Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 9

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Previously on Centaurus: Ellaria takes Fey to see a lady of the night in the hopes of draining her. They find their way into The Madame’s where Ellaria left Fey with a Catkin called Abby and went off with a drake to find her own relief.

The sloppy gaping ruination of a horny cat girl. (This is THE chapter my next CG/image sequence will be based on)

The heavy door slammed shut behind Fey, kicked closed by her back hooves.

Abby was ahead of her, her bare feet padding across the carpet, her eye catching hips swinging back and forth.

It took a moment for Fey to really pay attention to the room. Large, rich, and warm, with magical lights and heavy furniture. Her brow furrowed as she realised that the bed was to one side and not the main feature of the room. Instead, in the middle of the room, was a pair of wooden ‘п’ shapes, one in front of the other and one a little smaller than the other, both made from heavy sturdy wood.

“It’s for centaurs and other four legged species, it makes it easier for them to fuck bipeds like me.”

“R-really? I usually have help so I hadn’t thought about it.”

“Hmm, well it’s not something centaurs need to worry about when doing it with other centaurs so it’s not surprising you don’t know.”

The cat eared girl had stopped by a cabinet and was picking through it, her tail swishing hypnotically behind her. After a moment she pulled out a purple filled bottle that looked suspiciously like a potion.

“Ah! Just what I was looking for!”

It took a moment for Fey to realise she was talking about the bottle.

“What’s that?”

“Well, I may be a size appreciater but you are very very large, this is a magical relaxant, makes it a bit easier to take big ones like you.”

Fey raised a hand “O-oh, uhm, I don’t think you will need-”

The cat girl upended the potion and chugged it down, letting out an experienced belch at the end. She licked her lips and eyed Fey’s body.

“What were you saying?”

“ ... Nothing...”

Abby raised an eyebrow. “Tell me, Have you ever been to a brothel before?”

“Ah no, this is a new experience for me, brothels aren’t really a thing where I’m from, but we don’t really have cities or towns either, just temporary camps while the clan journeys from place to place.”

“Oh? That sounds nice, what made you want to leave?”

“Erm, well, my Mother, she is the Banner Mare of my clan. She ... she wanted to marry me off, to join our clan and another clan together. That ... that wasn’t what I wanted. I was quite good with healing magic so I left, looking to maybe join a magic school, they-they all rejected me, even the guild, and, well, I didn’t know what to do, then I came across Ella and her adventuring band.”

“Oh no, that’s so sad!” The cat girl put a palm over her heart and brought her brows together. “Gosh, my heart, you poor thing!”

Fey noticed Abby’s eyes for the first time, they were heterochromia, one eye green, one eye blue, aquamarine and cerulean, beautiful. She couldn’t stop staring. Unprompted thoughts slipped into her mind, imagining what it would be like to breed the gorgeous bouncy catkin over and over again.

She gently shook her head, returning her attention to what Abby had said.

“ ... It’s okay, becoming an adventurer was one of the best things that ever happened to me.”

“Are hermaphrodites a common thing with centaurs?”

“Oh, uh, no, this, having a p-penis is new, very new, it’s ... complicated.”

The cat girl tilted her head, curious.

“Well I suppose transformation magic exists, pretty damn rare though, you got lucky, can’t say I disapprove of the choice, in fact I very much appreciate it, especially the size.”

“Erm, it was uhm, yes...”

“So, a country girl leaves home and finds a new flourishing path in life?”

Fey bit her lip. “Well, it was going okay, then the dungeon, but uhm, wh-what about you?”

“Me?” Abby rolled on her heels and played with her hair as she looked up, thinking. “Humm, well I sampled the carnal things in life and that was me lost, my Mother thinks it’s because we have succubus somewhere in our distant ancestry, personally I think I just really really love dick.” She gave Fey a catty grin. “I tried other things, jobs, whatever, but it wasn’t for me, I keep coming back here where I can get reamed and rutted to my heart’s content and paid on top of it as well! Oh, plus I’m really good at it.”

“Ah that’s a ... unique way of looking at things.”

“Is it? It’s just natural, it’s in an animal’s nature to want to breed and mate and people are all animals at the end of the day. Come on, let me show you how this thing works.”

