Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 8: A Glamorous Elf Is Starved for Cum

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 8: A Glamorous Elf Is Starved for Cum - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

“She’s saying she’s going to find you a whore to fuck full of cum,” slurred Flora, still delirious with pleasure.

“Crude. But in essence, yes. You have obviously failed to sexually satisfy her Flora, it’s time we found an expert.”

“H-hey! I didsh fiiine!” The gnome tried to lift her head and stare down at the elf but after a moment she gave up and flopped over her cum filled belly, her limbs limp against it. Cum continued to slowly ooze from her gaped cunt and roll down the curve of her rounded stomach.

“You tried your best Flora but I don’t think you have the needed skills to truly milk a centaur. I’m sorry that’s just how it is.”

“That’s not true!” moaned the gnome, “I c-could go again!”

“You’re barely remaining conscious, I think not.”

Ellaria stepped over to the collapsed bed where Fey lay on her back. She climbed up on top of it and reached out her hand. The centaur grasped it gratefully and heaved herself forward. Her massively swollen and obscene testicles bounced off her crotch and the centaur let out a whimpering moan.

“We’ll take this carefully, although I suppose if anything actually bad happens you can always heal it.”

“Th-that’s true,” said the centaur. “That makes me feel a little better.”

Fey slowly shuffled off the bed with Ellaria’s help until she managed to get her hooves under her. She stood, causing her balls to swing against her thigh and then bounce into her other thigh even harder, the taught things making a soft sloshing sound with each swing. She let out a yelp until she felt a pair of hands slip under their heavy roundness and steady them.


The hands were snatched from her balls as though suddenly caught in the middle of committing a crime. Fey looked around and saw Ellaria standing there, careful looking away from Fey. The elf coughed into her hand.

“Ahem. Safety first. We-we should get going, the sooner your balls can be drained the safer you will be Fey.”


The centaur moved to the door and pulled at the handle but the door was stuck, the dryad’s wood morphing not quite creating a perfect seal when she had used her abilities on it. Fey had to heave on the door multiple times using her new found strength and even then it only reluctantly came loose.

She moved the door experimentally to check it could still close properly then looked back to see if Ellaria was behind her. She was not, the elf was across the room. She had picked up her romance book from the floor. The book had not been spared the extreme mess and its cover was covered in a thick layer of horse cum. As she watched the extremely beautiful and elegant elf opened her mouth and tilted the book back and scooped the layer of horse cum into her mouth, swallowing it down enthusiastically as she scraped the book of the last of the white. The elf licked her lips, a strange look coming over her face as she finished the small meal.

Fey jerked her head away as the elf began to look in her direction. She pretended to be playing with the door handle as she heard the elf walk up behind her.

“Come on Fey, careful when going down the stairs, you are vulnerable to, uh, rocking motions.”

Fey couldn’t help but notice there was a slight rosy blush to her cheeks, a rare thing to see on the serious elf.

The pair climbed downstairs, Fey much more slowly than Ellaria, taking care not to let her sensitive balls gain any momentum and crash into her legs.

As she emerged at the bottom she saw the elf speaking to the innkeeper at the front desk. The innkeeper did not look happy. As she watched Ellaria handed her a few silver. The unhappy expression on the innkeeper’s face became significantly less unhappy. Ellaria waved the innkeeper away as through that was the end of the issue and beckoned for Fey.

“Sorry about that, I told her we were not to be disturbed, I doubt she expected the amount of noise we caused though. There’s going to be trouble when she finds out what exactly has been done to her rooms.

“Uhm, you think they will be angry?”

“It’s fine. Probably. Mostly. This place markets itself to adventurers, there’s kind of an expectancy of property damage, adventurers have a bad reputation for a reason. I’ll try and play it off as a drunken celebration from a successful job, that’s common enough.”

Eyes followed them in the lobby, magnetised to Fey and Fey’s lower parts, and then, as she passed, her rear. Her tail hung forlornly over her melon-sized balls that sloshed softly back and forth with each step that she took.

