Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 53

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 53 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Previously on centaurus: Fey and the band try and fail to find a way to remove Fey’s manacles. As they are arguing about what to do next they are given a partial view of Queen Excalivania coming to rest against her castley lounge, which understandably causes Fey to calmly panic. They are then attacked by a group of drakes who use sedative smoke to knock the band unconscious. Later Fey awakes in a stable where she is drugged with a powerful aphrodisiac. She then goes on a pussy destroying rampage and somehow ends up inside an unknown cave.


Fey tried to wipe off the cum she was slathered in with her bare hands but it was just no use, the stuff had gotten absolute everywhere. It was even in her hair for crying out loud!

As she tried and failed to clean herself a glossy white tentacle writhed behind her, a barrel’s worth of cum rolling through it in a sphere as it was pumped from one of the softly moaning cowkins who were gradually being shrunk down. The aftermath of Fey’s latest conquest.

She was in the cave, of course, but Fey still had no clue where that actually was, it certainly wasn’t in the city and its seemingly endless size indicated it wasnt near the surface.

She had recovered from her eight times ejaculation surprisingly quickly, the aphrodisiac purged from her body with an incredible flood of semen. She had found herself lost and disorientated in the dark atop a massive cum belly. Confused, she had slid herself free from whoever the heck it was she was resting upon only to find the great expanse of belly incredibly slippery with a layer of cum.

With a cry she had gone sliding down its curve, surely falling to her death from such a height without her true strength.

Instead she had found herself saved when she had crash landed on the smaller cum belly of one of the other cowkins eliciting a torrent of cum from their gaped pussy and a wail of distress.

She slipped and slid off them too but from a much lesser height and managed to hit the ground with only a broken leg.

... Only a broken leg. Right, that had hurt a fucking lot, but fortunately being a healer she had managed to set things right, hissing in pain through gritted teeth.

Then she had climbed to her hooves and gone in search of a way out, specifically the strange curtain she had found her way into this place through in the first place.

She was fairly sure the triple breasted cowkin she had fucked had expanded to cover so much ground that it would be close by ... She’d hoped that meant her belly hadn’t crushed it or she might be trapped in the cave forever.

Not being able to see a thing in the inky darkness however was a significant problem and she was terrified of getting lost. She had held one hand against the cum belly to her side and followed its edge, rounding cumflated cowkin after cowkin until as she was giving up and beginning to despair she had stumbled into fabric.

It was the curtain, apparently pushed aside in its standing wooden frame by a cowkin belly. Heart in her mouth she had frantically thrown herself at it and through it, stumbling out into the muscular drake’s office, staggering through the doorway and then into the stable past the other cum filled cowkins before she at last found an exit and stumbled out into an alley.

A nine foot tall centaur suddenly rushing out into daylight gasping for air covered from head to hoof in cum was quite the sight, even her tail was hanging heavy with the stuff.

Fey didn’t care, she was just thankful to have found freedom from what seemed to have been some kind of cow hell.

“Fey!” a voice came and she had turned to see the band minus Lily coming up the alley, a group of teddy bears leading the way.

It had turned out that the kidnappers had kidnapped Lily too, locking her away in a side room to be milked for her high quality milk. The otterkin had woken up an hour after Fey and had managed to control her bears to lead the rest of the band to them.

Fey had explained what had happened and then led the band back to the curtain and the cave behind it.

Ellaria had taken command after that, digging up lanterns as they went to check on the cowkins. They of course discovered the cowkins were very large and very satisfied. Wummy was then instructed to empty them so they could fit back through the curtain. Vivi, not willing to wait around as Wummy slowly pumped the cowkins, had gone off exploring into the dark caves on her own.

Which left Fey cleaning herself in the present. Most of the cowkins who had been emptied had already left the cave through the curtain and Ellaria’s attention had finally been attracted to how very very strange the material was.

Ellaria rubbed her chin as she looked it over. “And the drakes didn’t say a word about this?”

Fey shook her head, horse cum flinging from her hair, “No, I- I don’t know what it is, it’s so strange though, look.”