The cat girl skipped over to the wooden frame and then beckoned Fey over enthusiastically. The centaur trotted over bemused, her cock slapping up against her barrel as she drew closer somehow knowingly excited. Fey watched the cat girl’s tail curl over her pale shapely leg. She gulped.

Abby ran a small hand along the top of the taller frame until she came to a thick leather strap. She curled her fingers around it.

“This is for your front legs, you put your hooves over the frame and then I strap your legs in, it stops slipping while you are thrusting your big fat juicy dick into my little pussy.”

Fey nearly stumbled at that last bit and she had to steady herself against the smaller frame.

“That- that s-sounds quite useful!” her voice peaked as a small spurt of precum left her dick and splattered up the smaller frame darkening the wood and the carpet below.

“Isn’t it! It lets you use the full power of your big muscular stallion hips to thrust and thrust and thrust!”

Fey could only nod, not sure what to say to this incredibly horny catkin.

Abby patted the frame. “Come on, let’s get you up here.”

Fey shifted herself to be facing the frames and then with a grunt reared upward onto her back legs, trotting forward until she was over the top of the two frames so that her front legs came crashing down on top of the larger frame and her horse stomach was above the smaller. The wood groaned under her immense weight but held firm. Fey looked down at it nervously.

“Don’t worry, it’s really strong, it’s designed for this kind of thing,” said Abby.

The catkin fiddled with the leather straps, unbuckling and pulling them around, tugging them so that they were comfortably aligned with Fey’s front legs. Then she strapped them over, pulling them tight so that Fey was tied down on the frame and couldn’t move an inch.

Fey was suddenly very conscious of how compromising a position she was in. Her cock didn’t seem to care though, it bounced happily up and down, drooling a steady flow of precum.

The cat girl put a finger to her chin and admired her work. She nodded her head.

“This is good, you’re a good size for it. Hmm, let’s see, what else.”

The cat girl glanced around the room until her eyes fell on a small set of colourful crystals on a coffee table. She snapped her fingers.

“Of course!”

She bounded over to the coffee table, chest bouncing up and down, and began picking through the crystals, squinting at each one as though trying to identify it.

“What is that?” said Fey, unable to help her curiosity.

“Oh? You don’t know? Well, I guess they haven’t spread outside wealthy rich people’s homes much yet, they are very new. The only reason we have them is because Madame Quirrel’s sister is a fancy merchant. Just watch this, or rather, listen.”

The cat girl decided on a pink crystal and placed it on a small stand covered in runes. After a moment soft music began to play from an indeterminate direction.

Fey looked around startled, trying to see where the hidden musicians were. Were there invisible bards in every room of the brothel? She frowned and looked back at the pink crystal. If she squinted she could see that it was vibrating ever so slightly.

“My gods, that crystal, it’s creating music?”

“Yup! A musician plays a song, the crystal sucks it up and then it can play it back when mana is pushed into it. These are going to be everywhere in a few more years and the Bards are all going to become incredibly rich. Kinda makes me wish I’d tried to get a music type Class”

“It’s- It’s incredible!”

“I know right! Music anywhere at any time, it’s like being a noble with your own bard! We can have music for fucking!”

Fey wasn’t sure that was the first thing people would think of using convenient music for, in fact she didn’t think many people would jump to that at all, but she didn’t want to spoil the cat girls enthusiasm so she let it pass.

“And you can play anything?”

Oh yeah, let me show you.”

Abby switched around the crystal, putting on a green one. A heavier music filled the room unlike anything Fey had ever heard, a beating bass sound, that throbbed through the air. Fey could feel the vibrations through her hooves.

“What, what instrument is that?”

“It isn’t an instrument, once the bards figured out the trick with the crystals it didn’t take them long to figure out how to start making music with pure magic. Apparently, that’s a lot more flexible than traditional stuff.” The cat girl grinned and flipped the crystal once more, this time a red one. The music cooled down and became more fluid and suggestive.

“This is good, I like this song.”

The cat girl’s tail waved back and forth happily. She looked up at Fey as she padded toward her, bare feet on plush carpet, hips swaying from side to side.

She came to a stop in front of Fey, the difference in size between the two girls suddenly put in perspective as the cat girl looked up.

