Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 59

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 59 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Ellaria looked around, hands on hips.

“So, let me get this straight.”

The band fidgeted and avoided her gaze.

“For the first time ever the band gets its very first fan—”

Fey nibbled her lip.

“—The first fan we have ever had ever ... and she doesn’t even survive an entire bloody day?! She was supposed to be the foundation on which our great and adoring fan club should have been built on, but instead she’s been turned into a feral monster that thirsts for blood!”

“AHnff—monster is, ahn! A m-matter of perspective!” said the Countess.

Ellaria turned to glare at her.

The Countess was standing further down the great hall with her rear perked up in the air, hands on her knees, long legs spread. She was of course completely naked since her dress had been torn apart by her cum belly, that is apart from the tall pair of black high heels still worn on her feet.

As Ellaria watched she orgasmed and a spritz of her juices came raining down on the meters wide puddle beneath her shoes, her knees shaking. Her cum belly was nearing being emptied by this point, a great sphere that hung down heavily from her midriff a little bigger than a nine month pregnancy. She focused her power, applying a squeezing force just as she had with Fey’s balls and Vivi’s cattle prods on her tummy.

Her belly shrunk down further under the pressure and a geyser of horsecum spewed from her gaped asshole, a thigh thick tube of white that flowed through the air under her power before joining the vast white sphere that filled half the hall, an enormous floating many storey sphere of cum, a perfect orb that hung incongruously in the air.

“It’s just a m-matter of the tier of vampire and how old they are- hfnnn oh gawwwd!!”

She cried out as her belly eased back to flat and trim, her hips trembling for the final time as she came with the last of Fey’s cum leaving, her asshole left massively stretched out, a twin to her massively gaped open pussy. She put a hand on her hip and straightened up with a groan. Behind her great glowing blue symbols appeared over the sphere, seeming to lock it in place.

“So turn her back into a normal person!”

“I cannot. Once turned there’s no going back. I’m sure if you wait a couple of centuries and regularly feed her pints of blood she will eventually become fully aware and sapient like me. Of course since it was I who turned her it might even only take one century, very very fast. You will most likely need to keep her in a cage for the first few decades, the just turned are most unpredictable.”

Ellaria put her hand to her head. “Are you telling me to put our very first ever fan in a cage? How is this a good thing for our just beginning fan club?!”

“Uh, I don’t think Violet is very happy about it either captain, or erm, at least she wouldn’t be if she wasn’t a feral vampire...”

“I know, I know ... she didn’t deserve this fate. How did things end up this way?” Ellaria sighed and looked down at the banquet table. A pale squirrelkin face with glowing red eyes was gazing up at her. She darted back with a snarl as she noticed Ellaria looking in their direction.

“Was she new to the city?” she murmured.

“I’m not sure, she seemed to be familiar with the d- the drag- she seemed to like the queen. So maybe she grew up in draconica?”

Ellaria didn’t reply but crouched down, looking under the table. From the shadowed space Violet glared back at her, eyes glowing, blood staining her clothes from where the Countess had bitten her, a truly feral looking girl. She was crouched on all fours, like an animal, no better than the most rabid of vampires that had attacked them as they made their way through the castle.

Ellaria hesitantly held out her hand and rubbed her thumb and index finger together.

“Psst Psst Psst Psst, Come here!” said Ellaria, like she was trying to tempt a misbehaving house cat.

Violet looked at the hand mistrustfully, but then hesitantly hopped forward, curious, sniffing at the air.

She was only a few feet from Ellaria’s hand when Flora floated into view. Violet hissed loudly and scrambled back under the table at the sight of her.

“There’s no way. She’s gone in the head Ella.”

Ellaria glared up at the gnome before standing.

“I refuse to leave our one and only fan like this. We’ll have to figure something out.”

She turned back to the Countess.

“Tell me, there must be some way that the process can be reversed, or at the very least some way that her mind can be returned to how it was even if she is stuck as a monster.”

The Countess didn’t reply but produced a wine glass. She gracefully moved it up to the incredibly huge white sphere and daintily dipped it part way in then pulled the glass free half filled with centaur cum.

