Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 56

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 56 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Previously on Centaurus: An all out inter-sorority war begins over House Theta losing to House Sigma Alpha. Fey flees the bathhouse battlefield, escaping cum tentacles and cum golems, and thrown fists capable of obliterating walls as both houses fight for her to be their own house trophy. She then escapes into the city and disguises her nethers with girls so she can quickly move through crowds undetected. After wandering for a time she ends up in a clothing store, waiting in line as she ejaculates yet again into Lily ... right in front of everyone.


The clerk looked up at the towering centaur. Oddly, the centaur was clearly very embarrassed about something as her hands were over her face and she was blushing beet red, peeking between her fingers and clearly experiencing an incredible amount of shame.

The clerk’s gaze shifted down to the large silk clad sphere hanging below her barrel. That was ... unusual, but it wasn’t obvious what it was, nor was the plate width cylinder also covered in silk sticking nearly between her front legs and protruding from the silk sphere.

“ ... Are you ... purchasing something ma’am?”

“Y-yes! I mean, no! I mean, I haven’t anything to pay for the clothes with, uhm, b-but I already put the clothes on her and ... I’m not in trouble am I?”

The clerk’s brow raised, clearly wondering whether it was a good idea to deny such a giant of anything.

Fortunately for her she didn’t have to decide because an elven hand lifted a teddy bear by the scruff and then dropped it on the counter. A teddy bear with a red scarf and a pile of slightly scuffed coins held in its arms.

“It’s not hard to locate where you are Lily if you don’t instruct your bears to be careful. It was only a matter of following them to the source to find you,” spoke Ellaria.

Lily made an exhausted groan in reply from beneath Fey’s barrel, her limbs lying limp against her huge belly making her appear pregnant with half a hundred babies. Of course that was only a fraction of her true size.

Fey eased her fingers from over her eyes, perking up as she saw the spectacularly beautiful elf standing casually before her with one hand on her hip.

Beside them the clerk hesitantly took a proffered gutter coin from the bear. She made a face as she noticed how mucky the thing was.

Ellaria glanced at the unhappy clerk and then beckoned Fey as she turned and strode from the store. Which was probably for the best in Fey’s opinion, the other customers didn’t know what to make of her and wouldn’t stop staring.

There was a little difficulty when it came to leaving. Fey had to duck down to fit under the doorframe as usual, but more importantly with Lily’s new cum belly she could no longer fit properly through the door in width either. There were moans of distress from under her barrel as she forced her way through, the otterkin’s belly squeeezing through the frame and then sloshing back and forth as they popped out into open air, Violet’s huge red fluffy tail coming last.

She drew a lot of looks, but even a fox girl pretty clearly in the depths of a heat was scared off by one look from Ellaria, and if that didn’t work then the glowering floating gnome waiting by the door with her arms crossed did. Flora emanated an actual sense of danger, a collection of small stones hovering around her, the gnome so angry that her power was slipping from under her control.

As Ellaria turned to see Fey she paused, her gaze shifting to her back and then rear, and then focusing specifically on Violet who was once more sitting on Fey’s balls, one elbow on her rump as she relaxed on what seemed to be her favourite seat in the world. She frowned.

“ ... Fey ... Why do you have a squirrel on your nuts?”

Violet tilted her head. “The better question is, why shouldn’t she have a squirrel on her nuts?”

“She’s uh, protecting my privates from uh, view, along with Lily.” mumbled Fey, feeling more than a little self conscious about her choice of girl based fashion.

“Right? Me and the otterkin, we’re a team, a team to protect this centaur’s very attractive nether regions.”

“Yeah! We’re doing important things!” came Lily’s voice from below as she began slowly moving her body back and forth again little by little, her swollen red pussy stirring back to life as it recovered from the last fucking.

Ellaria seemed a touch nonplussed by this.

“Sh-she’s called Violet captain. She, erm, found us at the public baths and kind of attached herself to me?”

“ ... I see. I suppose if it makes you feel more secure then she may come along for the moment. Now, shall we?”

The elf turned and began striding down the street, the others hurrying after.

“I take it things didn’t go very well trying to retrieve the bunny merchant?” said Fey catching up.