“I have a song about well endowed ones like you. I wrote it myself, want to hear?”

“Uhm- s-sure?”

The cat girl began to gyrate, shifting and moving her body in incredibly lurid ways, her skirt flicking up and flashing Fey with her slim lace panties. Fey couldn’t help but notice the panties were soaked through and dripping. The dancing picked up becoming even more sexual and Abby began to sing.

“I’m your slut, you’re my master”

“Pin me down and fuck me faster”

“Stretch me out and hear me sing”

“Put it in and feel me cling”

Fey couldn’t help herself, the cat girl’s motions were doing terrible things to her, she whined and a cup of steaming hot precum spurted from Fey’s bucking cock and the dancing cat girl let out a happy gasp as it splattered up her body and over her skin, darkening her T-shirt. As she continued to dance droplets were flung from her hips and skirt with every motion.

“Bulge my throat and snap my choker”

“I’m freaky, lips tight like a stroker”

“Rut me rough, make me sore”

“Leave me sloppy, like a whore”

“I gulp and gasp and suck and moan”

“Fuck my throat and make me groan”

Abby lifted her arms and rolled them at Fey, curling her fingers in silky smooth motions, precum flicking from her fingertips, her eyes half lidded, one cute little pointy tooth bit down on her lip.

Fey’s rear bucked at the air of its own volition, her cock straining ever harder. More precum splattered up the cat girl causing her to moan and lean into it, enjoying the delicious warmth washing over her skin. “Oh gods Abby!” groaned Fey, she could practically hear her balls growling, hungry to breed this woman.

“Flash my puss, Swing my skirt”

“Roll my hips, flick and flirt”

“Let me ride, let me bounce”

“Show me dick and lemme pounce”

“Make it big cause big is better”

“Slide it in and make me wetter”

By this point Fey was practically hyperventilating, her breaths coming hot and heavy. Her hands had moved up to her breasts and were mauling at them through her blouse, squeezing down on her nipples and rolling them between her fingers. She couldn’t look away, she was barely controlling herself, right on the edge of breaking the leather straps and leaping on the cat girl.

“I bounce and bounce like a bunny rabbit”

“You’re gonna give me a riding habit”

“Fill my womb with your baby batter”

“Cum and make my tummy fatter!”

“I cry, I wail, I howl, I scream!”

“My body glows as I cream and cream!”

“I’m your slut, you’re my master!”

“Pin me down and fuck me faster!”

“P-PLease Abby! I’m begging! This-this- I need you! I neeed youuuu!”

Abby paused as the centaur’s hips thrashed against the frames, the wood creaking. She licked her lips. This was going to be good, it had been a while since she’d had a centaur and this one was the largest and most excited specimen she’d come across by a significant margin. Her puss ached and throbbed at the thought and fluid drooled a little faster from her soaked panties.

“Hmm, you liked it?”

In response Fey bucked at the wooden frame, the leather around her legs straining, her cock waving at the air wildly as her hips shoved forward, little sputters of precum continually leaking from the tip. The wood groaned alarmingly.

“Oh, this is gonna be fun!” Abby smiled.

The cat girl bounced forward sending her T-shirt covered breasts rolling across her chest. She ducked underneath the wooden frame and came up close and personal with Fey’s two foot eight inch behemoth of a dick.

“Ah jeez, it’s a good thing we aren’t compatible species, you look ready enough to fill a girl with a litter and then some.”

Fey gritted her teeth, trying to gather some self control even as the fire of extreme arousal tickled up her back. “D-don’t you have c-contraceptives anyway?”

“Hmm, no, but this is an interspecies brothel, so we don’t really need them. Didn’t you wonder why interspecies brothels are so popular? It’s because you don’t need a contraceptive when fucking another species. I would still need them if I was doing it with someone of the same species but I’m not really into catkin boys so.” She shrugged and grinned.

“I- I s-see. And centaurs?”

Abby’s tail lightly tickled down the length of Fey’s aching twitching shaft.

“Oh I have a soft spot for lovely big dicked centaurs.”

She brought up her hands and touched her fingertips to the throbbing hot flesh of Fey’s cock head, cradling its broad mass in her small hands. It bucked from her fingers sending a sprinkle of precum to further darken her T-shirt.

