Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 60

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 60 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Previously on Centaurus: The band are guided down to the basement of a new homeowner, that is, the Countess guiding them down into the dungeon of her ruinous castle. There Vivi is delighted to find a ‘Legendary’ ‘Magic’ sword which she instantly picks up. Unfortunately for her as a succubus immediately takes control and traps the band. The succubus eventually notices Fey and is goaded into riding her, and then, once discovering the effects of just pre, eagerly seeks more, desperate to become a powerful demoness. For a moment she almost achieves that sought after power, but Violet, who had followed the band down suddenly leaps on her back and bite s her, draining her, and absorbing her power ... including a measure of succubusness.


Wummy’s tentacles had become languid and limp as Violet drained the succubus, but as she also drank of her power the magicks controlling the tentacles started to disintegrate too.

Which was perhaps some fortunate timing as Violet was looking hungrily at Fey, like she was about to lunge for and bite her too. Fey’s nervousness was reaching dizzying heights and those fangs were giving her all kinds of plains animal flight responses.

Violet started to move and ... then the mounds of tentacles barely holding them up utterly collapsed. Fey yelped as she dropped a foot onto piled up tentacles, the tentacles already starting to ease from purple back to their original glossy white.

By the time Fey looked back down herself Violet had vanished.

For a moment she rested on her back, the sounds of female groaning coming from under piles and heaps of tentacles surrounding her as Wummy slowly dragged her tentacles back to Vivi. The vulpine was hanging off the back of a pew as tentacles eased back up into her stretched out pussy, her spread thighs trembling as she hung on for dear life. Despite all of the events, she had still somehow managed to cling onto her new sword.

Fey felt herself becoming soft inside the unconscious fuck drunk succubus lying limp on her barrel. As the tentacles withdrew from beneath she managed to roll on to her side where the limp succubus slipped from her dick, her enormous gape spreading her thigh gap, a breathy wet slurp filling the air as the tip of Fey’s dick popped free.

Fey struggled onto her hooves, shoving the succubus aside into a mound of tentacles, and after a moment managed to rise, her semi flaccid cock hanging well past her knees.

She looked around at the feminine devastation, Wummy unleashed on her harem. Well, it wasn’t like getting a good hard fucking was unusual for them, if anything this was on the mild end of things as they were still capable of standing afterwards.

Her gaze turned until she suddenly found a pair of eyes looking directly into hers. A glowing purple eye, and a glowing red eye on a pale face. Long wavy red hair framed the face and a smol fang peeked from her lip. Violet perched high on piled up wooden pews.

Fey flinched back with a cry of surprise, and the motion seemed to surprise Violet too, who hissed and clawed at the air.

“G-Good Violet, c-calm down Violet,” murmured Fey after a moment to recover, trying to keep her voice calm and comforting.

Violet hissed louder, looking about ready to pounce.

Beside her some of the tentacles shifted and after a moment Ellaria struggled up, limp tentacles sloughing off her.

She pursed her lips as she looked around at the devastation then her brow lifted as she saw Violet.

“I thought I heard the succubus crying out...”

“She, erm, saved us ... sort off.” whispered Fey, trying not to move “But now she’s freaking part succubus!”

Violet glowered at Ellaria, tensing, giant blood red squirrel tail waving back and forth behind her.

“What do we do!” whisper-hissed Fey, “She’ll attack us the same as the succubus!”

They both kept still for a moment.

Then Ellaria slowly extended a hand and then began rubbing her index and thumb together.

“Here psspsspss.”

“What are you doing?!” hissed Fey staring down at Ellaria in horror.

“I don’t know, it worked before, didn’t it?!” hissed back Ellaria.

Violet narrowed her eyes at the hand and then scented the air. She scowled and then swiped at her with a growl. Ellaria jerked her hand back.

“How do we stop her without hurting her?” said Fey.

“I’m not sure. We might have to—”

Suddenly Violet jerked back and leapt, jumping with unnatural power from the pile of pews which collapsed behind her, launching up, and onto one of the great gothic pillars. Her bare feet landed only for a moment on the stone before pushing off, leaping to the next pillar, and then the next and then before Fey could begin to turn she pounced.

