I Am a Horse - Cover

I Am a Horse

by Daisy Desiree

Copyright© 2020 by Daisy Desiree

Erotica Sex Story: How I came to learn I am a horse and how much I love carrots.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   .

My 20-year old car easily climbs past the summit through the snow-covered mountains that separates my home town Littletown to my future home in Big City. My car is one year older than me. I’m moving to Big City after spending my whole life in Littletown. I’m taking a job as a customer rep. It’s not a good job as I read that there’s a lot of turnover and a lot of negative reviews from employees but I can last six months and get established in my new home then go find a better job. A bad job is better than no job and no job is all that I could find in Littletown since I graduated over 8 months ago.

I’m really glad that the roads are clear and my old car has no trouble reaching the top and now it’s downhill. There’s not much traffic going either direction. Maybe yesterday’s snow storm discouraged people or maybe not that many people go back and forth between Littletown and Big City. The next time I’ll go to Littletown is to visit my parents next Christmas.

The engine makes a strange surge I’ve never heard before and then it quits. I coast over to the side of the road against the mountain side. The opposite direction is a guard rail protecting against a cliff side. I get out. It’s cold. I open the hood of my car but I know nothing and see nothing wrong. Even if I did see something, there’s nothing I could do to fix the problem. I put the hood down and get in my car. I retrieve my phone from my purse and ... damn, no signal! Now what?

I wait and I wait and not one vehicle passes by in over a half hour. Finally, I see a truck appear from the other direction and it’s a tow truck! I scramble out of my car and wave frantically with both arms over my head. The truck brakes hiss and slows down to a stop. I dart across the road. The driver rolls down his window.

“Get back in your car,” he says. “I’m going to pull in front of you.”

I hurry back to my car. I feel so much relief. I’ve never been so happy to see a tow truck. The driver does a slow careful three-point turn and pulls in front of my car. He gets out so I get out.

“Broken down?” he asks.

“Yes. Can you tow me to Big City?” A car needing repair is not a way to start a new life but I’ll get it fixed and I’ll be okay. Hopefully it wouldn’t cost too much.

“Hop into my cab. I’ll get your car on the bed.”

I grab my purse from the passenger seat of my car and get into the cab of his truck. I place my purse on the floor. I look back now and then to watch the progress of my car getting loaded on the flatbed.

The driver comes to my side of the truck.

“Need to buckle you in,” he says.

The seat belt is different. It comes from the side of the seat. He reaches past me, grabs the clip, and inserts it into the buckle on the other side of the seat. He pulls the belt and my arms are tight against my body. I cannot move my arms. I’m trapped.

He takes my purse from the floorboard.

“What... ?”

“Shhh!” he shuts me down.

He walks over to the hood of the truck and places my purse on it. He pulls out my phone setting it next to my purse. He disappears out of view for several seconds before reappearing with a hammer in his hand. He vigorously applies the hammer to my phone. I cringe. Why is he doing this? I thought he was going to help me.

He wipes the many pieces of my phone to the ground then takes my purse and from the sound of it throws it onto the flatbed.

He gets in the truck and starts the engine.

“What are... ?

“Shhh!” he silences me again. “No talking or I’ll need to put duct tape over your mouth. Understand?”

I nod.

My stomach is in knots. This may not be a rescue I want. I have so many questions ... and fears. What does he want? What is going on?

He does another three-point turn. Now he is aimed toward Littletown. I want to go to Big City. He pulls to the side then points the truck toward the road with the rear facing the guardrail. He gets out and I hear the bed motor start. The crunch of the railing is loud. I can only turn my head to peripherally see the man dump my car through the guardrail and it disappears out of sight. I know my purse joined my car sliding into the ravine.

Tremors run through my body.

The man drives past the summit and a few minutes later takes a snow-covered side road that doesn’t really look to be there. The speed feels too fast for the road conditions but never once do I feel the truck lose traction. It takes a long time – a half hour? - on this nowhere road until we come into a clearing. There is a house straight ahead, a barn to its left, and a corral to the left of the barn. The truck turns around so it’s facing toward the road it just came up. The engine turns off.

We wait a minute until a man in what looks like his late 40s comes out of the house. The tow truck driver exits and the men shake hands. They talk and keep looking over at me. Tremors return to my body.

The driver opens my door and undoes my seatbelt. He grabs my wrist.

“Come on out,” he says sweetly with a smile.

I exit and take a quick look around. Which way would be best to escape?

“Bring her,” the man instructs.

The driver is strong and pulls both my arms behind my back by my wrists. He pushes me forward and I walk.

