Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 51

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 51 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Previously on Centaurus: Lucy returns to the Fey Hunting Club’s HeadQuarters, where Ruby reveals that she has levelled up enough to make a small portal link to Fey. Secret agent Kayla, the club’s mole in Magic Mog, is linked via a portal and the stealthy otterkin slips the portal over Fey’s cock giving the club access to it. What follows is a fever dream orgy of worship directed at the Fey cock that has appeared in their midst, and then later quickly bringing in the most hardcore of newsletter fans to experience Fey for the first time. Lucy, however, becomes disillusioned with the practice and leaves the city.


Massively powerful stallion thighs pounded against the squealing shrieking otterkin’s rear, the crude frame that had been set up holding Kayla in place being pushed to its limit under the onslaught as her pussy was ruined by feet of dick. Sloppy wet shclucking queefs followed each long sawing thrust and a spattering splash of her plentiful and appreciative juices.

As the pounding accelerated Fey let out a cry of her own as her cock stiffened and with a muffled wet sound, exploded into the otterkin.

The frame that Kayla had been attached to disintegrated around her as her belly billowed outward with heavy thick cum, drooping pendulously from her body and rising like dough as her womb was filled fat, growing larger, spreading outward until it was pushing Fey’s legs apart and the centaur was being lifted, rising up into the air upon a bed of girl, her hooves indenting the soft shape.

Minutes later her clenching stallion balls stopped pumping jizz into the tiny otterkin, and she was left lying on the huge fifteen foot high throne of her belly.

Wiping a few beads of sweat from her brow, and tidying her mussed hair, Fey glanced to the side. Next to the vast dome that was Kayla’s belly was her sister, Lily, her belly equally enormous, their softness pressing up against each other as Kayla had expanded to press against her, two enormous lakes of cum radiating cummy heat into each other.

Next to Lily was Vivi, the white-furred vulpine’s belly equally massive and also pressing against Lily, and finally there was Flora, who was just as large and pressed against Vivi. All of them with freshly gaped pussies that trembled and quivered with orgasmic aftershocks.

A row of four huge female cum bellies, bellies that Fey had filled one after the other.

Just her usual afternoon work tending to her needy broodmothers.

“Are you done up there!” came a voice, and Fey glanced over her shoulder to see Ellaria below, reading her romance novel as she tanned in warm sunshine, completely in the nude of course.

“Erm, yes, captain!”

“Then Wummy, it’s all yours!”

Fey yelped as the waiting tentacles in the surrounding foliage lunged out and grabbed hold of her. She was lifted away from Kayla, ripping her cock free from her dripping puss, her steaming gape exposed only for a moment, and then a thigh thick tentacle thrust inside, slipping deep and directly into her womb.

In moments cum was being pumped through, huge orbs forming before being sent rolling along the tentacle tubes to be dumped into the woods forming a small steamy lake.

This way all four girls were rapidly and efficiently drained, their voices rising in faint protest, although much of the resistance had been fucked out of them.

Soon they were slumped on the grass, groaning, their huge cum bellies emptied out and drained, leaving them with only the shallow arc of the new and just beginning pregnancies that had been building over the last few days.

Fey wiped her brow and let out a phew, her cheeks slightly flushed with exertion but feeling pretty good.

Ellaria squinted at her from over her romance novel.

“You know, you seem like you’ve needed a lot less less ball draining recently, your balls aren’t monstrously large after mating these four, in fact, they are quite reasonable compared to a few days ago.”

Fey shrugged lightly, squeezing her eyes shut as she smiled. “I don’t know, maybe my production is just levelling off, I wake up each morning and I don’t feel like I’m super backed up from not being relieved in the night anymore. It’s like I’ve stopped producing sperm during sleep time, hey maybe this means there’s an end to this!”

Kayla who had just gotten to her feet blushed guiltily hearing that and avoided looking at the centaur.

“Well, perhaps that’s good news, but we should still see about getting a soulomancer to look at you.”


Ellaria snapped her book closed.

“For now we should be off. You’ve all had your morning and now your afternoon mating session with Fey. Perhaps this time you won’t spend the rest of the day begging for dick.”