“Hmm. We ... failed, yes.”

“We didn’t fail!” snapped Flora floating along beside. “My plan just takes time to come to fruition is all! I am not banned from Fey’s penis for a month!”

Ellaria tilted her head. “We didn’t retrieve the black market bunny, which was your responsibility, and now you won’t be allowed intercourse. That was the punishment.”

Flora made a strangled sound of frustration and grabbed fistfuls of her pink hair.

“How the hell was I supposed to know the stupid gold dragon lived on an estate with his entire family of eight other bloody dragons! No one could account for that!”

“Th-that many?” said Kayla looking down from Fey’s chest at the gnome. “I think you might have been doomed from the start Flora...”

“It was ... quite shocking to see so many enraged full sized dragon heads look over the estate’s wall. We were fortunate to escape,” murmured Ellaria.

“Why were they enraged?”

“Because Flora tried to charm the guards.”

“Oh. I understand.”

“Wait what do you mean oh?! I’m great at charming!”

“You told them jokes Flora.”

“Great jokes.”

Fey tilted her head, wondering what the gnome had said. “What kind of jokes?”

Flora coughed into her fist. “Ahem. Three girls are sat at a bar talking about what size they can take. ‘I can fit a cucumber’ the first girl said. ‘I can fit an eggplant,’ the second girl said. The third girl said nothing as she slid down the barstool.”

“Ohmygod Flora!” cried Fey covering her eyes with her hands.

“What? I thought it was a great joke!”

“The guards weren’t very impressed, especially when you decided to demonstrate how much you could fit inside yourself directly in front of them.”

“I’m actually scared to ask what happened next,” mumbled Fey.

“Oh they raised the alarm, crying that the estate was under attack by an army. That was to get the dragons sitting inside riled up, pretty much entirely just so Flora would stop flashing them. In short it was a complete disaster. I suppose this is why I am captain. Remember Fey, no matter how much Flora begs, pleads, or cries, you are not to breed her. This is her punishment.”

Flora let out a scream of existential frustration and suddenly lunged for Fey, shooting toward her underside like a bolt of lighting, hands reaching for Fey’s silk and girl clad cock.

“Flora would you kindly dunk your head in a barrel of water.”

Flora’s line of flight abruptly bent in a ninety degree turn, still keeping her speed, and smashed into a nearby rain barrel, disintegrating it and dunking the screaming furious gnome in cold water.

Fey scratched her cheek. “This seems a bit cruel Ella. Is ... is this okay?”

It was true Flora could do with all the punishment in the world, several times over, and then with extra whips so that she might learn some semblance of a lesson, but still, she was one of Fey’s broodmothers. Flora needed horse cock like she needed food, it almost felt cruel to deprive her of it, especially since Flora had become so used to her daily breeding.

“Absolutely. Discipline is an excellent motivator. Next time she might use her head rather than her pussy when trying to execute a plan. This should be a good learning experience for her.”

A soaked gnome arose from the smashed barrel and glared at the elf.

“This isn’t over, if I can kidnap that bunny back from the dragon family then I will have kept to the terms and the punishment is voided.”

“As soon as you can think of a way to spring her free then feel free to do so.”

The gnome steamed and glared daggers, but she was clearly quite stuck on what to do about the bunny being inside a magically defended estate full of terrifying impossibly strong dragons who could turn her into ash with a casual breath.

Ellaria brushed aside a strand of red hair and continued walking. Lily got back to thrusting herself on Fey’s cock, her ravenous pussy eager to snatch as many loads as it could from the hyper virile centaur. The band walked on, a soggy gnome floating sourly in their wake.

“While we were in the area I took the liberty of looking up how much it would cost to hire a dragon soulomancer.”

Fey’s breath caught in her throat and she worriedly looked down at the elf walking besides her.

“It’s not as bad as I thought, but still substantial. Dragons operate on another level of wealth beyond normal folk. What seems like a normal amount of money to them ... is not, at all.”

“So what do we do?”

“If we can get the black merchant bunny back then we will likely be able to afford it after a certain amount of milk has been sold, it might not even take that long considering how productive the band has become and how valuable our milk is.”