Fey hurried to escape their gaze and the pair emerged out onto the cobbled street. The sun was beginning to set and the streets were steeped in warm comfortable light that lit up the rooftops with orange.

“D-do you know where we need to go?”

“No, but I remember what that rude frilled lizard said and where he pointed. It’s by the river. We’re not far, fortunately. You won’t have to endure much longer Fey.”

The centaur nodded her head meekly.

“It- It’s fine, I can cope, It’s not too bad.”

Ella looked back at Fey’s hips and bit her lip. The centaur’s gait was awkward, her legs trying to avoid touching up against her sensitive balls too much. The elf felt a twinge of guilt in her chest.

“ ... You shouldn’t have to deal with this Fey. I should never have taken us down into that dungeon and I should never have led us all the way to the bottom. That was a mistake, I’m ... I don’t think I’m a very good band captain.”

“NO! You made right choice Ella, we made it out of that dungeon alive, that’s all anyone can ask for. It’s not your fault that it was a dungeon unlike any I’ve ever heard of, if it even was a dungeon. It was practically just a giant trap. That thing in the bottom of the dungeon, it wanted us down there for some reason I don’t understand.”

Ellaria let out a sigh. “When I was new to adventuring I always dreamed of being a captain, this, this isn’t how I expected things to go. Everything is so, so, just-”

“Ah, Lewd?”

“I couldn’t imagine something like this happening in my wildest dreams Fey! You’re like some kind of sex god! It’s incredible!”

Fey’s cheeks coloured a little.

“D-does it bother you?”

“ ... It’s, it’s just I’m supposed to look after you Fey, protect you, you’re our healer, but your body is just, so, so, overwhelming, and, and-”

“I’m sorry!”

The elf’s shoulders dropped. “It’s fine Fey, It’s not on you, I just need to do better. Live up to what I told my students made a good adventurer when I was a lecturer. Someone who adapts and learns from what life throws at them, someone who never gives up.”

They walked on in thoughtful silence for a time. As they passed close by a food stall a plump lupine woman’s tail suddenly flagged into the air and she turned, her nostrils flaring. Her eyes locked onto Fey’s monstrous balls, a ravenous look momentarily crossing her eyes. She began to follow them.

Ellaria paused and then turned to face the lupine who was incompetently pretending not to be following them. She startled away from Ellaria’s gaze.

“I’ll give you until the count of three to flee from me wolf girl or I will end you.”

“Wha- m-me? I-I’m j-just looking at, uhm,” she glanced to her side actually looking at the stall she was pretending to be browsing, “uh, skincream?”

“But you’re covered in fur!” said Fey.

“It’s, uh, f-for my pawpads! Yes! I get, uh, dry pawpads!”

“That almost sounds believable. One.”

“Wait! Okay okay! I just, I just like how she smells alright! It’s that, that musk! It’s- like the most alpha, huge, big, dominating, g-gods the male I thought it must belong to and then I turned and saw, th-that, th-those!”

“Two.” Several small flames flickered to life above Ellaria’s head

“C-can I just t-touch them for a second! There just so, so beeeg! M-my heat!”

Ellaria snarled and the flames above her head bloomed into half a dozen fireballs. She took a sudden step forward and the lupine shrieked and fled, although she couldn’t stop snatching glances over her shoulder at Fey.

The elf sighed and the flames winked out.

“Th-thankyou Ella, uhm, d-do you think we should have turned her down though? I really need to empty into a g-girl.”

“Yes, if both Vivi and Flora couldn’t properly drain you then she definitely wouldn’t have been able to do it, we’d be in the exact same situation after you filled her. We need someone who knows what they are doing when it comes to centaurs.”

“Uhm, y-yes... ?”

They soon neared the boat busy river and, seemingly their destination, at least judging by the number of scantily clad people hanging around. Ellaria approached a human woman sitting daintily atop a mooring on the river’s edge with her midriff showing. She looked up from filing her nails.