The succubus vampire squirrelkin landed on Fey’s balls with a cry of victory, wrapping her arms and legs around the things and locking herself into place.

“She’s on my balls Ella!” wailed Fey, frantically turning in a circle as Violet clung onto her testicles.

Ellaria rubbed her chin as she watched a panicking Fey turn around in circles, Violet clinging to her balls like a limpet.

“This ... might be for the best. If she isn’t a danger while she is on you then we can transport her far more easily to someone who can help her.”

A groan suddenly came from Vivi who was leaning over with one paw on a pew, the other on her back. Tentacles continued to slowly ease up between her spread legs, the things now fully back to their original glossy white. Both the fox girl and the tentacles look almost hung over with how they were moving.

“What happened?” she groaned.

“I’ll tell you what happened, you picked up a suspicious looking sword and then a demon took control of you. Get rid of that thing!”

“What? You want me to get rid of the legendary magic sword at the bottom of the great ruined castle? Are you crazy?! This is like an adventures dream scenario! And hey- we won, apparently, so that means it is loot, and I’m keeping the loot. That is my right as an adventurer.”

Ellaria seemed about to argue, but then the tentacles beside her withdrew and the succubus who had fallen amongst them was revealed. She took a wary step back and pointed down.

“This thing here almost ended us all!”

Vivi looked down at the rather pathetic looking succubus who was curled up in a fetal position.

“Wow you guys are truly pathetic if you struggled to fight that without me.”

“No- that’s not— for god’s sake-”

Before she could finish however Kayla popped up nearby. She had somehow managed to climb her sister’s cum belly, hiking up the sphere with the help of teddy bears, and now she had now reached the top.

She stood high on the sphere for a moment, and then she sprinted forward, leaping and flinging herself high up into the air, high above the fallen succubus.

With a ragged scream of “I’m not useless!!!!” She raised an elbow and brought it down in a massive, full body elbow drop, right into the side of the succubus.

She hit hard and the succubus cried out as the elbow crashed into her side, breath driven from her body in a big OOF.

“Help me sister!” Kayla cried, and behind her came a swarm of teddybears who rushed around the succubus as Kayla rose and proceeded to start kicking, which Kayla quickly joined in. A circle of teddy bear feet and an otterkin foot slamming and kicking at the succubus who put her hands over her head with a groan.

“Yeah, let’s show ‘em how it’s done!” came Vivi’s voice as her foot joined in, stamping down on the succubus, thump kick thud, the succubus curled up tight and moaned as teddy bears and otterkins and vulpine kicked the living shit out of her, and then Wummy’s tentacles emerged from Vivi’s pussy and joined in too, the tentacle ends forming boot shapes that rained down on the succubus.

The air was filled with the raining of feet on the succubus, and then a glowing light as her body started to radiate heat, and then orange red light.

“Noooooooo!” came a rising low sound from the succubus as she curled up further. “I don’t want to go back to hell! S-Stop you worthless trash, you shitty wretches! M-my sisters will bully meeeee!”

Her voice went high as her body suddenly caught fire forcing them to stumble back. One of the teddy bear’s paws caught fire and it had to rush to smother it.

The succubus was there one moment, and the next she had turned into a collapsing mound of ash, her voice still echoing through the great chamber.

“I don’t wanna go baaaaack!”

The ash glowed with embers, and then it began to sink into the flagstones, the ash melting into the ground, descending until only the very top of the pile of ash was visible and then that was gone too.

“See? It’s easy!” said Vivi.

Kayla looked up at her in disbelief, her hands on her knees as she drew in great breaths, tired from kicking the snot out of the succubus.

Ellaria seemed about to say something, but then a low groan from behind the band made them turn.

There was another in the room who presented a threat.

The countess lay by the wall, her eyes closed, clearly passed out.

Her lips moved as she mumbled

“More tentacles please...” she murmured sleepily.

“She kinda sort of said she was going to imprison us with magic,” said Fey, “I- I think we need to run away before she wakes up?”