“I- I can make them more preggers! I’ll get to breeding everyone much harder so they produce even more milk!” said Fey, almost frantic.

“Ohh yeessss!” moaned Lily from beneath, her voice pure sluttiness.

“That’s ... fine. But we don’t know when or even if we will get the bunny back Fey. It’s a good plan, but there’s no guarantees. In the meantime I had thought we could try what worked last time, what we are supposed to do as adventurers, that is, adventuring. We will go register at the local guild and find work. Good dungeon dives or commissioned jobs might allow us to gather what we need. I do realise that we have become ... a Lot more powerful. Holding down a dragoness in her true form is no small feat. As we are now we should be able to take on very difficult jobs, and thus jobs that pay better than any we have ever taken on before.”

“Even scarier jobs?”

Ellaria grinned. “Do you think we’re silver rank any more? At the rate we’ve been growing, becoming more powerful, stronger, better, silver rank is nothing for us now.” She curled her hand into a fist, the light of prideful fire in her eyes. “Magic Mog isn’t just any other band now Fey, silver rank jobs would barely set us on our heels. I intend to argue that we should be promoted to gold rank ahead of time.”

“Th-that sounds n-nice Ella,” groaned Fey as Lily’s thrusting accelerated, her silk clad cum belly sloshing back and forth below the barrel, softly pressing against her legs as Lily used her tail and ankles to pump herself on cock, insides rippling over every rise and valley and wrinkle that marked the surface of Fey’s length. Fey could feel herself beginning to lose control once more, Lily the master cumslut milking her expertly, somehow having already learned her newly increased size, craving every last drop Fey could ever give to her.

“Yes. It is really quite the success story. A band becoming so powerful at this pace is the stuff of legends. I believe those who manage such a feat are destined for fame, and if I have my way that will be us. Fey. The time has come.”

“And so am I!” groaned Fey as her back hips thrust, unloading a fresh new lake of boiling hot stallion breeding batter into a squealing Lily. Violet let out a yelp from behind as her balls hiked up to dump their load into welcoming puss.


The otterkin’s silk clad belly expanded inches with each massive roping surge of centaur splurge, pressing up against Fey’s front and back legs and brushing against the ground. The sound of high pressure girl squirt spraying out from below and splattering over the crowd around as well as wetting Violet’s fluffy tail, Lily’s bare flailing legs become soaked from hip to toe with her own copious juices.

Fey shuddered from head to hoof herself and bit her lip as the last drop of seed left her penis and pumped into Lily’s monstrous and ever hungrier womb. She struggled to imagine just how large the otterkin’s belly had become in the dragon cave, a sea of stallion cum contained by girl, a breeding made complete by repetition. It would be a miracle if Lily had anything left in her to fertilise, and if she didn’t then her body was likely going into berserk overdrive to produce it. Lily’s pregnancy should have reached a level beyond the rest of the band now, Fey was sure. The number of large clattering eggs stretching out the little otterkin’s belly would soon be uncountable, a mountain of heavy fecund pregnancy, her entire body turned toward reproduction on an industrial scale, a queen broodmother, one that demanded more and more of her sperm, an insatiable thirst for cum, and Fey would be read-

“Ahem. Please focus Fey.”

Fey cracked an eye to see Ellaria standing before her, one arm raised. After a moment she realised that the elf was gesturing at a building.

The roadway they were walking down was surrounded on either side by a very large building, or rather a complex made up of many buildings connected by covered walkways and courtyards clearly all part of the same thing judging by the consistent architecture.

The largest building was a white stone construction with arched windows, flying buttresses, and red tiles. At five storeys tall it was like a fortress, the great vertical hanging banners on the walls marked with emblems of famous adventuring bands, helms and antlers, wyverns and swords, bears and wolves, all kinds of exceptional bands were displayed proudly on these walls, heroes of the guild and the city.


“The guild Fey, this is Draconica’s Adventuring Guild, or at least one of them. Unlike Bine the city is large enough to warrant a number of the things.”

It was an impressive sight, a complex that seemed like it took up multiple streets, even criss crossing over the street they were stood in with roofed walkways overhead, the arches that held up the walkways draped with even more colourful dangling banners fluttering in the breeze, smaller bands advertising their services.

