Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 31

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 31 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Previously on Centaurus: The band escaped from the dungeon having successfully looted a large quantity of fabulous treasure. They travelled to a nearby logging village for the night where Fey accidentally obliterated the local inn with cum stuffed and highly satisfied girls.


Warm clean sheets, soft goose feather down pillows, cosy snugness in a snug room with a snug fireplace making said snug room snug with snug warmness.

Fey wriggled her body blissfully, yes, this was great, after the dungeon and roughing it in the wild finding an inn that was as lovely as this one was a wonderful relief, the only downside was the leak in the roof.

She winced with her eyes closed as another droplet splatted on her forehead.

Maybe it would go away if she just tried really hard to sleep harder, and ignored that cool draft too, and that dampness underneath her, and another drop on her cheek, and then another on her breast.

What was with this inn all of a sudden?

With a reluctance that shamed mountain mules she squeaked open a tiny crack in her eyelid and peeked out. Searing morning light attacked her retinas like some angry swarm of light hornets. Apparently this inn had no roof either!?!? Wait, was this even an inn at all???

She managed to push her eyelid open a little further and found herself looking up at foliage, treetops, greenery, the rich azure sky above, vast snow white galleon clouds sailing languidly across the blue abyss. Altogether it really wasn’t much like the ceiling of a bedroom in an inn, that is unless this was some kind of wizard’s inn where they magicked the ceilings to look like the open sky.

She hopefully considered that possibility for a moment, but then she sighed. Wizard ceilings were rather wishful thinking.

With a pained groan the stiffness of having slept a full night on the bare ground abruptly made itself known. Trying her best to ignore her twinging body she wiped gross sleepy crud from her eyes and looked around.

This was decidedly not an inn she decided. In fact it appeared to be some random forest glade. As she watched an orange and blue and black songbird flitted from tree branch to tree branch mugged a twig of a nut and then flittered off into the foliage.

All very naturey and not very inny.

Fey was a country girl and was used to sleeping out in the wild. But she had to admit after experiencing Rina’s excessively luxurious mansion and its wonderfully soft beds she had discovered a new found dissatisfaction with waking up in the middle of a forest damp with morning dew.

Her eyes turned to what was supposed to be her ‘blanket’ to sleep underneath. That is, her tent, which had become too small for her new size to be used as a tent and been repurposed as said blanket.

That was fine for the most part, except that the fabric had somehow been drawn backwards and her top human half was now exposed to the cool forest air, her enormous beachball sized breasts fully out in the open, the soft globular shapes spread lazily across her torso as she had been sleeping on her back, compressing droplet like under their own heavy weight. Her nipples had gone stiff in the cool morning air too making for hard pink peaks for each impressively sized shape. Not ideal.

The culprit to this movement of blanket was apparently ... Fey herelf. She made a displeased face at the huge tent of cloth over her crotch, her own morning wood stealing her blanket space and her warmth. Though as to why it was pointing straight up vertically...

“Godsdammit,” she muttered lifting her upper body up and reaching forward, grabbing hold of the cloth. With a tug, she pulled it aside.

A cross-legged Octavia blinked back at her.

The mouse kin girl was sat with her back to the enormous horse dick, pushing it up vertically as it rested against her back and her head.

She had created for herself a penis tentpole for the impromptu tent she was occupying.

“Octavia?! What the hell?”

Octavia nonchalantly twirled a pen in her fingers. “What do you mean what the hell? A writer needs her ambience and atmosphere to write in you know. And what better ambience and atmosphere than being right next to my subject? My muse.” She huffed and drew in a breath, “Plus it smells hnnnggfff s-soo gewwwddd.” She wriggled her hips.

Fey realised that the mouse girl had been in a confined space with her dick, her extremely enticing dick, the tent trapping and concentrating her scent in with the mouse girl for god knows how long.

Her eyes drifted down to find her horse stomach was awash with Octavia’s pussy juice, a puddle of clear fluid continually dripping and rolling down her sides in fat rivulets. The mouse girl’s beige short shorts were soaked through and dark with wet too and her bare crossed legs were glossy with her lubricant.

