Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 15

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Previously on Centaurus: The band escaped from town and fled into the forest. Fey comes across a dogkin girl who is suffering from an unusually strong heat, she along with her lamia friend solve the dogkin’s heat problem. Meanwhile, Vivi has smuggled a secret slimy passenger within herself.

Rina was a very large person, or rather very large lamia, nearly seven and a half foot tall when standing at her fullest. Like her sister, she had long glossy pink hair that spilled from her scalp in elegant waves to waterfall down her back. Her irises were a luminous aquamarine ringed in pink and her slightly pointed ears were pierced with hoop earrings.

The skin of her upper body transitioned from her abdomen to her snake tail in a scatter of scales shaped vaguely like a V around her hips. The pink scales gradiented from a hot lush pink on the back side of her tail to a pale almost cream colour on the front side in a two-tone style. Her chest was covered by a white blouse that struggled to contain her size, the cloth stretched over her huge assets in the most alluring way, her thumb sized and currently very stiff nipples creating long curving valleys and peaks in the fabric. The state of her nipples was caused not in small part by the equally large centaur who had her lips clamped firmly to her own, the two girls tongues doing things that Rina would only have expected of her sister. This ... was not how she had expected her day to go when she woken up that morning.

Rina pulled away, a string of saliva connecting their lips momentarily. She wiped at her mouth as she snatched a glance at Fey and tried to asses. She was acutely aware of how their enormous breasts pressed up against each other, she could feel her hard nipples scraping against her softness through the fabric of her clothing. Below Fey’s barrel her coils were wrapped around the six-foot wide tummy of the labrador dogkin, Zal. It was an unprecedented situation, to say the least.

The heavy passionate kiss had set her off-kilter but now it was over she was rapidly coming back to reality and with it the harsh realisation of just how wrong it was to be wrapped around the filled body of her friend.

“Oh gods! Oh gods! What have I done! Zal! Zal! Please be okay!”

A hand touched at her shoulder, Fey’s hand.

“Calm down, everything is fine, I promise. My, uhm, magic, made her body stretchy and elastic. She’s unharmed, and more importantly, she should be relieved of her heat, at least for a time.”

“She’s right, your friend is just fine, she isn’t the first to be, ahem, filled by Fey and she won’t be the last, no doubt.”

Rina blinked and turned to see the most spectacularly gorgeous elf she had ever seen step from the woodline, every motion of her body like she was modelling fine clothing for an empress. She honestly wondered if she was in the presence of someone famous.

Behind her, much much less elegantly, came a white-furred vulpine. She stumbled from the leafery with a hugely pregnant belly being held up in her paws that jiggled and sloshed as though filled with heavy fluid. The vulpine managed to regain her balance and straightened up, following in the elf’s wake, trying to look as casual as having a belly pregnant with what looked like octuplets would allow.

Rina thought she saw the surface of the fox girl’s belly shift as though things were pressing out against the surface from inside, but that must have been her imagination.

“Uhm, who are you?” said Rina. After a moment it occurred to her that she had just been walked in on by two strangers who could quite clearly see that she had been using her friend as a cock sleeve to masturbate another stranger. Blood rushed to her cheeks, flushing her body uncomfortable warmth as her gut fell with embarrassment.

“Ellaria, captain of Magic Mog, adventuring band, Silver Rank adventuring band,” said Ellaria, unable to resist slipping in their newly acquired rank. Pride quite clearly filled her voice.

Vivi blinked. “We- We are?”

Ellaria deflated slightly, it wasn’t as impressive if even the people in the actual band didn’t know they were now silver.

“Yes, completing that last job with the goblins put us over the top and ranked us up to silver.” She reached into her dimensional bag as she spoke and pulled out the silver plate, flashing it at the fox girl who’s eyes went round.

Vivi dropped her belly, which bounced and wobbled as it hung from her abdomen, and reached out for the plate. Ellaria reverently handed it to her, pleased that at bloody last she would get to show off their accomplishment to at least one appreciative person.

The fox girl cooed as she examined her reflection in the metal, tilting it side to side and examining the shiny symbol of their abilities as an adventuring band.