“Oh? You want a little play? Not often we get elves around here. With the things I’ve heard about elves maybe it’s me who should be propositioning you hmm?”

“I’m not here for that, I want information.”

“Information isn’t free you know, although I’d be willing to make an exception for you under certain circumstance. What do you say elfy? Want to slip into the sack and scissor up a storm?”

Ellaria frowned. “No thank you. This isn’t a casual matter, my friend is in trouble, deep trouble.”

The woman furrowed her brow and leaned to the side to see Fey. Fey gave her a little nervous wave.

“I don’t see-”

Ellaria held up her hand then made a spinning finger motion gesture at Fey. Fey trotted around displaying her throbbing horse cock that slapped up against her barrel and then the massive heaving pair of horse testicles hanging between her legs.

The nail file jerked violently in the woman’s hand and she broke a nail.


Behind them a man choked and fell off his boat with a splash.

“So you see the problem.”

“Elfy, you should be seeing mage about that, that’s that!!!”

“Already done. I’m looking for someone who really knows how to deal with centaurs in the bedroom, maybe another centaur, I don’t know. Do you know anyone like that?”

The woman opened her mouth then closed it before speaking. “Uhm, r-right, I uh, I don’t know specifically but I know who will.”


The woman pointed down the river where a large building was lit up.

“The owner of that whore house, she knows everyone in the trade, employs most of them. She’ll have someone who can, ah, deal with ... that.”

“Thank You. You have been of great help. I wish you luck in your ... business.”

Fey and Ellaria left the stunned woman where she sat, nail file hanging limply from her fingers, eyes staring at Fey’s rear.

Eyes followed them down the street along with catcalls and whistles and many many offers, especially for Ellaria. It seemed there was an understanding of elves around here that was not common amongst the general public. Fortunately there appeared to be no women in heat and Fey wasn’t accosted as they walked.

The building they approached dominated, larger and blockier than anything nearby and with colourful magical lights strung around its red and black walls and pillars. A big illuminated gold leaf sign above the door read:

The Madame’s’

“I’m going to find you the best Fey, I don’t care what it costs.”

“Uhm, okay?”

The determined elf marched up to the building, flung the doors wide, and strode inside. Fey followed nervously in her wake.

The interior lobby shone with gaudy gold lighting and gold leaf was on, well, everything. Various barely clothed people were draped aesthetically over pieces of luxurious furniture, curves and muscles and beauty on display.

A tall, red-and-cream-scaled, muscular, and handsome drake, at least six and a half foot tall, smoothly stood up from where he had been poised on a chaise, a wisp of smoke rose from a cigarette hanging casually from his lips.

“Hello.” His voice was like planed darkwood and rich coffee. “Welcome to our humble establishment, what can I do for two as radiant as yourselves. Adventurers right? You have the look, and you, you’re the captain I would assume by your incredible presence.”

Ellaria felt an irrational surge of anger as her eyes took in his red scales, an image of a much shorter and skinnier and incredibly annoying lizard person filling her mind. She had to take a moment to remind herself that this drake had nothing to do with that particular person. She’d sufficiently punished that lizard for his insolence and it was done with ... probably.

“Yes, correct on both accounts. I wish to purchase the time of a, ahem, worker at this ah ... whore house.”

“Sexual relief is very important and healthy, of course.’’ He let a wisp of slow smoke seep from his lips and looked at Ellaria with half lidded eyes. “A fresh flush and that deep glowing feeling? Wonderful. I find it makes a week. I would looove to make your toes curl and bear your nails on my back miss elf, anything for one as spectacular as you.”

Ellaria pursed her lips in annoyance. “I’m not here for me, I’m here for her, or more importantly, that.”

She gestured at Fey’s back area and the drake’s eyes followed, his eyes alighting on Fey’s schlong.

He blinked, his cigarette drooping slightly.

“Uh, you have quite a large cock if you don’t mind me saying miss centaur.” The drake had difficulty turning his gaze back to Ellaria.