“Hey, she could fuck us just fine while walking too.”

“Yes, but the constant stopping and starting as she fills you reduces our pace and we are already slow enough as it is hauling-” she waved broadly at the massive intercity caravans dotted amongst the trees, each the size of a building, “-those things. I want to minimise the difficulty in getting past the front gates of the city too, you lot being giant lakes of centaur sperm would cause even more problems than the Feytaurs. Also I would like to arrive at Draconica at some point before midnight, so all of you get ready, we’re leaving.”

The naked elf strode off confidently. A polite cough from Fey who looked pointedly at her naked body caused her to step over to one of the caravans where a white tree in a pot was set into the side, the door that normally hid it open for access.

She brushed her fingers across it, manipulating the plant, and moments later she was wearing a pair of slim white panties and a bra, and then a puffy blouse and a pair of shorts.

The tree was remarkably good at imitating clothes and seemed to be getting even better as time passed, the shorts Ellaria wore made out of a thicker fabric than the blouse, the leaves knitting together to form stronger cloth.

It was almost like the tree learned a tiny little bit with each piece of cloth applied, refining through trial and error, and since it had to clothe over ten thousand Feytaurs it did rather a lot of learning.

In fact as Ellaria brushed her fingers over it once more she managed to manipulate and tease out of it a simple white sheet, like a bed sheet or a curtain, a single large square of cloth.

Ellaria checked herself and the sheet over, made a pleased sound, closed the tree door, and climbed the ladder up onto the cushioned front bench of the massive caravan, stowing the sheet under the bench. An otterkin Feytaur that had been dozing beneath the bench cooed and poked at the sheet before wrapping herself in it. Ellaria was joined on the bench by Vivi and Flora, Flora flapping a hand at the large breasted Kayla and Lily as she passed, sending them levitating into the air and lowering them down into the open top of the caravan.

The caravan they rode was unique as it had open space, the other caravans were filled to the brim with Feytaurs. Each of the caravans was built with a dozen tiny floors with no more than two feet of height between each floor. That way the ten thousand plus Feytaurs were able to ride in comfort, all hidden and packed in behind the wooden walls, an army of teddy bears climbing over the walls of the caravans and watching carefully so none managed to escape.

Flora got comfortable on the bench cushion along with Vivi and Ellaria and then produced a certain glowing rectangle and began fiddling with it as she lazily slumped back.

After a moment she leaned over the side of the caravan and the rectangle flashed and clicked, startling Fey.

“C-Could you stop doing that!”

“Noop!” said Flora, easing back and tapping at the rectangle.

Fey quickly drew close and to her dismay found the gnome dragging her finger to the side on the rectangle. An image of her penis appeared on the screen, then another, and another, and another, and then one in the dark clearly taken while Fey slept, then one taken over Flora’s shoulder showing the massive cock about to penetrate her, clearly Flora’s morning session with the massive centaur.

Fey’s face fell as she watched the procession of images, dozens and dozens, just how many had the gnome girl taken of her penis?!

“F-Flora, why do you need a collection of pictures of my ... thing?”

The next image was of Flora holding the rectangle up and pointing it down as herself as she tongued a monstrously huge horse cock and winked.

“For nighttime stuff, duh. This is like top-notch bean flicking material you know, and why shouldn’t I have a collection for the most aesthetically attractive dick ever?”

Fey didn’t have an answer for that, although she did feel secretly pleased that Flora thought so well of her thingy, it was still part of her, and who didn’t like having a body part flattered?

Flora hummed as she continued flicking through a quite staggering number of images.

“ ... Flora...” said Ellaria, seriously.


“It’s your turn.”

“What?! But I did it for an entire hour yesterday! I’m still so tired from holding the dragoness down, don’t you have any mercy for poor little me?!”

“I think you’ve quite recovered actually, and you simply don’t want to put the work in.”

“Slander! Lies!”

“Flora, Would you kind-

“Alright, alright! Gods, you’re like some kind of elven empire slave driver, calm your perfect tits.”

The stroppy gnome leaned over and peeked around the side of the caravan, she then flapped her hand at the other caravans. After a moment they began to slowly rumble forward on their wheels, the bottom of the forest canopy parting around their great size.