“And if she remains unconscious for only a few minutes longer then she will call down her vampire on us while we make her escape. This castle is vast Fey, it’s not like we can leave quickly...”

“So what do we do?” said Lily.

Fey looked down at the slowly writhing countess and then over at the stone table at the end of the chamber.

Except it wasn’t a table, as she had found out when she had been thrusting against it. The top was a lid and she had jarred it loose.

“I know what to do.”

She quickly stepped over to the softly moaning countess and leaned down, then as gently as if she were lifting a statue made of the most delicate glass she picked the countess up.

Of course that barely seemed to matter as the countess let out a slutty moan, experiencing a power orgasm, an intense wet dream.

Fey winced, hoping and praying that the Countess wouldn’t suddenly awake to find herself being cradled in the arms of a giant centaur.

Moving ever so carefully she stepped over fragments of wooden pew and made her way through the chamber then up onto the dais of the table, or rather, sarcophagus. She lifted her front hoof and trying not to breathe slowly shifted the thing back until there was a gap.

The inside was fortunately empty, and she ever so carefully lowered the sleeping countess down inside.

She almost seemed peaceful, lying there with her legs spread, massive gape leaking all over the stone.

But of course while the stone might prevent her from calling on her vampire servants, it would not stop her smashing through the stone if she were to wake.

Fey’s hands darted down her front and unbuttoned her blouse, her vast and indecently round breasts bouncing free as she quickly bundled her blouse up and held it in both hands, then lowered it down on the countess’s midriff.

The little weight was enough and the countess came powerfully, moaning in her sleep as she writhed, toes curling as her thighs came together.

Fey quickly retracted her hands and grabbed the lid, dragging it back into place and cutting off the countess’s sounds. Even if she woke, the countess would be kept busy cumming her brains out and it would give them precious time to escape.

“Uh, we should maybe ... leave?” said Fey, turning back to the band.

The band blinked at her, then they turned and legged it for the exit.

It took a long time to find their way out of the castle. Thankfully they weren’t accosted, the last command of the countess to the vampires seemed to have been taken to heart and all the vampires had fled into the recesses of her domain. They didn’t see a single one of them as they made their way up from the labyrinth in the bowels of the castle and then fumbled their way through the endless rooms and corridors.

Freedom came when Flora had had enough and blew out a window, the entire band flowing out after her as she lifted them. They shot across the valley in a panic, much to a currently stark naked Fey’s distress, and bolted into the forest.

They eventually came to a halt in a forest clearing and crumpled to the ground, falling to their knees with relief, stress leaving them in waves.

“I- I think we’re safe,” breathed Kayla.

“If that’s what the average gold rank job is like I’m not sure I want to rank up,’’ said Fey.

Ellaria shook her head. “That was far from normal, two extremely high threat monsters— well monster and a demon. That’s not the norm I assure you.” She rose to her feet. “Now Vivi. I think it’s time for you to get rid of that sword.”

Vivi clutched the black bladed sword close, as if she was afraid it was going to leap out of her paws.

“But it’s mine, I found it...”

“I’m sure we can get you another sword from somewhere else.”

Vivi scoffed. “On our budget? Where are we going to find an affordable Legendary Magic sword Ella? Where?”

Ellaria paused. “Well, maybe it won’t be legendary, and maybe it won’t be particularly magical ... okay admittedly it would be an ordinary steel sword, but still! It will be shiny, and it won’t look quite so disturbing as that ... thing.”

“What’s wrong with it? My sword is fine!”

“Vivi, it has the words AGONY&DEATH written down the side in glowing red letters.”

“So?! What else are you supposed to do with a sword apart from make agony and death, huh? You can’t exactly heal people with a sword or create housing for the poor. You won’t find a sword with the words HOUSING FOR THE POOR written down the side will you? This is perfectly suitable glowing writing for a legendary sword.”

Annoyingly, she had a point, and Ellaria pursed her lips.

“It’s got skulls on it Vivi.”

“Animal skulls, that’s not even a big deal, that’s super mild in the big picture, there are swords with people skulls on them out there! It’s not an evil sword!”