“You do know you woke me up, right?”

“Ahem, yes, well, it has been well worth it, the newsletter is just going to completely and totally blow up with my new additions, your fan base is going to grow and grow and grow Fey, you have no idea, at every moment of the day girls will frantically masturbating and cumming to you!”

“Erm, thank you Octavia, I think, but I’m not sure I actually want that...”

Fey rubbed a hand over her face, the mouse girl’s energetic excitement was grating more than a little on her sleepy morning mood. She suddenly wished she could go back to the nice warm room of her dream and not be stuck out here in the uncomfortable woods.

The events that had destroyed the inn had led to her current position so she couldn’t really blame Octavia for lack of it sadly. She unhappily recalled how that had gone down.

As much as Lily huffed and grumbled and complained there was no getting around the fact that a very angry village full of burly lumber jacks did not particularly want them around after the inn had collapsed and they were blamed.

That is apart from the gnoll girls, the gnolls who were quite upset they were leaving. Not that the gnolls could do anything about it in their cum stuffed states, kicking at their own cum bellies in a tantrum and shaking fists at the locals did little to prevent the band from being asked very firmly to leave. Even threats of gnollish vengeance were ignored, the village simply wanted the troublesome adventurers gone as soon as possible to minimise collateral damage.

They had left the village under a chorus of desperate mewled cries for Fey from the inflated gnoll girls.

Of course, they still had no actual clue where they were in the middle of the ancient western forest, and how to get back to Bine, so first they had to go through the awkward motions of Flora picking apart the remains of the inn to find Octavia. The villagers were even less happy seeing lumber tossed through the air and gnolls brides sent rolling across the village green as Flora discarded them, picking out Octavia somewhere near the bottom.

Once the blimped mouse girl had been found they hurried out under the gaze of the increasingly furious villagers as spherical gnolls rolled to a stop against their homes and shops dripping cum over everything from their leaky pussies.

Flora for obvious reasons wasn’t very interested in floating the mouse girl all the way back to Bine so once they were at their camping spot for the night she was dumped on the ground where Flora had yelled loudly for Wummy to fix the problem.

Wummy, after getting agreement from Vivi, had surged tentacles from Vivi’s pussy and dipped into the mouse girl, spreading her pussy wide so that a half dozen of the things could plunge in and out of her gaped hole, pumping the loudly complaining and squealing mouse girl of horse cum and sucking it into Vivi’s rapidly expanding belly so that Wummy could slowly absorb the substance overnight.

Fey had fallen asleep watching Vivi atop a huge cum belly, the surface moving with bumps as Wummy rolled around excitedly in her womb, eating her prize.

Now it was morning and the full regret of demolishing the inn was making itself known, that and Octavia being annoying. Fey’s annoyance with the mouse girl was interrupted however by a strange artificial beeping sound that pierced the forest glade. Octavia and Fey blinked at each other before turning to where Flora slept.

The gnome had grown... a lot. ... overnight it appeared. Her pregnancy seemed to jump in size in on and off cycles, and last night had been a particularly massive surge in growth. Her pregnant belly was now fifteen feet across, a vast dome of taut skin and heavy motherly gravidity.

Her breasts had surged in size also, desperately trying to keep up with her pregnancy the straining things were so taut and fat with milk that they were leaking down her belly in streams and occasionally spritzing milk as Flora moved. Each nipple was larger than the size of a fist, pink and angry with the strain of holding back so much liquid.

As usual the gnome’s tent was being used as a blanket, a small square of cloth at the top of the vast pale sphere that was Flora. A gnome’s tent was small normally, on top of Flora it looked utterly absurd, just a square that hid her body making it appear as if there truly was just a random skin colored sphere in the middle of the glade.

The edge of the cloth moved as the waking gnome blew out a breath and let out a tired groan. After a little bit of a struggle she managed to pull the tent blanket back and gazed upon her newly grown body.

“Wh-what the hell...”

Fey waved up at her. “Uhm, Flora is that your new magic thing?”