She moved it to her mouth while gently swishing the cum inside, she then paused and took a long breath in through her nose, scenting the seed and then letting out a satisfied sigh.


She lifted the glass to her lips and sipped, taking the cum into her mouth then swishing it around, moving the mouthful from cheek to cheek, moving her tongue throughout the substance. She swallowed the load a moment later.

“Magnificent. The way the wrigglers squirm against my tongue,” she shuddered, a little micro orgasm shooting up her body. “It may be vampire heresy to admit but this substance is far better and far more filling than blood. And if I may be so bold to say, with this we won’t even need to drain as many people.” She glanced up at the sphere, “Which will be the case for some years considering the sheer amount and my preservation field. It is thought by you adventurers that we vampires simply drink blood, but it is more than that, it is the life we drain that helps sustain us, and this...”

“Did you not hear me?”

“I did, and I was giving you an answer. I suspect if you fed this fledgling vampire solely on a diet of this seed you could perhaps hasten the amount of time it takes her to become a greater vampire and regain her mind.”

Fey gasped, “Really? We could sort of save her from feral vampirism like that?”

“Yes, it would be significantly faster. Instead of it taking a century or more it would only take a mere sixty years for her mind to develop. Astonishingly fast, I know.”

Fey deflated, her excitement collapsing like a soggy wet paper bag. It seemed the Countess was so long lived that she had lost her grip on what was considered a long time for shorter lived peoples.

“I myself will be making use of this, there are few vampires that survive long enough to reach true sapience, almost always they are slaughtered by adventurers such as yourselves in the first few innocent child-like decades of their life.

“Pardon me if I don’t take a vampire’s word on this. Don’t worry Fey, I will think of something, I will find a way to help her, even if I have to bury myself in a library for a week and go full academic, or even if I have to approach and beg that angel to somehow fix her.”

The Countess looked up hearing that. “You have access to an ... angel?”

“Yes, does that help? Could she save her!?” said Fey, excitement rising once more.

“Oh, I have no idea whatsoever. As far as I know no vampire has ever even seen an angel let alone been helped by one.”

Fey’s excitement died a pitiful death.

Ellaria narrowed her eyes at the Countess.

“I will fix her. I will definitely fix her. That said, I do believe we are the ones now owed recompense. You vampirised our only fan!”

“Yes, well, it was an accident. I was caught by surprise,” sniffed the Countess.

She put her hand on her hip, and then paused. She glanced down between her breasts at her midriff.

“That said I am not completely without appreciation ... Fey here has changed me, I can feel my womb at all times, a conscious thing, like a constant non-stop source of low level pleasure.”

She frowned and then rocked her hips to the side.

“AHNN!” she cried out as she squirted, a spray of creamy pussy juice raining down on the ever increasing puddle of herself on the marble.

“F-Fuck! It’s like my womb is one giant clit, no, it’s way more sensitive than that...” She bit her lip, one fang showing. “This ... wonderful change you have wrought on me, as well as the magical device and lake of seed. I suppose I can see about dealing with what you came here for, I was going to deal with it myself eventually after all.”

“Device?” said Flora, frowning. She looked around and then dipped a hand between her cleavage. “Hey where the hell is my magic rectangle?!”

Fey elbowed the gnome in the side and lowered her voice

“Do you really want to go against her? Remember the bats??”

Flora gave her a sour look and crossed her arms.

“You can always get another one right? Right?”

“I guess,” she rolled her eyes.

As they spoke the Countess experimentally lifted a leg and took a step forward. She gasped aloud and squirted as her foot came down, just the motion of her hips shifting and squeezing her unimaginably sensitive womb causing her to cum.

“Gods, I’m not sure I’m ever going to be able to walk without orgasming ever again!”

Despite what she said the Countess seemed absolutely delighted by this prospect.

“For now though I suppose it would be faster to go by air.”

She rose up and began floating toward the end of the hall, toward the great iron doors which opened before her, leaving behind the vast sphere of horse cum.

The band glanced at each other, but then hesitantly followed after, unsure what else to do.