Ellaria turned back to Fey and Zal and Rina. Fey gave her a happy smile, clearly pleased that Ellaria was pleased. Ellaria found herself returning the centaur’s smile, flashing her perfect teeth in a powerful beam of attractiveness, this of course hit Fey like a brick to the face and she nearly lost her balance. Below her the dogkin let out a soft mewl as Fey’s shaft stirred up her insides, throbbing harder than even before she had ejaculated in her.

Rina glanced between the pair in confusion. “Adventurers? Wait, why are you even here?”

“We were simply passing by and stumbled upon your camp, nothing more than that. Seems that was quite a lucky turn of events for your friend here judging by her unfortunately intense heat.”

Despite herself Rina had to admit that was true, Zal had not been doing well and, well, she was now filled with a lake of piping hot cum, which judging by her lack of cries of distress at the very least seemed to be suppressing the dogkin’s heat. There were no complaints so far anyway.

Ellaria glanced around the camp, noting how small it was.

“Are you two alone out here?”

Rina hesitated before answering. “No. We separated from the others because Zal’s heat was embarrassing for her, she didn’t want to be seen...” The lamia was reminded that she was still partially entwined with the naked dogkin, her tail wrapped around her inflated body which was still sleeved on the centaur’s dick. Her blush deepened.

“Hmm, interesting. Let me guess, part of a trading caravan?”

The lamia nodded. “Yes, I run an inter-city caravan, me and Zal run it together.”

“Oh? Is this coincidence a blessing from the gods? If I may, I have a suggestion. My band are as you have seen a silver rank band, and as you can imagine we are quite skilled. I would be willing to offer our services as caravan guards at a very reasonable fee, along with food and board of course. I believe this would be a mutually beneficial arrangement, there are very few guards who approach the level of silver rank adventurers, we would be able to provide a level of protection that would see you thoroughly assured of your safety.”

Rina tried to pay attention to the elf’s pitch, she really did, but as the elf spoke she was distracted by the vulpine behind her. The fox girl was rubbing her paw pads over the silver plate in fascination, exploring its detailed engravings. That was fine, but then the fox girl flinched and Rina’s eyes were drawn down to her shorts. As she watched the hem of her shorts twitched, and then curiously, hesitantly, a glossy white rounded tip poked from beneath the cloth. She blinked. What the hell was that?

The semi-transparent thing slid down further, wiggling as it did so, until the lamia realised she was looking at a slick looking tentacle. A droplet of something clear fell from it to the grass below and the fox girl shivered. The tentacle didn’t stop flowing and pouring from beneath the hem of the shorts until it turned in a hook and waved up into the air. The fox girl was struggling, clearly set on edge by what was coming from her shorts, her mouth opening and closing in breathy gasps. The tentacle wasn’t bothered by this at all, simply swaying with the girl’s hips as she shifted.

The tentacle seemed to have discovered something that interested it, judging by how its tip tracked the metal plate in the fox girl’s paws. The tip suddenly lunged forward and grabbed at the plate, wrapping its tip around the metal and firmly grasping it. The fox girl’s eyes went round and she tried to yank the plate from the tentacle but to no avail, the tentacle appeared to be immensely strong and it tugged back against her paws, tensing up its length. This appeared to have quite an effect on the vulpine as her thighs clenched and her eyelids fluttered. The tentacle took its chance and it knocked aside her paws before swooping back down to her shorts, slipping back beneath the hem with plate held in tentacle.

The fox girl desperately grabbed for the plate, genuine fear in her eyes. Unfortunately she was just a little too slow and the tentacle disappeared inside her shorts, bulging out the cloth with the plate as it was dragged toward her crotch and then inward. The fox girl’s mouth fell open to let out a scream but before she could voice it her paws slapped over her muzzle, cutting off her voice with a muffled whimper. Her eyes rolled up as the cloth around her pussy bulged and shifted as the plate was arranged and moved until with a jerk the cloth bulge seemed to sink down as though the plate was being dragged up inside somewhere.

Little breathy mewling sounds came from around the fox girl’s paws as her hips rocked violently side to side in desperate squirmy wiggling motions.

The elf finally took notice of where Rina was looking and turned to see Vivi. Vivi whipped her paws to her side and stood up straight, trying to plaster the most innocent look that she could manage on her face. Ellaria narrowed her eyes at the sweating vulpine, who was avoiding looking the elf in the eyes.