She swung it around a few times as if to demonstrate its non-evilness. It made a dull buzzing sound as it swished through the air.

“And what happens if you cut something with it? How do you know it’s not poisonous or something like that?”

Vivi looked at her blankly, then glanced down at her arm.

Fey stiffened. “Don’t you dare even think about it!”

“What? I just wanted to test...”

“I can’t heal you from some crazy poison!”

Vivi rolled her eyes. “Fiiinnnneee”

Flora suddenly gestured and something jerked in the grasses nearby.

“If you really need to test it Vivi then use the monster that’s trying to stalk us.”

A large rabbit the size of a dog was dragged free from the grass, its head a crown of horns.

“Ooh perfect!” sad Vivi as she skipped over.

Ellaria rubbed her forehead. “I’m not so sure this is a good idea...”

“Hey you wanted to know didn’t you?!”

With a flicker of Skill empowered motion Vivi darted forward and in the same flowing motion sliced a deep cut through the monster’s side.

Vivi jumped back.

“See? It’s perfectly fi-

The rabbit suddenly ignited in a ball of green fire, a plume of emerald flame that boiled up from its fur as it screamed. Within the green fire could be seen screaming faces, tortured expressions screaming in agony. The rabbit’s eyes rolled up in its sockets before it started crying blood, crimson running down its face as it spasmed and jerked. The air was filled with the sound of malevolent whispers, hundreds of dark overlapping voices that spoke in some forbidden language, the rabbit’s mouth moved to join the unseen voices, jerking up and down as though puppeted, whispering unsettling utterances that could not be understood.

And then the fire abruptly snuffed out and the rabbit collapsed dead to the ground, blood pouring from all orifices.

The band stared in silence at the dead rabbit.

“It’s not evil!”

“Give me the sword Vivi!!”

“It’s not evil, it’s not! That was just, uh, a fire attack enchanted into the blade! You use fire all the time! Why don’t I get to use it?! How is that fair?!”

“We could get someone to look the sword over, to see if it’s actually dangerous to anyone captain,” said Lily.

“Yes!” cried Vivi, leaping on the idea. “It’s been fine so far so it will continue to be fine until it’s proven to be fine!”

Ellaria made some unhappy captainy noises, but after a moment she gave in to the compromise. She was pretty exhausted from running around the castle and arguing about keeping it for only a few hours more wasn’t worth it.

“Fine. You can keep it until we reach the city and have someone look at it. Until then use a damned rag on the grip and don’t you dare touch it with your bare paws.

Vivi grinned happily.

Fey sometimes forgot how much being a warrior meant to the fox girl.

Vivi ripped the hem off her blouse away and formed a wrap around the handle of the sword, putting something between it and her bare paw.

As the others were cleaning up and replacing stained or torn clothes from the job a teddybear appeared before Fey with a blouse. Fey bent down and picked it up, blushing as she recalled her breasts were still bared and exposed to the world. More than once when they were fleeing the castle Kayla and Lily had ran head first into a wall because they couldn’t keep their eyes off the sight of such vast amounts of perky breast flesh bouncing with Fey’s steps. Flora too, hitting walls multiple times. Although in her case that was because she had taken up masturbating while flying through the air and watching her.

Ellaria had almost done the same, but she was able to quickly stop herself before hitting stone each time.

... She was still probably the one catching the most glances.

Fey put the blouse on and found it was a touch too small and short, the hem of it didn’t reach all the way down exposing some truly enormous underboob, and the buttons strained to reach across the canyon of her cleavage, puckers between them, her nipples tenting out the fabric in the most graphic way on either side.

Fey frowned down at her chest which looked like it was on the verge of exploding out of her blouse, then looked over at Lily who was guiltily looking in a very different direction and avoiding all eye contact.

Had she...?

She didn’t have time to ask however as a group of bears approached the passenger on her rear. They formed together and soon a much larger bear was created, one that could attempt the task at hand.

Which was to replace Violet’s clothing.

Fey winced as the sound of much hissing and spitting and yowling came from behind her, and the feeling of a weight jerking around on top of her ballsack.