Fortunately, there wasn’t much forest left to drag them through, and the gnome only had to rip up and toss out of the way a few hundred trees with her power until they came to the edge and broke free.

The great blue opened up overhead, monstrous snow-white galleon clouds sailing across the abyss, and open plains grass below rolling out to the horizon, stirring in the warm and gentle breeze. It was the first time seeing such an open space since they had crash landed after fleeing Bine. It was a little jarring after so long in the cramped forest.

Fey stretched her arms and drew in a breath, then released it with a smile. Really she was feeling much better about being the parent of ten thousand plus children/whatever-they-were lately. She supposed she was getting used to seeing them around and since they seemed harmless, it wasn’t so bad. It helped that they were quite independent and self sufficient, albeit also incredibly dim minded.

The question of just what they were remained up in the air, they were much too like the males Fey drained for her to be sure of anything, round and bouncy and very adorable.

But Ellaria, in her usual wise captainy way, had forbidden Fey from fretting about it, promising that the answer would come once they reached the city and they could find a mage of some kind to analyse them.

Speaking of which, Fey found her hooves coming to rest on stone, specifically a road, a paved road, a large one.

“I believe,” said Ellaria, “This is the road to Draconica. It seems we’re getting close.”

The band examined the road, a strip of white cutting through the grass and vanishing into the distance on the grassy plain. Along the road were a number of other caravans, intercity ones mainly and huge, but still none as large as the Feytaur caravans.

Their own line of two dozen massive caravans joined the road and made a convoy, which drew more than a little attention. Stares from those walking and looks of alarm from merchants on other caravans as they scrambled to get out of the way.

It didn’t help that there were no horses or harnessed monsters pulling their caravans, they simply rolled along as though propelled by nothing. A huge convoy of massive intercity-caravans that could transport enough supplies for multiple legions just casually passing by.

Of course, as Fey was trotting alongside the lead caravan, she received an unfortunate amount of stares, stares that were magnetically drawn to her massive cock gently bouncing along beneath her barrel and rhythmically slapping up against it with a steady beat.

Despite having gotten fairly used to being looked at in the past, she still felt a slight blush come to her face, the days in the forest had caused her to forget what so much public attention felt like.

Really, couldn’t they mind their own business? If she wanted to walk around with her massive erect cock flopping around then that was her business, there was no law against centaurs having nude lower halves because it was completely and entirely natural and normal.

She was distracted from feeling the attention of many eyes on her however as they started to near a rise on the grassy plain. They reached the top of it and for the first time the city of Draconica came into view, a view that stretched for miles.

“Woah.” said Flora.

Woah was right, thought Fey as the sea of buildings became visible. Draconica made Bine look small by comparison, a vast megacity that stretched into the distance, spilling up against distant mountains, their peaks covered in great white curving glaciers and heavy layers of snow.

The buildings of this urban ocean were made up of cream white stone and red tiles dotted with darker older looking buildings of a different and more cruel style. The entirety of the city was surrounded by vast dark stone walls, ancient and daunting, that stretched into the distance on either side.

In the center of the city rose a great rock outcropping, hundreds of feet tall. Atop this rock had been built an extensive sprawling palace of white, gold, and blue, tiny in comparison to the rock they rested upon.

The rock was a little odd however, and Fey frowned as she stared at it. It wasn’t ... quite natural. One side had been sheared flat making a sixty degree plane that sloped down to the city below. And when her eyes reached the city she noted even more odd things. Enormous boulevards that were several city blocks wide, and elsewhere in the city were great open public squares, each side of a square the length of a street.

It didn’t take long to see what the purpose of the squares was. A shadow suddenly passed over them blocking the light. She cowered down in fear as she spotted a great gold dragon flying far overhead. Her stomach turned to ice as the massive thing flew down over the city before alighting in one of the squares. Then the dragon abruptly vanished into thin air.

She peered down at the distant square and found herself looking at a tall gold scaled figure clad in a shimmering robe, clearly the dragon had transformed.

“Oh gods, not dragons,” she groaned, her worst fears coming to pass.