After a moment she turned back to the lamia. “Hmm. Anyway, what do you think, miss, ah, Rina?”

“ ... uh, yes?”

“Excellent. I’m sure our work will be agreeable.”

Rina blinked at the elf, having trouble getting past what the fox girl had done with the adventurer’s plate.

“ ... I- I suppose I do owe the centaur-”


“I suppose I do owe Fey for helping Zal when she was in need. Uh, I can get off her now huh.”

The still slightly distracted lamia began shifting and moving her tail, uncoiling it from around the soft giving mass that was the tummy of the dogkin. She slipped from around the dogkin’s body, her scales shifting against Zal’s bare skin eliciting a soft whimper. She managed to carefully unwind herself and her tail pulled from beneath, fully revealing Zal laying atop her own belly, her cunt still firmly clamped around Fey’s dick.

Zal was a five foot three labrador dogkin, her long golden blonde hair set in wavy spirals, topped by a pair of cute floppy labrador ears which matched her hair in colour. Her body was on the thick and curvy side, her broad hips flaring out below her heavyset chest which was currently being pushed up by her enormous belly. A little above her rotund rear poked a big fluffy golden tail that waved back and worth happily, the floof along its length swaying with the motion. Contrasting with her golden locks her irises were a baby blue framed by golden eyelashes and eyebrows.

“Y-you c-can stay, uhm, if you l-like,” murmured Zal softly, glancing up at Fey.

Fey bit her lip. “Sorry but I need to pull out, maybe next time?”

The dogkin let out a little soft whimper of neediness in reply.

Fey set her hooves and backed up, turning and sliding her hips with the motion. With a long wet SCHLUUURPP her length was eased from the dogkin’s pussy which desperately held on to her trying to prevent her from leaving but could not resist Fey’s overwhelming strength. The cock head ripped free with a wet schlucking queef, her gaped cunt twitching at the air as thin squirts of white repeatedly spurted from within as her womb entrance desperately held back the huge lake of cum inside of her. The dogkin gasped, her eyelids fluttering as her fingers grasped at her soft and giving belly.

Fey’s cock swung side to side, a few last spurts of cum that had been trapped in the length writing long white lines of white over the smooth curve of Zal’s belly.

Rina stared at what had been done to her friend, she looked like a heavily pregnant woman except with a pregnancy ten times larger than normal. She would have been worried about her friend’s discomfort except for the fact that the dogkin’s fluffy golden tail was furiously and happily wagging back and forth.

“Bloody hell Fey, you meet a new person and five minutes later you’ve turned them into a drooling cum dumpster.”

Rina turned hearing a new voice, then looked up noticing a shadow on the ground. At first she wasn’t quite sure what she was looking at, then she realised the huge sphere that was floating down from the treetops was a larger version of what had been done to Zal. Her eyes widened in shock, and then further widened as she realised another cum filled person was riding the first person.

“ ... What the f-”

“This is our resident psychokinetic, she can lift heavy objects on command. Quite useful to a caravaneer I suspect.”

Rina was starting to wonder if this was some sort of dream or that perhaps she was simply hallucinating.

“It’s rude to stare, you know, just because I’m really big and awesome and great doesn’t mean I’m your designating eyeball rest stop,” said Flora.

“S-sorry,” said the lamia, “It’s just ... I’m a little overwhelmed.”

“Quite standard, don’t worry you’ll get used to it soon enough. Flora here will be the one to move Fey’s, ah, patient.”

Rina vaguely nodded in agreement, at a loss about what else to do. She watched with a sense of detachment as Zal suddenly floated up into the air, the gnome floating above letting out a grunt of effort as she lifted her fists skyward at the same time.

“Uhm ... I guess I can give you a place to sleep with our caravan’s camp?” said Rina.

“Yes, that would be most helpful.”

The lamia turned from the small camp and slithered into the treeline on the opposite side from whence the crazy adventurers had arrived. She wandered through the forest, the band following in her wake until she arrived at the larger clearing of their main encampment.

