Those Who Came Before - Cover

Those Who Came Before

by andi guinness

Copyright© 2020 by andi guinness

Science Fiction Sex Story: Gwen, a genetically engineered "human" of perfection, recalls the aftermath of her escape from the lab that created her, and her efforts to find Bravo Team. She tries to make sense of a sexual encounter at a space colony diner, where she learns - to her unexpected pleasure - that she is something other than "human," thanks to having the genes of Those Who Came Before. A self-contained story set in the DizzyDills universe.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Public Sex   Transformation   .

Hoooo ... okay, this is recording. Good. I’m recording this because hopefully somebody will understand this. Or maybe I can understand what happened by talking myself through this. I’m not sure.

My name is Gwen. I was never given a last name. Omni-Tron never gave me one. In fact, were it not for the top research head, I’d still be Subject-005. And it makes sense that they would call me that: I was their ... creation. I was made in a test tube combining the genes of so many great minds and bodies. A work of perfection, they said upon my birth. Except, I wasn’t perfect.

They added some things to my genes. One bit was of the Vixen ... that species of women aliens that gave us a way to the stars. I feel the Vixen in my bloodstream. But there’s something else: genetic code they found from the remains of an ancient race they found in the outlying colonies. There was very little evidence of who they were, other than that they seemed to be part of a large empire that possibly covered Earth among other star systems. We didn’t even know what they called themselves, so we simply referred to them as “Those Who Came Before.”

The thinking was, by adding these genes, I would become something even more than perfect, and find potential outposts from which Omni-Tron could find even more technology and wealth through some form of genetic memory. At least, that’s how I understood it.

So. I’m something other than human ... Make a note of that.

It’s been four weeks since I left Omni-Tron. I didn’t mind being their... property, but it was just ... I didn’t like being cooped up in that lab. You’d think that they’d put out their masterpiece, filled with the knowledge and wisdom of humanity and several alien races, for a few missions to show her stuff. Let her explore, let her earn her stripes among the stars, earn her value as an investment. But no! It was routine this, experiment that. And all the poking and prodding the eggheads did was so obnoxious. As though doing that and not actually going out there and finding it would be helpful. It was almost as if they kept me as a pet. If they were going to do that, at least acknowledge it!

So I escaped when an opportunity arose. Got on a ship wearing nothing but boots, fishnets on my arms, a pair of earrings with memory chips attached, and a lusty smile. I did have some help getting there, though. Speaking of, I wonder how Zuk is doing? I hope he got out all right. I wouldn’t mind seeing him again. Just thinking of him and his ... unusual member is making me wet again. Oh, not now! Must focus on this recording.

Besides, I deserve to give that Baakian an earful for putting me where he did! It wasn’t the escaping ship, it was some random alien freighter that happened to be nearby during the breakout. The crew were jerks and were about to throw me out of the airlock. How was I supposed to know they were dealing with contraband? That was rather scary ... and hot ... well, it only got hot after I offered myself to the captain. But that’s not why I’m recording this.

In any case, I managed to get over to a place several light years in the wrong direction, which, ironically, was ideal. I’m at the 15 Posts. They’re this cluster of space colonies time forgot: ancient, somewhat decaying, and home to various outcasts and misfits. They function as a trade hub for the outer limits of space. Omni and the Federation have no reach here, so I have a place to lay low. Swell deal.

My mission right now is two and one: Find out what happened to Bravo Team and locate them, and get a hacker to decrypt these memory chips. Not necessarily in that order, not mutually exclusive from one another. But I can’t do it in Omni/Fed space. Too dangerous, they’re looking for me as I record this.

But of course, I couldn’t just waltz into this place and find a hacker capable of this. I tried on the first day. Best hacker I could find – some Dolmerite – said the type of encryption used was something that required military intel background. He didn’t have that. Might be able to find someone in the pirate regions, since many pirates need that skill set to perform big raids. However, he suggested I stick around and earn money: Decryption like that comes with a hefty price tag. “And I doubt the pirates would be interested in just taking you on.” Fuck off!

Then again, he wasn’t wrong about the money. I was only able to piece together some clothes on the freighter, which was all I had. Not able to pick much money off the freighter crew, I needed to earn it somehow. So I found this place I could get some odd jobs – a pub/community center called Skara’s – and went from there. Maybe it was a bit stupid posting my name around, now that I think about it? But I don’t know, I haven’t faced any bounty hunters yet.

Most of the jobs were dull. A waste of my talents. Sometimes I did bookkeeping. Other times, repair work where a lithe body like mine could slip through small spaces. I even functioned as a bodyguard for some important person or another, then the next day be someone’s model. Occasionally I’d perform at the Arena in Post 7 with their combat sports, but even when I won easily, the pay never went up. Jerks!

