanna do the honors this time?”

Gary turned the doorknob and pushed inwards, slowly opening the door to a short walkway that led to a larger inner room. With Cyn behind him, Gary went down a few steps and peered into the room, and even with the minimal lighting he could see his sister naked but for her skimpy skirt, a slightly more clothed man under and to her side, pulling one of her legs back and lost to the joy of fucking Penny’s twat as deep as his cock would allow. Another man had dropped his pants and was doing his best to pull Penny’s face over to suck him off while a third man, completely without pants, was watching from the side. This third guy turned and upon seeing Gary and Cyn smiled and took a few steps over, not in the least shy about the hard boner waving before him.

The man was Jason, giving Gary a quick scowl, then turning to Cyn and saying “Want to join in? You know, like last time?” He put a hand out to Cyn’s shoulder but she quickly turned and without a word retreated back out of the room and into the hallway. Gary took another glance at the action on the bed, the man fucking Penny from behind having turned her fully over and onto her chest as he continued his assault, the bed now bouncing with all the energy he was pouring into Penny’s upturned ass and open legs. Gary shook his head, returned the scowl Jason had given him, and followed Cyn, closing the door behind him.

Cyn was halfway down the hall, hyperventilating and staring at the floor, and as Gary approached she said, “I got her into this. Damn. I should have known. Assholes. Fucking assholes.”

Gary wasn’t sure how to answer, knowing more about what was going on than Cyn was aware of but he couldn’t admit to it. That would open up his video of what went on in Penny’s bedroom and he didn’t want that to ever become public knowledge. He stood next to Cyn and took a middle road, saying “Should we do something? Save her? Get her out of there? Maybe she’s so drunk she doesn’t know what she’s doing.”

Cyn shook her head and started heading back to the stairs, then turned and faced Gary. “There’s stuff you don’t know about Penny,” Cyn told him in a hard matter of fact voice. “She’ll hate herself afterwards, but she’d hate you more for barging in and making a scene.” She paused, said “I need some air” and headed down the stairs.

At the bottom they were passed by a man Gary immediately recognized as Keith. They all three paused for a brief second, each taking the other in, but then Keith turned and started up the stairs. Gary knew where he was heading but he couldn’t tell Cyn that he knew the whole story. Cyn just gave him a glance, shrugged and said “Penny’s new boyfriend. I’ve got a really bad feeling about this,” before again turning and heading for the front door.

The change upon stepping outside was immediate, the warm summer air seeming fresh and cool when compared to what they had been forced to breathe inside the house. Gary feigned ignorance and yet took on a small amount of responsibility when he again asked, “So, we’re just going to leave her here? With those guys?” Cyn shook her head, saying “No, we can’t just leave, but we’ll have to wait until she comes down. Maybe with that guy we just saw, Keith, but who knows? I don’t know who to hate more, the guys or Penny’s voracious cunt.”

That’s when Cyn seemed to remember who she was talking to and she again looked into Gary’s eyes and said, “Listen, sorry, but I don’t think you know the half of what your little sister gets into. I don’t know what to say, but she’s, well...” and Cyn let it sit there, couldn’t possibly finish the sentence with Gary standing there, so he finished the thought for her. “She’s a slut, right? Yeah, I kind of know.”

“Sounds better when I say it,” said Cyn, throwing a half smile his way. “Really Gary, talking about your sister that way. Shameful.” They moved off the front walkway to let a late arriving couple enter the house, Cyn finally saying “But you’re right. Not so bad, really, no judgement from me, but she isn’t old enough to control it, or at least control the men who want to use her. I was hoping this last guy we saw, Keith, would be able to pull her down to the ground but I guess not.”

Gary was about to continue his pretense of ignorance and ask for more information about Keith when the devil came walking out of the front door with a laughing and stumbling Penny in tow. This time Penny was largely dressed with her top on and skirt pushed down, sandals in hand. Following them was Jason, this time with pants, seeming to continue an ongoing disagreement with Keith, yelling out “Fuck you too man. Let me know when you decide on a wedding date.”

That’s when Penny recognized Cyn and Gary, and completely ignoring everything that must have gone on over the previous hour, Penny threw her arms around Cyn, saying “Keith and I are taking off. I think he’s jealous.” Then she turned to Gary, telling him not to worry and to drive Cyn home. Giving Gary a kiss on the cheek she turned to a still scowling Keith and said, “Don’t worry. He’s my brother.”

As the two walked off, Jason turned to face Gary. “That loose piece of pussy is your sister? I bet you have fun every night.” Before Gary could react Jason took a step toward Cyn but she took two more away from him. He got the message, and walking back toward the house he threw back a parting line: “You’re not good for anything but a blowjob anyway.”

Gary didn’t even bother trying to defend Cyn or lambast Jason, taking Cyn by the arm and silently walking her down toward where he had parked his car. They both watched Penny get into a truck with Keith, and while Gary felt protective of her, he knew there was nothing he could do for now. Save it for the morning. He was also worried that the events of the night would get to Cyn, crush her and make her cynical and hate all men including Gary, so he was understandably elated when she looked over the roof of his car and said, “I’m hungry. The food there was all junk, and dope and alcohol of course. I could really use a McDonald’s fishwich.” Gary smiled and said, “Sounds good. My treat.”

Their drive to grab a takeout bag of fast food was silent, but with the scent of warm french fries filling the car, Gary looked over and said, “I know a place to eat. Quiet, but hopefully you’ll get over whatever it is we just went through and start talking to me again.”

Cyn apologized and went on, saying “I hope you don’t judge me or Penny for what you just saw. We were hoping it would be an easygoing party, something to just have fun with. And just so you know, your sister’s not a slut. Maybe a nympho would be a better way to put it.”

Again Gary was thinking of the best way to answer Cyn when she laughed and added “Yeah, and maybe she’s a slut too. But don’t judge her. She’s just been around a lot of really bad influences. And don’t you dare look at me like that,” forcing Gary to put his eyes back on the road. “I mean guys. Like, some guys who have really used her. I’m amazed at what she’s gotten away with, like, what she’s done right under your nose.”

Gary wanted to regain some participation in the conversation, and hoping he wasn’t giving too much away, he said, “Well, you mean like Simon?” This caused Cyn to spin here entire body around, pulling at the seat belt, saying, “Simon? You know about Simon? Bullshit. She wouldn’t tell you about him.”

Gary countered, saying “No, really, she couldn’t say enough about the guy. Sure, if I knew about it back then I’d punch his lights out, but it’s over now and she seems OK with it, but maybe you’re right. Maybe having an affair with a guy that old when she was that young changed her for the worse. She doesn’t think so, but, like you said, she doesn’t seem to be in total control of herself.”

Gary wanted to say more, hoped Cyn would keep talking and fill him in on more of what he didn’t know, but Cyn suddenly looked around at where he was parking the car and asked, “So, why did you drive here?”

‘Here’ was just a parking lot in a small neighborhood park. “It’s just a nice quiet place,” answered Gary. “I used to come here all the time during high school.” “Yeah,” said Cyn, “and now Penny does too. And since we’re on the subject, it was right over there that I got to know the real Penny, the good, the bad, and the horny.”

Cyn picked up a soda and got out of the car, Gary following with the food and his own drink, walking over to a cement picnic table near the parking lot but away from the light. “Yeah, and who’s the real Penny,” he asked, pulling out a bag of fries while cringing at what he feared he already knew. “I’ll tell you after I’ve eaten,” answered Cyn and she turned her attention to the food laid out before her.

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