She closed her eyes then drew in a breath through her nose, her nostrils flaring. Hot mind melting masculsine musk flooded her senses so hard that she nearly stumbled backwards. She had to blink a few times to recover, even then she could still smell the overwhelmingly sexual scent.

“Holy shit you smell incredible, f-fuck, I felt that in my loins.”

The cat girl had to lick her lips as a little drool ran from her mouth.

She ran her hands back from the head of dick and down onto the shaft, steadying the throbbing mass. She caressed the thick veins beneath her fingers, she could practically feel the blood rushing through the thing, carried by each heavy beat of Fey’s heart.

She drew closer to the head, it was very very large up close. She couldn’t help herself, she poked her small tongue from between her lips and caught some of the oozing sputtering precum coming from the urethra. Her eyes widened. It tasted good! Better than any precum she’d ever tasted in her life and Abby had tried a lot.

She cried out and buried her face on it, smearing her lips and tongue all over the broad head. Precum sputtered out the side where her skin pressed up against the surface, she revelled in the warmth and up close extreme intimacy.

Abby shifted her head until her lips lined up with Fey’s urethra and pressed herself against it. She began to suck, her cheeks drawing in, her tongue swirling against the surface. It only took a moment, a gush of precum flooded her mouth instantly, bulging out her cheeks, lighting up her taste buds. She didn’t hesitate, she began swallowing, drinking down the fluid enthusiastically, her throat bobbing up and down she drank her fill until the cup’s worth of precum was gone.

She leaned back slightly, dozens of long thin strings of precum connecting her lips to the urethra for a moment before they snapped one by one. Now came the hard part. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little worried, this was a huge dick with a big wide head, not tapered and forgiving like some other species. Thinking about it this was probably the widest at the tip that she’d attempted.

Her hand wandered up and caressed her neck choker, she’d paid quite a bit of money for it. It had a touch toggle that changed it from magically unbreakable to easy to ‘snap’ so it could be snapped at the perfect moment, she found it made her clients happy when they could break it. She’d already primed Fey, she was definitely going to give her the satisfaction of breaking it at the perfect moment, that is if she could even get her inside, this was going to be hard.

She set her lips at the top of the head, carefully holding the shaft in place, then she strained her jaw as wide as possible, the relaxant really doing work, and managed to, barely, hook her lower lip over the bottom of the head. She remained there for a moment, straining, precum sputtering up against the back of her mouth and up her tongue.

Her hot breath steamed up against the cock and she set her feet and shoved herself forward, forcing her mouth over the massive head of the dick. Her jaw took in the broad tip, the ridge of Fey’s hard cock pressing up against the roof of her mouth. Her head was trapped in position now, looking down the trunk of Fey’s cock she was so close to it. She could feel the beat of Fey’s heart through her mouth, her teeth pressed against the strong unyielding flesh creating little dimples.


She grabbed hold of the shaft, her fingers clutching at the surface, and pulled herself forward, brutally shoving as much of the horse dick into herself as she could. The head butted up against the back of her mouth and stopped, this was the tricky part. She shifted her feet and swished her tail, she wasn’t about to give in, she was determined. One heave, two hea- She suddenly slipped forward and the cock sucked down her throat bulging out her neck massively in the shape of the dick. Her eyes went wide in surprise and her hands scrabbled at the shaft for a moment as she regained her balance.

That, that was not supposed to be that easy! It normally took her some effort to get huge dicks down and this one was the biggest! Was it the relaxant potion? Maybe a super strong batch somehow? She clutched at the dick filling her mouth and throat completely, squashing her tongue down. Overwhelming was an understatement, she was hopelessly filled with dick.

Her nose was right up against the surface and she couldn’t help herself, she drew in a big breath of the scent. Oh gods! Her hips trembled and she shuddered around the dick. A fresh hot line of lubricant rolled down her leg. F-fuck, why did this smell so fucking good. She needed more in her, more dick. Her tail lashed back and forth, swinging up and tickling Fey’s barrel.

“Is everything okay down there?” said Fey from above.