They left the chamber and entered back into the deserted part of the castle, gloom and dust returning. The main difference being that they were no longer being accosted by endless numbers of bats, that and a naked woman wearing high heels and with glowing red eyes was floating ahead of them.

It didn’t take long to get to where they were going. The Countess flicked her fingers and a dark wood door opened up revealing the massive bottomless pit that Kayla had almost fallen into, except they were seeing it from the other end this time. It truly was enormous, a vast void that just seemed to exist at the bottom of the castle.

“Come on, the stairs are somewhere on the left. The estate agent mentioned them when I was viewing the property.”

“E-Estate agent?” squawked Kayla in disbelief.

The band found a set of stairs that descended into the dark nearby and began carefully going down them as the Countess floated overhead.

“Yes, vampiric estate agent.” She gestured dismissively “You would not believe how hard it is to get prime property as a vampire. You want a ruin near where there is a good source of food, a town or some such of course, but you don’t want to be constantly being harassed by adventurers. Finding that balance is hard, hence why it’s a good idea to pay a fee to a vampire with insight into the matter, a vampire who keeps tabs on available ruins.”

There was a pause while the band digested this.

Fey recalled how the nearby city of Draconica was the most intensely hardcore adventuring hub she had ever seen.

“Uhm, I think you may have been scammed...”


“There’s tons of really enthusiastic adventurers around here...”

Ellaria rubbed her chin. “I suppose it might have appeared to be safe from adventurers since so few adventurers have been coming to the castle and the valley as of late, afraid of whatever it is that is down here.”

“That would ... Did that fool only check the most recent months for adventurer activity?” muttered the Countess to herself.

As she spoke they neared the bottom of the void, the stairs coming down on a flat and empty stone floor, the air cold and chill and the floor damp. It was so empty that it was almost spooky. Kayla shivered as her stockinged feet touched down on the cold stone and she hugged herself to keep warm.

“Is it near? Whatever it is?”

The Countess looked up from her introspection and glanced around.

“Yes, I’ll send some of mine ahead. Come come my precious vassals.”

She vaguely gestured at the air and a cloud of bats swooped down from above, forming pale frightening figures with glowing red eyes who scattered and ran off into the gloom, some on all fours. The countess continued floating forward and the band followed.

They soon came to a wall, and then what appeared to be an opening, one of many, tunnels that spread out from the great space.

“I don’t like this,” whispered Lily.

“It’s creepy down here,” whispered Fey.

“It’s the perfect atmosphere for a battle to the death between adventurer and monster,” said Vivi, her voice echoing down the tunnels.

Fey half wondered if someone would reply. But the place remained silent and cold, endless tunnels and nothing ... that is ... apart from the bones. The bones were scattered here and there, large bones, from people.

“C-can you pick me up Fey?” whispered Kayla, clear fear in her voice. Fey glanced down to see her looking warily at part of a skeletal ribcage discarded by the walls, picked clean by rats.

Her fear was quite cute, even if Fey herself was feeling her own high levels of fear. She leaned down and snatched her into her arms, holding her against her breasts and sinking into her cleavage as the band continued through the endless branching tunnels.

Half an hour later and they were still wandering.

“Isn’t this your castle, aren’t you supposed to know where things are?”

“I’m a new homeowner, what do you expect? Plus, this place is like a labyrinth...”

She paused in mid air.

“ ... a lot like a labyrinth actually.”

She turned and looked around. They were walking down one of the largest passages seen so far, enough space to fit two wagons side by side, and with the great space came the most bones they had yet seen, rib bones and limb bones scattered across the ground, and skulls of various species, humans and drakes and dwarves and more.

Her gaze drifted across the walls of the place as she floated back, backtracking some, and then she came to a stop by one of the walls.

“Oh, very sneaky.”

Her eyes flashed bright red and the wall just ... dissolved. Fey blinked as the stone next to her seemed to pull apart into particulate dust and splinters that just spun away into nothing in whorls and eddies.

She suddenly found herself standing outside a doorway, an entrance to a vast hidden chamber beyond.

Ellaria peeked inside. “It’s in here? The thing you sensed?”