She lightly pressed her hand against the fabric. Instead of her hand passing through it the fabric pushed away, draping around her hand like any normal curtain made of a light fabric. The white cloth appeared as white cloth, but at certain angles in the lantern light it shimmered and sparkled with flecks of a metallic rainbow hue.

She pressed harder and after a moment her fingers started to pass into the cloth itself. She pulled back and removed her hand letting the cloth drape down again.

“It only works if you force it, if you push your way through, it’s like some kind of weird portal.”

“That just adds to the oddness, I have never heard of such a thing as this and I am very well read on enchantments.”

“Y-you wouldn’t have, ahn!” came a voice from behind. Fey turned to see the last of the cowkins being drained, the one with six breasts. A barrel’s worth of cum drew into Wummy’s tentacle from her trembling reddened puss, flowing along its length to be dumped into the vast lake of horse cum that had been created in a wide dip in the cavern floor. The cowkin struggled to climb to her feet as the tentacle slopped from her folds to go pap against the cave floor leaving her cavernous trembling gape to slowly ease back, strings of horse cum still dangling from the puffy edges. Her leaky breasts were enormous and engorged and far too heavy to easily lift even with both arms since they had more than doubled in size due to Fey. Fortunately Lily’s bears were standing ready to supply the cowkin with clothes and levitating bras to hold up her enormous milkers just as they had for the other cowkins who had already left.

“Ah, yes, Fey said you were one of the ... captives who were drugged?” murmured Ellaria as she watched the bears aid her.

The cowkin slowly managed to stand, her teats lying heavily atop each other, the lowest one’s underside covered with the floating cloth helping to support the stack of leaky breasts that covered most of her thighs. She had long wavy blonde hair that fell around her shoulders and over her top most breasts and piercing aquamarine eyes. Very attractive in Fey’s opinion.

“Captives ... Slaves would be the appropriate term considering the months we have been here.”

As she spoke she took lengths of her hair in her hands, twisting and wringing it out of Fey’s cum.

“Oh no! That’s terrible!” gasped Fey.

“Yes, and for doing such a thing I would punish the drake’s myself.”

She glanced to the side where a tiny gabbling red drake thing ran past, its hands waving in the air excitedly as it zoomed off into the dark.

“But I see you have already taken care of that.”

“About what you said, you speak as though you know what this curtain of cloth is,” said Ellaria. “Do you actually?”

The cowkin frowned. “It’s the reason we ended up here. My name is Queen Amalia, and I was the Queen of one of the few nations left on the continent not ruled by a dragon, a Cowkin Queendom.”

The elf tilted her head. “A Queen? A Queen that isn’t a dragon? How did you manage that?”

“We didn’t really, our nation was just too tiny to be noticed, a single valley between the mountains. No dragon bothered us because we were just that insignificant.” she paused, “But then word somehow got out of this fabric, something that we had always possessed in our treasury, something so ancient that its provenance and origin had been long forgotten.”

She began methodically wiping horse cum from her skin as she gathered her thoughts.

“A dragon came for us, one Lady Alexandria.”

Fey stiffened.

“She attacked our nation with dragon fire. At first we thought that she simply wanted to take our lands, but then we realised she was after the fabric. Unfortunately when we offered it to her she refused and burned all the messengers we sent to death, and then she began burning down the palace.”

“Wh-why would she do that! I know she’s very harsh but...”

Amalia blew a drop of cum from the tip of her nose.

“Because that’s not just any fabric, It’s dragon silk, it was woven from the corpses of a thousand dead dragons.”

Ellaria flinched, snapping around to stare at the silken curtain, her eyes wide with alarm. There was real fear there, mortal fear.

Fey vaguely recalled her time in Alexandria’s palace, how her maids had been so paranoid about any of her body being stolen by curious mages that they had gone as far as vacuuming up the dragoness’s pussy juice and storing it in barrels.

“Uhm, I’m guessing that dragons aren’t very likely to be happy that this exists...”

“Correct,” said Amalia softly, “But we didn’t know that in our tiny lonely nation cut off from the world. Dragons have a policy of death by dragon fire with zero negotiation to any who even possesses material made from their bodies. Lady Alexandria burned my palace down to the dirt, turning the stone to molten slag.”