Abby made a soft gagging sound from around the dick and then in answer roughly shoved herself forward once more. The bulge in her neck traveled down the full length of it, stretching out her choker so tight around the cock that it squeezed in a ring of flesh, the cat paw buckle strained under the immense filling but held fast, magically reinforced to be unbreakable.

This was the most she could take, she was at her limit.

“I- I’m gonna buck okay?”

Abby tried to shake her head and slap at the cock but it was too late. Fey’s hips heaved forward and to Abby’s shock another six inches of dick slid past her lips and down her throat. She brought a hand back and slapped it on her sternum, she could feel it, the massive trunk of Fey’s dick was impossibly deep, in her chest, pushing out her ribs squeezing aside her organs, further than anyone had ever throat fucked her before.

She was practically impaled on Fey’s dick at this point so when Fey bucked again she was completely and utterly helpless to do anything to stop her, the massive length just went deeper and deeper and deeper! veins rippling past her lips and stretching out her throat! She choked and gasped, this feeling of being so utterly used, gods!

Fey suddenly shifted her hips back, ripping ten inches of cock from her mouth in a rush and sending her dancing on the floor on tippy toes trying to keep her balance. Her small hands slapped back down on the cock in front of her eyes as it ripped past, slick and wet with her saliva, her throat producing the most salacious wet sloppy slurping sound as the air vacuum released.

Fey bucked forward once more, driving the ten inches back in and then some. Abby moaned involuntarily, completely lost in the feeling, not even that orc tribe had made her feel so used!

She was desperately trying to keep her feet, stumbling to maintain balance as once more Fey ripped free of her warm soft mouth, then sawed back in, driving endless cock into her deeper than ever before. She whined and fluid sprinkled from her panties, Oh gods why am I so sensitive to this??? Her hand ran down her shirt and she was shocked beyond belief to feel a slight bulge in her stomach, the head of the dick protruding through her belly! Gods so deep!

She was completely unprepared when Fey’s cock flexed, bucking upward and her entire body momentarily left the ground, her toes flailing in the air, her heart dropping with the weightless feeling. With a rush she came back down to earth with a thud. How was this possible!? She breathed hard through her nose, blowing down on Fey’s slick shaft.

Fey suddenly pulled her hips backward and Abby let out a muffled scream as a full foot of cock was ripped from her mouth before being driven back in lifting her up into the air once more, her legs kicking at the air and her hands scrabbling as she was lifted. She barely had a moment to land and catch herself before the massive length sawed back out of her, she was stumbling from foot to foot, unable to steady herself or have any preparation before the cock shoved back into her.

F-FuUUCCK! As she was lifted back into the air by the dick reaching further inside of her than ever before the impossible happened, her choker, her magically unbreakable indestructible choker, sparked and flashed and then snapped from her neck and dropped to the floor, the cat girl screamed into the dick as the broken spell electrocuted her, sending actual lighting up and down her body. She squirted Hard, and pussy juice back sprayed from her lifted rear, sending a spurt of piping hot fem fluid out between Fey’s front legs to sprinkle over the carpet in a long line.

Fey grunted above her and the cat girl felt the shaft she was wrapped around bulge outward as a rush of fluid surged down it and into Abby’s stomach flooding it instantly to capacity with a gallon of liquid then back flowing back up her throat to spray out around her stretched out lips. The cat girl spluttered as she was overwhelmed, fluid rushing into her lungs, choking her, making it impossible to breath. She clawed madly at the cock she was speared on, fingernails dragging at it, desperate, suffocating. Fey drew back suddenly and the additional lubrication and pressure of her dick spraying into her stomach while she was unbalanced caused Abby to lose her footing. She fell groundward and the massive horse dick ripped from her body, roughly tearing from her lips, in one long wet schrlllrrrpppp! The cat girl dropped to the ground on all fours coughing and spluttering. She heaved and a wash of hot fluid gushed from her mouth to pour onto the carpet in a quickly spreading dark puddle, then again, and again.

Breathing heavily, desperately drawing oxygen in her lungs, she remained there, on all fours, arms shaking, hair askew and wet, cheeks flushed, even as fluid continued to pour from her reddened swollen abused mouth.

“H-holy fucking shit, how much do you cum!?!”