The barn is brightly lit. I’m walked to the center following the man from the house. The floor is not dirt or hay. It’s soft and reminds me of the gym mats at my high school. I’m glad I only had to take P.E. my first two years. I look up and there are high windows lining the two longest walls. I could never get up there to climb out. They don’t look like they open anyway.

To my left are four horse stalls but they don’t look like normal stalls. There is see-thru plexiglass or something like it at the bottom of the doors and the doors go all the way up to the low ceiling. There is a name on each door. From left to right the names are Daisy, Duchess, Diamond, and Destiny.

I turn my view back to the barn. Straight ahead against the back wall is a toilet, a low shower head, and a pile of blankets. On the right wall near the blankets is a long low table.

“Take your clothes off or I will take them off!” the man barks.

I’m shaken out of taking in my new surroundings and only now realize the driver released me.

My tremors are strong now. I almost fall. The man scowls at me. I will take my clothes off. What else can I do? I know what they will do to me. If I had anything on my stomach, I would likely throw it up.

I begin with my shirt. The man looks impassive as I expose more of my body to him.

Eventually all 5 foot 1 of me is standing naked before the men with my shoulder length straight blonde hair and my small A size tits. I’ve always wondered if that’s why I’ve only gone all the way with two boyfriends. My pussy is shaved. Every girl does it these days.

The man looks me up and down.

The driver says, “Small in the tits but I thought you’d still like her since you’re down to two at the moment and I think she’s pretty hot.”

“She’s great!” the man says. He walks a full circle around me. “Oh yes, very nice! Perfect!”

“Yep,” the driver agrees.

“As always,” the man says, “I offer you first go since you found her.”

“Thank you but I’m still tight with my lady. No need to find new pussy.”

“I respect that even if I find it strange.”

“I’m gonna head out.”

“Your money will be in the usual place.”

“You’re always good for it. Same code to get out?”


And with that the driver leaves and I am left standing in front of the man.

The man turns his head and yells back, “Diamond! Duchess! Come over and meet your new stablemate!”

To my surprise, the pile of blankets moves and out comes two young women. They are as naked as I am. They rapidly crawl over toward us. The blonde has super long hair that covers her back and slides on the floor as she moves toward me. The brunette has long hair too and her hair also trails on the floor.

The two girls sidle up to the man and stop. They look older than my 19 years but both look to be only in their early 20s.

“Duchess.” He points at the brunette. “Diamond.” The blonde. “This is Daisy.” He points at me. “Daisy is joining you.”

“Hi, Daisy,” both girls say enthusiastically, the blonde slightly first.

I don’t know what to say or do. It is such a warm, welcoming greeting but the situation...

The man instructs, “Greet your new friends, Daisy.”

“Hi,” I meekly reply. My name is Desiree but I know he means me. There is no one else.

“Go back and relax,” the man says.

“Are we getting carrots today?” the brunette asks with intense hope in her voice.

“No, more snow is coming today, Duchess.”

Both girls release a deep disappointed sigh.

The girls turn and crawl back toward the blankets and to my shock I see the girls have tails! There are long tails inserted into their asses. A blonde tail for blonde Diamond and a brunette tail for brunette Duchess.

“Come on, Daisy” the man commands. “This way.”

I follow him walking past the stables and into the corner just beyond the last stable that says Destiny.

“Time to select your tail. You’re a horse and a horse has a tail, right? Whoever heard of a horse without tail? Horse tails are so pretty. Which one do you like?”

I swallow and almost choke on my own spit. He’s going to put one of these in my ass!

“Face the wall and bend over.”

I look back toward the open area of the barn. I could run - briefly - I wouldn’t escape.

“Daisy, I gave you an instruction.”

“Yes, sir,” I say. Compliance seems the best option. I know I have no choice.

I face the wall and bend over. Soon I feel things touch my asshole but never trying to penetrate. He’s muttering something about what looks best.

“I think this one.” He holds it so I can see it. “It’s long but I think it would look best on you.” It’s a blonde tail with straight hair but all I can see is the width of the rubber or latex or whatever the hell it’s made of and I can see no way that it can fit in my hole.

A small tip touches my hole then I feel a gush of liquid enter my dark cavity.

“Stay still,” he says and pushes my back downward until my head is below my ass. I put my hands against the wall to steady myself.

It begins. He’s pushing the tail at my hole. My hole is widening and it’s ok - at first - but he keeps pushing it inward and it hurts.

“Ahhhh!” I cry out.

“Almost there!” he says.