... Hmph, I feel like the only jobs that I enjoyed were the escort ones, and even those were kind of ... meh. I mean, the pay was good, and there were some fun things about it. But it got boring most of the time. Lot of talking, a lot of pretending I actually cared about whatever scheme my client was going on about, even when I knew exactly how and why it would fail. Most of the time I didn’t even have sex! What gall. Mmm, the ones where I did have sex were good at least. Especially that one guy who unraveled his arms into weird little shapes ... that was amazing... Those shapes ... inside me ... Hold on a moment, I need to take care of something.

[pause in the recording]

Sorry. Sorry. I couldn’t help myself there. What was I talking about? The jobs, right. I mean, I guess I was tempted to just post myself as an escort at this point. Any other work would’ve probably not had the same results. Could’ve easily been off this station in a month or two with a bit of planning. So that’s why I went to Skara’s that day: To formally post myself as an available escort. That’s why ... that ... happened.

No, that isn’t right. I think I was just looking for jobs that day. That’s why I was there. It was a typical day, or rather it was supposed to be. I certainly planned on starting to be an escort soon, but I hadn’t figured out the logistics yet. Yeah, that makes sense. I mean, the reason I’m even recording right now is because of that ... incident, and I need to lay out all that happened, because I can’t get it out of my head. So now I’m just getting to that point.

But ... but it wasn’t a typical day. I wanted to take that day off, do research on what pirate crews were out there, and maybe catch up with that alien girl I met recently. She’s fun. A bit playful, too. Got some weird tricks I’d love to have her do to me. Mmm ... oh right, yes. And she knows a thing or two about getting a ship. I need a small ship, something that will get me wherever I need to go, be it to pirates or to Bravo Team. Yes, that’s what I wanted to do. In fact, I made a point to Skara that I wouldn’t be in that day. They questioned my appearance when I arrived. So why did I come in? That’s what I don’t get. I had no reason to...

Hmmm ... You know, I was feeling funny that day. I don’t know what it was. I just felt ... strange. Like, I was being pulled to Skara’s. I wasn’t looking for a job. I didn’t even want to be there. Yet my body, my body kept pushing me there. I felt a need to be there regardless of whether I wanted to. Skara asked why I was there. I said I didn’t know. They asked if I was all right. I mean, I thought I was, but I felt weird. As if I came waiting for something.

But that just seems ... too convenient. Too simple. Some weird irresistible force triggered by my body? That’s a ridiculous idea. It ties things up a little too nicely. But I don’t know. Perhaps ... so much of what we do is driven by unconscious instinct. We are animals after all. My body is not entirely human, and that part of me which makes me connected to the Vixen and Those Who Came Before sometimes does things the human part of me wouldn’t understand. It makes things ... interesting, to say the least. Perhaps I was drawing attention at a place I felt I could be ... me, rather than a more hostile place. That could make some sense, though it’s weird how that works. Then again, I’m unused to such things as flirting, so why should I find that strange?

I was only there for a few minutes when he came in. He. I looked at him, and for a brief moment I thought I came across the most handsome creature in my life. He was quadruped, but in a way that seemed like he walked on two legs. He was so sinewy in shape, so intense in how he moved. He towered over the rest of the crowd, yet didn’t look out of place. I couldn’t stop staring at how he looked. The muscles that seem like tendrils, the elongated head, the way his arms moved of their own accord. I felt a fire lit up in my thighs ... like now, hoo. My dress definitely felt ... tight at that moment.

I kept looking at him. I don’t know how long I stared at him, but fuck was he gorgeous at that moment. Then he turned to me and our eyes met. Even from that distance, I felt his gaze pierce into me so deeply. He just stripped me bare right there. My body was on fire, and I just stood there, waiting to be devoured. I was exposed, aroused, his ... he could’ve walked up to me, asked me to take off my clothes, and I would’ve torn them away without a second thought. It made no sense that I wanted this stranger that appeared just then ... yet I did.

And he did walk up to me. I don’t know if I was shivering or aching, but it grew stronger as he came closer. I could swear a single touch from him would’ve opened the flood gates right then and there ... But he didn’t. At least, not then. In fact he was ... gentle. He just asked me if I was okay. Then he asked about a word... Tji!cwuit¿ye.

That’s right. Let me say that word again: Tji!cwuit¿ye. That didn’t sound like my voice now, did it? Nor did it sound like his voice then either. It’s like he spoke four voices at once, all of them distant, ghost-like. When I heard it ... you’re not gonna believe this, but time stopped for a moment. I saw this image enter my head. No, no, it wasn’t an image. It was more like a vivid dream, except real. I felt I like I entered this bizarre weird land that I can’t even describe to you, filled with an intoxicating air. And I wasn’t me right at that moment. It felt ... exhilarating.