“Which makes even being in the vicinity of such an object unbelievably dangerous,” murmured Ellaria. She turned on the cowkin queen, “How did you escape? You clearly survived your ordeal.”

“Yes, a secret passage built below the palace that we fled through deep into the mountains. Not understanding what the dragon silk meant yet we took it with us, hoping to use it to negotiate. We journeyed away, fearing being followed, but then we were waylaid by bandits ... Drake bandits. You can guess the rest. They killed much of my retinue and imprisoned us. Discovering the dragon silk and its portal like properties they used it to keep us in these caves. Then, having spent the last of our coin, they tried to extract more money from us, by milking us and selling our upper gold tier breast milk. A valuable commodity in draconica.”

“I suppose they must not have realised what they had either, to have taken this material into Draconica,” murmured Ellaria looking the dragon silk over.

“They knew, they tortured the answer out of one of us, and they knew that dragons hated it, they just thought they could get away with smuggling it in, smuggling it in with ease, and that is true enough as long as no one is told what it is. It appears just as a white silken fabric and its properties aren’t an indication of anything dragon related on its face, it would require a thorough examination. The only reason Lady Alexandria knew was because word was ignorantly let slip from our own people.”

Fey rubbed her head. “I’m not sure what to do with this information...”

“You can have it. Keep the dragon silk. We’re sure as hell not touching that accursed thing again and I would rather it and my entire captivity was forever forgotten. I’ll be returning to my nation and trying my best to put this whole ordeal behind me.”

“Is-Is your nation above here?” said Fey, glancing around at the dark.


“You said you lived in the mountains, is this a cave below those mountains?”

Amalia shrugged. “We don’t know where this place is, that detail is lost to the mists of history. We did try to find an exit to this place, but ... nothing. We could not even fully explore it let alone find an exit. This place could be anywhere below the ground anywhere in the world because the silk can transport over any distance.”

She pointed behind Fey and she turned to see what looked like a fragmented shell of something curved. It appeared to be covered in inches of stone, stone that had formed over uncountable aeons from drops of water oh so rarely falling from the ceiling.

“That’s an egg shell. A dragon egg shell. The remains of one. This whole place was a nesting ground for ancient dragons as best we can tell, although abandoned now for gods know how long.”

“I’m feeling increasingly unsafe,” mumbled Fey, “D-Dragons make me feel unsafe, like I need to crawl into a bed and pull the duvet over my head.”

Queen Amalia lifted an eyebrow and glanced over Fey. “If you do then let me know so I can join you under the covers, I’d be more than happy to experience what you did to me again, I’m quite literally still orgasming in the most wonderful way as we speak and-

“Ahem,” interrupted Ellaria. “Are you really just ... giving this to us? I’m not sure if I should be grateful...”

Amalia stepped past her and grabbed hold of the white material, and then to Fey and Ellaria’s utter surprise she ripped a section of it off, the material breaking apart as she twisted it at a certain angle.

She held the square of cloth up, holding it lightly enough that her fingers didn’t pass within.

“I shall demonstrate the reason my nation possesses this stuff in the first place.” She glanced over at Fey’s very large chest, and then at her own chest. She reached out her arms and placed it over one of her six nipples, then gripping the edges of the cloth in both fists she began to pull back, pulling it onto her breast, and surprisingly, the cloth stretched, almost eagerly engulfing her breast until it was pulled up to her ribcage in a domed shape.

The cowkin now had five huge breasts and one slight arc of a smaller breast under silk. Ellaria and Fey stared at the strange sight.

“You can very easily imagine how incredibly useful this is to a royal family particularly gifted in the, ah, bust department. My sisters back home are unable to walk or move on their own without aid such is their size.”

She gripped the cloth and pulled it away from her torso, breast flesh spilling from the cloth until she was holding it free of herself in one hand, her breast bared once more to the world.

“And now it can be incredibly useful to you ... along with an incredible amount of risk if a dragon finds out you possess it that is. For myself I believe I will be going au naturel for the foreseeable future.”