“It’s okay, Fey, everything will probably be fine,” said Ellaria reassuringly.

“Wait, what was that ‘probably’, what do you mean ‘probably’? What might go wrong?!”

“Oh shush, you great overgrown centaur,” grumbled Flora, “We kicked one dragon’s ass we can kick another, especially as I levelled up so much from the last one,” she finished with an idle grin.

Fey wasn’t so sure, and as she neared the city she became progressively more wary as more and more dragons were seen distantly flying by.

The walls were huge black things, crumbly and ancient, over a hundred foot tall and crenellated. Centuries old burns from dragon fire marked them, and what looked like violently created blood stains so old they were just a darker mark on the black, the remains of attacking armies no doubt. Fey suspected a person would have to be quite insane and foolish to think they could take this walled and dragon-filled city.

“Ah, the blood of my ancestors,” said Ellaria, looking up at one particularly huge stain.

Fey clamped her lips firmly shut and decided not to say anything.

Their convoy joined the huge queue and what became a slow pace ground to a halt as the gate house processed merchants and travellers through.

Ellaria took the moment and produced a thin strip of cloth. She handed it to Fey.

“Uhm, what do I do with this?”

“You are to blindfold yourself Fey.”

Fey blinked. “Wh-why?”

Ellaria began easing The Dress from beneath the bench and with an ‘eep!’ Fey hurried to tie the strip of cloth around her head, completely blinding herself. She reached out and fumbled for the railing attached to the caravans front bench, holding onto it to center herself and keep alongside it.

“Bringing out that dangerous thing?” said Flora, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, if you hadn’t realised, it’s going to be a little troublesome to get past the gates of a city with ten thousand plus ... whatever the Feytaurs are— would you kindly hold this up—”

Flora’s hand moved without her willing it and the sheet Ellaria had pulled from the clothing tree rose around her as she began pulling off her blouse.

“—and in addition to those we have twenty four inter-city size caravans. We are hardly going to be stealthy. So, somewhat drastic measures must be taken.”

The railing on the caravan made a groan as Fey’s fist gripped it and she bit her lip, struggling to wrestle down her imagination before it betrayed her and she ended up making a mess.

“Watching paint dry, eating chalk, thirteen times ten equals twenty nine something, counting blades of grass, ice-cold bath in winter,” furiously muttered the centaur, keeping her mind from what was happening a few feet away.

Ellaria wiggled her hips as the Dress slipped into place and then took hold of the sheet of cloth, taking it from Flora’s telekinetic grip and holding it over herself so it covered up to her chin.

“And now we see if we will be spending our first night in Draconica inside a jail cell for being extremely suspicious.”

The line moved, and eventually, their turn came. The band found themselves faced by a number of guards wearing blackened steel plate lorica with gold trim.

They didn’t seem very friendly.

“What, precisely, is this?” said one glancing over the smoking hot elf, a pregnant looking vulpine, a slightly pregnant pink haired gnome, a blind folded and fidgety centaur, and then finally up at the enormous caravan.

“Caravaneers with cargo for the city, to trade, you know, trade.” Ellaria lifted an eyebrow suggestively, which seemed to draw the guards’ eyes to her like magnets.

Their eyes drank the elf in and found that she was perhaps the most intoxicating thing they had ever tried.

“Er, y-yes, right, merchants. Uh, what are you selling?”

“Pets,” answered Ellaria simply.

“P-pets? Just pets in a caravan of this size? I hope you aren’t selling monster tigers or the like I’m afraid that would require—”

Ellaria lowered the sheet a little, the start of her cleavage coming into view. The gaze of the guards intensified, including the female one.

“Not big pets, small ones.”

The guard frowned, “Still, how many pets would a great big caravan such as this hold.”

“B-Boss!” Squawked one guard to the side, “I think they’re all hers! They all look the same!”

Frowning, the guard trundled over and peered around the side of the caravan where he was met with the twenty three other nearly identical caravans lined up behind the first and all of a similar size.

He made a strangled sound.

“A-All?! This is enough to kit out several legions of soldiers and it’s all p-pets?!”

“Yep, magic super realistic golem pets. Hence our name: Magic Mog. Show them Flora.”

