Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 58

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 58 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Previously on Centaurus: The band is caught up in the consequences for the small ... large mess that has been made in the adventuring guild’s main hall. They are given an unjust punishment for their involvement, completing a highly dangerous and unwanted job hunting a monster in Bharldur castle ... Which was of course all to Ellaria’s plan. They set off with Violet joining along for the ride as the first ever member of the new Magic Mog band fan club. They make their way through a forest outside Draconica, eventually coming to a valley where Fey gets in a quick breeding session with Riley the octo-girl. Unfortunately things go very wrong and they along with Violet and Kayla go rolling down into the valley before coming to a crashing stop as Riley vanishes.


Fey was left spread eagled on the grass, arms outstretched as she looked up at the great azure blue sky, towering galleon clouds drifting by above, the warm sun heating her skin in a pleasant way.

If not for having travelled on the most frightening ride of her life before being hammer slammed down on the ground all while cumming her brains out it might have been quite relaxing.

She blinked blearily, breathing slowing as her chest rose and fell.

A face appeared above her, the face of an elven goddess of beauty ... no, wait, that was Ellaria. The elf looked down at her with concern, one eyebrow lifting.

“Are you okay Fey?”

“Y-Yes...” she managed to croak in reply.

“I think she came so hard that she broke,” said Flora as she floated into view above her. From this angle Fey was given a full frontal view of Flora’s puss beneath her skirt, her inner thighs still slick with her arousal. The sight made her cock twitch, somehow already preparing to breed another girl ... although her balls really weren’t quite so eager having unleashed such vast amounts of jizz so recently.

Fey let out a groan and wiped her hand across her eyes. Then she managed to struggle up a bit, her upper half rising so she could look down at her horse half.

Her cock lay heavily across her barrel, a fat bead of cum wobbling at the urethra before slowly oozing then dripping down to join the small puddle on her chest.

There was ... a strange sensation came from her balls and her brow rose as her balls rose up and then after a few moments of struggle Kayla came crawling out from beneath them, the otterkin gasping for air as she flopped down on the grass.

“Your balls are freaking heavy you know!” she gasped between breaths.

Fey bit her lip. The otterkin was lucky, her balls had been emptied so much that they were now smaller than pumpkins. The exhilaration and impacts from riding Riley had led to an enormously powerful ejaculation.

Maybe she shouldn’t listen to her instincts so much, that was supposed to have been a nice quick pre-adventure breeding to relax her nerves, instead adrenaline was pumping through her at a mile a minute! Where was the relaxation!?

In fact she had somehow made more than a little mess with her exertions. She looked around in dismay to see blobs of white scattered around the valley floor around her, fat globules of her cum. And in the distance Bharldur castle. As she watched half the tiles on one roof fell off, sliding down then dropping to smash against the cobble far below with a distant clattering shatter. Riley’s impact with the earth had created a minor earthquake. Not a good mix with ancient buildings.

“Well, if the monster didn’t know we were here before they certainly do now,” sighed Ellaria.

It was a mess, and it made the super dangerous scary job somehow even more super dangerous scary.

Fey looked over gloomily at Violet who was examining a blob of cum, poking it with her big toe and watching in curious fascination how the sticky substance clung to her skin, latching on before trying to crawl up her foot, slowly oozing toward her pussy, eager to impregnate her.

“What about Violet, she can’t come inside the castle right?”

“Absolutely not. Even if she had any way of defending herself I, ah, would rather not put at risk the band’s first ever real fan. Flora, would you kindly arrange the dra- cave silk so that we can access the silk cave?”

Flora grumbled but fished around in her cleavage, pulling out a scrunched up ball of white cloth. She flung it into the air and took hold of it with her power. Fey watched with interest as the silk floated before them and then slowly spread out, Flora pausing a few times as the strange material gave her trouble. The corners pulled apart, stretching the fabric so that it went from a small rectangle to a large rectangle and then a door sized rectangle. A rectangle of white now stood incongruously on the grass like a closed door, the sunlight sparkling off it at certain angles in an almost pearlescent way.

Fey rolled onto her hooves and after a little wobble managed to stand.

“What’s this?” said Violet, peering from behind it, her big fluffy red tail shading her from the sun.