Casually waving the square of cloth she held it back up against the curtain, the cloth touched up against the rest of the silk and somehow rejoined, moving on its own, sealing seamlessly back together as if it had never once been torn apart.

Amalia nodded in satisfaction as she checked to see it had perfectly rejoined. Then she awkwardly leaned down and picked up the large jewelled axe that the muscular drake had been using and hefted it onto her shoulder. It gave her an almost barbarian queen look,

as though she was about to go conquering and raiding or about to drag a few bulls into her fur lined bed to satisfy her carnal needs.

The cowkin winked at Fey and gave her a small smile as she stepped up to the silk. “If you’re ever in my neighbourhood come say hi okay? You’ll be very well appreciated by most of my nation.”

She stepped through the silk and out of sight leaving Fey and Ellaria alone.

They stood in awkward silence, avoiding each other’s gaze.

“I’m ... glad you’re okay Fey ... there was a moment there, when I woke up on the street and found you had been taken ... Taken from me.” Ellaria blew out a slow steadying breath, eyes closing. “I did not react well. At all. The very very last of our finances had to go toward making a downpayment convincing angry shopkeepers that we would later pay for burn damage on their property, all of the ‘In case of Flora event’ reserve fund which was mostly gone anyway. I’m afraid to say It’s me who is responsible for losing our few remaining coins that could have paid for your manacles. Fortunately one of Lily’s teddy bears arrived before I went too far and managed to direct us to your location.”

Fey put an arm around the elf ‘s shoulder and pulled her close, pressing her face against her hip, a little horse cum marking her cheek.

There was a small cute sound from the elf and then she looked up at Fey, giving her the purest puppy dog eyes. “I also, ahem, noticed you got ... larger.” She licked her lips unconsciously and shifted her hips. “And l-larger d-down there.”

Fey scratched her cheek, “Yeah, aheh, I guess,”

A little shiver of pleasure ran through the elf’s body hearing that, experiencing a micro-orgasm just from Fey’s words.

“G-good, v-very g-good.”

They took a moment of companionable silence, just feeling their bodies pressed against each other.

Fey, of course, was as hard as diamonds and her breathing was starting to accelerate.

But then Ellaria put her captainy face back on and took control of things before Fey started breeding her right there on the cave floor like a wild beast.

“We had best check on the others ... and we really need to do something about this dragon silk, in fact we won’t be calling that or telling the others of what it is if we are to keep it.

“What should we call it?”

“just ... the cave silk I suppose, since it can only take us here.”

Ellaria stepped through the curtain and Fey followed after.

They emerged into the muscular drakes office, the table had been pulled aside and Lily was there, the room becoming a little cramped with both the size of her breasts and the size of Fey.

“Did they leave?”

“Hmm? Oh the cowkins? Yes, they seemed in a hurry, they kept looking at the curtain as though absolutely terrified of it and couldn’t wait to get away ... although the strange thing is that as the others were leaving the one with an axe ripped off a bit ... and stuffed it in her pocket without the others seeing.”

Fey glanced at the white silk. It was true there was a very small fist sized section of cloth missing from the corner of the curtain. Curious.

“Uhm, don’t worry about that too much, I think.”

Ellaria paused as she looked over Lily’s enormous breasts.

“You know, you are decidedly ... ineffective in battle like this Lily, a large target that attracts arrows, and your mobility is quite lacking. You aren’t optimal for Magic Mog as you are, you do know that right?”

Lily gasped, “But I like my boobs! they’re so, hnf, big and milky and they feel amazing and—”

“Yes, yes, I’m not suggesting that you somehow get rid of them. But there might be another option now.”

Lily tilted her head in question.

Ellaria, not waiting to explain, grabbed hold of the white silk curtain and ripped a rectangle of cloth from it. She stalked toward the otterkin, the light of potential improved tactical advantage in her eyes.

“Wh-what are you doing?!”

“Something that a certain cowkin apparently made use of. Now just stay still Lily, this is for your own increased weaponized effectiveness in battle.”

Lily had begun trying to move away, turning hopelessly slowly as her enormous breasts huge inertia took time to speed up.