Flora squinted down in confusion at Fey but then seemed to realise that the muffled beeping was coming from her body. She turned to her breasts and awkwardly slipped an arm into her arm enveloping cleavage and scrabbled around. After a moment the glowing rectangle was produced, the sound even louder now that it was no longer muffled by her expansive chest.

She stared at the rectangle blearily, unsure what it was that she was looking at.

“This is the most terrible music I’ve ever heard, it’s all annoying beeps!” said Octavia turning her head as she looked up, one large mouse ear scraping along Fey’s shaft.

“It probably isn’t music dummy, it’s ... an alarm for something, something bad? It looks different to how it looks when music is playing anyway. Uhmm.” She hesitantly tapped the screen and the beeping sound cut off. “There. No need to panic children.” She rolled her eyes at the two looking up at her with nervous expressions. After a moment she flicked off the rest of the gnome tent and sent it over the side of her belly.

She watched it flutter down to the grass.

“Kind of a ways down ... I’ve gotten pretty fucking preggers huh...”

The gnome was stark naked of course. When it had been pointed out to her that she was naked the night before she had pointed out that sleeping in a tent naked was a perfectly fine and appropriate and normal thing to do. When it had been pointed out in return that she was only partially inside the tent and her breasts and belly were fully outside she had pointed out that this was clearly the tentmaker’s fault for not making a large enough tent and none of her concern.

The gnome stretched her arms over her head and cracked her knuckles, the glowing rectangle once more slipping between her vast cleavage. Then she lifted her hands, fingers rolling, and her enormity began to rise into the air, cupped and lifted by her telekinesis.

“Say, you uh, don’t think I will end up like that do you?” said Octavia looking up as the fifteen foot sphere of pregnancy rotated around. She swallowed and her rear squirmed unconsciously against Fey, a hand dipping down to tug at her shorts which were getting wetter by the moment.

Flora shifted comfortably atop her glorious throne of a pregnancy and looked down at the mouse girl.

“Most likely you will be very very pregnant yes, although you won’t be as big and massive and awesome and satisfied and mothe- and moth- and- and-”

Flora frowned and rolled her hips.

“And what? And what?”

“Is something wrong Flora?” said Fey suddenly wary of the gnomes expression.

“It’s- something feels off, flushed, hot, wet. Wow, I’m like crazy wet right now.”

The gnomes body had been rotating and as her rear came into view Fey had a clear sight of her pussy, her pussy which was currently flooding with clear slightly sticky fluid, a wash of the stuff rolling down her belly to spat spatter onto the grass below, a shocking amount of aroused feminine lubricant

“Erm, you’re uh, leaking a little bit Flo.”

“Nonsense. I’m not even turned on! Well, maybe a little bit...”

She twisted her torso and tried to peer back down over her body. Unfortunately her bubble butt obscured her view of pretty much everything and she could only vaguely move her legs around, her knees pushing into and indenting her pregnant belly slightly.

“There is this weird pressure though I-”

Her eyes suddenly went wide and her pussy convulsed, her sloppy lower lips suckling madly at the air, her enormous breasts openly spraying copious amounts of milk in every direction. She cried out, voice a half moan half scream as her legs frantically drummed against her pregnancy.

“It- it’s coming ouuuttt!”

“What what’s coming out Flo?!”

“The egggsss hnnnfggghh!”

Flora crashed down to earth with a boom as she lost control of her powers and Fey and Octavia were given a front-row seat to her pussy lips being stretched into an obscene O shape by something white glossy and flecked with metallic pink. A giant egg slowly pushed the gnome’s pussy wider and wider, her enflamed pink lips becoming paper thin and pale as it gradually pushed free.

“N-nooo! Stay inside!” mewled Flora, her heels crashing against the egg as she tried to push it back into herself, to no avail however as her powerful pussy muscles convulsed and strained and her legs were forcefully pushed apart as the huge egg suddenly lurched free leaving her cunt gaped wide open, a trembling fluttering pink cavern clutching at the air.

The egg wobbled a moment atop her belly and then began to sliiiide down the smooth arcing curve.

