Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 3

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Daylight broke over the hotspring and Fey crawled from her tent and unsteadily got her hooves under her. She realised she had grown a little taller and larger again during the night although she was relieved to find it was no more than just a little. As she found her footing her cock slapped up against her barrel eagerly, the additional pressure of morning wood making it throb especially hard.

“Down boy,” she muttered under her breath as she stretched her arms and yawned.

As was the norm Ellaria was already awake and busily making food over a fire with a full set of pots and cooking utensils. No one ever accused Ellaria of being a disorganised adventurer, that was for sure.

The elf finished stirring and stood.

“Good morning.” She blinked and adjusted to the centaur’s new height. “You must be nearing seven and a half foot tall you know ... Big.” Her eyes glided over Fey’s chest which had also increased in size and at a faster rate than her body. Saying her breasts were massive was an understatement at this point, each a little larger than Fey’s head while still maintaining their shape.

The centaur covered her chest instinctively, a hopeless attempt but she managed to hide her nipples at least. The amount of soft bosom spilling around her arms did not help the situation much however and the elf couldn’t help but steal more glances.

“I just want to get back to town and find a mage who can fix this, that’s all.”

“Right. That’s the plan. Nothing to worry about, I’m certain someone will be able to help.”

The elf nodded confidently and then turned to Vivi’s tent, she slapped the canvas a few times.

“Breakfast is done. Time to rise.”

A long pained groan came from inside. “The dead request five more minutes.”

“Nope. Make like an undead and get up.”

Vivi grumbled in reply but the tent began to shake as the vulpine struggled out of bed.

Ellaria paused by the massive five foot sphere of a gnome with a flap of canvas lain over the top.

“If you don’t get up Flora I’m going to roll you into the fire and don’t expect me to put you out.”

The edge of the flap of canvas moved as the gnome blew out a breath.

“I’m awake, don’t twist your titties into pretzels elfy.”

Ellaria slapped the side of the dome of cum sending huge jiggling ripples across its surface. The gnome yelped and yanked the canvas from her head. She scowled at the elf.

“Gerr’of out of it.”

“Go empty yourself. We’re not leaving with you like that. You’re a giant target for any forest monster.”

“Hell no!”

Ellaria raised her palm again threateningly, a severe no-nonsense look in her eye.

“Godsdammit,” growled the gnome. “Fine! I’ll get rid of it.”

“Good. Breakfast is waiting for you when you’re done.”

The gnome gave her a dark look but waved her hand and herself along with her massive pendulous belly began to rise into the air.

Fey grabbed a blouse from her tent and joined Ellaria by the fire. As she did Flora drifted past heading toward the hot spring’s edge. Once there the gnome levitated her tent away and folded it onto a rock. With a sigh, she turned her rear toward the pool and began gesturing at the air. Slowly at first, but then rapidly increasing, a pressure was evenly applied across her belly.

“Oh f-fuck!”

Her puss abruptly yawned wide as cum was forced and squeezed from her womb, a hose of cum spurting from her muff, the stream as thick across as an arm. The cum was still extremely hot and the air steamed as it met the white liquid. She let out a gasp and mauled at her pushed up tits, her nipples quickly becoming erect and hard.

“H-holy hell, the fox was right this feels, uhnff!”

She increased the pressure and the stream fattened and sped up. The gnome let out a long whorish moan and her legs went out, extending to their limit where her toes curled in the air.

White hosed across the pool reaching meters in an incredibly loud cacophony of liquid splattering against liquid. The stream sputtered and accelerated as the gnome increased the force on her stomach once more.

“This pressure oh! I can’t wait for Fey to fill me again!”

“I want to be filled right now!” came a voice behind the gnome and to her abrupt shock five foot of excited vulpine leapt on her giant spherical belly and rammed her head up against her muff. Cum that had been able to hose out cleanly before now exploded around the obstacle of Vivi’s head sending cum in all directions and coating Flora’s rounded stomach.

“Wha- what are you doing! Oh! OH!shrieked the gnome as the vulpine’s muzzle squeezed up against her puss and then forcefully pushed inside.

The gnome writhed at the sensation of cum being forced around the fox girl’s muzzle at the same time as her muzzle pushed its way inside her.