“It’s what you will be leaving through for the duration of the job,” said Ellaria.

“Aw. But I like it here, I like being with Fey.”

“Even rolling out of control down the valley?” said Fey in disbelief.

“Oh That was brilliant!” cried Violet bouncing up and down as she looked up at Fey, her chest moving hypnotically with her blouse, “Let’s do it again!” Fey almost wanted to for a fraction of a second, her enthusiasm was infectious and her open expression charming, bright green eyes accentuated with a scattering of freckles.

“NO!” cried Kayla, her voice strained “I thought I was gonna freaking die!” She was bent over with hands on her knees, breathing heavy, still recovering from the ride down.

“But it was so much fun! If this is what your adventurers are normally like then you’ve got to take me on all of them!”

“Absolutely not.” said Ellaria. “There is a limit. Now, through the silk. Come on, we haven’t got all day and we need to fetch Vivi.”

Violet blinked at her in confusion.

Ellaria, impatient and not even sure where to begin explaining the dragon silk, held out a hand.

Violet hesitantly took it and then made a sound of surprise as Ellaria strode through the fabric, watching in alarm as she disappeared then even greater alarm as she was dragged toward it, her feet skidding across the grass as she was pulled inside.


And then she was gone.

Fey trotted after, waving to the twins now sitting on the grass as she slipped inside.

One moment it was a sunny bright day and the next she was standing in a void of darkness. She blinked as the cool air washed over her, the jump from one environment to the other so sudden that it was jarring and it took her a moment to get her bearings.

Light caught her eye and she turned, eyes going round in surprise as she found herself standing before an enormous cabin with a porch, dozens of flickering lanterns arranged around its outside creating a pool of warm light in the dark. It was a large cabin and even a second floor appeared to be in the process of being built, the upper walls half done. As she watched a tentacle holding a hammer appeared behind the unfinished wall and a plank was slotted into place before with a short sharp single motion a nail was banged home.

“Huh.” she murmured. She hadn’t even considered doing such a thing with the cave, building a literally building inside of it was ... well, genius! With this they would be a few steps from home literally anywhere and ... she let out an unrestrained gasp of delight, eyes lighting up with potential. With this she would never ever need to stay at a grotty inn again! No more innkeepers who hated centaurs! No more beds that didn’t fit! No more beds collapsing beneath her weight! No more being told to sleep in the stables like she wasn’t even a real person!

Vivi was a genius! This was an adventurer’s freaking dream!

She could at any time come here and be in private comfort surrounded by her girls and...

She paused. Hold on, this could be more than just an adventurer’s cabin. If it became bigger, more extensive, add some larger rooms, some extra bedrooms and bathrooms and Fey could have ... a breeding palace. Her mouth watered as soon as the thought crossed her mind. A palace for her to come and relieve herself at any time, a place for an extensive harem, a place where she could ravage puss and make girls scream and cream and fill girls so full they couldn’t move all without blocking city streets or destroying buildings and all while on a job.

A little shiver ran up her spine at the wonderful thought, a little slice of heaven, a private secret place for girls to come and be thoroughly bred until they were lying limp and cum drunk and couldn’t feel their legs, wombs pumped full of breeding batter and made extremely pregnant. A place for her to relax and breed girls without worry, for what place was more secure and secret than this?

Her cock agreed with the thought, stiffening and slap-slapping eagerly against her barrel. It was almost cute, the idea making it eager.

She smiled at such potential, and stepped forward, going after Ellaria and Violet who were already standing on the porch.

But then she paused. There was something on the ground by the dragon silk curtain. She frowned down at it. It was a square of the silk, about the size of a human fist.

It seemed to have fallen from the curtain, right from the corner judging by the piece missing. Hesitantly she leaned down and picked it up, examining it carefully. Was this from the cowki—

“Fey! what are you waiting for?”

She hurriedly stuffed the tiny scrap of silk in her cleavage and trotted forward, climbing the steps up to the porch.

The cabin was surprisingly skilfully made, although maybe not that surprising considering Vivi’s creative hobbies. The railing of the steps up were carved with ornate designs of a horsey theme, and a large pillowed nest hung from ropes from the porch roof to one side, a perfect place to curl up and read a book. She trotted forward and ducked down through the doorway, following Ellaria and Violet inside.