The camp consisted of several clusters of tents around a set of large wooden caravans. Describing them as just caravans however was an understatement. Some of the larger ones had eight wheels and their heavy oaken walls were marked with arrow slits and their tops crested with crenelations, more mobile forts than simple transportation. One of the larger caravans even had a wooden tower. A woman stood atop the tower armed with a crossbow keeping a careful eye out. As Fey came closer she realised that the woman was some kind of harpy. She had short bobbed black hair and dark skin, her lithe body toned with muscular definition, a six-pack visible beneath her cropped top. The part that made her obviously a harpy was her ‘arms’, which instead of being human-esque arms, were a pair of large green feathered wings, bright green like a parrot’s. A pair of long pointed ears poked from the sides of her head, the edges of the ears trimmed with small green feathers, a match for her wings.

In front of each caravan were columns of huge chubby flightless birds, like ostriches but bigger, each more than large enough to be ridden. The birds had green feathers which were a match for the harpy atop the tower, their beaks parrot-like in appearance, clearly evolved for cracking nuts. They mostly appeared to be asleep with heads tucked beneath wings, snoozing peacefully.

The defenses made sense, of course, inter-city caravans had to be secure, travelling through monster infested wildlands could often be the end of an unprepared caravan if some particularly dangerous monster or monsters stumbled upon them, and with the noise a caravan generated that happened more often than was comfortable to think about. People without Classes or combat experience almost always favoured the defendable inter-city caravans as a way to get about when travelling further away from the safety of towns or cities.

They drew some attention as they emerged into the clearing. The sun had fully set by this point and it appeared that many of the people in the camp had already turned in for the night. Those left on watch were surprised by the arrival of Fey, Vivi, and Ellaria, and then jumped to their feet in alarm as the orb that was Flora pushed from between the trees, leaves and branches stroking across the expanse of her tummy as she freed herself.

The harpy on the tower jerked her wings and aimed the crossbow. Fey realised the weapon was attached to the parapet of the tower on a swivel, which made sense as her wings seemed hopelessly useless for using such a thing, in fact she looked like she would have difficulty using it even conveniently attached as it was.

Rina held up a hand in placation.

“Don’t worry, they’re guests.”

“Why is that one a giant floating sphere?! Did she swallow a lake?- wait, Z-Zal? Is that you?!” The harpy flapped her wings and jumped from the tower as Zal gently floated from the woods under the power of Flora’s magic. The bird girl came down on the grass with a thud, using a few flaps of her wings to balance herself. Away from the tower her bird-like lower legs were revealed. Her smooth warmly coloured skin blending to glossy black scaled bird skin part way down her thighs, her bird like feet capped with small bird claws.

The harpy marched toward Zal who was drifting through the air, her tail wagging, a few splats of cum still dripping from her and falling to the grass below. The harpy looked up at her wide eyed.

“Ohhh Boze! It feels so good in me, I’m all warm and full, I’ve never felt like this before!” said Zal dreamily.

The dogkin’s tail wagged happily above her spherical drooping belly.

“Zal ... what’s been done to you? Why are you so- so-”

“It’s cum! I’m full of cum Boze! And it’s amazing!” said Zal with a blissfully satisfied smile.

The harpy just stood and stared at her.

“Erm, it’s okay Boze she’s fine, I think.”

“She’s huge!” said the harpy turning on Rina, her wings spreading as though to emphasise her words.

The lamia looked away from the small lithe harpy, the fact that she had been part of what had caused the dogkin’s current state was tugging at her guilt.

The dogkin suddenly let out a moan as the invisible force holding her in the air seemed to falter. Flora let out a panting gasp and the dogkin abruptly fell the few feet to earth from where she floated, a spurt of white flew from her rear as her belly squished down under gravity cause the dogkin to lift her head and coo, her limbs waving and stroking across her throne of a body.

“G-gods I’m losing it!” cried out Flora as Lily crashed down to earth beside Zal with a gasp. Then Flora’s own body began to waver in the air and despite the gnome profusely sweating and desperately raising her shaking fists into the air her body sank down to the earth and came to rest on the grass.

Boze looked between the three cum filled girls, each lying atop their own bodies, hopelessly trapped by their massive cummy fillings.

“What the hell is going on!” said the harpy turning on Rina.