Ellaria seemed genuinely excited, although it wasn’t hard for Fey to understand why. A guild like this? This was where legends were born. Hell, this was where legends took on work. Despite herself Fey couldn’t help feeling a bit excited too. Whatever she was, Fey had come to appreciate adventuring. What incredible masters of their craft would they find within ... could they get autographs?

She took a step forward and Lily let out a moan beneath her as her silk clad belly squished between Fey’s legs and dragged across the paving. The otterkin had become quite large. It would be a problem if Fey ejaculated in her again as she wasn’t sure her hooves would still reach the ground.

They followed in Ellaria’s wake, Lily sloshing along beneath her, and with difficulty made it up the front steps. Their captain pushed open the vast double doors carved with depictions of monsters and adventurers and the sound of a packed in raucous crowd crashed over Fey like an ocean wave, a deafening sound of merry drink and rowdy conversation.

Inside Fey and Kayla looked around wide-eyed. Even Violet perked up a bit on Fey’s ass. The entrance area had definitely been designed to impress, a tall quadruple-level galleried hall filled with noise and movement. Tables and chairs were stuffed in every spot of available space, cubbies and nooks for private planning set into different levels and walls, special areas for the few high rankers, extra cramped for the many many low rankers, like an ocean of pure adventuring spirit.

Speaking of which, every inch of the walls were dripping with adventuring trophies and armour and treasure and famous retired weapons, swords and staffs, shields and bows, there were tall dangling banners here too, the guilds finest bands displayed in place of honour. Truly this place was drenched in its own mythos, wearing it like a fine cloak.

What looked like some kind of six winged giant snake skeleton wound its way around the walls and galleries of the vast hall, sometimes disappearing into back rooms. Its enormous head emerged at the distant end of the hall, quite literally built into a pair of grand stairs, its head so large that the steps entered up into its open mouth. Its bone cranium featured multiple great swords and spears stabbed into its surface, all surrounding the snake’s massive five meter crystal horn that stood proud, a chromatic refraction of rainbow colour casting a pattering of colourful light over its own bones. Clearly this had been an incredibly powerful monster when alive, and was something of the guild’s history.

Fey stood frozen in the doorway for a moment, just shocked at the sight of it all. Despite her size she barely drew a look, although maybe that wasn’t that surprising considering the size of some of the species here, some adventurers were even taller than she! There was so much variety!

Flora floated up beside her and blew a drip of water from the tip of her nose. “Huh. Pretty impressive. Now where’s the liquid inspiration, I’ve got genius bunny kidnapping plans to devise.”

Her eyes scanned the sea of adventurers until she spotted what she was after, a massive bar supplying the guild with endless drinks. She visibly brightened up and floated off in its direction.

Ellaria was stepping ahead and Fey hurried to catch up, threading her way between tables, which was ... not exactly easy. She apologised profusely to a minotaur who had to lean over a table to let her by, then doubly so as Lily’s cum belly spilled over the minotaur and the table too, the minotaur seemed ignorant and completely confused as to just what she was pressed against, and then more so as Violet’s great fluffy red tail brushed by her.

Fey’s embarrassment cranked up a notch as Lily’s belly nudged another table, nearly knocking over the drinks placed upon it and causing the grizzled veteran adventurers sitting at it to hold the table still as she squeezed past, glaring daggers up at her.

They slowly made their way through the vast hall and headed toward their target. The enormous front desk staffed by a battalion of clerks yelling over the noise as adventurers with paper gripped in their fists bellowed back, trying to collect rewards or start new jobs.

It was ... a bit chaotic.

Still, they eventually made it to the clerks and the counter, right at the end corner of it by the wall. Ellaria fought her way between two angry dwarves to claim her rightful place and she waved her hand and caught the attention of a drake clerk, the two of them leaning in to hear each other.

Fey being so tall was able to lean over the top of Ellaria and so overhear them.

“We’re out of town adventurers here to register!”

“That’s fine! Write your details here please!”

The clerk slapped down a sheet of paper and slapped a pen into Ellaria’s waiting hand. Apparently the guild in this massive city had a bit of a faster turn around for getting people registered. No fussing around waiting here. Not surprising considering how in demand the clerks were.