“Quite. Now provide me your finest centaur specialist whore from your whorehouse for my centaur friend.”

A new voice suddenly joined them. “Darling, please, I do not like the term ‘whorehouse’, around here we like to call my establishment a whore home.

Ellaria looked around and then looked up to find a very large lamia woman with pink hair. The lamia had a human body atop a thick pink snake tail that coiled across the marble in an elegant bundle. She was draped in golden jewellery and her large chest and hips were only semi hidden beneath a silky gauze. She rolled a ring encrusted hand at Ellaria in greeting, a warm welcoming smile on her face.

“You are the owner?”

“I am Madame Quirrel and I am the owner, welcome welcome. You need a little comfort for your well endowed friend? I’m certain we can find a way for us to help.”

“Immediate relief yes, I need a girl who can milk her for everything she is worth, empty her completely and utterly so that she has nothing left. It’s important.”

The drake and the lamia gave her a puzzled look. Ellaria rolled her eyes and gestured at Fey, once more making a spinning motion with her finger. Fey understood and turned so that her massive straining balls were visible.

The lamia put a hand over her mouth in shock.

“Oh my! you poor poor thing! You should have said from the start!”

“Well? can you help? Do you have someone who can handle that?”

“Well not many species can take a specimen quite as large or as thick as a centaur but fortunately we do have a girl who, ah, intentionally seeks out our larger customers and has a certain skill set that might be what is needed here.”

Fey bit her lip sheepishly, her hooves shifting. “She- she likes this kind of thing?”

“You wouldn’t be the first centaur she has been with.”

“That’s perfect. Please, I don’t care how much it costs.”

The lamia waved at the drake who hesitated then crossed the room, winding amongst couches and cushions until he came upon a gigantic couch sized cushion. He looked down at it, asking something, he then nodded. He held out a claw and a small pale hand appeared from the cushion’s depths and grasped it.

He helped the person up, their bare feet patting down on the marble, and walked her back to the band. Ellaria eyed the new person with confusion, she had expected the Madame to offer someone physically huge not knowing what Fey’s abilities entailed but this new girl was only five foot tall.

A pair of black cat ears poked from the girl’s wavy black hair, around her neck was a choker with a paw shaped buckle, a tight tshirt was stretched over her impressive bust, clearly bra-less judging by how much her nipples protruded, the words ‘size matters’ painted on the fabric. On her flared hips she wore a ridiculously short skirt no more than six inches long that flitted and bounced with her every motion revealing glances of black lacy panties and rounded ass cheeks.

She had a lollipop in her mouth which she removed perhaps a little luridly as she eyed the Madame.

“A centaur huh? Well, I was feeling like a good stretching. I can handle her easily enough.”

Ellaria rose an elegant eyebrow at the cocky confidence the catkin displayed, recalling the absolute sloppy ruins that Fey had left others.

“Abby, this client is in dire need, I want you to bring your best.”

“Of course.” She flicked her hips and her skirt flitted up flashing her hip. She gave Fey a small smile that caused Fey’s penis to throb especially hard. Her eyes ran all over Fey’s body, taking her cock in hungrily, her eyes widening when they alighted on her straining balls, the catkin suddenly looked desperately starved before she managed to control her self. She licked her lips.

“Uhm, h-hi. P-please t-take care of me!” said Fey.

“So cute! oh gosh, I love her already!” The catkin bounced on the spot sending her chest wobbling in a way that magnetically attracted the eye. A thin line of precum oozed from the tip of Fey’s dick and left little spatters on the marble. Fey swallowed, suddenly feeling a little dry mouthed.

As the catkin and Fey gave each other increasingly warm looks Ellaria handed over a stack of coin she retrieved from the dimensional bag to the pleased Madame.

The drake adjusted his cigarette and blew out a plume of pleasant smelling smoke.

“I’m not going to let you go at it in the lobby again Abby.”

