Physical Therapy - Cover

Physical Therapy

Copyright© 2020 by Westside24

Chapter 14

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - A young man who is a certified physical therapist applies for a position in a South American country. While there he discovers that women are women no matter where they are. There is some sex in this story but it is slow to develop.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual  

It was a smooth flight for the four passengers in the Gulfstream jet to go to the neighboring country. Elena’s security wasn’t on the plane because she was assured security would be provided for her by the host country. They were warmly greeted when they landed and driven to the resort. It was said the first meeting was scheduled at nine tomorrow.

This resort consisted of two unit stand-alone casitas each with a shared pool. Kyle was assigned one on the lower level and the casita above him was assigned to Elena which meant that the pool was a private pool just for the two of them.

Instead of driving into town to see it, they decided to have a drink and sit by their private pool. Elena said she first was going to unpack.

Kyle was by the pool sipping on a cold beer when Elena came out to join him. He took one look at her and wasn’t sure what to say. She was wearing a white bikini which just showed her to be the beautiful woman she was. He had seen her with no clothes on but with her wearing this outfit it made her a very sexy and desirable woman.

“Elena you look absolutely stunning in that suit but it’s too bad that I will only be the one seeing you wearing it because you can’t wear it at the beach club which is down by the lake.”

“Why is that?”

“Because if someone was to take a picture of you wearing it and post it on the internet it will go viral. You then would be known for your beauty and how sexy you look and not for your intelligence and sound judgment. Like it or not, people will think that way about you. Saying that, you can wear it all the time when am around because as I have said before, you are a damn good looking woman.”

She smilingly nodded her head in agreement and lay down on the lounge chair that was there. To avoid getting tan lines she untied the string holding her top. Her doing that was causing him to become aroused. His arousal further increased when she asked him to put some suntan lotion on her. He couldn’t help but think she knew the effect she was having on him especially when she turned to lay on her back and asked him to put lotion on her front.

Two could play the same game was his thought. He applied the lotion to her breasts and could feel that her nipples were stiff. His hand moved down applying more lotion and then it quickly slipped under her bikini bottom and started massaging her clit. When her eyes popped open, she saw the big smile on his face but she didn’t ask him to stop what he was doing. He didn’t stop until she climaxed.

The only thing she said was, “That was nice.”

It was later that they went into their casita to shower to remove the suntan lotion. They showered together and one thing led to another with the result of them being in bed and he took her for the first time doggie style. His thumb was pressing in her rosebud as they made love.

After they both had climaxed Elena said, “That was nice.” He knew he would never get tired of hearing her say those words.

For dinner, they dressed and walked holding hands to the open-air restaurant at this resort. Elena looked stunning in a short-sleeved above the knee white dress with her long dark hair hanging down to her mid-back. He could see she attracted some admiring attention.

Back at her casita and in bed, they made love before they went to sleep.

The meeting the next day covered the physician assistants program. Kyle didn’t have much to say about that program or the vaccination program. In the following days, he would be involved in the discussion of the CPT training program and the physical therapist programs. He did think in observing these meetings which ended about eleven-thirty that their hosts were very interested in either doing the same programs or in sending some people to receive this training, especially the CPT training.

When the meeting ended and after lunch the four of them were offered a tour of the area in a stretched SUV. The offer was accepted and they were taken to some beautiful places. This country doesn’t have cliff divers which Acapulco was famous for. They did, however, have a place where people could do bungee jumps of three hundred and fifty feet off a bridge. Elena and Kyle watched some of this and thought it must be tourists doing these jumps. Kyle thought that these people were nuts to be doing these jumps. He made a mental note that when he was on his computer to figure out the speed the jumpers were going at the end of their jump. He couldn’t help but feel what they were doing wasn’t healthy and maybe even dangerous.

In doing this tour he noticed that the driver and the guide were armed and he assumed so were the people in the vehicle that was always behind their SUV following them.

On the last night of this conference, Elena and Kyle were in bed. They had made love once and were cuddling.

Kyle said, “I think we have been able to keep this relationship we have private and I am glad we have.”

“That may not be entirely true,” said Elena.

“What do you mean?”

“My mother asked me if something was going on between us.”

“And what did you say?”

“I don’t lie to my mother, I told her there was.”

“And what did she say?”

“After she told me she likes you, she said for me to be careful because she said she didn’t want to see me get hurt.”