“Oh G-gOdS!”

As cum rushed down Vivi’s throat her belly rapidly expanded and swelled against Flora’s larger belly, denting it inward. The vulpine set her paws and began to pull her head free presumably to catch a breath but the gnome suddenly waved her hands and the vulpine’s head was shoved back into Flora’s snatch. The gnome moaned and then forced the vulpine’s muzzle out before ramming her home again and again each motion accompanied by an eruption of cum. The gnome’s breathing became hot and heavy and she crossed her legs behind the vulpine’s head preventing her from escaping.

“More! Fuck!”

The plunging motion accelerated and Vivi’s head slammed into the gnome’s puss again and again until with a sudden wet sch-lorp! Flora’s labia stretched to the limit and Vivi’s slim head slipped inside the gnome up to her eyes, the vulpine’s desperate squirming only pushing the gnome over the edge.


The gnome screamed and clawed at her belly, raking red lines across the surface as she thrashed, her legs kicking wildly at the air as a spray of clear girl cum spattered against the trapped vulpine’s chest. She slumped across her rounded stomach as she came down from her orgasmic high.

“Oh fuck the stretchiness really is permanent, I’ve died and gone to heaven,” whispered the gnome as the last pulsing ripples of orgasm ripped through her body setting her trembling.

The vulpine slammed her fists against the gnome’s belly and Flora belatedly realised the fox girl needed air. She tugged her backwards with a lurid wet queef and with a heavy gush of backed up cum her head was ripped free from the gnome’s clinging lower lips.

The now pregnant looking vulpine hung in the air taking great heaving breaths

“That. Was. Too. Much.” breathed Vivi trying to get as much air into her lungs as possible.

“Sorry, didn’t realise. Hrmm. I wonder. I know there are potions of water breathing that are available to buy.”

The vulpine gave her a nervous look as though not sure if she was serious or not. She struggled in Flora’s grip and the gnome let her down. She stumbled on her feet for a moment, the new weight in her stomach offsetting her center of balance. She wasn’t quite as large as yesterday but the vulpine still looked thoroughly pregnant. She wiped her jaw and her paw came away with long gluey strings of cum.

“I’m gonna get you for that.” The vulpine’s eyes fell on the gnome’s straining stomach and a mischievous expression crossed her face. The gnome only had a moment for her eyes to widen in fear before the vulpine slammed into her side with all the strength her fighting Class allowed her. The gnome squealed as the pressure immediately increased and white jetted from her puss at double the pressure.

“F-fuck! Slow down!” whined the gnome but the vulpine only squished into her harder, setting her feet and driving forward.

The gnome wailed as cum blasted from her muff, arcing high into the air and splattering everything nearby in a thick layer of jizz. She mauled her breasts as orgasm after orgasm wracked her body and her belly rapidly shrunk down and down to three-foot across until the vulpine was able to put a foot on the gnomes back and squeeze her against the ground, spraying cum from her muff all the faster.

The gnome lost count of her orgasms and became lost in mindless wailing under the gushing pressure. At last, she lay prone against the ground, her stomach returned to its normal flat and smooth state.

The cum was caked over an inch thick on the ground, her head partly covered as she lay in it.

“That was the best,” moaned the gnome.

The pregnant looking vulpine let out a belch.

“Wasnt bad. Thanks for the meal by the way.”

“O-oh that’s okay, thanks for the face fucking. Speaking of meals, there’s food. We should clean off or Ella will get mad.”

The gnome lifted her head from the cum caked ground with a groan, thick strings connecting her head to the puddle. She raised a hand and slowly levitated herself into the air. She eyed the hotspring which was now more a cum spring there was so much jizz in it, the water tinted a milky white. Still, it was better than nothing and the pair splashed cummy water over themselves removing the more sticky undiluted cum from their bodies.

They made their way back to the fire after clothing themselves where Ellaria gave the both of them disapproving glares.

The elf held out a bowl of food but Vivi held up a paw.

“Sorry, I’ve already eaten.”

“ ... So I see,” said the elf frowning at her pregnant looking belly.

“Don’t mind if I do!” said the gnome levitating the bowl away from her hand and into her own.

“You two are hopeless,” sighed Ellaria shaking her head. She began packing away her tent along with Fey.