She froze as she looked around. It seemed Vivi had been busy. Very busy. There were rather a lot of, ah, drawings scattered over the walls. One wall seemed to hold a cork-board with sketches for crazy new dildo designs, all of them variations on her own penis, there were even notes for her new four foot length. On the rest of the walls were pinned sketches of Fey, either looking majesticly off in to the distance with the wind blowing in her hair, or to her horror, images of her fucking girls, including lots with Vivi and Wummy.

Fey’s cheek descended down a dozen shades of red as she practically glowed with embarrassment. Who the hell wouldn’t feel like this with pictures of themselves pinned on the wall, let alone doing ... lewd things!

The culprit for this gallery of Fey was standing at the far end of the large room next to a simply enormous bed, a bed large enough to hold a dozen people, or less people and a Fey.

Fey narrowed her eyes at this but decided to ignore it for now, instead focusing on Vivi who was painting a freaking oil painting of all things! She stared daggers as the fox girl moved revealing the thing, an image of her lying on her back, hair spread gracefully around her, eyes closed as she slept, one hand resting lightly on her midriff ... and of course with her enormous erect cock resting across her barrel.

Her lips formed a flat line as she realised that Vivi had rendered her penis in extreme graphic detail while leaving the rest of her more brush strokey and vague.

Vivi turned and smiled even as the tentacles emerging from her pussy added a few more brush strokes to the canvas. She had a bit of blue paint stuck to her fur which she hadn’t noticed.


“We’ve got a job, or rather we are on a job.”

“Really? What kind of...” her voice petered off as she noticed Violet looking around open mouthed at the drawings and the painting. “Who the hell is that?”

Violet turned to her, “I’m the resident ball warmer, or er, that is, Magic Mog’s first super fan!”

Vivi stared. “What.”

“She’s a hanger on that came on the job. That’s partly why we’re here, to drop her off in safety before we enter the castle.”

“This place is all for me?! I’ll be alone here, on my own, in this room with all these incredibly erotic drawings surrounding me and complete privacy!?” said Violet as she bounced across the room before flumping down on the enormous soft bed, practically sinking into it like a fluffy marshmallow.

Vivi did not look pleased.

“Is she going to be jilling herself silly the moment we step— wait. Hold up. Hold the fuck up.” She turned toward Ellaria and narrowed her eyes. “Did I just hear the C word?”

“ ... came?”

“NO! Castle!”

“ ... the job is in a castle, yes.”

“A big one?”

“Erm, it’s very big, yes,” said Fey.

“A really big old castle full of loot? Or more specifically a really big old castle that just might contain a legendary sword forgotten in its depths for centuries just waiting for a destined warrior to be chosen by it and while on an epic death defying adventure to tell over a cold beer at the local pub!?”

“I think you might be setting your hopes a little high,” said Ellaria

“Don’t care, already set!” said Vivi, flinging her paws out.

Tentacles surged from her pussy, filling the space between her legs and rocketing across the room.

Violet, who had just been getting up, was grabbed up by a tentacle and slammed down on the centre of the bed while a second tentacle picked up a crate and up-ended it, dozens of colourful Fey dildos pouring down onto the yelping squirrelkin.

“Help yourself, we’re outta here,” said the fox girl as she grabbed hold of Fey and Ellaria and what looked like a bundle of sticks and sprinted through the door.

Fey was nearly decapitated by the door frame as she was bodily picked up and moved outside, her and Ellaria wrapped in tentacles as Vivi ran for the silk curtain and the silk they had emerged through.

Fey finally managed to gather her wits and in a moment of horror realised they were about to go back through the silk curtain.

Which was a problem as she still had the square of silk in her cleavage.

And had absolutely no idea what the hell would happen if silk went through silk.

“Wait! wait! wait! VIVIIIIII!”

Fey scrabbled at her cleavage, desperately trying to grab the silk square and toss it free before they went through, but her cleavage was too large and she couldn’t find it!

And then she was hitting he silk and then—

Fey popped back out the other side through the silk door and landed on the grass.