But eventually the bears won, and Fey glanced over her shoulder to find a cleaned up Violet, who looked a lot less feral and suddenly fairly reasonable and not obviously a monster, especially because they had combed her hair and covered up the tiny pair of succubus wings with the oversized blouse they had given her.

The different coloured glowing eyes were kind of suspicious however. And the paleness. And the one smol fang peeking from her lip.

But hopefully the gate guards wouldn’t notice. Hopefully.

Flora floated the band up and they began making their way back to the city.

Aeolith considered herself a good girl. She did good things and was a nice person and always tried her best to help those in need.

Of course, just a mere worthless opinion wasn’t what she based that on. She had spent years studying and grinding and working in the hallowed libraries and had then taken the good person exam, and the kindness exam, and the niceness exam. She had passed all three with flying colours and the highest scores possible, something that made her feel rather smug at times.

The other angels of her year wished they were as nice and kind and good as she.

Even when approached for a duel she always won, mercilessly crushing her fellow students in competitive kindness. She had been happy. Popular.

But then she had graduated, graduating from angel school to become a full fledged angel. It had been great, at first ... But then she had started to notice just how much better the other angels were, and she had a terrible feeling of imposter syndrome. It was like all she had studied counted for nothing! Like it was only 0.01% of the job! She’d found herself floundering in even the most basic of angel kindness duels against her peers, making a fool of herself, fleeing the kindness arena bawling her eyes out and covering her head in shame.

And even worse than that ... those who had performed worse than she in the exams had started to be promoted over her!!

It made her mad, and she clenched her fists as she paced about the open apartment, her halo wobbling back and forth above her head as she turned and stormed back the other way.

Being summoned down here should have been her big moment to get promoted, her chance to catch up, an angelic blessing of a just born child, a difficult and tricky thing to pull off, and a mission that she had somehow lucked into. A mission of great value and repute.

Instead she had arrived to find there was no child to bless and the mission was quite impossible to complete. No matter what she did, no matter how skilled she was, the mission was a big fat F for failure, and if she went back now that big fat F would be stamped on her record.

At her level if she was lucky, she would be dropped down into the angelic libraries to do dull as dog shit bookwork for the next few decades. Worst case scenario she would be ejected from angelhood all together and sent back to take remedial school, which meant starting from square one and retaking every single lesson, and every single exam, and every single year.

She was quite sure she would go completely mad if either of those fates were to befall her.

So instead of going back she had stayed, delaying the inevitable, procrastinating her doom, trying to pretend that everything was okay and that she wasn’t currently hyperventilating.

She paused as she realised she had been working herself up into a tizzy. Angels weren’t supposed to get stressed and panicked and anxious, they were supposed to be graceful and calm and all knowing and angelic, pure and elegant servants of the gods.

She nibbled worriedly on her fingernail. Leaving yet more teeth marks on the thing, a nervous habit from her time taking exams, and one that she had picked up again since landing here.

The apartment she stood in had been given to her by the Adventurer’s Guild, apparently it was one of a number of such things lent to important Guild captains when they needed them.

The AG after some discussion had decided that turning an angel out to be homeless on the streets probably wouldn’t be doing themselves any favours with the gods, and in fact might spell their doom, so the council of captains had graciously given her this apartment to stay in.

She was bare legged, and her bare feet were pressed against the tile of the floor. She wore only pink lacy underwear and a white blouse that was far too large for her, the sleeves rumpled up on her forearms as the bottom hung around her thighs. A loan from the guild while her robes were being laundered clean of a few stains of a certain substance. She of course had no idea she was going to be stuck down here, so she hadn’t brought a spare pair of clothes.

Clothes and an apartment, for as long as she needed them.

Surely that wouldn’t be a long time, she had to go back to heaven at some point ... right?

What if ... What if she just sort of ... stayed here?

The thought felt furtive, like some kind of thief, a dirty un-angelic thought.

But what if she did?

What if she didn’t have to go back and retake decades of school or be made to do endless busy work in the dead end book stacks?