It didn’t take long and soon they had the tents neatly folded. Vivi’s too, though hers wasn’t folded so much as wrapped up in a lump by the unconcerned vulpine. Flora finished her bowl and burped. She made a vague gesture with her hand and her small gnome tent zoomed into the air from where she had left it. Ellaria caught it and opened a bag on her hip. She put the tent inside and surprisingly it seemed to fit, in fact it didn’t look as though the bag had just had an entire small tent put in it at all. She picked up her own tent and shoved it inside along with her book and then Fey’s and Vivi’s tent. The quite clearly magical bag didn’t change shape or size in the slightest, its depths hidden in darkness.

“Useful things, those dimensional bags,” said Fey, eyeing it with interest. “I would have hated to lug all that stuff to the dungeon. People like to treat centaurs like pack horses. I have to admit I was a bit worried you were going to have me doing that kind of thing when I joined the band.”

“Yes, they are extremely useful. Brilliant for carrying stuff. I suppose there aren’t many of them outside the cities though, only the highest levelled mages in the mages guild have a chance of making them, meaning they are expensive.”

“I like to call them D Bags,” said the gnome. “Which also describes the douchebag mages who make them.”

“The mages guild gets a bad rap. They are quite nice really. I had a lovely experience when I went to purchase this.”

“I suspect you only think that elfy because your beautiful ass makes all the men drool and go weak at the knees for you.”

“I- that’s not true! Dammit Flora!”

The gnome sneered at her. “Try being a gnome some time. Those damn snooty mages won’t even give me the time of day let alone first dibs on a D bag.”

Vivi patted her rounded stomach. “I don’t want to interrupt but are we going to spend all day here?”

“No, you’re right, we should get going and stop wasting daylight.” said Ellaria stringing shut the dimensional bag at her side a little huffily.

Fey eyed Vivi’s heavy stomach. “Aren’t you going to struggle with that?”

The vulpine grinned at her. “No way, I’m not a fighter for nothing you know. I’m Strong!”

Fey gave her a skeptical look, but moved to follow Ellaria.

The band left the hot springs, leaving what was now a milky white pool in their wake, and broke back onto the dirt path winding its way through the forest. Fey’s rock hard two foot six inch dick slapped against her barrel with each step she took but she had to admit it felt just a tad less awkward than yesterday, probably due to what had happened at the hotspring.

One advantage of being taller was that her strides went further and her hooves ate up ground to the point that she was gradually pulling ahead of the others and had to consciously slow herself so that they could keep up. Well, with the exception of Flora who lazed through the air with ease.

It was a beautiful summers day with big fluffy white clouds in the azure gradient sky. Golden sunlight bathed the lush grass between the trees and butterflies scattered throughout the air. Fey appreciated the warm feeling of the sun’s rays on her back as she walked. It was times like these that she really liked being an adventurer. The only thing that spoilt it was a certain meaty smacking sound emanating from beneath her as she walked.

By the time their destination came into view Fey had gotten so used to the constant audible dick slapping that she had tuned it out. She wasn’t so sure that was the case for the others though, she kept catching Vivi and Flora sneaking glances below her barrel, a hungry look on their faces.

Ellaria raised her head as she caught sight of their destination, a building.

“Ah. Here we are. I’ll be glad to get a night’s rest in a real bed after all that roughing. I’m seriously considering buying a collapsible bed for future excursions.”

The building in question was an inn, a two-storey wooden structure with a sign across the entrance that read: ‘The Slippery Otter’.

The band wandered into the inn’s yard, throwing off the fatigue of the walk and stretching their limbs and sighing with relief for a day’s journey finished.

“I have a sudden and inexplicable appreciation for the struggles of the pregnant,” grumbled the fox girl as she waddled into the yard, her arms tiredly holding up her stomach. She’d started the walk strong but by the end even her outsized strength was flagging under the weight of so much cum.

“That’s your own fault Vivi. Honestly, what were you thinking? What if a monster attacked us?”

“Pah, I can take any little forest monster even like this. Hell, I could probably crush a few to death with my belly this size.”