“Yes. Really it is quite well hidden, Even knowing something was down here I might have overlooked this hidden entrance. There were easily over a hundred different enchantments on the facade. All fell before me of course.”

“It’s no wonder that captain at the guild through the monster had left then,” murmured Ellaria, “Only someone like the Countess here might have found this place. The monster emerges when it senses prey it can kill, and hides when something too powerful comes along.”

The Countess sniffed. “Really, the estate agent said nothing about this either. Although I suppose I do appreciate the extra space,” She peered within, “I could perhaps turn this into some sort of lounge or even a lower library. Although this nasty cold dampness will just have to go.”

The band cautiously stepped inside.

Here there were even more bones, scattered amongst the shattered pews. The place was almost church-like, but it had a darker, more sinister feel to the place, as though some dark and terrible act had happened here, an unspeakable evil, the dark stone gothic pillars looming eerily overhead and creating great pointed arches.

Fey could feel Kayla trembling in her arms, and Lily too was holding back at the rear, afraid to enter too far.

Less so Vivi who confidently strode forward.

“This is the perfect place for a final battle, have you seen how cool this is?!”

“This is serious Vivi. Have you seen how many freaking skeletons there are!” whisper hissed Fey squeezing Kayla into her breasts like a comforting otterkin teddy bear.

“Oh no,” came Ellaria’s voice and both Fey and Vivi turned to her.

“What is it?” she whispered.

Ellaria pinched the bridge of her nose.

“I don’t believe it.”

“What! What?”

She lifted a hand and pointed and the band followed it to see a dais and on the dais was a single large cuboid of stone, a stone table.

Sitting on the stone table was a glowing sword.

“Oh fuck me there really is a magic sword,” said Flora.

The gasp of delight from Vivi was almost childlike in its innocence and she dashed forward, rushing up to the table.

“Stop! Vivi don’t you dare!” cried Ellaria just a touch too slow.

With reverence Vivi lifted the sword.

“My new sword! I love it!”

“Erm, aren’t we supposed to fight the big scary monster before getting the, erm loot?” murmured Kayla.

That did make a certain amount of sense ... The sword seemed ... well...

The sword’s blade was black, and etched up its length was glowing red lettering that read AGONY&DEATH. The guard of the sword was made of two large crow skulls, their pointed beaks pointing out to either side. The grip below was of black scale, probably taken from the reptile whose skull made up the pommel, a small horned lizard skull.

It wasn’t exactly the kind of sword that promised honour and knighthood. In fact it was quite a suspicious sword.

Ellaria sighed.

“I understand you are having serious sword withdrawals Vi, but you can’t just go picking up strange glowing swords you see lying around.”

“I don’t know what you’re on about, it’s perfectly fine, see?”

As Vivi was experimentally chopping the air with her new sword Fey heard a gasp from behind and turned to see the Countess looking alarmed, her face pale, well, paler than normal.

The Countess quickly turned to the door where a number of her vampire servants were loitering.

“Get out! Run!”

Too late. A glossy purple tentacle lunged through the air and grabbed hold of her leg, whipping the countess around and slamming her against the nearest wall. She cried out, hands clutching at her midriff as she came, the impact going straight through to her hypersensitive womb. “OOH!” She squealed, squirting messily over the tentacle.

Fey followed the purple tentacle back along its length to find Vivi now changed from how she had been mere seconds ago. Her eyes glowed purple and a cluster of purple tentacles emerged from her pussy.

“Uh, Vivi?”

The vulpine didn’t reply but raised the sword high in the air.

Before her a halo of red fire roared to life and from within emerged a figure.

The fire wisped away around the figure and Fey got a good look at the person now standing before them.

She was small, naked, and had red skin. Her eyes glowed purple and a pair of red horns emerged from her forehead. A small pair of red wings emerged from her back and above her ass came a long red spaded tail. She was slim in ass and petite in chest, and it seemed whatever mass had been lost from that had gone straight to her pussy. Her pussy was enormous on her frame, so sinfully plump and fat that it hid her clit and labia from view and so thick that it pushed against her thighs and gave her an impressively wide thigh gap.