With a face like she’d seen her ghost she checked herself over then scrabbled between her enormous breasts plucking the silk free.

She was fine, and surprisingly so was the square of silk, in fact it appeared as normal, a piece of silk from the curtain ... except not from this side, it was a piece of silk from the curtain in the cave.

She wasn’t sure what she expected to happen, but stories and rumours of adventurers putting dimensional bags inside of dimensional bags and then having their bodies turn inside out, or creating an explosion blowing up the building they were in were rampant amongst adventurers.

It seemed however that this wasn’t quite the same thing. The silk could go through itself and it just ... worked?

She frowned at the small square of silk. If the silk could be taken from the cave then why hadn’t the cowkins done so? Something she didn’t have the answer for.

But perhaps she could get the answer, if the corresponding square of silk this square was attached too was still in the possession of a certain cowkin Queen.

She stuffed it back in her cleavage.

As she had been fretting a stream of bears had started to filter through the silk door. These bears seemed different from Lily’s usual bears, hardier, with an almost cocky tilt to their walk, more like a gang than anything, which was accentuated as each of them held knives tied to their paws with string. A good hundred flowed through and added to the cluster of bears supporting Lily, a small bear legion.

As the last came through Flora scrunched up the silk door and stuffed it down her cleavage in a mirror to Fey.

Fey turned to find Vivi looking up at the castle with awe, a swarm of excitable tentacles waving between her legs.

“Sooo ... what are we doing here exactly, captain?”

“We are to exterminate a monster, a monster that has killed over two hundred adventurers, a fearsome job that all others at the guild have been afraid to take on.”

“You’re speaking to my soul, you’ve no idea how starved and stir freaking crazy for adventuring I’ve been while trudging through that fucking endless boring goddam forest for days on end with only a good hard fucking to break up the day. And there’s a chance to get a magical sword to boot.”

“I thought it was a legendary sword.”

“It can be both,” sniffed Vivi.

The tentacle holding the bundle of sticks moved down and Fey realised she recognised what it was she was looking at. It was the collection of cattle prods that the drakes had used to keep the imprisoned cowkins in line, and also to electrocute her a number of times to her fury.

The bundle came apart as the tentacles each plucked one free, Vivi herself taking two, one for each paw. She lifted them in the air with a vulpine grin as the mess of tentacles lifted theirs around them, electricity crackling at the tips.

Ellaria rolled her eyes.

“You couldn’t find a good sword so you’re using those misbegotten things? I hope for your sake this monster doesn’t turn out to be some kind of stone golem immune to electricity.”

“If it is, I’ll just beat it to death. Gods I need a real fight, a great warrior like me cannot live without battle, it’s like I’m malnourished for violence.”

She began stomping toward the castle with cattle prods held out to either side and in a swarm around her.

Fey half wondered if the adventuring starved vulpine was going to single handedly charge down the doors and take on the job alone. She hurried after in case she needed healing.

Fortunately she slowed as the band approached the grand castle, its ivy covered walls looming overhead as they stepped into its shadow. The very air seemed to chill, the sun dimming beneath this green edifice. What was once a verdant summer day taking an almost sinister air.

Fey half expected her breath to come out in puffs, as though the air was wintery.

The abrupt sense of foreboding was of course what had given the fox girl pause.

“Hmm, it seems you’ve noticed this might not be a normal job. I wasn’t joking when I said over two hundred adventurers have died trying to kill the monster that lurks within these walls. Now. Everyone come together. Closer. Good. Now listen. First, tell me, have any of you regained your limit breaks?”

Fey shook her head, as she looked around Vivi and Lily shook theirs too.

“Unfortunate. I won’t ask the prerequisite, I know it’s often personal. In my case very personal, which is why I also lack my limit break. That leaves our current prowess as adventurers. My fire, Fey’s healing, Lily’s ... armed bears, Vivi’s Wummy and uh, some cattle prods, and Kayla who can summon a cum dump, I mean octo-girl.”

She looked around at the circle, Magic Mog in all its actually quite nervous about this job Glory.