Flora levitated the chibi otterkin-Feytaur up which had been napping under the bench. It wore a pair of white gloves as well as horse pants.

It lifted its arms and made a cheerful BWEH! sound.

The guards were startled.

“What ... is that?”

“I told you, it’s a golem, just like the teddy bears you see.”

“But it’s made of flesh...”

“That’s just because it’s very realistic.”

One of the guards approached and squinted up at it.

“Hey, is this a half centaur half otterkin?”

“No, that is a complete impossibility as species cannot interbreed. Obviously. It’s just a novel design, you know how it is, the nobles will pay for anything that looks unique.”

“Bleh!” agreed the Feytaur, sticking its tongue out and grinning.

The guards looked like they were struggling to believe her, but the sheet once more began to descend, the arc of her perfect breasts becoming visible. Several of the guards swallowed.

“I- I suppose that it’s not possible that they are living since species don’t mix like that...”

“And it don’t look like a kid despite being small boss, way too cute, more like a toy or something ya know? It’s kinda adorable.”

Ellaria smiled, beaming down at them, “I’m glad you like my handiwork.”

The flustered guards became increasingly flustered under the death beam of attractiveness.

“Now if you would just let us by...” Ellaria raised an eyebrow questioningly.

“I...” the head guard hesitated, “don’t know if all of these caravans just contain these ... golems ... as you say.” The guard looked uncomfortable saying it, first because he was going against what the beautiful elf said and second because, well, checking that many caravans seemed like a lot of work.

“I’m so weary from my travels that I’m dying to rest, but I can come around later in the day if you need to have a look. Would you put such duress on someone as in need as me and keep me from my bed?”

Her hands were lowering as she spoke, the sheet slowly showing more cleavage, and then the edge of the Dress, the fabric cupping her perfect breasts, her softness muffin topping slightly over the fabric in the most mouth-watering way imaginable, all framed in such a way that it drew the viewer in, making them lose sight of the entire rest of the world, unable to do anything but stare at such attractive form, such dazzling mind bending sexuality.

The guards drew closer, staring, lips slightly parted, their trousers starting to tent.


She lifted the sheet a little, hiding her breasts some, and it was like a physical blow to the guards, something they needed as badly as oxygen snatched away.

“W-Well, I’m sure it would be possible for you to come back l-later, ma-am, uh, my mistress, I mean uhm, L-Lady, uhm, breasts, I mean breasts NO! I mean breasts! AH! I mean-” the guard managed to end his increasingly high pitched and panicky verbal slips by jamming his fist into his mouth.

Ellaria jumped on the seat excitedly, letting out a light girlish laugh. Her breasts wobbled, their perfect blemish-free surface rippling deliciously with the motion over the top of the cupping dress in a way that practically electrocuted those watching. Three of the guards keened and grabbed their crotches as small wet patches appeared on the tented fabric. The railing of the caravan started to splinter and break as Fey’s hand on it went white knuckle just from hearing such a laugh.

“Oh! That’s perfect! I’ll be sure to come back later for some ... personal ... time ... with you all.”

One of the guard’s eyes rolled up and they collapsed unconscious, the crash of their armour against the ground turning heads.

Flora snorted and flicked her hand, tossing his unconscious body to the side as the caravans trundled by. Each caravan was able to make its way beneath the vast gatehouse and into the city proper unstopped, the guards too mentally stunned to do anything but watch, or unconsciously masturbate.

Ellaria let out a breath of relief.

“Phew, I was afraid that wasn’t going to work.”

“That Dress is too scary you know, there’s something seriously weird with it,” muttered Flora.

She held up the square sheet of cloth as the elf quickly stripped out of the Dress and returned to her adventurer’s attire. Once done, Fey was allowed to remove her blindfold. She blinked in the light and quickly turned to see the elf, although she was disappointed to find her as normal once more. Probably to the surrounding crowds benefit if they wanted to remain dry of precum. Those who had caught sight of Ellaria in the Dress at certain angles slowly drifted away as they came to their senses.

They had done it, they were inside the city of Draconica with two dozen enormous intercity caravans. To anyone’s unknowing eyes they might think they were a merchant group made of several companies in a convoy together.