Ellaria’s hand snapped out and a crimson fireball rocketed from her palm, shooting across the room and crashing into the succubus.

The fire splashed around her diminutive chest and then seemed to be absorbed, sinking into her flesh like it was being devoured.

The red skinned girl giggled.

“What is that thing?!” hissed Flora.

“It’s a succubus,” said Ellaria, “A strong one. It’s been ... left to feed.”

“Oh you’re so right!” exclaimed the succubus, “First there were all the people in the castle and their haughty lord. They thought themselves clever enough to play with demons and their gifts. They built this place, down here, and they did well at first, that is until they summoned me,” she grinned flashing sharp teeth, “They’re all gone now, I gobbled them all up! and I was lonely for a time, but then all these adventurers kept turning up and I could feast and feast and feast! And they had no idea they were just making me stronger and stronger and stronger!”

“You think you’re strong just because of a few adventures? Hah. I’ve held down an entire dragoness!”

Flora raised her hand, contempt clear on her face as she took hold of the succubus with her power, gripping her in mid air, straightening her arms and holding them at her sides, as well as her legs and tail, like she was confined inside a straitjacket.

The succubus glared at the gnome.

“I chose who to take over for a reason you know.”

A purple tentacle whipped through the air and smacked Flora across the face. She cried out as she was sent spinning through the air, losing her grip on the succubus.

A second later a dozen glossy purple tentacles leapt on her before she regained her balance and in a moment she disappeared behind them as they wound around and around her body until only her feet and hands could be seen and a muffled shouting was coming from within.

Fey waited, expecting any moment that Flora would rip the tentacles apart.

The gnome remained as she was. Trapped.

Fey slowly and reluctantly recalled that Flora’s power didn’t work on slime monsters, or at least not properly. The inability for her to affect the things was how Wummy had come to be in the first place, the slime monster slipping into her pussy to get at her cum filled belly where she had then evolved.

Just as I thought,” hummed the succubus. “It’s always the case with you adventuring bands. You all have a weak point, some member who you are all reliant on, and when they are taken out of the equation everything just comes tumbling down.”

She turned to see a number of teddy bears sneaking up on her with knives held in paw, apparently preparing to stab her.

She put a finger to her lip.

“I would hold back if I were you little otter girl. I know very well this tamed slime monster here has more than enough power to crush your gnome friend into liquid mulch in less than a second.”

The bears froze and Lily’s face went pale as a sheet, quickly recalling the bears.

Fey glanced around. Vivi was somehow being controlled and apparently that included Wummy. Flora was lost in a knot of tentacles and completely at their mercy. Ellaria’s fire only seemed to be absorbed by the succubus rather than doing any damage. The Countess was trying to do something, but every time she moved the tentacle wrapped around her waist would squeeze and she would be left squealing as she squirted in the most undignified way, limbs flailing as her hyper sensitive womb was stimulated and causing a mind bending orgasm.

... That left herself Kayla and Lily.

“Sh-should I summon Riley?” hissed Kayla from Fey’s arms.

That sounded ... not very helpful. Squishing everyone against the walls as the chamber was filled with womb. Great, but then when Riley was unsummoned they would be in the exact same situation.

Lily’s teddy bears were, well, teddy bears, quite limited, and Lily was afraid that Flora was about to be smooshed. Fey herself, while strong, was equally afraid for Flora if not more so.

The succubus had ... planned this? It made a certain amount of sense considering that she apparently hid away if she didn’t like her chances against those in the castle. She was a strategist, and could apparently sense something of what adventurers could do.

The succubus skipped forward unopposed and there was nothing the band could do but watch.

She came to a stop in front of the Countess and frowned at her body.

“I hadn’t expected such ... weakness from you. I didn’t even have to use any of my back up plans,” she lifted a hand and stroked the Countess’s cheek.

The tentacle squeezed her midriff and the Countess screamed, copious pussy fluids powerfully spraying down on the tentacle and even splattering across the succubus’s bare feet, puddling around her toes.

She raised an eyebrow. “What is this you are feeling? What has been done to you?”