Ellaria gave her a sour look but turned as from the front door of the inn a small otterkin woman appeared. The otterkin was nearly a foot shorter than Flora at a little over two and a half feet tall. A small red dust cloth was on top of her human-like head between two small round ears sticking up from her brown hair. A tiny pink flower was tucked behind one ear. Her petite breasts were hidden by a breast wrap and her lower body by a unique pair of cuffed short shorts, unique because of the massive otter tail sticking out the back that was as thick as her already very thick thighs, a cuffed opening in the shorts allowing for it. She was properly bottom-heavy with flared broad hips.

“Oh! Hi there! Welcome back to the Slippery Otter!” said the otterkin with a big welcoming smile.

“Heya, sorry I didn’t catch your name last time, we arrived late and left early.”

“No worries, my names Hope, and we are always happy to have you. Lord knows we can’t get enough custom around here.”

‘You are quite far off the beaten path, not much cause for traffic no?”

“True enough. With that new dungeon being found we’re hoping for more adventurers, your band would be the first we’ve had through.”

“Ah, about that, well maybe I’ll speak inside, it’s been a long walk.”

“Oh certainly! Where are my manners, a cold beer for a weary adventure is an inn’s first priorit- ty tee, prio-” the otterkin stuttered to a stop at the end of her sentence as her eyes came to rest on Vivi’s pregnant stomach. The otterkin stared at the fox girl. “Uh, did you become pregnant during the trip to the dungeon because you certainly weren’t pregnant last time I saw you.”

The band turned to see Vivi’s reply. The vulpine laughed and waved her paw dismissively. “Oh, that. No I was pregnant then, I own a magical Artefact that hides my pregnancy, it’s not a big deal. I mean, it’s not like I could have gotten this pregnant in a couple of days right?” said the vulpine, casually lying through her teeth.

The otterkin blinked. “Oh, I guess that makes much more sense. Well, er, congratulations on the pregnancy! You’re uh, a brave one to go into a dungeon while preggers.”

“Nah, I’m just tough as nails. Pregnancy doesn’t slow me down in the slightest,” she grinned.

“I was more worried about the uhm baby, but uhm I guess that’s uh fine.” The otterkin shook her head. “Nevermind, I’m not focusing, come come, come inside, let me find you a drink and a seat to get you off your feet.”

The otterkin trotted through the door beckoning behind her.

Fey let out a breath. She had lined herself up behind Ellaria very carefully so that the otterkin’s view of her new cock was obscured by Ellaria’s body. She had seemingly succeeded.

Vivi let out a huff and adjusted her belly. “Nosy otter. Just serve a drink already.” She started waddling toward the door.

“Why’d you tell her that lie,” hissed Ellaria as she followed.

“What did you expect me to say? Oh, my bellies so full of cum that it’s the size of a beach ball, oh and the one responsible is the no longer entirely female centaur over there?”

Ellaria put her hand to her forehead. “Dammit. Alright fine, but if this somehow blows up in your face you’re taking the flak.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” said the vulpine waving a paw over her shoulder as she crossed the threshold.

Ellaria swiftly followed and then Flora who drifted through the air yawning lazily. Fey stepped up to the door but stopped before entering, instead adjusting her horse half to one side so it could not be seen from inside and poking her front half under the door header.

The interior of the inn was welcoming and smelled faintly of fresh lemons. Little wonder as the place was receiving a thorough cleaning. A pair of otterkins rushed past, leant down and pushing a rag each across the floorboards. On the other side of the room was a bar which three male otterkin sat atop. The three males were not cleaning but drinking whiskey from tumblers.

Hope, the otterkin who had led them in with a dust cloth atop her head waved at the cleaning otterkins. “Kayla, Lily!” The pair cleaning the floor stopped and came over upon hearing their names. As they approached Fey realised that they were identical, identical twins. Each of them had a yellow daisy tucked next to an ear and similar clothing to Hope.

“Oh, back already? I hope the dungeon went well,” said the first otterkin.

“Am I going crazy or was the vulpine one pregnant last time they were here?” said the second glancing at Vivi.

“She was, but she has one of those fancy city dweller Artefacts that disguise things, one that hid her pregnancy.”

“Huh. City folk.” She turned to the Vulpine. “Well congrats anyway, and congrats if the dungeon also went as you hoped.”