“What now though Ella? Where are you going to find us somewhere to stay?”

“Well, we are starting to get a bit low on funds, but we should be able to comfortably afford some of the inter-city coach houses that the merchants use.”

There was a small crowd forming near them, curious eyes wanting to know what was with the giant convoy of caravans, and so Ellaria was able to get a quick answer from them when asking for directions.

Flora sent the caravans rolling again and they made their way deeper into the city.

Grand white and blue stone buildings and white flagstones were what they found, although, as Fey noted, a few buildings were built of a dark black stone and had a far grimmer crueler look, pointed arches and jagged crenelations, twisted gargoyles and iron spikes.

The streets were fortunately quite wide, and some of the streets were even wider than that, some as wide as large fields, vast boulevards dotted with palms that swayed in the warm breeze.

They weren’t to last through, the streets were starting to get cramped as they began to near their destination, the walls of the buildings on either side of the street getting uncomfortably close to the walls of the caravans.

The buildings became more run down and as they did the crowds increased. Dramatically.

They emerged onto a street where they found it opened up somewhat, but it was also packed end to end with people, people who were very interested in their caravan.

“Uhh, E-Ella!” said Fey as people swarmed her, pressing her up against the side of the caravan. Of course, things being what they were, Fey found herself surrounded solely by females with an excellent sense of smell or who appeared to be in heat. Hands, claws, and paws reaching out to touch at her body as they cooed over her scent and massaged her muscles. Vulpine and lupine girls buried their faces in her balls and drew deep deep breaths through their noses, and shorter species ducked beneath, dozens of hands and tongues pressing along her length.

Her cock throbbed proudly, basking in the feminine attention, and her balls rumbled, eliciting gasps of amazement from the girls.

The caravan itself wasn’t doing much better as the crowd quickly became more cocky, climbing up the sides of it and pulling at the wood, trying to find a way in.

“Hey, stop that!” yelled Ellaria looking around the side of the caravan from the front bench.

They didn’t stop, and to her outrage a panel was ripped off the side of the caravan and people began climbing inside.

“Captain, I think this is gonna end in a riot if you don’t show them what’s what,” murmured Vivi, looking over the vast churning crowd filling the street.

Ellaria scowled but turned and stood, kicking open the door behind the front bench to access the interior.

It swung open to reveal a scared looking Kayla and Lily squeezed in at the far end with a number of Feytaurs and teddy bears. Before them were a group of red-scaled drakes. The drakes had opened up a wooden chest and were plundering the insides, the last of the band’s gold vanishing into pockets and pouches. Ellaria’s eyes flashed with fury, sparks exploding from her hair in an instant crackle of rage.

What the hell do you think you are doing!?

The drakes took one look at her and fled. Except for one, who continued grabbing up the last of the gold coins into his shirt.

He turned, coins falling from his grasping claws, at last taking note of Ellaria. “Elven cunt, bringing family wealth onto our turf, you deserved to lose every bit of it.” He snorted a laugh and spat on her blouse.

Ellaria twitched, her eyes beginning to glow orange-red. Before the drake could make a run for it her hand snapped out and gripped his neck like a steel vice. The drake yelped, dropping his shirt and causing coins to fall free as he grabbed at her arm, trying to pull her off. But Ellaria was unstoppable. She hauled him free from the interior and over the front bench. She lifted him up and then threw him down over the side of the caravan.

... Down over the side and directly on top of Fey.

“G-get off of me!” cried the drake as Ellaria held him down, pressing him against Fey’s back.

“You elven slut- You imperial bitch- you-’’ he paused as his voice went up an octave, then he glanced down, seeing his shorts tented out with an erection, a wet patch at the tip, “H-Hey what’s happening? What are you doing to meeee!”

The drake rapidly began to shrink as Fey bellowed a whinny, her hooves trotting on the spot excitedly as her body started to put on mass, draining the drake, shrinking him down, already a foot shorter and more. The girls below made appreciative noises, gasping in delight as the flesh beneath their tongues grew taut with growth, hands eagerly caressing the increasing mass of her stallion muscles and balls.

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