“N- Nothing I am completely n-normal,” the Countess managed to grit out before she orgasmed again.

The succubus looked at her with suspicion, but then came closer, the Countess’s indecently large and round breasts pressing up against her nearly flat chest. Her hand came up between the vampire’s slick inner thighs, two fingers prepared to press into her.

The succubus blinked in surprise then, when her entire hand slipped into the Countess’s monumental gape.


She took a step back, and then had tentacles take hold of and angle the Countess’s hips up.

Her gape, or rather gapes, came into view as tentacles took hold of her thighs and spread them. Her cavernous pussy fluttering with constant pleasure, plump cervix mouthing at the air as minor orgasms continually racked her body, and below that, her stretched out asshole, a tunnel going deep within her.

“What have you done to your body?” mused the succubus. Her fingertips touched at the inner walls of the Countess’s pussy, inducing another intense orgasm in her ultra sensitive body.


Squealed the Countess as the succubus’s hand suddenly plunged past her cervix and grabbed hold of her womb walls, the succubus’s gripping fingers vaguely visible through her midriff.

Splrssshh! Skllrsshhhhhh! Skltrschhhh!

The Countess sprayed like a fountain, soaking the succubus’s front, fluids running down her red skinned neck and chest, that is until the succubus brought her mouth close and cut off the squirt. Her throat bobbing as she drank the Countess’s production down.

“N-Nooo!” wailed the Countess as her body began to dry, her lips cracking. In moments it looked like she had been lost in a desert for a year, becoming thinner, losing significant weight, her breasts shrinking by a third as the succubus forcibly milked her of everything she had to give.

The succubus pulled back with a gasp, pussy juice running down her chin, and looked down at her own body. She was no longer quite so flat, putting on maybe a centimeter or two in bust size.

“Ah, you are so much more nutritious than all those nasty wooden adventurers.”

“You bitch,” croaked the Countess, tongue like sandpaper buried in sand.

The succubus slammed her against the wall causing her to powerfully orgasm once again, although this time she didn’t squirt, she was too dehydrated. The succubus moved her face close to the Countess, a dark look in her purple eyes.

“A pretender does not get to speak to me like that. This is the problem with all you vampires. You think that you are such hot shit.” She gripped the Countess’s chin, making her look into her eyes.

“But really a vampire is just a diet succubus.”

The Countess seemed to break hearing that and she managed to rasp out a reply.

“Trade. Trade for my life. Spare me and I will give you this adventuring band. I was planning on enslaving them anyway, the spell was just taking time.”

“What the hell!” cried Fey taking a step forward, her hands forming fists at her sides.

The succubus giggled. “Hell is the word. But no, you aren’t getting a deal out of me, you fake.” She flicked her finger and the Countess was pressed back against the wall where a purple tentacle then slipped inside her gape, then inside her asshole, then more in each until both holes were just a mass of writhing squirming tentacles. Then lastly another down her throat cutting off her screams, making the Countess completely and utterly helpless, barely remaining sane as chaining firecracker orgasms shook her to the core, made submissive to her own body.

The succubus spun around, eyes falling on Ellaria as she swiftly strode over, coming face to face with the elf. She smiled sweetly.

“If I were on an island, and I had to pick one meal to eat for the rest of my life,” said the succubus, “I think you would be it. You look as delicious as strawberries and cream on a summer’s day in hell.”

Ellaria only had a moment to look surprised before the succubus reached up on tip toe and kissed her, her hands reaching out and groping at her breasts, mauling at them as Ellaria made muffled sounds of alarm.

It wasn’t until she shot several fireballs into the succubus’s chest that she pulled away, a little of Ellaria’s saliva on her lip.

She rubbed her petite breasts where the fire had entered and been absorbed.

“Oh my, you are a spicy one, and-

Fey’s fist thudded into the side of her head with a brutal crack smack of flesh on bone, skull fracturing under the savage impact. The chamber filled with the sudden noise and then the instantly following grisly crunch as her neck was violently bent to the side with her head which bounced off her shoulder.

A moment of silence followed, the succubus’s head leaning at an awkward angle.

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