“Aw. But it’s so much fun having eyes on me while I’m getting reamed, and then when others join in, plugging all my holes, mmhff!”

“You’re banned from that after that incident with the orc tribe. Come on, this will be a private affair.”

The drake waved his claws at the horny catkin and she huffed, spinning on her heel. Her tail ran up the drakes leg as she turned, seemingly accidentally but probably on purpose.

The drake gave her a slightly exasperated look but the four of them left the lobby, leaving the Madame behind with the band’s money. They went through a pillared doorway, and into the depths of the building. It wasn’t long before they came to a heavy looking iron and wood door and stopped.

By this point the catkin was all over Fey, her fingers tracing her broad horse muscles, index finger running down her flank, admiring her stallion strength, feeling the powerful beats of the centaur’s heart beneath her palm.

Steam was practically leaking out of Fey’s ears and her cheeks were turning pinker and pinker as the catkin felt all up and over the centaur’s body. Her cock throbbed harder and stiffer as blood rushed through its vascular length.

“Uhh Abby”

The catkin drew away causing the centaur to let out a held breath.

“Gosh, you’re such a stick in the mud Zell.”

The catkin stuck her tongue out at him and pushed through the door, sashaying her hips and sending her skirt flicking up to either side, flashing her globular rear at the centaur.

“Uhm, I uhm, I g-gotta go,” said the centaur apologetically to Ellaria as she suddenly dashed through the door behind the catkin. Her back legs kicked the heavy door shut behind her.

The drake dragged on his cigarette and let out a cloud of aromatic smoke. He gave Ellaria the side eye.

“Got a story there?”

“Drama.” Ellaria sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “It’s complicated. I hope that catkin knows what she’s doing, Fey is, uh, special, she does everything on the ... big side of things.”

“Oh certainly, she’s incredible. So flexible. You wouldn’t not believe how much she can fit inside, I’ve seen her take a full twelve inches before, crazy.”

“Ah, well, I think she might be taking a little more than that ... Now and in future”

“What makes you say that?

“Oh, no reason, well, you’ll see I suppose.”

The drake scratched at his jaw and raised an eyebrow.

“Say, would you like a drink since you seem to be intending to stay.”

“ ... sure.”

The drake flashed her a sharp toothed grin and pushed through the door next door to the one Fey had entered. Ellaria hesitated then followed inside.

Inside the room was warm, and rich and full of heavy furniture, a large round bed was in the middle of the room and a cabinet filled with various glass containers to one side.

Ellaria raised her brow questioningly at the drake.

“A bedroom? Really?”

“Ahaha, well this is the kind of building where most rooms have beds I’m afraid. Don’t worry they all come stocked with alcohol.”

The drake moved over to the open fronted cabinet. The upper shelves held bottles of various amber spirits, what drew Ellaria’s eye however was the lower part which was stacked with what looked suspiciously like potions. Purple, green, glowing, many liquids in spherical bottles were out on display.

“What are those? More alcohol?”

“Ah no, it seems these got mistakenly left out. These are uh, sexual enhancers.”

“This isn’t some kind of trick on your part is it?”

“No, not at all, all our more expensive rooms have these, that’s actually why I took your friend and Abby to one,” he pointed with a claw at a purple potion. “Relaxant. It helps when taking ah, clientele on the larger side.”

The drake extinguished his cigarette and then took a bottle of amber down from the upper shelves and poured two glasses, adding a hunk of ice from a hidden icebox at the back of the cabinet.

“My name is Zell by the way.”

“Ellaria, but you can call me Ella.”

Ellaria took the offered glass then eyed the other potions that hadn’t been explained. “I can understand this, with the variety of species there are there must be a need for some magic to ease the process sometimes. What do the other potions do?”

“Easing things is important as you say, some species are not very compatible with others at all, but we find ways. Most of these potions are for fun however, this one enhances pleasure, this one makes a person more sensitive, this shifts pain to pleasure, this one is an aphrodisiac.”

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