She could just sort of stay here, and do...

She paused, thinking furiously.

She could stay here and do angelic things...

Why did she even need heaven to do angely things?

Really, couldn’t she just sort of strike out on her own? A free lance angel? An indie angel?

She imagined herself wearing a stylish dress and her halo bejewelled with gemstones, smoking using a long cigarette holder, huge fluffy white furs around her shoulders.

She strode into a rundown house of the ailing, their cries and pleas filling the air before she’d sweep past their beds, flicking out her hand and healing them of their ailments, a confident smile on her lips. She’d then step outside to meet her adoring crowd of worshippers, a great white carriage awaiting her pulled by unicorns, but not before she signed many an autograph of course.

She glanced around furtively, as though afraid someone would see her having such a dangerous thought.

She’d read of the greater arch-angels having great crowds of adoring worshippers when one sometimes came down from the heavens, if only once every few centuries.

She wasn’t an arch-angel with centuries of experience ... but if she were freelance ... then why couldn’t she have her own fan club?

Well, maybe that was a little too much to expect for a novice like herself. She’d obviously have to get some big angely stuff under her belt first, perhaps curing a plague or saving a king’s life, yes, Aeolith the angel freelancer...

She continued to fantasise about her freelance self when there was a knock at the door.

She turned and blinked.

An unfortunate interruption, her daydreaming and fantasising was just getting good. She’d just opened her tenth orphanage and all the little children were carving a life size marble statue in her honour. It was quite lovely.

The knock came again.

Right, visitors.

She smoothed her overly large blouse over her thighs and cleared her throat then strode over to the door, turning the handle and opening it.

A large muscled mass faced her, the front of a large horse, and peaking between the front legs of this large horse was a kind of fleshy plate, the tip of an astoundingly large horse penis.

Aeolith looked mortified at the thing as it gently bobbed up and down in front of her.

Admittedly it was quite a nice looking penis, as penises went. Aesthetic in the best way, with pleasingly placed veins and a brutally powerful looking form, shaped in a way that plucked at a girl’s imagination, made her wonder what just a tool would feel like if it were possible to take it.

“S-Sorry!” came a voice from above.

Aeolith’s head slowly rotated up to see a massive cliff of boobage, a pair of mind bogglingly vast breasts, breasts so large that they filled the width of the doorway, indecently massive things, with an obscene amount of underboob as the clearly far too small blouse barely contained them.

Aeolith could admittedly appreciate such a magnificent pair of breasts, it wasn’t like angel school was innocent, especially at night in the girls dorms. But good gods these were a pair that beggared belief, a pair of breasts a girl could fall into, a kind of pair that were huggable, the kind of breasts that you wrapped yourself around in bed and used as pillows.

She realised after a second that she was staring, and leaned back to look above to see ... no that didn’t help at all as there was only the door frame above the massive pair of knockers.

The enormous centaur finally managed to bend down and her very pretty face framed in blonde locks appeared, an innocent looking and gentle girl. It was this centaur who had somehow inflated the abbess, and then later attempted to comfort her as Aeolith had a good cry.

Fey was her name.

She looked fretful and worried, and in need of help, on the verge of tears. Aeolith felt her angelic heart strings tug.

“I- I need your help!”

“Y-yes, of course, please come in!”

Aeolith smiled to herself internally. Yes, this was exactly what she needed. A centaur clearly in dire need of an angel’s help. What more perfect a way to begin her new career as a self-employed angel.

Fey awkwardly bent down and after some struggle managed to squeeze her body through the door, first her enormous chest slipping through, then her front half then her back half, the wood of the door frame groaning as she squeezed inside.

She stumbled a little as her hips popped free.

She was ... awfully tall. Her head was near the ceiling, and this apartment was made suitable for the largest of minotaurs.

“How may I help you mortal?” said Aeolith, her voice light and airy, a much better impression of angelicness than the last time she had seen this centaur.

“We went on a job, and there was a terrible accident!”

“Ah, you are injured?”

Healing was quite straightforward. A little angelic healing perhaps wasn’t the most impressive start to her new career, but it would do.

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