She nodded. “We’ll go in slowly and carefully, using Lily’s bears to scout ahead. Fey will stay in the center of our formation and pull back anyone injured to heal. I will take the lead, the moment I see something I’ll bathe it in fire, then Flora will hold them down while I bathe them in even more fire, and then even more fire until it’s equivalent in temperature to a furnace and the stone is melting. Little should be able to survive that. Fey keep an eye out in case anyone gets accidentally burned, I’ll be piling on the fireballs. As that is happening Vivi will be watching our flank.”

“What?! I should be the one fighting the monster!”

“Do you really want to stand in the path of my fireballs?”


“Uhm what should I be doing?” said Kayla holding up a hesitant hand.

“Just keep your eyes open and shout if you see anything okay.”


“Now, Flora. If you would.”

Flora cracked her knuckles. “Don’t mind if I do.”

She turned and lifted her hands. What Fey had thought to be a wall suddenly lurched forward and she realised they had been standing before a great door just hidden beneath the heavy ivy.

With the sound of tearing plant matter the doors slowly ground open, dirt and grass piling up before the bottom edge as the things groaned and creaked wide, a wave of dusty musty air spilling out as the entrance revealed itself and the band had their first look inside, Fey peering over the top of the others.

A grand hall appeared, a very ... empty hall. The band hesitantly moved forward, arms raised and ready for anything as they crept below the threshold and entered the shadowed interior.

The only light of the place came from tall arched windows covered in ivy, the green filtering the daylight and giving the interior an almost greenish cast to it, dappled light splayed over the banquet table, cutlery, empty plates, empty chairs, and flagstones, all covered in a fine layer of dust.

The sound of shuffling footsteps and the clack of Fey’s hooves on stone was the only sound that filled the space, the atmosphere causing the girls’ breath to come shallow as though afraid of breaking the silence.

They slowly crept toward the center of the hall, scanning in all directions.

“Sooo where’s the monster?” said Flora, after a few minutes of this.

“We don’t know. We don’t even know what the monster is as no one has returned alive to describe the damned thing.”

A few moments passed while their eyes darted nervously about, expecting anything to launch itself from the shadows or a corner at them. But nothing happened. Flora became fidgety. And then so did Vivi.

The fox girl’s cattle prods drooped as her arms started to get tired.

“Okay, fuck this. HEY MONSTER COME FIGHT ME!”

“Shhhh!” hissed Lily, “We don—


Kayla squeaked and nearly fell over on the spot as the huge entrance doors abruptly slammed shut behind them, the light rippling as the dappled ivy shivered under the impact.

“What the fuck...” whispered Flora, eyes darting around trying to see what might have done such a thing.

“Lily, your bears, you should be sending them out,” whispered Ellaria.

“Oh, r-right, sorry.’’ The otterkin waved a hand in the air as the bears began to move, a few headed toward the door, a few toward one of the hall’s exits, a few toward the darkened parts of the hall that received little light, those behind the great pillars that ringed the place.

A noise came from one pillar in particular as a bear neared, the sound of claws on stone.

The band huddled together, turning and staring at the dark corner.

The bear took a step forward, a rusty kitchen knife held in paw, pointed at the dark.

The band held their breath and—

A pale hand ripped from the shadow and shredded the bear into a pile of stuffing in a flash of movement.

“Damn, the thing was right here?!” whisper-hissed Flora. “Like, in the very first room?!”

“Tempt it out with your bear’s Lily,” whispered Ellaria out the side of her mouth.

More bears approached the dark corner, waving their kitchen knives in the air.

The thing became agitated and then lunged from the shadows, grabbing up the nearest bear and ripping its head from its shoulders with a hiss.

Fey stared.

“Is- is that a person?”

The thing certainly looked like a human, even wearing the remains of a shirt around their ghostly pale body and torn trousers and long greasy black hair. But then it looked up as Fey spoke and her doubts were laid to rest. The thing’s eyes glowed a malevolent red from a shrewd face, its lips lifting in a snarl flashing long fangs ending in razor points.

“Uhh ... Captain? You said the previous adventurers were dead ... right?”

A look of deep concern had come over Ellaria, a sudden terrible doubt filling her, “I ... think I may have made a mistake in coming here...”

Flora turned on her. “What the hell does that mean? What is this thing?!”

