Erica, The Webcam MILF - Cover

Erica, The Webcam MILF

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Steve answers his stepmothers cellphone only to discover a message for Diane Darling. But his stepmother's name is Erica. Curious, he looks into this more - only to learn that his stepmother has been running a porn webcam!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism  

Erica was dripping with anticipation. Every so often a client came along that would excite her more than others. This was one of those times. Watching this inexperienced young man stroke his cock was turning her on immensely. His cock was rather large. This thought excited her, the thought that someone so young and obviously well-gifted desired her made her feel very sexy. And his dominating her had pushed that to new and infinitely more arousing levels!

She didn’t hear the loud noise in the alley, partly because her room was at the opposite end of the house and her bedroom door was closed. And partly because she was so engrossed in her own pleasure that unless the car came crashing through her room, she wouldn’t have heard it anyway!

All of a sudden, she saw the scene on the other end of the video feed move quickly on her screen. His laptop had fallen off the table.

“Damn,” she muttered lightly to herself. Then she recognized the room on the screen. It was Steve’s bedroom. She was looking at his naked body as he frantically reached for the camera to put it back in place. She froze as she looked at his horror-stricken face directly on the screen. She had just masturbated together with her stepson!

She sat bolt upright on the edge of the bed. There was a large wet spot on the bed from where her pussy had drooled happily moments ago, fantasizing about this young man. She could not believe that it was her son, Steve.

Terrifying thoughts now ran through her mind. Was this the first time he had been here? She wasn’t certain. She would like to think she would have remembered him, but there had been so many men. How did he find out about the site? Did anyone else know about her secret?

But even more important than the past was the future. She and Steve had always been very close and she treasured her relationship with him above everything else. Would this do irreparable harm to their relationship? She had to figure what she was going to do about this. Should she just let it go until the morning? She wanted to wait because she was too embarrassed and worried. But she knew that would only make things worse. This had to be dealt with now.

As she sat there on the edge of the bed, trying to figure out what she would say and how she would handle this, she realized her pussy was still dripping wet. The idea of being with her son still excited her. She questioned herself ... what kind of a mother – or stepmother – gets turned on by the idea of sex with her son?

There was no denying she was, though. The wet spot on the bed and her sopping pussy attested to that. She tried to blame it on the fact she had been without a man for so long. And the fact that Steve had touched on her weakness for being submissive. But she knew those were just excuses she was using to justify her feelings. It did nothing to resolve them. It was time to deal with this directly.

She put her panties and the chemise back on. Then some bizarre sense of modesty made her grab her robe, and she quickly walked toward his room. She did not want to give him any time to feel worse than he probably already did.

Reaching his room, she paused for a moment. She was going to knock, but then thought better of it. She slowly opened the door and went inside.

Steve was sitting on the edge of his bed with his face in his hands. Erica’s heart dropped as she saw her son sitting there. She had only seen him this despondent once before when his high school girlfriend left him.

Her name was Jill and they had been going together for almost the whole four years until one day he went to see her and found out she had been seeing another guy. It crushed him and surprised Erica – she had Steve and Jill pegged as the perfect couple and was already looking at her as a potential daughter-in-law!

But they had gotten through it. She had sat him down and talked to him and together they worked to make him feel better and he had moved on. She had made her choice and while it was unfortunate it wasn’t Steve, he found out later on that it was the best thing that could have happened. She cheated on the new guy as well and now she was a single mother raising a kid all on her own working as a waitress in some truck stop dine and dash on the interstate in Illinois someplace.

And now here he was, just as crushed as then. Of course, this was a much more unique situation though.

She sat down on the bed next to him and placed her hand on his back.

“It’s okay, you know,” she told him. She figured he was extremely embarrassed; she knew she was. She also realized she needed to explain her own actions. Maybe that was where she would start. If she explained and apologized for her role in this maybe it would help him feel better.

“I am so sorry Steve, honey. Sorry that you have found this out about me. I am so ashamed.” The last statement was genuine enough that her voice cracked. But she had to continue even through the tears that had begun. She wanted to explain how and why she started. “I...”

He raised his head and turned to her. He quickly interrupted, “It’s okay.”

