Seven Year Itch - Cover

Seven Year Itch

by Poser

Copyright© 2020 by Poser

Erotica Sex Story: A sexy soccer mom surprises her husband with a teenage prostitute on their seventh anniversary.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   FemaleDom   Sadistic   Spitting   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student   Prostitution   .

“Heya Mommy,” I said, smiling as I leaned into her beige mini-van. She had a car seat strapped in and toys scattered around the back seat.

“Mmmm ... Just what I’m looking for,” the women replied. “What’s your name, baby girl?”

“Jody,” I replied. “What’s yours?”

“Erica,” she answered. I liked her smile and especially how comfortable she seemed. This wasn’t the first time she’d cruised this part of town, obviously.

“That’s a pretty name,” I told her. “Are you looking for a date, Erica?”

“Keep calling me Mommy,” she decided. “I like that better. How old are you?”

“Oh, you know...” I sighed, playing my tongue over my top lip. “I have an older sister if you don’t like me.”

“No.” She shook her head and reached across the passenger seat to open the door. “I think I’m going to like you a lot, Jody. Get in.”

“Okay, Mommy. Where are we going?” I asked. “There’s a motel on...”

“I don’t like motels,” she said, glancing over her shoulder and pulling slowly into traffic. “Let’s get business out of the way.”

“Sounds good.” I shrugged. “It’s fifty bucks for thirty minutes. For a hundred I’ll let you go an hour and half.”

“That’s not going to be nearly long enough,” she said. “I want you all night. Look in the glove box; there’s an envelope.”

I reached between my knees and found what she was talking about. I looked inside the plain white envelope and counted twelve hundred dollar bills. I put it in my purse, smiling at my Mommy. She was the real deal, not that I had any doubts, but I’d only been working this town for a few months and it was always nice to be certain.

“I’m fifteen,” I told her, truthfully. Erica had asked and after giving me that much money up front, I figured she deserved to know what kind of trouble she might be buying.

“That’s a nice age,” she said, glancing at me in the dim light. “You’re a beautiful girl, Jody. You know that?”

“Yeah, I heard some rumors,” I agreed, smiling sweetly.

Erica reached for my bare thigh and began stroking me with her fingertips. She had nice fingernails, not too long and perfectly shaped, painted white. Her face was perfectly made up as well. She wore a flattering shade of red lipstick, not overwhelming, but just enough to make her mouth pretty. Her dirty blonde hair fell loose around her face, and if it wasn’t terribly thick, it was nicely styled and shone wonderfully. I bet she brushed it a hundred times every night before bed. If I had to guess, I’d peg her age at twenty-seven. She definitely hadn’t hit the big three-zero yet, and I wondered how old her kid might be.

“Tell me if I get too nosy,” Erica said, “but how long have you been a whore?”

“Mmmm...” I giggled. “Mommy gets right to the point, doesn’t she?”

“I like the word.” She shrugged. “It turns me on being with a pretty little whore like you. When did you start?”

“Not too long ago,” I answered. “I had to get away from home, you know, and a girl’s gotta eat.”

“Poor baby. You were abused, huh?” she asked, coming to a stop at a red light. She stared right into my eyes and smiled. “Which one was fucking you, Jody ... Mommy or Daddy?”

“You’re getting a little nosy, I think.”

“Sorry.” Erica sighed and the light turned green. “I don’t mean to pry.”

“It’s okay, Mommy. I still love you.”

We rode in silence for a few miles, driving through the suburbs, and I was totally lost by the time she pulled into the driveway. I was a little surprised that Erica would bring me to her house. Most of the women who picked me up just wanted to get to a motel, fuck my brains out, and make their escape as quickly as possible. They were usually filled with guilt afterwards, it was written all over their faces. The women who were interested in teenage lesbian prostitutes were pretty deep in the closet. They only came out when they were really desperate for a fix.

Erica wasn’t like anyone I’d ever met. She was very calm, very confident. She’d been touching my leg, teasing me with her fingers, but she’d never betrayed any overwhelming lust. There was nothing desperate about her. Nothing out of control, and for just a second there, I wondered if I shouldn’t have been a little afraid. Maybe that’s the worst thing about being fifteen and surviving some of the shit that had been my life – I thought I could handle anything.

“We’re home, baby.” Erica shut off the engine. The garage door was closed, but the lights were on inside the house, and it was a large one. One of those two story jobs that looked like all the other ones, only the paint was different. This one was blue.

“Nice house, Mommy.”

We exited the van and it wasn’t very late, barely eight o’clock. The sun had only set an hour ago and every house on her street was lit up, many of them with their curtains open. I wondered what these respectable people would think seeing a girl like me walking into their neighbor’s house. I mean, I wasn’t the babysitter and I definitely wasn’t here to sell Girl Scout cookies, not in my outfit.

