Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility - Cover

Centaurus. The Centaur With Too Much Virility

Copyright© 2020 by Stratothrax

Chapter 12

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Futa Centaur girl finds she is the object of female mass attraction after a magical accident. Features lots of size difference and excessive cum.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   GameLit   High Fantasy   Harem   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Size  

Vivi woke in darkness. Or at least that’s what she first assumed. The soft sensual moaning and warm softness around her was a good reminder that she was not in fact in an inn but buried amongst the cum filled bellies of dozens of horny goblins.

After a moment she realised what had woken her from her sleep, Fey was struggling, trying to move above her. After a minute of shifting and awkwardly wobbling the centaur lifted upward and a ray of sun was let into Vivi’s cummy hormonal cave. She drew in air through her nose trying to scent the outside air. Nope, the fresh air from outside barely made any difference, everything still stank of cum and musk and well fucked girls.

She shifted her hips and felt the last of Fey’s now soft cock slip free from her puffy reddened folds with a soft fwup, a trickle of cum flowed out with it, the last leftovers outside her closed-off womb.

“Vivi? Are you okay?”

“Mmmm, never better,” said the fox girl caressing her pregnant looking belly. It wasn’t large but that might have been for the best. Being reliant on Flora’s goodwill was not something she particularly wanted after being responsible for unleashing a dozen curious slime monsters on the gnome’s pussy. The quantity wasn’t that surprising in the end she decided, not after what Fey had done, creating a small hill of cum filled bellies, of course the centaur was running a little low on spunk.

The centaur’s motions became more controlled, her hooves balancing awkwardly on top of the taut green-skinned bellies of the many goblins. Vivi took her chance and began struggling free, clambering over the goblin’s bodies and climbing out into the mid-afternoon sunshine. She had apparently not slept long in the musky miasma, only a nap. She yawned and stretched her arms as she pulled free.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted their captain at the bottom of the green hill.

“You know we should really kill all these goblins, right?” said the elf.

Fey’s head snapped around. “NO! THEY ARE ALL MINE!” she roared. Her eyes went round and she slapped her hands over her mouth with a squeak. “Uhm- Uhm- I mean to say, maybe it’s okay if we let them live maybe? We took care of the dangeous male ones r-right? Uhm- p-please?”

She glanced between Ellaria and Vivi who were giving her shocked looks at her outburst.

“Well, I suppose I can understand that you have some strong feelings on the matter since you did sleep with ... all of them,” said Ellaria after a moment.

“We’ll let them live?”

“Yes but we may get the reward docked. Although I could lie ... hmm.”

“W-what about the slimes?”

“What about them?”

“Wasn’t there a reward for those as well? Although we didn’t take up the job.”

“Mmm true, but that probably won’t count for the reward since we didn’t sign on for it, although...” The elf furrowed her brow and tapped at her chin, deep in thought.

While she was busy thinking Vivi and Fey began making their way down the green hill, slipping from bouncy belly to bouncy belly eliciting cries and moans as they squeezed each goblin with their weight and caused little spurting fountains of cum to spray from their well-used pussies.

Vivi made it down first and hefted her pregnant looking belly. She still wasn’t sure if she was happy or sad that it was smaller than when she had been filled by drinking from Flora at the hot spring. It was less cum which was bad true, but on the other hand she was more easily able to move about and would be able to fight within reason, plus she would be able to carry it for longer without getting tired and didn’t need to use her arms to hold it up. She mulled over the pros and cons until she reluctantly decided she preferred it smaller, although if they were set to stay in a town for a little while she promised herself to find a way to become a fox girl blimp once more.

Fey came down next, her hooves impacting with the dusty ground. She paused and couldn’t help but snatch looks at Ellaria, the elf was still completely stark naked. Surreptitiously looking over her body Fey wondered if her eyes were fooling her or if the elf was somehow even more spectacularly beautiful and attractive, in fact, she was pretty sure she was. Her mind wandered back to what had happened, she’d used her Limit Break on Ellaria, and that Limit Break fixed absolutely everything, Ellaria had been made into the physically perfect version of herself, and being an elf that meant she had a really really high ceiling for what perfection meant. Fey swallowed. This was not a good development for controlling her attraction to the elf, she could already feel her groin area tingling with arousal and interest.

“Uhm, Ella, w-would you mind putting some clothes on?”

The elf blinked at her and then looked down at herself, seemingly only now realising she was butt naked.

“Oh, my apologies, I hadn’t noticed.”

“How do you not notice being naked?” said Vivi stretching her limbs and doing after nap warm-ups.