“Do you think she told your father?”

“No, she wouldn’t do that.”

The flight the next day home was uneventful. They did think the meetings were productive and solidified the good relationship they had with this neighboring country.

Kyle was back at work and in his opinion there continued to be no major problems. Kyle’s initial PT class was close to completing their training and the students were asked if they had a preference for where they wanted to work. The people assigned to supervise the vaccination program were now tasked with assigning these therapists and coordinating the program of supervising them with the CPTs from the States. It still would be a few years before this country would be producing its CPTs who would then take over the supervision.

Kyle was spending some time with Elena during the week but just about every weekend he was with her. The only exceptions were when she had some family commitments.

He knew Elena was the woman for him, the one he wanted to marry and be his wife. The one he wanted to wake up in the morning with her lying next to him in bed. Unfortunately, he also knew that not everyone here liked Americans. If the relationship that he had with Elena became known it could politically hurt her and maybe even hurt her father.

For some unexplained reason, he only discussed serious questions with her lying in his arms after they had made love and tonight was no exception.

“Tell me, Elena, with your father who is leading in the polls and is up for re-election in a few short months, what would happen if the voters were to find out about our relationship?”

“That is hard to say but he would probably lose some support as there are people here who are not friendly to the States. Why are you asking?”

“The reason that I am asking is that I love you very much. I would like to make this relationship with you one that is legal and one that is permanent. I want to marry you and have you be my wife. You are everything and more that I had ever hoped to find in a woman, a woman I want to be my wife and be my life long companion.”

“There is a small box now that I carry around in my pocket that contains a ring. I would like to give it to you but the problem is by doing that our relationship would become known and it could affect your life and maybe your father’s life and not for the better. It is not a secret that you are being groomed to replace your father and when that happens, you will be a fine President. You care for the people and the country and don’t line your pockets with money as other politicians have done or are trying to do. I don’t want the love I have for you in any way to affect you becoming the President in the future or now to affect your father’s re-election from happening. If it would help you because I love you so much I would go back to the States so you can achieve what you are destined to be. As I said I love you very much but I don’t want the love I have for you to hurt you or your father as he is too nice of a man and he has treated me like a son.”

Elena didn’t say anything but he could see there were tears in her eyes as they kissed and made love, Needless to say, his comments put a little damper on their feelings of how nice things had been going.

Maybe what Kyle said was because he had a premonition of things to come. It was about a week later Kyle discovered that things that happen in the States regarding elections like dirty tricks can also happen here. It started with a newspaper article that was printed in the neighboring country and then reprinted in the paper here. That article was discussed by the local media. The article said based on an anonymous source the Minister of Health, Elena Garcia who is the President’s daughter is rumored to be having an affair with Kyle Wilson, an American who works for her. Kyle being an American was negatively emphasized. It then went on to talk about a four-day trip to this next-door country where they shared a two-unit casita which gave them privacy and they were seen holding hands.

Elena was incorrect when she said there would be a little negative reaction if it became known about their relationship. Probably because this country is deeply religious along with the dislike some people have for America the polls didn’t drop a little, they dropped a lot. Not only was there a significant drop as to Elena’s favorability but also as to her father’s re-election chances which put that in jeopardy.

The President surprised Kyle when he phoned Kyle and asked him if what was reported was true. Kyle said it was and that he loved Elena and he wanted to marry her. The President thanked him for being honest with him and ended the call without saying anything more. Kyle had a passing thought if he should have concerns about his personal safety now.

Kyle met with Elena but he didn’t have any magic answer on what could be done. He could see that Elena was pissed. This was a side of her that he had never seen before. She wanted to find out who this source was and thought it was someone from the security people from the neighboring country or that someone from the hotel staff was the culprit.

Elena said she asked her counterpart in the neighboring country to look into finding out who was the source. Her counterpart said their police have been given that assignment and once found that person would be severely dealt with. Her counterpart said reporters in that country do not enjoy the rights or the physical safeguards that reporters have in the States and because of that, the reporter will eventually disclose who the source was.

Elena was also extremely perturbed that nothing positive was being said about the good things that had been accomplished with Kyle being in this country. This was the first time he had seen her be this angry and he knew he didn’t want to get in her way.

She must have made some sort of a decision because she said to Kyle. “I will take care of this.”

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