My eyes fill with tears. It’s too painful.

“There,” he says and then it’s in me.

It’s in me? How?

He pulls gently and it’s snug. It’s not falling out.

The pain has stopped. It’s now only the discomfort from the novelty feeling of having something in my ass.

“Stand up.” I do so. He touches my hair then the hair of the tail – my tail! The tail touches the ground. “So pretty. Yes, this is the right tail for you. Turn around.”

I face him. The long tail gently moves. The man has a horse whip in his right hand.

“Daisy,” he says. “You will always have a tail. The only time you can take it out is when you have to poop. You will learn to put it in yourself. Diamond and Duchess will help you put it back in until you can do it without help.”

The whip comes suddenly onto my left buttock. I shriek and tears flow. That hurt so bad!

“Do you understand?”

“Yes.” I choke out.

“If you refuse to wear your tail, you’ve just received a taste of your punishment. I expect you to be tame.”

I nod. I’d agree to anything right now to avoid another swat from that whip.

“Please join your stablemates.”

It feels weird walking with something inside and stretching my ass and the tail brushing against the back of my legs. I sit down with the girls. We all have tails and are naked. This is a very unique situation. I turn my head to look back and the man is gone. It is just me and the two girls.

“You have such a pretty tail,” delightfully says Duchess, the brunette. “I love it.”

“How long does it take to get used to it?” I ask. It’s very uncomfortable.

She looks confused. I glance at Diamond and she looks the same way. I try again.

“How long did it take for you to get used to having a tail?”

“Why would I need to get used to it? I am a horse,” Duchess says firmly.

“Horses have tails,” Diamond chimes in.

I keep trying to ask a follow up question and my mind keeps faltering.

“You’re not really a horse,” I say though it feels odd that I should even say it. It’s obvious.

Both girls laugh heartily. Too heartily.

Diamond says, “Horses have tails...”

Duchess finishes the sentence, “ ... and love carrots.”

Diamond nods affirmingly.

“But before you were horses and had tails,” I say with annoyance.

“Before?” says Duchess. She looks at Diamond. Diamond shrugs. “We are always horses.”

“And you’ve always had a tail?” I press.


“Even though you can take it out.”

“I know,” say Duchess sadly. “I wish we didn’t have to take it out to poop. I feel so empty and lonely without my tail.”

These two girls are out of their minds!

“So you don’t remember a time when you didn’t have a tail?”

Diamond repeats, “Horses have tails.”

“And love to eat carrots,” says Duchess.

I lapse into silence. I’m going to have to think of something else to talk about.

“We’re so glad you’re here, Daisy,” Duchess says.

Now there’s an avenue to talk. “My name is Desiree. What’s your name?”

Duchess has a confused look again. “Duchess.”

Diamond says, “And your name is Daisy. Owner said your name.”

“What was your name before?” I ask.

“Before?” questions Duchess.

“Before you came here,” I clarify though I shouldn’t need to clarify.

“My name is always Duchess.”

“And Diamond,” the blonde adds.

“You don’t remember having another name?” I say incredulously.

The girls look at each other then Diamond says, “Those are our names.”

“You ask strange questions,” Duchess says.

My questions are not strange. It’s their answers. This is going nowhere so I decide to ask a basic question.

“How long is your hair?”

Both girls stand up. Diamond hair is all the way to the floor. Duchess goes down to her waist.

“Wow! That’s long,” I say.

“I know,” says Diamond beaming. “I love my mane.”

I look at Duchess. “Yours is long too.”

“Thank you. Diamond has been here longer so her mane is longer.”

“You’re been here longer?” I question. “For how long?”

Diamond shrugs. “I don’t know.”

Duchess says, “All I know is Diamond was here when I joined the stable.”

“You don’t know how long?”

“No. It doesn’t matter. We just love eating carrots.”

Diamond smiles happily.

These girls really think they’re horses?

Later, Owner shows up followed by a naked woman wearing a collar and pushing a cart. They both place trays of food on the low table. It smells delicious and now I feel very hungry.

“Return,” Owner says to the woman.

She leaves with the cart.

“Come and get your feed,” Owner says.

“Yay!” says Duchess.

“Let’s eat,” says Diamond, waving me forward.

I start to stand but both Duchess and Diamond crawl rapidly over to the food. What the hell. I can pretend. I crawl over to dinner.

The food is really good. I mean really, really good!

Chicken and vegetables and breads and even wonderful fresh-baked cookies. There are plastic utensils to eat with.