“Well I am an elf, elves are naturally habitual nudists. Being naked puts you closer to nature which is something all elves have an instinct toward.”

“Are you saying you are an accidental nudist?”

“ ... Yes.”

“Elves are all posh toffs but you all have a secret embarrassing nudist fetish? Is that what you are saying?” said Flora floated down beside them. A goblin girl seemed to be sleeping on her back, her body splayed across Flora and her expansive belly.

“Not quite, but I suppose the natural complexities are going to go over your head.”

Flora put her chin in her hand thinking. “The important question is how can I use this information to prank any annoying elves I come across.”

Ellaria held up a finger, paused, then sighed. “It’s not important, we should return to town, I would rather not spend all night out here for what was a small job.”

The elf turned to go, then stopped as she realised she had forgotten to put clothes on. She pulled a pair of leather trousers and a puffy-sleeved white blouse from her dimensional bag and swiftly pulled them on. Apparently the elf’s run hadn’t been completely purposeless as she had recovered the dimensional bag from the scene of the battle with the strange hobgoblin, the bag itself had been completely unharmed by the fight being proofed against fire. Ellaria elegantly brushed some dust from her shoulder and looked over herself. She nodded, seemingly satisfied with what she saw. Fey was galled that the elf somehow managed to make the simple clothes look like the clothes of royalty.

The band made their way away from the pile of goblins, which for their part let up a cacophony of moaning and begging as they watched Fey leave. Flora casually tossed the goblin off her back as she went. The suddenly awake goblin yelped as she fell amongst the cum filled pile of her friends. As they departed the solitary unfilled goblin shook a fist at them.

They passed back into the forest and soon enough found their way back to the main road. Ellaria was watching Vivi like a hawk the whole time, ready to tell the fox girl to go empty herself if she looked like she couldn’t manage her cummy pseudo pregnancy. Fortunately for Vivi she had been filled with cum to a point where it was just about manageable for her, not too heavy and not too large. Ellaria eventually gave the fox girl the benefit of the doubt, which seemed to cheer Vivi up quite a bit.

As they were making their way down the road and back to town a pair of small cloaked figures became visible. The tiny two looked pitiful, cloaked in ragged brown cloaks one held onto the other, desperately trying to remain standing as they limped down the road. Fey gasped as she spotted a small trail of spotted blood left in their wake.

“H-hey, Ella, we should help them!”

“Pshh, what if they are monsters, look how ragged and pathetic they are,” grumbled Flora.

“I don’t care, I want to help, I can’t just leave them like that even if they are monsters, at least as long as they aren’t jerks. I’m a healer, I save people, it’s what I do.”

Ellaria raised her hands non-committaly. “It’s your choice, although be careful. In fact Vivi take point, if they do anything funny cut them to ribbons.”

Fey approached the pair as Vivi drew her long sword and crept along beside her, the sword angled at her side ready to use.

As the centaur approached she began to hear the pair softly talking, although it sounded more like the mantra of the tired and in pain, words spoken aloud to keep them going.

“-eep it together, just a little longer, we can make it and then- ... we can join...”

Fey clopped up beside them, the two didn’t seem to take notice. Maybe they were in worse shape than she thought? She carefully lowered herself beside the slow-moving pair and reached out a hand, her fingers touched at a hood and the diminutive figure jerked and turned, the hood falling away. A small pale face looked up at her, a pair of rounded ears above dirty hair with a few twigs stuck in it, a wilted yellow flower stuck behind her ear. Tears were already spilling from her eyes.

Fey looked down at her in shock. “Kayla!?”

“Fey! We-we found you!” The otterkin tried to desperately wipe at her teary eyes but she just kept crying harder, verging on sobbing. “We walked for so long, and the forest, we couldn’t find our way back to the road! And the m-monsters! I- we almost died!”

Fey looked with dismay at the pair, what the hell were two small unarmed non-combatants doing trying to travel alone? She grabbed Kayla and pulled her close, flipping up the other’s hood revealing a bedraggled and confused Lily which she pulled close too. Closing her eyes she let her healing magic pour out into the two, rolling it through and over their bodies with a steady green light, smoothing over cuts and bruises and sore feet. The two girls gasped and shivered in her hands as they were healed, their aches and pains soothed away.

After she was done she pushed back Kayla and looked her in the eyes, not Lily though, who had her face buried in Fey’s chest and was desperately embracing her, her eyes squeezed shut.

“What the hell are you doing out here? Alone in the woods is no place for two defenceless inn keepers.”

Kayla blinked and looked down at her now healed and whole body in disbelief.

“Y-you healed me?”

“Yes, I am a healer. Now please tell me what happened Kayla.”

