Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 8
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
Chastity’s attitude about their taboo relationship bled into Bob. He knew about all those therapists, but he didn’t care. He was sure there were daughters who were traumatized by something like this, but what they’d gone through wasn’t related to what had just happened with him and Chastity. It was simply different. Between him and Chastity, no coercion had been involved. None. No hint of force had been used to pressure her into doing what she had done. If anything, he was the one who had been gently bullied into becoming her living sex toy.
It was also easy to rationalize that so little of him had gone into so little of her, that even if she’d still had her hymen, it might have survived the incident. He wasn’t sure how much penetration had taken place. It was like a dream, now. What was real was her warm, naked body, her arms wrapped lovingly around him, her lips kissing his neck as they caught their breath.
“That was amazing,” he breathed.
“That was hard,” she returned. “My thighs feel like I did a hundred squats.”
“I think you did,” he said. “They were just tiny ones.”
She sat back and stared at him with serious eyes.
“I’m glad it happened.”
“I know,” he said.
“Are you glad?”
There it was. His daughter was asking for his approval of her behavior. Millions of daughters wanted their fathers to be proud of them. It wasn’t likely many of them wanted approval for something like this, but the root desire was the same. Girls want their daddies to burst with pride.
He could lecture her. He could remind her how dangerous it was for his sperm - any sperm - to get into the mouth of her vagina. He could remind her it was incest, forbidden, taboo. He could tell her she must never do that again. He knew, though, that if he did that, he’d crush her. All those counselors would tell him, “You must crush her! It’s your duty to crush her! The only moral stance is to crush her! You must make her feel dirty and broken, so we can heal her with years of therapy!”
He didn’t want her to feel dirty and broken.
“I loved it, Sweetheart,” he said. He meant it, too. In many ways, she wasn’t his daughter. Yes, biologically, his seed had created her. But he’d been gone most of her life, and after the divorce she’d grown up completely without him. She might legally be a minor, but she’d been taking care of her addled grandmother for years. She’d made her own decisions, seeking to map out a life that included college. Granted, her decision to become a stripper could be argued against, but teenage girls had very few options if they were in a situation like hers. Both her parents had, in effect, abandoned her. She’d had to grow up. She’d had to make the adult decisions her parents weren’t there to make for her.
And now she’d made another adult decision.
He couldn’t fault her.
The other side of it was biological for him. He adored her. He always had, even if his actions hadn’t supported that. The Marines had prevented him from acting like he would have if he’d been free. He couldn’t change that.
What he could do was support her hopes and dreams now.
Even if they were an anathema to the wide world beyond the walls of his castle.
“You want to know something?” she asked.
“I’ve danced naked for lots of men, but I’ve never danced for a naked man before.”
“Good,” he said.
She giggled.
“I liked it. I think we’ll do that a lot.”
“We don’t dare. Every time you do that you’ll get sperm in you.”
“Then we’ll for sure do that a lot,” she said. “The sperm was my favorite part.”
“It’s dangerous, Chastity. It can get you pregnant.”
“We had a dancer who got pregnant. She kept dancing. She got better tips than the rest of us until she was maybe seven months along. Once she got too big to really be able to dance the guys lost interest.”
“We were talking about you, Chastity. We need to get you on the pill.”
“Can’t,” she said. “Mom tried that when I was thirteen. I had this awful reaction. I got a rash all over my neck and face and ankles and wrists.”’
“Then something else.”
“You let me worry about my womb,” she said. “You just be the special man in my life. That’s what I need right now.”
“You need a man other than your father,” he insisted.
“One, I don’t know any I’d like to fuck. B, I like the penis I just played with. Three, I don’t want to play with any other penis.”
“You can’t mix numbers and letters like that,” he said.
“You can teach me all the rules about that kind of thing while I’m fucking your socks off.”
He lifted a foot. It was bare.
“Mission accomplished,” he said.
She got up and removed the corset, garter belt, and hose.
“I’m going to sleep with you tonight.”
He groaned.
“What’s wrong?”
“When you said that, my little friend tried to get hard again. It’s way too soon for that. You may have broken him.”
“Nooooo,” she moaned and moved off him to get down and kiss his penis. It was obvious those little kisses were exactly the same kind that a mother bestows on a scraped knee or bruised elbow.
“It’s not that bad,” he laughed. “Just don’t be so sexy for a while.”
She stood and posed again.
“I can’t help it. I have to be sexy. I’m a professional. It’s my job.”
“Well, if you want what I think you want tonight, you need to be less professional for half an hour.”
She gathered up her costume and scampered off to the room she’d adopted as “hers”. It had practically nothing in it, except all her mother’s clothes, which she had moved there from the junk room. She closed the door.
She didn’t come out until he knocked, and said he was going to bed.
When Bob had come back to his house, finally free of Uncle Sam’s jealous grip on his life, he had come back to a mess. Trudy had taken what she wanted and left the rest strewn all over. He was lucky that neighborhood kids hadn’t broken in, stolen everything they found, and then used the place to party in. The mortgage had been paid automatically from money taken from Bob’s salary. The taxes had been paid the same way. The three months it had been empty were in the winter. Trudy hadn’t told the utility companies what was happening, so the water and electricity had been turned off for nonpayment. That was fortunate. Northern Georgia had seen unseasonably cold weather that year and the water in one toilet bowl had frozen and broken the commode. Had the water still been on, the house would have flooded and the damage would have been beyond repair. He bought a new toilet, installed it, and was back in business.
He sold the house and bought another one, closer to the store, in an older part of town, where the houses were old and stately. He didn’t know why he chose that kind of house, when an efficiency apartment might have been more appropriate. Maybe it had to do with his subconscious desire to have a family again. Moving what Trudy had left behind and his own meager belongings took a single day.
Trudy hadn’t taken the king bed in their bedroom, but all the sheets were gone. He got a cheap set, but since getting his job at Cokeley’s Emporium, he learned about 600 count Egyptian cotton weave. Cokeley’s sold the best, which was why they could compete with the big box houses. The big box places usually went mid-grade, at the highest.
He was lying on a set of really good sheets when Chastity walked in. She was naked, no longer playing any role. She was so secure in her nudity that it seemed normal.
Without a word she got into bed and snuggled up to him, kissing his shoulder.
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