Ellaria quickly scribbled across the sheet of paper and the clerk snatched it back, slapping it down on a square of metal embedded into the counter. Fey blinked as the paper suddenly ignited and in a moment burned up into nothing but a sprinkle of white ash.

The square lit up with blue lights along its rim and the clerk nodded.

“All good! Welcome to draconica’s south-western guild! If you would like to take a job please see the board over there!”

Fey looked in the direction the clerk was pointing and blanched as she took in the multi story job board, a great wall spanning thing covered in papers, papers stacked a dozen layers deep in places. The front was covered in ladders being climbed up, multiple adventurers on each ladder, a crowd piled up below as they fought to get at the jobs, literally. As she watched a fist was thrown by an orc on one ladder, slogging a young man with pinkish skin and just growing in hair across the face on another. In slow motion the young man’s ladder started to tip, the dozen adventurers clinging to it below crying out as the ladder was felled. The ladder crashed into the crowd below and even took out the ladder next to it. Chaos ensued but revenge was swift, a great stone block made out of set bricks materialising out of thin air and smashing against the orc’s ladder turning it into kindling. The orc fell out of the air with a cry of distress.

All out war was soon underway over by the job board. Adventurers grabbing fists full of paper and flinging themselves from the ladders to escape the melee and to make the long journey toward the just as busy clerk’s desk.

“Do we have to go over there!?” loudly whispered Fey in fright.

Ellaria drummed her fingers on the counter and nibbled her lip.

“Before we, ah, get to that, there is something else.”

She lifted then placed the band’s silver rank plate on the counter.

Across the plate was engraved: Rank of silver under the -AG- by appointment of Her Majesty EXCALIVANIA the Dragon Queen, Dei Gratia Regina ⚜️

She tapped the rectangular plate with the tip of her index finger.

“I would like to see about moving my band up to gold rank.”

The clerk raised an eyebrow but touched at the metal set in the counter. In moments the sprinkles of ash had reformed into a sheet of paper, smoke pulling from the air.

She picked up the sheet, which Fey noted was different from the one that had burned. It was titled ‘Magic Mog’. She scanned through it quickly.

“Silver hmm? A dime a dozen around here. To warrant a rank up to gold you will need a certain number of guild points, but I’m afraid you are a very very long way from reaching that looking at your accomplishments at silver. A single dungeon and ... a job partially saving a village from Kobogons? Noble I’m sure, but hardly worthy of immediate gold rank.”

“I assure you my band has become so powerful that silver no longer represents what we are capable of. Two of my bandmates were able to forcibly hold down a dragoness in her true form. Have you ever heard of a silver rank band being capable of such a thing?”

The clerk rubbed her chin in thought as the metal square embedded in the counter glowed blue. “I can tell you are telling the truth about that, as unbelievable as such a claim is. I would like to hear how you managed to get away without being glassed by dragon fire, but that’s for another time.”

“So you’ll ignore the points rule and rank us up?” said Ellaria hopefully.

“Fighting against a dragoness isn’t what an adventurer does. You would have more success asking for such a promotion in Draconica’s legions.”

“But you do sometimes make exceptions, in extremely rare cases? I know you do, I have read of it.”

The clerk hesitated. “Yes, but this isn’t some backwoods guild. A rank up with so few guild points and so few silver rank jobs of merit under your belt would cause a full blown riot out of jealousy, you can see how incredibly competitive it is here. It’s common that we put out a job for a slime queen monster and half a hundred adventurers will mob the thing. I’m sorry, but you will need to prove yourself worthy the old fashioned way.”

“Tch. That would be a waste of time, not only do silver rank jobs not pay well enough for our needs, we can’t possibly do so many of the things to rank up in any reasonable amount of time and-


Fey blinked as a voice from behind her bellowed over the crowd, a voice on another level of volume compared to everyone else.

She turned to see a tall woman standing on a nearby table, her arm raised and pointed directly at Fey. The woman was wearing a black robe, no, not a robe, a habit, a nuns habit, a white band keeping back her long hair hidden by her hood.

The corner of the hall around them quieted as this loud nun bellowed, creating a quite incredible amount of sound.