“I’ve hired some new guards for the caravan,” said Rina, then she lowered her voice for Boze’s ears only, “They can fix Zal’s heat, it’s gotten really really bad.”

The harpy stared at her, trying to read her. After a moment she let her shoulders slump. She really wasn’t sure how to deal with this.

“It’s fine Boze, I think, they’ll just be normal regular guards, probably ... maybe.”

Ellaria stepped forward. “Of course we will, adventuring bands hire on as inter-city caravan guards all the time.”

The harpy gave the elf a glance then a second glance and a blink of surprise as she noticed just how absurdly attractive Ellaria was.

“Listen Boze, we’ll deal with this in the morning, it’s best we turn in for the night as it’s getting late. I’ll see to our guest- uh guards.”

The harpy who seemed a little unsure still simply nodded and Rina bustled past leading Magic Mog with her, or at least those who could still move under their own power. She quickly found them some very nice and spacious tents to rest in, even an especially long one designed for centaurs just for Fey. Then she returned to Zal, the dogkin was sleepily resting her head atop her own breasts which were pushed up in her face by her expansive belly. The dogkin murmured happily as Rina approached, her tail wagging faintly. Rina sighed and put the blanket she had fetched atop the dogkin. She glanced to the side seeing Lily and Flora who were each trapped in place themselves. Flora for her part looked positively exhausted and rivulets of sweat were rolling down her body and across the vastness of her belly, her face pale and drawn with the strain of over exerting her mana pool.

The lamia hesitated then threw a blanket over the gnome too and then the otterkin. The gnome for her part barely noticed her she was so out of it.

Rina let out a sigh and then she did as the others and turned in for the night.

Kayla awoke to the sound of cawing and the musical sound of birds singing. She blinked sleepy crust from her eyes in confusion. That bird song sounded awfully ... loud.

Fumbling, she pulled clumsily at the duvet her small body was wrapped in, pulling it from her chest and over her legs as she sat up, rearranging her fat otter tail to be behind her as she gracelessly wiped at her face. Gods what the hell happened yesterday? She and her sister had woken up that morning in a tree having spent the night in lightless terror, the sound of snuffling growling wolves pacing around the trunk all night long.

It had been a miserable and cold experience spent clutching up against hard unyielding bark knowing that just a few feet below them lay a horrible death beneath large canine teeth. The otterkin girls had barely made it with their sanity intact, whispering to each other promises that everything would be okay in the end was all that had kept them going.

Kayla herself had lost all hope several times, she knew Lily had twisted her ankle and they were defenceless and alone and small and helpless, they had nothing, nothing to save them. Regret and guilt had nearly torn her apart, it was her fault they were out there, she was the more responsible one, she should have known how impossible it was to journey without escort deom someone strong, or even someone who had the first clue about navigating the woods and avoiding monsters.

Kayla bit her lip and clutched at the feather-filled duvet. It was soft and warm and incredibly comfortable, hard to believe that just yesterday everything had been so bleak. And now, now she was a brand new apprentice to a successful and strong adventuring band, a band filled with incredibly powerful people who could field magics and strengths and abilities beyond anything she had known before.

She felt intimidated and nervous just thinking about it. Flora alone was a force of nature who could crush any person she had ever met in her entire life, perhaps even all of them at once. Then there was Fey the centaur, who seemed impossibly strong, strong enough to lift her cum filled sister purely under her own steam, and on top of that she was a healer, a healer who could take away all of the wounds that she and her sister had suffered in an instant. It really was incredible, not even to mention what she could do to a woman, turning her into a moaning sloppy cum tank for her seed, so filled and satisfied it was hard to comprehend.

The obnoxiously loud birdsong continued and the otterkin’s curiosity overcame her desire to remain beneath her warm covers. She pulled them aside and slipped from her tiny cot. The tent she had been given was sized for her, an advantage of being with an inter-city caravan she supposed, which hauled a wide selection of stock that they were given the pick of.