The stunned otterkin glanced at the rest of the band, her eyes going very round as they spotted Flora. After taking a moment to gather herself she cleared her throat.

“W-well, we were, uhm, physically close and you changed everything for us, opened up a whole new world, but, uh, when you left things didn’t improve. Our husbands lost it and Hope called in the tribe. They decided to take all of us back home to judge our husbands for failure to do as the tribe wanted.”

“Okay and?”

“We didn’t want to go! They’d just try and pressure us into something equally awful. Hope told us that she would explain our side and said we should leave, so we did, but we didn’t know how hard it would be!”

Vivi rubbed her chin. “I guess with your piddly little legs a days journey turns into three, and then even worse you decided to go without having a clue how to fight.”

“Y-yes, there were ... wolves.” The otterkin shivered at the memory. “We had to sleep in the trees, and hide, a lot.”

“But why Kayla? Wasn’t there some other way?”

Kayla gave her a strange look. “We wanted to find you Fey, we decided we wanted to find you and join your adventuring band!”

“Uh, say what now?” said Vivi.

Lily wiggled against Fey’s chest, burying her head in Fey’s vast breasts which outsized her several times over. She clutched at the softness for dear life, unable to fully reach her arms around them.

As Fey looked down at the otterkin Ellaria stepped up beside them.

“The answer to that is a hard no I’m afraid.”

Fey felt Lily freeze up against her chest and begin trembling. Kayla gave Ellaria an outraged look and balled her fists.

“Why not! We came all this way!”

Ellaria raised a finger. “Number one you are innkeepers, not adventurers.” A second finger came up. “Number two you don’t have a combat class and have no clue how to fight.” a third finger was raised, “And number three you are incredibly tiny and liable to get stepped on and smooshed by a monster. Flora gets away with it because she can fly and is incredibly magically talented.”

“Athankyou, athankyou.” said Flora doing something that looked vaguely like a flourishing bow although it was difficult to tell with the size of her belly.

“B-b-but we came all this way! We risked our lives!”

“Did you come for the band or because you wanted to be with me?” murmured Fey.

Kayla opened her mouth then closed it, a deep rosy blushing colouring her cheeks.

“Look, we can take you to town and drop you off but that’s about it.”

Kayla looked absolutely devastated by this news. Fey looked down to see Lily’s face peeking up between her breasts, her eyes big and watery and pleading.

Fey sighed, honestly she barely knew the otterkin twins but she had had sex with them, and she had filled them with an immense amount of her own cum. She found herself feeling a little possessive over the pair, not to mention their pathetic state was strongly activating her protective motherly instincts.

“Ella, could they be unofficial members?”

Kyla’s eyes lit up and she leapt on the small hope. “Yes! Let us be unofficial members!”

“And do what?” scoffed Flora.

“We- we could carry stuff for you!” said Kayla desperately floundering for ideas.

“Nope, sorry, don’t need it.” dismissed Flora.


Vivi gestured at Ellaria’s dimensional bag with her sword.

“We’ve got a dimensional bag, carrying stuff isn’t a problem.”

Kayla seemed to sink down with disappointment.

“It’s fine, you don’t have to carry anything Kayla. You know what I’m trying to say Ella?”

The elf paused and nodded her head reluctantly.

“Apprentice adventurers. I dealt with a number back when I was a lecturer, it’s how a lot of people get into adventuring since forming a band of absolute beginners normally ends in tragedy. An apprentice works with a more experienced band for a time to get a little experience of their own. The AG tries to promote it as a good idea, at least in the cities. From what I saw working with the AG as a lecturer it significantly reduced the number of full band wipes.”

“Apprentices,” said Kayla, rolling the word around in her mouth, she quickly decided she liked it and a big smile appeared on her face. “Yes! We can be that! Apprentice adventurers, with Fey!”

“Gods, we’re baby sitters now? Urgh,” grumbled Flora rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

“Hey, that means you two need to get Classes right?” Vivi flourished her sword and struck a casually confident pose. “Have you considered becoming Warriors?”

“Vivi you can do the salesmanship and posturing back in town, they have no idea what you are even talking about yet.”

“Oh come on, it’s good to get them early on the Warrior wagon.”

“Uhm,” said Fey, “No offence to Kayla and Lily but I’m struggling to imagine them fighting as warriors.”

“Yeah, they’re even smaller than me! What are they gonna do? Lift one sword between them? Nah. They’ll want to be mages if they have the talent, and if they are especially talented and amazing they’ll get a psychokinesis Class, like me.”

“Hey! If you’re a warrior and strong enough your size doesn’t matter! Look at me I’m only five foot and I do great!”