Too late. Ellaria pounced, whipping one end of the rectangle over one skin tight cloth covered nipple and then hauling her breasts together and whipping it over the other. Her nipples seemed to vanish leaving her boobs nipple-less and round.

She then grabbed at the edges of the cloth and pushed and stretched it up one side and then the other as Ellaria began working it over Lily’s enormous chest.

“What are you doing captain! Nuuu!”

First a quarter, then half, then three quarters of Lily’s breasts were vanished into the silk’s depths, the snow white sparkling rectangle bulging outwards as mass was thrust through it. A minute later and Ellaria was pressing the rectangle against Lily’s torso and her tits were ... gone.

Well, mostly, the effect that her breasts passage had on the cloth seems to cause it to bulge outward. It looked exactly like Lily had a large but far more reasonable pair of breasts on her chest covered in a white cloth, breasts small enough that she could reasonably hug them.

Lily boggled down at her miniaturised chest, eyes completely round with shock.

“What did you do to my boobies!” squeaked Lily.

Then she fell on her rear as she lost her balance under her new and unexpected centre of gravity.

“Ella give me my boobs back!!” cried Lily looking up at the severe elf with tears in the corners of her eyes.



“Uhm, it’s okay Lily, your boobs weren’t taken, they are just, well, in the cave I ... think?”

Fey, not feeling totally certain about that, ducked her head through the curtain to confirm for herself.

She was given an incongruous view of a pair of enormous breasts resting on the ground next to the curtain. Their emergence had apparently ripped a rectangle of cloth away from the main sheet and the part where they would usually attach to a torso was hidden beneath rumpled folds of silk.

She pulled her head back.

“Yeah, they’re there.”

Lily squinted up at her in disbelief. “Really?”

Fey took hold of a square of cloth from the curtain and carefully tore it free. She then tossed it over to Lily.

“Here, you can see for yourself.”

Lily clumsily caught the cloth and then hesitantly pressed it against her eyes.

She found herself looking out from the curtain at her own breasts resting heavily on the cave floor.

It was quite a strange sight to say the least, but it was true that they were safe and sound and not deleted from existence. They were even still covered in her blouse, the fabric straining a little under her size which had increased since her morning milking, the white cotton over her nipples damp with wet.

She let out a breath of relief and pulled back, satisfied they were safe.

She looked down at her chest now covered with the strange silk. Then she lifted a hand and hesitantly poked it. The feeling was slightly muffled but it was there. She prodded harder wondering if she could push through to the cave, but the fabric seemed to resist and prevent such a thing, at least with what strength she could muster. She imagined it was because her body was already blocking passage.

Something suddenly occurred to her, something incredibly important.

“H-Hey, doesn’t this, uhm, mean I can grow as much as I want, or-or not need to be milked so often to keep my size down?”

Ellaria tapped her chin. “ ... Yes?”

Lily gasped with delight, her eyes lighting up with a dark and terrible hunger.

“Meaning I can finally eat as much as I like! F-food! I need food!!”

Fey found the floor of the office swarming with stuffed bears in a moment, a sea of teddybears pressing in on all sides, jumping through the silk curtain and pinging down from the open windows or moving in through the door like a fabric tide.

Lily looked around at her army, counting quickly.

“Oh no, this isn’t going to be enough, I need more bears! Go, go find me more things to make into golems!”

The bears began pouring back out of the room, clearly happy to be sent on a mission and practically running.

“Now Lily, don’t feast all to yourself, you know what happened last time.”

Lily smiled, her eyes squeezing shut, “you’re right, I should share with Kayla!”

A tearing sound came from the curtain as teddybears ripped rectangles free and chased after Lily as she ran from the room.

“Ah,” said Ellaria watching her go.

“I’ll check on her,” mumbled Fey, although really she wanted to hunt for a towel, she was still plastered with her own cum.

She trotted through the door, or at least tried too, she misjudged with her new height and her head clonked against the frame, worse, as she rubbed her head and let out a little healing she found her horse body had grown just a little too large and the frame cracked and broke apart around her as her hips passed by.

Blushing furiously she tried to ignore what had just happened and stepped quickly into the stable.