“How are you doing on your first day, Daisy?” Owner asks

Oh, wait. That’s me. He named me Daisy.


“I’m glad to see you have your tail.”

The pain of that whip motivates me to keep it in even if it’s uncomfortable. Well, honestly, I haven’t thought about having a tail in my ass for the last hour but now that he mentioned it, I’m again aware of its size stretching my ass.

“How is Daisy adjusting, Duchess and Diamond?”

“I love her!” says Duchess exuberantly.

“Me too!” say Diamond with almost the same verve.

“Good,” says Owner before leaving.

So I eat and I probably eat too much. Duchess and Diamond are moderate in their eating.

My tummy hurts but I know it’s not because I ate too much. It’s what I’ve been trying to avoid.

“I think I have to poop,” I tell the girls.

“Go ahead,” Diamond says pointing at the toilet.

“Do you need help taking it out?” Duchess offers.

“Um ... I don’t know.”

I lie on my back and pull on my tail but it doesn’t move. I give a firmer pull and it moves before nestling back in my ass. I give a stronger pull and feel my ass widen. I grit my teeth since it hurts and ... pop! ... it’s out.

I think I took the biggest poop in my life.

Now to get my tail back in. I apply pressure and my hole opens some but then it hurts and I lose focus. I try again and again.

“Let me help,” says Duchess, coming over.

She pushes my legs back and tells me to grab them. She takes my tail and keeps the pressure on even when I cry in pain.

“Almost there,” she soothes.

Pop! It’s in my ass.

“There,” says Duchess. “You have a beautiful tail again. It’s much more beautiful than mine.”

As Duchess crawls over I notice something else about the two. They are hairy. It’s not unusual to have hairy pussies but they have hairy legs and also armpit hair. With all that has gone down already I can see how I overlooked it.

“Ready to sleep?” Duchess says when the lights automatically dim.

I shrug. I do feel tired but at the same time I feel wired because of the strange events of this day. Has it really been only about 12 hours since my car broke down and all this started?

“You can be in the middle!”

Middle? Of what? “What do you mean?” I ask.

“So we can stay warm. You’re new so you can be in the middle your first night.”

Duchess lies down on her side. “Now you next to me.”

I move over but I’m confused.

Diamond guides me so I’m lying on my side facing Duchess’s back then Diamond lies on her side. She pushes forward so I move forward. Now I understand. The girls spoon against each other to stay warm. Tonight, I’m the meat in the sandwich. Diamond pulls blankets over us. I do stay warm.

Breakfast is equally delicious. Only the naked woman wearing a collar brings it.

A naked Owner shows up and Diamond and Duchess perk up.

“Sorry, girls,” he says before they can say anything. “Roads are still too icy so no carrots today. Tomorrow is looking hopeful.”

The girls moan in disappointment.

“Come on, Daisy. It’s time to begin your training.”

I stand up and follow him.

We enter the stall with the name Daisy on it. He closes the door behind us. This stall is only a toilet in the corner and the same flooring as the rest of the barn. There is plexiglass at the bottom of the stall so the only way to see out is getting down on hands and knees.

“As you know, you are a horse, Daisy. Go ahead and say it, ‘I am a horse’”.

“I am a horse,” I say humoring him.

“Good, now get down on all fours.”

Whatever! I felt scared yesterday but now I feel a bit feisty. I get down on hands and knees.

He drops to his knees in front of my face. Ok, I can see where this is going. I wish I was wrong but this is not unexpected.

Owner says, “Horses love carrots and carrot juice. Eat my carrot and drink my carrot juice.”

Seriously? He calls his dick a carrot? How stup ... wait a minute. Duchess and Diamond were disappointed they weren’t getting carrots today. What’s going on?

“Daisy,” Owner says.

“What?” I respond, coming out of my thoughts.

He inserts his dick in my mouth and I gain focus. I have a task. I’m going to suck his dick and I hope his cum tastes ok. One boyfriend I did it to tasted putrid.

I close my lips and move my mouth on his dick. I use my tongue to further pleasure him.

“More enthusiasm,” he says.

I bob faster.

“Delight in eating my carrot, Daisy,” he further corrects me. “Let me see it in your eyes, your face. I want to see you enjoying it. Horses love carrots.”


I use more tongue and I use more motion.

“Don’t be in such a hurry. You love carrots so savor it. You want to taste juice but enjoy my carrot.”

Sigh. So I can’t just get him off and be done with it.

I slow down. I still bob sometimes only on the head and sometimes deeper. I let his dick rest in my mouth and I use my tongue. He lets out a deep gasp.

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