“Your shamelessness, your wickedness, we all can see what you are doing!”

Fey blushed as all eyes in the surrounding area turned on her, although if they figured out what the nun was talking about they didn’t show it, Fey simply appeared as a very large centaur with a squirrelkin attached to her ass and a big sphere of white silk softness under her barrel filling the space between her legs.

“Uhm, I d-don’t know what you mean?” squeaked Fey under the gaze of so many,

“You radiate lewdity in waves around you centaur, I have never in my life seen such lust and horniness, you are like a bottomless pit of shameless depravity!”

Fey blushed deeper, she didn’t know what this crazy nun was talking about, of course she felt shame, if she didn’t she wouldn’t be wishing the ground would open up to swallow her whole!

“I-I do?”

The words only seemed to make the nun angrier. But before she could reply a long bearded old man stepped out from a nearby doorway, drying his hands distractedly on his clothes having apparently just come from the bathroom.

He paused as he noticed the subdued sound by the counter and looked up to see the tall nun.

“Whatever are you doing standing on the table? Is this really the behaviour of a respected Abbess? Really it’s embarrassing enough that you partake in adventuring, to try and get us involved in this nonsense is beyond the pale.”

“It’s charitable adventuring, something our goddess asks of us all. But more importantly, your Excellency, sir, there is wickedness afoot. Can you not sense the sheer depravity radiating from this centaur?”

The old man frowned and turned to look at Fey. Their eyes met, and in a moment of dismay Fey recognised him. He was the bishop who had attacked Flora for having too many souls in her in the first town they had arrived at after the original dungeon. A very powerful holy man who had hounded the band out of that town.

The bishop frowned, a deep look of confusion coming over him. It took a moment for Fey to realise why, she was much much larger since she had seen him last, with a larger chest as well as a larger body, she just didn’t look like the same centaur.

It was only when he registered Kayla sitting on her chest and Ellaria still talking to the clerk that he twigged that these three were of that band, his eyes going wide in realisation.

“It’s them! Mary! Seth! On me! They are ours for the taking!”

From behind the bishop came the unsettling girl he had been with last time, crawling up over the walls, her clawed fingers allowing her to cling as her pale face peered at Fey from behind long lank black hair. Mary.

From the brawl over at the job board came the young man from the ladder, desperately fighting his way free and rushing over to the bishop. Fey belatedly realised that this was Seth, the thief she had partially drained by mistake, her very first draining of a male, removing his Class and making him appear youthful. He had since then joined the church by apparently lying about his past and in doing so gained some other new Class.

Mary let out a blood-curdling hiss.

The Abbess scowled, clearly not happy about the reaction of the bishop. She put a hand on her hip.

“I don’t know what these have done to attract your attention in the past your Excellency, but we spotted them first in the here and now, it is we who shall be doing the taking.”

She stepped off the table and landed on the ground with a thud. She was very tall, easily six and a half feet. She strode toward Fey with a fury, looking ready to tear her apart with her bare hands.

From the table she had been standing on a group of nuns climbed to their feet and followed after her to Fey’s increasing alarm.

“D-Do you want something?” said Fey.

“Yes, such depravity can only mean one thing.”

The Abbess took a step forward, twisted her upper body around, then to Fey’s horror threw a punch.

In slow motion the Abbess’s fist came on, a gold light glowing around it forming a much larger fist. The fist crashed into Fey’s barrel like a meteor strike, a powerful blow that knocked the air out of her lungs and sent her stumbling, crashing into the adventurers crowding the counter. She came down on top of them, which with her weight was a lot of hurt, she nearly crushed a dwarf under her barrel as she fell and Violet was launched from her rear with a cry, going tumbling head of heels into the crowd and out of sight. Kayla launched even further, the otterkin spinning through the air in a blur and bouncing off a few adventurers before she disappeared from view.

Chaos broke out in an instant, the stressed to breaking point adventurers absolutely losing their minds as a giant centaur fell on them. Really, this was just too much, first battling their way over to the job board taking punches and getting half crushed alive, then being ignored over and over as they failed to catch any damned clerk’s attention. Most of them snapped at the same time, frustration boiling over.

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