He reassured her. And then she was shocked, relieved, and excited all at once as he ignored his own guilt and moved closer to her and put his arm around her shoulder. “Mom, there’s absolutely no reason to be ashamed. You’re a beautiful woman and you’re doing what you need to do to try to earn some extra money and give us a better life.”

She thought to herself how wonderful this man was. She no longer thought of him as a boy. She suddenly realized her little boy had grown up. And he clearly remembered how tight money had been several years ago and the struggles they had to make ends meet. He was trying to make her feel better. And her crying stopped.

“Yes, but sweetheart, that’s not what this is all about entirely. Yes, I make some extra money, but if I just wanted to make money, I could get a second job or something. This is about more than just money, dear.”

His hand stopped rubbing her back for a moment. “What do you mean, Mom?”

She turned to face him. “Honey this is something I do ... for me. To make me feel like I am still desirable, to make me feel like I am wanted. You know, by other men.

“You were too young to remember when I came into you and your father’s life. But I have told you how I met your father shortly after your mother got sick. Your father and I became good friends and I helped him through his grief.

“But in that time we got close – very close. We fell in love, baby. And before either of us knew it, I was moved in and we were living together. We all lived together for about a year, I guess before I married your father and became your mother ... your stepmother. But I never felt like your stepmother and you never treated me as such.

“Sweetheart, since your father passed away, I have centered my life around you. You are all I have left of him and you are the most important thing in the world to me. But I am getting older, honey, and a woman likes to know she can still turn a man’s head once in a while you know?”

“But Mom you are still beautiful! You are the most beautiful woman I know!”

“Aww, thank you, sweetheart. But you have to admit, you are a little biased!” Erica put her hand lovingly and reassuringly on Steve’s leg. “No, I want to know I can turn other men’s heads. I want to know that I am still attractive to men I’m not related to!”

“I can understand that, but...” He didn’t know what else to say at this point. He looked closely at her soft face.

The silence lasted for what seemed forever. The two of them were now staring into each other’s eyes. Her hand was still lightly resting on his leg. For several long moments, the two of them examined each other’s faces in hopes that they could determine exactly what the other was feeling. Neither dared to breathe for fear they would spoil this fragile, intimate, connection.

Then Steve made a move that even he didn’t anticipate. With his eyes locked on his mother’s he reached out and put his hand behind her head. He pulled her slowly and tenderly towards him. Erica did not resist or voice her opposition.

Steve began to pull her face towards his as he leaned in for a kiss. He did not hesitate. Instead, his right hand squeezed tightly around her and he pulled her to him quickly.

Their lips met and at the first touch, both pulled back for a moment. But the die had been cast and both were powerless to prevent what came next. Steve looked into his mother’s soft brown eyes – eyes that showed such love and yet such need – and he pulled her back into his kiss.

A wave of complete excitement overwhelmed Erica. Until now, her play and this sexual activity had been for the camera and her lucky viewers. But it had been years since she had touched a man.

The feeling throughout her now was amazing. She surrendered to it completely and put both of her arms around him, pulling him in closer. Their kiss became deeper and more passionate. His tongue found her mouth as she was exploring his. They intertwined and gave themselves over to one of the most arousing kisses either had ever had.

His next action was even bolder. Steve turned her body and with slight force gently pushed Erica down onto the middle of his bed. As he did, he continued to kiss her, following her down as he moved over top of her. When she was laying flat on his bed, she opened her eyes to look up at him as he pulled his lips away from hers.

Again the two of them looked deep into each other’s eyes. And once again, neither spoke for quite a few seconds.

This time it was Erica who broke the silence, “Are you sure about this, honey?”

Steve didn’t answer ... not with words, at least. Instead, he kissed her even deeper and more passionately than before. Erica pulled him close. She wanted him so badly. She wanted him to hold her. She wanted him to make love to her.

Steve continued kissing his mother. The love he felt for this woman was incredible. It went beyond a son’s love for his mother – this woman had chosen to become the woman that raised him. Steve wasn’t an “accident” or a result of one night’s wild impetuous passion. She willingly accepted him when she met his father and she had stayed with him throughout his life, giving him all that she could give to make him the man he was now.

She didn’t have to, she could have easily turned both him and his father away. But she didn’t. She loved him like he was her birth child and had helped him and his father get over their loss. She had raised him, cared for him, and sacrificed for him. It was time she was paid back.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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