“It’s a monster okay! One of the few ways anyone can become a monster ... A dangerous monster ... a ... vampire.”

“Sounds like a fight worth having!” said Vivi as she stepped forward.

The pale man looked up at her, hissing as its claws curled, about to pounce.


Too late, the cattle prods crackled with lightning and then with a grunt Vivi’s brought hers along with all the tentacled others down on the things head in a heavy blow.

The tips collided, and then a fraction of a second later the thing exploded into half a hundred bats, screaming and flying at Vivi’s face, biting and nipping at her sides, chest, at Wummy’s tentacles.

“AGHH!” cried Vivi flailing at the air with the prods. A half dozen bats hit the ground dead, but the rest scattered, flying into the air and screeching, screeching loud and long.

Flora stared up at the fifty odd bats charging around the hall as Fey rushed over to Vivi, slapping her hand down on her shoulder and healing the countless bites staining her fur red. The fox girl shot her a thankful look.

“What the hell Ella!”

But Ellaria ignored them, standing apart and looking up at the ceiling, the ceiling shadowed in deep black darkness.

Hesitantly she held out a hand. A small fireball appeared in her palm, the size of a marble, bright. She raised her arm and the fireball shot upward into the distant depths.

The blood drained from Fey’s cheeks as the ceiling writhed.

Countless bats stacked meters deep crawled over the ceiling, all silent, all watching them. The light showed revealed and as one they screamed, a deafening roar that made the very air ripple.

“R-RUN!” screamed Ellaria as the literal ocean of bats started to fall.

Fey grabbed hold of Kayla and flung her on her back as Flora shot forward grabbing the great banquet table with her power and ripping it into the air, plates and cutlery and candelabra flying across the flagstones, ceramic shattering as the massive piece of wood launched up into the air, crashing into a tidal wave of bats that fell like torrential rain.

They sprinted beneath the table as the hall behind became nothing but a solid wall of bats.

“I can’t fight bats! What is this!” cried Vivi as she ran awkwardly, her legs spread by so many tentacles, all whipping through air and smacking bats down. But for every bat cracked with a cattle prod two more took their place, dodging around the tentacles and latching onto Vivi’s body, biting and biting and biting.

Fey got the worst of it, what must have been a thousand bats leaping on her back and crawling over her, the male bats somehow immune to her absorption, Kayla crying out in pain as bats bit and nipped at her.

Ellaria turned her head as she ran and raised her hands, fingers spread, a gatling storm of mini fireballs shooting into the sea of bats, wings shot through, heads made into charcoal, but it didn’t matter, it was like trying to shoot rain drops.

The band charged through to the end of the hall and dived through the door, Flora zooming between Fey’s legs as the table slammed against the opening, blocking it and stopping the bats from following.

Not that Fey noticed as a drake with grey scales and red eyes lunged from the shadows, latched onto her back with a terrifying hiss and bit down into her back. Fey screamed and twisted, fist flinging out in an instant. Her fist connected and the drake exploded into even more bats that crawled over her body, Kayla couldn’t even be seen, she was just a pile of bats!

“Go! Keep moving!” cried Ellaria.

Fey struggled forward, as the others fought off the dozen more pale figures that attacked from the new storm of bats, Ellaria dividing one in half with a massive fireball, the two parts turning into bats as Wummy became a flailing blender of tentacles.

They rushed toward the end of the room where a great wall spanning mirror took up the space. Fey had a moment’s glance of confusion as she caught sight of the band in the mirror. In the reflection there were no bats or pale figures, the band were flailing around like insane people fighting nothing.

But that was hardly the reality as a swarm of bats dove down her cleavage to her utter outrage and began nipping at her boobs. With a cry of anger she surged healing magic through herself, a powerful healing bomb, green light glowing from her skin and forcibly ejecting the bats, bats flinging in every direction as their fangs were fired from her flesh, her and Kayla too sitting on her back.

The momentary bubble of freedom gave Fey a chance to gather herself and look around. Vivi appeared to be holding her own as she madly flailed at the air with the cattle prods, Lily was holding her own too, a sphere being ridden by a hundred highly armed bears, a small hill of dead bats surrounded her body.

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