I wore white cowboy boots that went well with my white dance shorts. At five foot six, I was all legs and I liked to show them off. My ass, too. Those shorts fit so closely that they might have been painted on and I always wore a bright red thong, just because I knew everyone could see it through the spandex. My flat tummy was bare, showing off my thin waist and the gold ring in my belly button.

I’m an outtie and always wore something in my belly. I favored rings just because I had a gold ring through my labia and three more in my left ear. I thought about getting a septum piercing, but I hadn’t done that yet. I did have a stud in my tongue though, a silver post that I’d gotten for my fourteenth birthday. It had been gift from one of my mom’s boyfriends because he said it would feel good when I sucked his dick. Of course, my mom had paid for it and so she’d bitched non-stop for a week, like it was my fault.

Anyway, I had smallish tits and so I usually just wore a matching racerback bra. It was white spandex, totally comfortable, and even though my boobs were bare handfuls, my nipples were really dark and puffy. When I got excited, my nipples would pop like hard little pebbles and be totally obvious. I looked super sexy, I thought, and I’d swiped a pink leather jacket that was really short, pinned with a lot of flair, and sweet when I pulled up the sleeves. My hair was naturally brown, but I’d bleached it platinum blonde. Brown was so boring. I shaved my pussy and legs, and under my arms. I hated stubble and wondered how much that electrolysis stuff cost, but I’d heard that kind of hurt, so maybe not.

“You’re not worried about the neighbors?” I asked, just because I couldn’t contain my curiosity. We were walking right up to the front door.

“Not particularly,” Erica answered, and she actually paused to look around the street. “Watching us is probably the high point of their day.”

“If you say so, Mommy.” I giggled at that. Jesus, this woman was something else. “What about, uh ... Your kid? Are you married?

“I have two kids,” she answered, picking out her house key. “They’re at my mom’s for the weekend.”


“My husband won’t be a problem.” Erica unlocked the door and waited for me to enter before stepping inside and shutting it behind us. She turned the bolt with a sharp snick and started pushing a code into the nearby alarm panel.

I guess she really did want me to spend the night. Whatever. I’d been paid and this place was a lot nicer than the cheap motel room that I rented by the week. I looked around the living room and it was neat, but obviously well used. There was a plastic laundry basket next to the sofa, filled with toys and stuffed animals. Some Dr. Suess books were on the sofa along with a tub of crayons. There were pictures of her kids on the wall. Those picture frames with like a dozen cut-outs for little snapshots. She had cute kids, but I didn’t really get a good look and it didn’t matter.

“Would you like something to drink?” Erica asked. “I think a shot of Jack would be nice, just to calm my nerves. How about you?”

“Jack Daniels?” I shrugged. “Sure.”

“We keep the bar above the kitchen sink,” she said with a tilt of her head, smiling. “This way.”

“You don’t seem very nervous to me, Mommy.” I followed her into the large kitchen. I took a seat at the breakfast bar as Erica found us a couple glasses.

“Not nervous, baby.” She poured a measure of whiskey into each. “Just excited. It’s our anniversary.”

“Wedding anniversary?”

“Uh-huh ... Cheers.” She tossed the Jack down and I did the same, feeling it burn. “Seven years today and I promised him something special.”

“Hmmm...” I licked my lips as a shudder went through me. It wasn’t my first drink, not by a long ways, but I generally didn’t do shots.

“That’s enough for us,” Erica decided. “Just a little something for the snakebite.”

“Snakebite?” I smiled and realized just how lovely this woman really was. Her eyes were grey, or such a light shade of blue that I couldn’t tell the difference. They looked right through me and I felt a tiny thrill tickle my tummy.

“That’s what you are,” she said, stepping closer as I turned on the stool and spread my knees. “You are so fucking beautiful, Jody. The men must go crazy for you.”

“Men are dogs,” I said, giggling. “I don’t do a whole lot cock.”

“Such a beautiful little whore.”

Erica stood close and I put my hands on her hips. She wore a red and gold university sweatshirt, slightly loose, but not enough to disguise her large breasts and narrow waist. She had real hips, too. Mine were too slim and any shape I had came from babyfat, but I was still growing. Erica was a woman and she had those childbearing hips, you know? I liked that. I liked that she had a generous ass, not too big, but nice and round and firm. I slid my hands behind the woman, just to squeeze her butt and she was firm. I bet she spent hours at the gym, just working on her ass, hips, and thighs.

“Does Mommy want to kiss me?” I asked, doing my best little girl impersonation. I bit my bottom lip and batted my eyes, tilting my head just so...