“You’re like twice their size foxy!”

“Well maybe they really can use a sword together, maybe one with two handles, or wait, hey, could we not stack them on top of each other?”

“You can’t stack the otters!”

“Hang on now, it sounds crazy but I think I might have something with this, all we’d need is some glue and-”

Ellaria and Fey exchanged exasperated looks and began to move, deftly ignoring the arguing vulpine and gnome. Fey let Lily down from her chest, which Lily seemed mildly upset about, and stood up, towering over the two otterkins. She looked down at them, the pair still wore their ragged cloaks which now that Fey was looking seemed to be torn at the hem as though bitten and ripped, apparently those wolves had gotten a lot closer than she thought. She couldn’t help but think how incredibly vulnerable and exposed the two girls were, she wanted to protect them, to keep them safe, to fuck them into living cum dumps, to put foals in them over and ove- wait. She furrowed her brow at that last bit, an unexpected intrusive thought. I mean I’m not against doing it with them again but, foals? What? How? We’re different species!

Fey began walking, deep in thought, her hooves clopping along the road as she followed after Ellaria. It took her a few minutes to realise there was a problem. She glanced behind to see the two otterkin girls practically running to keep up, their small legs having to take multiple strides to achieve the same speed as everybody else. Clearly, this wasn’t going to work.

Flora, who was levitating nearby, seemed to recognise the problem. “Hey, you guys are slow and lame!” Of course, recognising the problem was a far cry from the gnome actually bothering to help.

Fey let out a resigned sigh. “I guess since it was me who convinced Ella to let you guys be apprentices I should be the one to help you keep up. Climb aboard, you can ride me.”

The two otterkins looked delighted at this offer, which Fey supposed made sense since they seemed to want to be around her. Kayla rushed forward and swarmed up her leg like a sailor climbing rigging, clambering up onto her back. A rope appeared in the otterkin’s hands, plucked from somewhere inside her cloak. Fey’s eyebrows rose as she felt the slap of rope around her barrel and turned to see Kayla with a length of rope in her hands that she was tying off. Fey now had a circle of rope wrapped around her. She gave the otterkin a questioning look.

“It’s for riding! Okay you can get on now Lily!”

“Yiss! I’ve waited sooo long for this! My turn to ride her raw!

Lily who had been walking along beneath Fey’s barrel and between her legs leapt into the air and grabbed at the somewhat loose rope, shedding her ragged clothes in the same motion. She wiggled her self upward until she was between the rope and the centaur with her hips hooked over the rope, her front facing downwards.

“This isn’t what I had in mind Kayla!”

“Hey you said riding, this counts!”

As they spoke Lily stabilised her self, hanging below Fey’s barrel, the ground rushing past beneath her as the centaur trotted down the road. Lily bit her lip in concentration and dextrously moved her fat otter tail, touching the tip up against Fey’s large horse sheath and then poking the tip inside. Fey nearly stumbled, her hooves clitter clattering against the stone as her gait became uneven.


The tail didn’t stop and pushed around inside Fey’s sheath as she continued to walk. The sensation didn’t take long to produce results and the intruding tail was gradually pushed out of the sheath by Fey’s growing swelling erection. The fat shaft slipped downwards hanging from her hips, swaying back and forth as she trotted, that is until the otterkin’s tail began stroking and touching it, teasing and tickling the length, coaxing it into growing larger, which the length seemed very happy to comply with.

As it grew bigger and harder Lily’s feet touched up against it, her soles grasping the length and jerking it off, the loose skin rolling in waves beneath her pumping feet. The cock gradually stiffened until her feet could shift the taut skin less easily, although that didn’t stop Lily from doing her best to give the centaur a walking foot job.

By the time the horse cock was fully erect Lily’s eyes were large and round. “H-holy shit, it’s even bigger than before...” She bit her lip as the eager twitching length jerked up against her, its thick vascular straining length like a third leg between her own, no, larger, the broad knobbled had of the massive thing was wider than a hoof and completely outsized her petite pussy. The monstrous blunt surface jerked up and the otterkin gasped as its heat touched up against her inner thighs.

The moment the massive dick touched her pussy she went from merely damp to dripping wet with arousal. Multiple long slippery strands of femlube dangled down messily from her swollen slit, the lengths snapping into droplets that pitter-pattered on the cobble far below leaving a dark spotted trail In the centaur’s wake. Each ridge of the massive head that dragged across her folds made the otterkin ever more needy, bumping up against her pulsing clit and smearing her lips apart dredging more and more of her fluids from her folds to rain down on the cobble below.

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