“Ah. not really,” said the fox girl scratching at her chin. “That dungeon might not actually be a dungeon.”

The otterkin blinked. “R-Really?”

“Yes,” said Ellaria. “We can’t really know for certain right now, but when we get back to the adventurers guild I’m going to ask for them to send in an expert to examine it. It wasn’t like any dungeon I’ve ever known.”

“Not a dungeon?” said one of the male otterkins on the bar suddenly standing up. “What are you blathering about? Of course it’s a bloody dungeon!”

Ellaria held up her hands placatingly. “Might not be a dungeon. The matter is uncertain as of right now. We saw no sign of a dungeon core or other typical dungeon features ... amongst other things.”

“C-calm down Doderic, they’re only doing their job,” said Hope.

The otterkin’s eyes flashed with anger and he threw his tumbler at her, the glass bouncing across the floorboards and spraying whiskey across the wood. “Shut your hole bitch, this is none of your responsibility!”

Ellaria looked from the whiskey splattered on the freshly cleaned floor to the angry otterkin and narrowed her eyes.

“Sir, we are not here to decide if it’s a dungeon or not. We were simply the first to hear about it being found.”

“Pah, what do some grubby third-class adventurers like you know? One of you went dungeon diving while pregnant for crying out loud! You’re just a bunch of know-nothing amateurs...”

“You clearly run an inn looking for more customers buddy,” said Flora drifting forward. “Well, have you ever heard of the expression ‘you catch more flies with honey than by being a complete cunt?’” The gnome gave him a shit eating grin.

The otterkin spluttered, “How, how dare you!

The two other otterkins beside him began to sit up.

“Flora, please, you’re not helping. Listen, we’re here simply to rest at your establishment. Nothing more nothing less. I would prefer it if this was a clean transaction, without grief, and I’m sure you would prefer it if we didn’t have a bad word to say about your inn to our adventurer peers, no?”

The otterkin paused and then with a scowl relented. “Fine. To tell the truth I was only angered because business is rough. That dungeon was supposed to be our lucky break.” He let out a sigh of annoyance then glared at the female otterkins who were looking at him warily. “Well? See to it that our guests are comfortable.” He snapped his fingers a few times and the female otterkins turned to get on with things.

One of the twins looked between the band’s members. “I’m Kayla, what would you like to drink?”

“Just a water thank you,” said Ellaria.

“I’ll have a beer-” The Vulpine glanced down at her ‘pregnant’ belly, then with a sigh, “Actually I’ll have a water too.”

The Gnome snorted at the vulpines predicament then turned to Kayla. “Get three whole beers for me, none of that half of a pint shit, I’ll be drinking for my pussy comrades.”

“Uh, right, two waters, three beers.” She turned to Fey who was still in the doorway and gave her a questioning look.

“J-just a beer please.”

“Sure.” The otterkin scuttled away to the backroom.

Hope approached the centaur and looked up at her.

“You can come inside you know darling.”

“I-it’s okay even with my uh, thing?”


“My, uhm, ‘under tail’. I can’t show people, it’s d-dirty.”

“Oh, that! Yes, that’s fine! We have all sorts in here from time to time, all kinds of cultures, nothing to worry about, we’ll deal with any mess, come come, we’ll try and get you something comfortable to sit on, can’t say we get many centaurs around here, you’re a pretty rare species.”

“Oh, uhm, okay.”

The centaur stepped forward and clopped onto the floorboards.

A gasp below her made her freeze and she looked down to see the otterkin staring at her cock with her small hand over her open mouth.

“You said it was okay!” said Fey hopelessly.

“I- I thought you were referring to your actual tail needing cleaning...” said the otterkin faintly, her eyes mesmerised by the centaur’s gently throbbing hard on.

Lily was drawn over with a puzzled look seeing Hope unmoving and her eyes were led to the underside of the centaur where she also froze up.

“Holy shit that- that’s a massive cock.” The otterkin’s eyes widened. “The size of it, h-how is it so big!?”

“I’m sorry! I can’t help it, I have a condition!”

Hope slowly removed her hand from her mouth, a little drool coming with it. “Uh, uh, it, it’s fine love. We’ll just get you sat down shall we, and get your mind off that big hard vascular- uh, we’ll get you a drink. This way.”