I returned to reality for a moment and shuddered, nodding in response to this beautiful creature. He turned to Skara, and asked if there was a private space we could talk. After getting him to promise he wouldn’t steal me away ... not that I would’ve minded that all that much, now that I think about it ... they pointed to a backroom I’ve been in to negotiate jobs. We walked in, I kept staring at his ass and strange tail. I was so wet then.

There, I just blurted out my need and want. He could’ve had me right then, right there. My body was far beyond ready. I was so hot for this beautiful stranger. But he refused at that moment. Instead, he taught me something, a technique. I repeated what he asked me, since I felt compelled to answer any order from him. And then ... gone. It was like a switch had turned off. I was myself again, and he appeared to me much more normal – though still handsome.

I was confused, but as we started talking it all made some sense. It turns out Those Who Came Before, as a forerunner species, possessed shared genetic memory. When Torak ... yes, that’s his name, he’s a trader in the Outer Regions, forgot to mention ... when he came to 15 Posts, those genetic memories triggered an unconscious response in me, with an instinctual impulse to find him. That’s because Torak himself possesses these genes as well. I mean ... why didn’t the eggheads think of this, after all the experiments they did? They should’ve known there were others like me, seriously. Regardless, the response varies from being to being. It just happens in my case it takes the form of complete, uninhibited lust. Who knew?

Regardless, this can be controlled, like it was then. I can turn on and off this impulse at any time. Awakening my own genetic memories was the key, which was done when Torak said that word. I’m grateful I caught him when I did ... mmm...

We talked a lot about what we were doing here. I felt ... I know, it was stupid, but I just blurted out everything. I felt like I could trust this handsome alien. Maybe it was because we were connected by our genes? I don’t know. I mean, had this not happened, I would’ve flirted with him, maybe had sex with him regardless. So I told him who I was. Omni-Tech. The escape. Bravo Team. The memory chips. That may have not been smart. But I don’t know, it just felt right to talk to him. It was like I was in a place where I didn’t have to put up any pretensions. I could be me ... whatever that was.

He listened. He didn’t interject, he didn’t try to sympathize. He just listened. It was a strange feeling, to have someone like this. The eggheads were like this, but different. You could tell they were just trying to get something out of you. He didn’t seem like that. He seemed to care ... no, no, he did care. I know it.

When I was done, he asked what my plans were to find a hacker for this mission. I was at a loss. I knew I had to go out to the pirate regions, but I didn’t know the best way to do it without getting myself in a bigger mess than I’m already in. I asked for his input. That’s when he suggested I do exactly the opposite of what I just did: Turn the switch back on. The genetics of Those Who Came Before contain some unique characteristics, you see. And when they’re triggered properly...

Hah. It’s funny when you think about it. Could I have just held out before he brought that up? I don’t know, I probably would’ve been on top of him at this point. But I just smiled and asked him if he knew what that meant. He nodded, and said he was willing to take the risk.

So I turned the switch back on.

[click, click] I ... I never felt so turned on in my life. Even now, just remembering it, I feel the need to just ... take everything off. [sounds of clothes being removed] My gear, my clothes, my boots, even these earrings I’m supposed to protect with my life: I wanted them all off, so I did that. It made me extremely vulnerable. But God, I didn’t want to be secure. I wanted to be fucked.

I mean, I feel intensely aroused even now talking about it, but it’s a tenth of what I felt at that moment. My body was on fire and extremely sensitive ... any touch could set me off. I felt this weird desire to just shed my skin. I don’t even know if that’s possible, but it felt like it. It was like my own skin was chafing from all this heat in me.

I beckoned Torak closer, and he touched me. A simple grasp of my shoulder. I gasped, my body shuddering at his mere touch, wetness dripping out of my pussy. His other hand touched my breast, and my nipples became painfully erect as my legs trembled. Mmmm ... I was right: Any touch did set me off. I could scarcely stand up. I also felt a little ... strange, but I couldn’t tell you why at that point ... Fuck, I’m already wet talking about this.

I sauntered back on to the table and spread my legs wide. It was the only way to ease my need for a brief moment. But still, I needed him. Ooooh, I needed him at that moment. Thankfully, he was experienced with human women. I don’t know how he met them, but it didn’t matter. He moved his mouth close to my waiting pussy. Out of his mouth, instead of a tongue, came hundreds of silvery fibers that he seemed to have complete control over. They all assaulted my pussy with reckless abandon: Touching my insides, probing my G-spot, teasing my folds, wrapping around my clit... [panting] Oh, fuck it, let’s just keep going while I rub one out.

And he was relentless, pulsating his ... uunnnh, every fiber to pleasure me. He kept himmmmself in place, letting the fibers do the work. Ooooh, what a number they did to me. I twitched, I spasmed, I shook. I couldn’t see anything, my eyes already rolled to the back of my head. He kept going, and I pushed his head down. I wanted to cum ... so badly...

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