“Mommy wants to do a lot more than that, baby.” She put her nose in my hair and took a deep breath. “You smell like cotton candy.”

“I taste pretty good, too,” I promised, feeling her hands on my shoulders, squeezing me gently.

We were whispering. The house was silent and our breathing had become heavy, filling the kitchen as we stared at each other. I was getting turned on, which didn’t usually happen, at least not this quickly. Not this way. What was she doing? I’d never met anyone who could take me this slowly, this patiently. Men were always in a hurry, as if they might wake up and find me gone. Women were the same, perhaps even worse. People don’t know, and they wouldn’t believe it, but women are the real sexual predators in my world.

Erica was a predator; I could see it in her eyes. She was hungry, but she knew I wasn’t a dream. I wasn’t going to get away. She had all night to devour me.

“Let me see...” she breathed, bringing her lips to mine.

A soft kiss at first, just our lips. Once ... Twice ... Three tender kisses before she brought her right hand to my breast, finding my swollen nipple through the spandex and pressing her palm hard against me. I always became more sensitive when sexually aroused, more tender in places like my tits and neck and the soft hollows of my thighs. I gasped as she pushed even harder. It hurt and it felt good, and I groaned as Erica’s tongue filled my open mouth.

I closed my knees against her hips and wrapped my legs around her waist. My hands moved up and down her back, tugging at her sweatshirt as I wanted to feel her bare skin. Erica found the post in my tongue and teased it, exploring it with her own while we continued to make out. I was growing warm and my heart was racing. The alcohol had put a fire in my belly and Erica’s breath filled my lungs. I was moaning when she pulled away, letting go of my breast to grab my face instead.

She pinched my cheeks between her thumb and fingers, painfully, and tilted my face upward. I had no choice but to look into her eyes as she hocked a wad of phlegm from the back of her throat, swished it around for a few seconds, and spat it into my mouth. I felt the slimy mess sliding towards the back of my mouth.

“Swallow it, whore.”

I did exactly that, swallowing loudly and nodding as she let me go. “Thank you, Mommy,” I breathed. “I love it when you spit in my mouth.”

“Yeah,” she agreed, panting and smiling. “Come on. Time to go upstairs.”

Erica took my bra in her fist, grabbing it in the middle, between my tits, and pulled me off the stool so quickly that I nearly fell flat on my face. I worried that she might rip it right off my body, but it was brand new and fairly tough. I followed along, somewhat awkwardly as she kept pulling with strong, unexpected jerks of her arm. She brought me upstairs, past the bathroom and her children’s bedrooms, to the closed door of what I assumed was the master bedroom.

“Wait,” she whispered, looking flushed and not so very calm any longer. “You don’t speak to my husband without permission. Not a fucking word, understand?”

I didn’t, really, but I nodded anyway. “Yes, Mommy.”

“And don’t call me that anymore. I want you to call me Mrs. Philips,” she said, her mouth close to my ear. “I want you to pretend I’m your teacher.”

“Okay,” I whispered back, but it seemed strange to be changing the game now. Had something changed her mind?

“You’re one of my students,” she insisted. “We’ve been lovers all year. Can you do that?”

“Are you really a teacher?”

“Yeah.” She looked at me and licked her lips. “I teach high school English and Spanish to girls just like you.”

“I doubt that, uh ... Mrs. Philips.”

“No.” She smiled and took a deep breath, fixing my bra around my tits. “You’re right, Jody. They’re not whores like you.”

She reached for the door knob, but I put my hand on hers. “You should know,” I told her. “I’m not really into guys, but it’s cool if you want me to...”

“Fuck my husband?” She stared at me and I shrugged.

“Just saying.”

“Don’t worry.” She gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “I won’t let him fuck you in the ass.”

She turned the knob and pushed the bedroom door wide open.

“Hello, Darling, did you miss me?” Erica asked in a sweet, sing-song voice.

“Um-Hummph!” he replied, nodding his head.

I blinked at the man and stifled a giggle. He sat on a heavy chair, padded with red leather on the back and seat, but with ornately carved wooden arms and legs. He’d been tied down, naked and bound tightly at the ankles and wrists. He had a loose knot of nylon cord around his neck that was drawn tight behind the chair, underneath, and upward between his legs. I stepped closer, wanting to see how Erica had tied it around his balls and I wasn’t disappointed. His scrotum was dark and swollen, the cord was not loose at all down there. I thought it must be painful the way he sat stiffly upright, trying to reduce the tension as much as possible. If he leaned forward, as he’d done at the sound of his wife’s voice, his balls were pulled sharply away from his groin.

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