Fey whined, she sounded like she was in extreme discomfort.



“Th-that wasn’t cum, it was just precum!”

Abby blinked.

“N-no way!”

“Abby! I need youuuu! Please!”

The cat girl looked up at the rock hard bucking cock above her, suddenly a hell of a lot more wary of just what this centaur was capable of. She bit her lip. She had never been so incredibly fucking turned on in her entire life.

Abby climbed to her feet. She took a moment to rest her hands on her knees, just breathing, occasionally spitting strings of precum from her sore and brutalised lips. After a moment she looked up. The dick was still there, angrily throbbing and bucking up against Fey’s barrel, hungry to be put back inside a warm tight girl.

It was a monster, a monster that Abby intended to be ruined by. She gathered herself and stood. She wasn’t going to back down now, she had a reputation to maintain. She eyed the cock and stepped to the side of it, the mass of it pressing up against her damp T-shirt. She could feel the incredible heat of it even through the cloth on her breasts. She simply had to have it inside of her.

She held onto it to keep her balance and then lifted up one leg high up into the air, tilting her hips, her skirt flipping over, showing off her acrobatic flexibility. She put her leg over the smaller wooden frame under Fey’s barrel, hooking herself in place. She grabbed at a hanging leather strap, missed, caught it, then tied herself down, pulling the leather tight.

“Okay Fey, I’m all yours! Rut me as much as you want!”

The centaur’s dick bucked against her as though it understood her words.

“Uhm, o-okay, here I come!”

The centaur backed up her rear, her hot stiff cock pulling against Abby’s T-shirt leaving more precum stains along the cloth.

The massive broad head dragged down her body, over her ridiculously short skirt, until it came to her crotch, her stiff little clit poking out against the fabric of her soaked lace panties. Abby let out a little involuntary moan as the head of the horse dick scraped past her clit, dragging her panties down before they snapped back into place.

The centaur shifted and the blunt head swung into position over her petite panty covered pussy.

“Okay, okay, we just need to take this slOO-!!!”

The head rammed against her crotch, shoving her forward, immense heavy pressure being applied to her privates.

“C-calm down Fey! just give me a second.”

“I- I can’t wait!” whined Fey, desperate.

Abby’s eyes widened and she tried to grab at her panties to at least shift them aside, but too late, the massive dick rammed back into her, slamming into her tiny pussy, it hit so hard she momentarily had the breath knocked out of her, stunning her. By the time she recovered the pressure was ramping up, the full brunt of Fey’s new outsized strength was grinding up against her nethers, trapping her panties, pulling her leg against the leather holding her in place.

“H-hold on! I need to move my panties!”

Fey didn’t listen, the pressure only increased, precum high pressure spurting from around the pressed together flesh in thin clear sprays.

“Hnnnn, gawwwddd,” groaned Abby as the force increased.

Fey bucked her hips forward and the cat girl’s toes lifted off the floor as she was balanced on the end of Fey’s dick, hinging off her leg hooked over the frame.

All at once the pressure peaked and the cat girl’s pussy started to give.

“W-Wait, waaaiiiiIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!”

Her cunt yawned wide, lips going thin and stretching over the head of the cock which forced its way inside with a sudden loud Schl-pop! A full six inches of dick, taking her lace panties with it, stretching them up inside of her.

Her clit was dragged downwards as the cloth of the panties pushed up into her even as she squirted and sprayed through them, fluids washing down her leg as she wobbled on her toes.

“Oh fuuuuuuuckk! Why am I this fucking sensitive!” cried out the cat girl, her hands slapping down on the bulge in her stomach which stretched her skirt over it and pushed her tight T-shirt out. “It’s so fucking beeeg! Oh my gawwddd!”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes! F-fuck! Please put more in! Please!”

Fey drew her hips back slightly and then shoved forward, the bulge in Abby’s stomach rolled up her belly, pushed her belly button out. Abby bit down on her lip hard, feeling the mass through her own body, her finger tips tracing her straining navel stretched over the thick solid dick inside of her through her soaked T-shirt.

“G-gods you might be the biggest I’ve ever taken, oh fuck.”

“You’re so tight!” whined fey, her hands mauling at her breasts.

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