Physical Therapy - Cover

Physical Therapy

Copyright© 2020 by Westside24

Chapter 11

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A young man who is a certified physical therapist applies for a position in a South American country. While there he discovers that women are women no matter where they are. There is some sex in this story but it is slow to develop.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual  

Kyle was not surprised when Elena opened her door on New Year’s Eve because of how good she looked. He had come to know that she always looks good. Tonight she was wearing what some would say was a simple dark blue body-hugging dress. Of course with her wearing it, it was anything but simple. The only jewelry she was wearing was the heart pendant he had given her and single diamond stud earrings. He handed her the bouquet of white orchids he carried. He had come to know that women appreciated receiving flowers no matter what the occasion.

After putting the flowers in a vase they were on their way to the club in her car which was driven by Emil her bodyguard. She mentioned that it had been a few years since she had gone out on New Year’s Eve. She was looking forward to doing this and hoped they would have a good time.

Celebrating New Year’s at the club was a sellout crowd. The ages of the participants varied but the biggest percentages of people attending were people that were around Kyle’s age or a little older. The banquet hall was decorated with streamers and the turning glass silver ball hanging from the center of the ceiling with spotlights shining on it contributed to a festive atmosphere.

At the table, Elena introduced him to the other three couples who she said she went to high school with, Al and Ana, Jose and Rita along with Andy and Katy. They all seemed like nice people. Kyle quickly could hear in the conversation that they were successful people. To be expected most of the conversation centered on what had happened in their lives since school as well as other people they had known in school. They were equally interested in Kyle and asked him several questions on where he was from, what his schooling was, and how he liked living here.

The meal of surf and turf was very good as were the adult beverages that they consumed.

It turned out that Elena was the highest-ranking government official there tonight and because of that, she was asked to say a few words. She must have known that would happen or if she didn’t she was very good at speaking off the cuff. Elena gave a nice little speech welcoming all the people. She mentioned some of the good things which had happened this past year along with hoping they all would have a good and successful coming year. When she was done she extended her hand to the band and said the magic word, “Maestro” signaling the band should start playing.

“Oh shit,” thought Kyle, he hoped it wasn’t showtime, but it was as she signaled him to dance with her. He did walk to her all the time hoping he remembered how to do this dance he had practiced with her. He thanked God he did and managed to not embarrass himself. It was about a minute of this dancing till the other attendees were invited to join in. With a large group of dancers, he finally could relax.

“Why didn’t you tell me this was going to happen?” asked a questioning Kyle.

“What would you have done if I did?” responded Elena.

That was a question he didn’t have an answer for. A large number of dancers on the floor eliminated the dance they had practiced because there wasn’t enough room to dance that way. As far as Kyle was concerned that was fine with him because he could bring Elena close to him and they could do a little variety of a two-step dancing cheek to cheek. He thought her perfume was intoxicating.

When mid-night was approaching, chilled champagne bottles were put on the table along with passing out hats, noisemakers, and streamers. When the clock struck twelve they all stood and sang the country’s National Anthem. When the song ended everyone cheered and threw the streamers and wished each other a happy New Year. The men shook hands with other men and they exchanged short kisses and hugs with the women.

Kyle gave Elena what was to be a short kiss on what he instantly learned where her very soft lips. The kiss lasted longer than either of them had expected because neither one wanted it to end. They separated and looked into the eyes of each other silently questioning why that happened. They knew that while the kiss was nice they couldn’t draw attention to themselves by kissing again so instead they just hugged each other.

The band started playing and they started dancing. He wasn’t sure if he was holding her tight or she was pressing herself against him but the result was that there was full body to body contact as they shuffled their feet. They didn’t say anything to each other and just were content to be doing this dancing because they were holding each other in their arms. Both of them knew something had just changed in their relationship.

It was close to one when this gathering started to break up. Saying their goodbyes to their dining companions they thanked them and all of them wished each other much success in the coming year. The drive home had some conversation about things that had been said or people they had seen at this event.

Back at Elena’s home, she asked him to come in with her. He did and once inside she turned to him and putting her arms over his shoulders thanked him for taking her to the club and showing her a good time. He knew this was not the time to make a flippant remark. He slowly bent to kiss her and she didn’t move away. This kiss was an open mouth kiss with their tongues doing battle. When a kiss ended they would move their heads back a little look in each other’s eyes for a short time and then go back to kissing.

He was tempted to drop his hands that were around her waist down to her butt and do some massaging but he also knew that was not a wise thing to do, at least not yet. While kissing her was more than he could have hoped for at the same time he was also hoping there would be more. He did know Elena had to be the leader if more was to happen. Elena must have known this because when a kiss ended she took his hand and they walked together up the wide spiral staircase to her bedroom.

In this room, she turned her back to him, and lifting up her long dark hair said, “Please.” He pulled down the zipper on her dress and watched her step out of it. All she was now wearing were a strapless bra, panties, and high heel shoes.

She noticed him starring at her but she didn’t say anything. Walking to the bed she pulled down the covers, reclined on it, and waited for him to join her. He finally realized what was happening which had him undress and he went to her They resumed kissing and while this was happening the last items of their clothing were removed. Neither of them seemed to be in a hurry to engage in the ultimate act of intimacy. His hands did caress her body and cupped a breast along with him nibbling on her stiff nipples. Her hands caressed his upper torso.

This amount of kissing they were doing just increased the passion they were both feeling. While this was nice he wanted to make it better for her. He moved down her body and worshipped her at her most private place which she had given him access to by spreading her legs. Sensing she had a few climaxes he moved up and his shaft entered her which caused her to give a slight moan. His hip movements caused her to give periodic moans. He could tell by the expressions he saw on her face that she liked the sensations she was having with him doing that.

As the climactic moment was approaching he asked if she was safe and she said she wasn’t. She telling him that had him do an early withdrawal and make a large deposit of his spend on her abdomen.

He told her to stay where she was and went and found a washcloth which he wet and used to wipe her clean along with a towel to dry her. While he was doing this he just admired her sensual body. Nice size breasts, a small waist, a flat abdomen, womanly hips, and tapered long legs made her a very desirable woman.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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