Fey clopped forward toward the table that the others had sat at. As she did Kyla emerged from the kitchen with a serving tray balanced on her head and several drinks wobbling atop it. She passed Fey and then did a double-take and had to struggle to stop from dropping the drinks.

She stared at Fey’s underside. “P-penis!” the otterkin squeaked.

One of the male otterkins looked up at the disturbance.

“Woah, Woah, what do you think you’re doing?!”

“She has a condition,” said Ellaria.

“I don’t care if she does, you can’t bring that, that thing! In here!”

The female otterkins all turned and glared at him as one.

“Don’t be rude to our customer! You know how few we get!”

“I- But-” said the male otterkin.

Dodderic stood up beside him.

“You can’t have that barbaric thing out, it will scare away the other customers.”

“What other customers Doderic?” said Hope cooly.


“You’re just jealous that she has a dick bigger than all of your dicks combined.”

Doderic snapped around trying to see who had spoken, a thunderous expression on his face.

“Who said that! Who said that damn you!”

Fey peered down at her side where Kayla was giggling into her hand.

“Please don’t antagonise him,” whispered Fey as she stopped by the table the band was sat at.

“Oh, it’s fine, maybe they’ll take the hint. Besides, I was exaggerating, you’re ten times bigger than all of them combined.” She flashed Fey a mischievous smile and dashed after her sister who disappeared into the backroom.

Two beers were orbiting around the gnome’s head as she sat at the table on an invisible chair. The relatively huge pint she was drinking from clutched in both hands. She sipped it and let out a belch.

“Weird inn. I can’t figure out the power structure.”

Hope caught her eye.

“W-well, we started this inn as an enclave, that is, three arranged otterkin couples from our tribe. We haven’t been here that long, I think some of us are starting to wonder if it was a mistake though, uhm.”

“With guys like that I’m not surprised. Are they at least good in the sack?”

A blush crossed the otterkin’s face. “Uh, n-not really, it’s p-pretty one sided, and uh-”

“Go on.”

“His dick is so tiny!” Hope slapped her hand over her mouth and reddened even further.

Flora snorted but nodded her head. “Tiny people problems. I get yah. We all want bigger, but it’s so hard to find bigger.” She rolled her eyes over to Fey’s underside and the otterkin’s eyes followed. “But I haven’t had that problem of late.”

“You mean, you two? H-how?!”

Flora gave her a smug look but remained silent.

“Flora stop trying to drive a wedge.”

Flora stuck her tongue out at Ellaria and was about to reply to Hope when Kayla and Lily scrambled up on top of the table from a chair carrying a massive heaping tray of food between them with another beer both of which they eagerly shoved in front of Fey. Kayla held up a brush.

“We’re here to give the complementary centaur massage and brush down. It’s totally part of our usual regular service at The Slippery Otter.”

“No it’s n-” began Hope before Lily’s small hand was placed over her mouth shutting her up. Kayla approached Fey’s side a brush ready and then with slightly shaky hands reached out and touched the side of her barrel. She swallowed and then began brushing her coat.

“T-thankyou?” said Fey looking back at the brushing otter.

“Hey! Why don’t I get a big ass plate of food and a massage like that!” said the gnome indignantly.

“It’s for centaur customers only! Sorry!”

Fey made a pleased sound as she picked at the piles of fruit and lettuce and cheeses that she had been brought, and then even more pleased as Lily joined Kayla in rubbing down her side, although she didn’t have a brush so she just used her small hands. It didn’t feel bad, in fact it felt pretty good.

“Sheesh, maybe I should look into miraculously growing a horse dick, look at all that free attention,” said Flora shaking her head and then gulping down her beer.

“It’d look ridiculous on you Flora, you’d be more dick than gnome.”

“Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing eh?” said the gnome leering at Vivi.

Fey eyed the otterkins rubbing her down out the corner of her eye. Their breathing had increased and their pace had become a little more frantic. They quickly rubbed and brushed their way along the side of her barrel and as though having finished they both dropped down off the table at once. Fey jumped a little as she felt soft hands suddenly grasping and rubbing at the underside of her barrel. She tried to focus on eating but they were rapidly approaching her throbbing shaft which bucked against her stomach as though eagerly anticipating it.

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