Fey’s eyes shot wide, that was her offspring that was about to get shattered!

“Flora! Stop the egg!”

“Hnnnn god here comes moarrrr!” wailed Flora lost in her own world.

“Ella! Help! anyone!” cried Fey desperately trying to roll over. No one was going to make it in time.

So, she had to do this herself.

With an explosive grunt of strength she ripped herself up from the ground and landed on her hooves. Octavia only had a moment to gawp before she was bodily catapulted a dozen feet into the air, arms and legs windmilling before she slammed into the ground.

In one leap Fey darted forward and managed to catch the egg before it landed, cradling it against her chest. She let out a sigh of relief.

Ellaria burst from her tent, stark naked, a pair of fireballs in each hand

“Where’s the attack! Who-”

She suddenly caught sight of the enormous flora and the egg held in Fey’s arms. Her fireballs drooped as her gaze moved up and found Flora’s pussy which was already being distended by the next enormous egg.

“Eggs? Fey makes eggs?... What?”

Fey weighed the heavy egg in her hands. It was ... large. Roughly twenty one inches tall and sixteen inches across as its widest point she judged, it was the sort of thing she imagined a dragon might lay in size, although she had heard it said that dragons had scale covered eggs, this was certainly not scaled.

Hers. This was hers, she had created it, she wondered exactly what would come out of it when it eventually hatched...

“Centaurs don’t lay eggs, so what exactly is that?” said Ellaria, an eyebrow raised in question.

“Erm, it’s to do with that one dungeon Ella, we think,” began Fey. “The eggs on the entrance door...”

“And I was totally right about that,” said Vivi as Wummy’s tentacles plucked the enormous egg from Fey’s hands. “She’s an egg-laying centaur because of whoever built that crazy dungeon. Called it.”

The tentacles moved the egg into Vivi’s waiting paws. The fox girl looked significantly more pregnant than she had been, her vast belly being held up by a clutching cup of glossy white tentacles, her pregnancy covering her abdomen and most of her thighs, her fat milky breasts resting heavily atop the dome of it. She was large, but still nowhere near as big as she had been after syphoning all the cum in Octavia away last night, Wummy had apparently dealt with that overnight, returning her to just being filled with eggs and slime monster and not horse cum, eggs, and slime monster.

“Huh, this egg is really heavy, and way bigger than that one Wummy first pulled out,” said Vivi, weighing the thing up and down in her paws.

“M-maybe they grow bigger the longer they’re inside? What happened to that egg she showed me anyway?”

“Oh, that, Flo said she felt less motherly and full with it outside so she stuffed it back inside. Guess it’s still in there somewhere now huh.”

The fox girl turned the egg over as she spoke, eyeing the pink metallic flecks across the clean white surface, shiny with Flora’s juices.

“I wonder how-

The fox girl’s pads slipped on the slippery surface and the egg plopped out of her pads, falling ... directly on top of a stone on the ground. A collective intake of breath followed and everyone froze as the egg seemed to fall in slow motion, about to be smashed to pieces upon the stone, not even Wummy’s tentacles were fast enough to catch the falling thing and they snatched at the air inches above

The egg crashed into the rock with a distressingly loud sound.

And the rock was instantly crushed to dust and powder underneath the completely undamaged and perfectly fine egg.

“I, uhh, guess they’re kinda tough for eggs?” said Vivi, guiltily scratching the back of her head.

“VIIVIIII!! You dropped my EGGG!!!” shrieked Fey.

“Hey hey hey calm down, everything’s fine see!” said Vivi as Wummy’s tentacles scooped up the egg and handed it back to her. “Look, it’s basically invulnerable.” She said as she dropped it again crushing another rock.

Fey looked like she was about to have an aneurysm.

Vivi stroked her chin as Wummy picked up the egg once more “Hey ... you know how I’ve lost my sword ... maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad replacement huh? I could cause some real damage beating a monster over the head with this, cave a few skulls in, shatter a few spines...” She examined the egg as Wummy held it up, rotating it so Vivi could see every side...

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