She pulled on a blouse and shorts and flipped aside the tent flap and stepped into the warm morning light. She stretched her arms and yawned, her eyes scanning the camp as she did so. The cause of the birdsong became obvious, the green feathered caravan pulling birds were awake and making a raucous noise as Boze the harpy tended to them. Her wings clumsily filling their feed bags with fresh seed and nuts which the large orange and yellow parrot like beaks of the birds dipped into, gorging themselves. The ones who hadn’t been fed yet made annoyed noises or sung and trilled at the air, their talons scraping up the dirt beneath where they were harnessed. Kayla noted that the male birds had blue feather frill on their heads. As she watched one of them butted their head against Boze and because Boze only had the blunt ‘wrist’ of her wings to awkwardly hold the feed bag she didn’t have enough of a hold on it and it abruptly slipped from her grip. The bag flopped on the ground and seeds and nuts poured out everywhere. Boze began swearing up a storm as dozens of birds rushed her, pushing and shoving as they fought to get at the feed.

“Those wings look useless, I wonder how she does anything?” said a soft voice beside Kayla.

She turned to see Vivi. The snow white fox girl was on all fours, her belly partly holding her up. In front of her on the ground was a spread out white t-shirt. The vulpine had a brush in her paw the tip of which was black and wet with some kind of ink, beside her an inkpot. Kayla furrowed her brow trying to understand what the fox girl was doing. She was writing something on the cloth although she couldn’t quite read it from this angle.

“Hmmph. She should get a Class like mine, obviously. Imagine being reliant on hands, how dreary,” said a voice.

Beside Vivi floated Flora, the one who had spoken. Kayla’s brow rose as she saw the state of the gnome. Huge black bags were under her eyes and she looked positively exhausted, her face pale and drawn as though she hadn’t slept in days. More importantly, was that her belly was no longer over eight-foot across. She had drained herself down until what was hanging below her was just a measly four foot wide, still massive on the diminutive gnome but far from what she had been. As she watched the gnome actively struggled to keep herself aloft, her belly sinking down to press against the grass for a second before, with a monumental effort, the gnome lifted herself a few inches higher. It was obvious why the gnome had drained herself, she was no longer capable of lifting her previous size and had been forced to make herself lighter.

“She’s suffering mana backlash from abusing her limits,” said Vivi, her brush holding paw continuing to confidently and deftly move across the cloth in front of her. “She overdid it and now she’s feeling the consequences. She’ll be completely useless for at least a day.”

“I’m- I’m not useless! I can do anything! I can do whatever I want!” exclaimed Flora. The fact that she sank back down to earth and her body broke out with beads of sweat as she spoke belied her words.

Flora held out for a second more then sighed and slumped over her stomach, giving up on lifting herself. Kayla wondered what had happened to the cum she had been filled with, she imagined some part of the local forest was currently covered in a layer of steaming white stuff.

“Ah! I’m done!” said Vivi suddenly lurching backwards and climbing to her feet, her sagging belly reluctantly coming up with her. The fox girl was wearing shorts but nothing else, her breasts resting on her tummy. Kayla supposed the cotton t-shirt was intended to change that.

The fox girl lifted her arms up and slipped the shirt down over her head, shaking her muzzle to get it through the neck hole. She tugged and pulled down the hem of the close fitting shirt, pulling it down over her breasts and then over her stomach where it was stretched wide, unable to properly fit. Vivi managed to get it about half way down her abdomen in all, the cotton stretching to its limit to contain her size. She looked down at the shirt and smiled, flashing her canines, clearly pleased.

Kayla looked at the t-shirt. It read “I’m not pregnant, I’m just full of cum!” The lettering was done immaculately, as though it had been printed. Kayla was impressed with how steady and accurate the fox girl’s paw was, the design looked good, despite the absurd statement.

Her gaze wandered downward as something caught her eye and she saw the cloth of the fox girl’s shorts bulge and shift as though something was shifting and moving below the surface. A flash of white slipped out before disappearing back below the hem.

What ... was that?

Before she could verbalise her question however Fey trotted up beside Flora.

“I told you I would keep my promise!” said the centaur, she almost looked a little smug, which was unusual to see on the centaur.

Flora blinked and turned her head to look at Fey.

“What are you on about? What promise?”

“I said that I would cum in you so much that you couldn’t move under your own power if you carried Lily to safety, and, well,” Fey gestured broadly at Flora who was fully resting on the ground at this point having given up lifting herself.

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