She found Lily and Kayla there. Kayla was looking dubiously at the white silk Lily was holding up before looking at Lily’s much reduced chest. She raised an eyebrow.

Flora sat on the edge of a wooden stable gate, her legs idly kicking and dangling as she watched the twins.

“It’s for your boobs!” cried Lily.

Kayla didn’t look like she understood any better.

“Look, just let me show you.”


But it was too late, a dozen teddybears tackled an alarmed Kayla, dragging her to the ground as more pressed the silk to her chest and began tugging and pulling the stretchy material around her expansive breasts, slowly disappearing them as the silk bulged outwards around her.

A moment later Kayla was left looking down at her much reduced chest in complete shock.

“What- What is this?!”

“Don’t worry they still exist, they’re just in that cave thing you saw earlier.”

“But I don’t want cave boobs Lily!”

“No, trust me, you totally do, just think, you can become truly massive like this!”

Kayla gave her a blank look, then looked up at Flora who was floating above her and examining her newly reduced breasts with great interest.

“Huh. Say, could this be used in other ways, say perhaps on my midriff, to hide a certain penetration, and then to hide a certain filling?”

Lily shrugged. “I think so?”

Flora grinned and gestured at one of the rectangles of silk a bear held, yanking it up into the air and then holding it in her hands.

As she examined the sparkly silk Lily grabbed Kayla’s hand and pulled her along, racing through the stable and out the front.

Fey hurried after, worried just what it was the otterkin was planning to get up to. She grabbed a cloth hanging over a beam as she passed to continue wiping herself down.

She froze as she emerged out onto the alley because the alley was no longer an alley, it was a river of stuffed toys. What must have been thousands of the things filled the wide alley from end to end, stacked up on each other a half dozen high. Trying to leave would mean wading through the mass of sheer stuffing.

Kayla seemed equally surprised and stumbled to a halt by Lily, surrounded by a wall of piled toys easily twice her height.

As Fey looked closer she realised that most of the toys weren’t moving, and had just been dragged there by the ones that moved. Apparently Lily’s bear army had found a supply of bears and thieved them.

That changed the moment Lily raised her hands into the air and all the static bears started to move, coming to life and climbing over the other bears.

Soon the entire river was shifting, shifting and trying to see Lily.

Lily waved a hand. “Well go on then, Go find every bakery in the city and stealthily borrow every cake and every pastry and every dessert there is! Feed me!”

The bears nodded as one and then turned and began moving, climbing over each other, streaming out of the alley.

In minutes Fey was standing in an empty alleyway, that is apart from the teddy bear with a red scarf. The bear held a box in its paws and they stepped up to Lily before opening it. Inside were a set of chocolates. Lily plucked one out and turned to her sister.

“You know you can do the same as me right?”

“Uh,” said Kayla, “D-do you mean when eating?”

Lily held out the chocolate. “Mhmm! It’s easiest with sweet things so...”

Kayla hesitantly took it. She placed it in her mouth before chewing and swallowing.

“Okay, now, just make it all go to your breasts and grow bigger and bigger!”

“ ... How?”

“Just, do the thing, think about it and make it happen!”

“I don’t think eating just one choc— ahn!” Kayla suddenly gasped, her hips wiggling along with her tail, “Wh-why does it feel so—”

“You can feel them tingling right? That’s your boobies responding!” She grabbed a fistful of chocolates from the box and dumped them in Kayla’s hands. “Here, try again.”

Fey nibbled her lip as she watched Kayla eat the chocolates, slowly at first then faster as she managed to get the hang of the unique natural ability of her species which had been turbocharged to an extreme by Fey for milk making purposes. Her hips rocked as she let out little gasps with each chocolate as the tingling increased, spreading throughout her breasts and nipples.

Fey let out her own much louder gasp as a small hand suddenly slapped her rear.

She turned to glare at Flora who was floating by her tail. She’d managed to affix some of the white silk to her midriff, covering below her breasts and above her mons.

“What? don’t give me that look, of course I’m going to need to test this silk stuff out, and hey shouldn’t you want to test it too?”

“Test what out?”

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