Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 7
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 7 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
Chastity got Mona to call the school the next day and tell them Chastity was ill and staying home for the day.
“What’s wrong, Dear?” asked the old woman.
“I’m going over to my boyfriend’s for the day. I need to get laid,” said Chastity. Then she just watched her grandmother.
“All right, Sweetheart,” said Mona. “I understand. Sometimes a long, stiff dick is just what the doctor ordered.”
Chastity drove Mona’s car to Cokeley’s Emporium, walked in and asked to see the manager. Three people, two of them male, insisted on trying to help her with whatever problem she wanted to talk to the boss about and her attitude got frostier with each one. Finally, her father approached her. She was sipping the cup of coffee she had been offered.
“Hi!” he said, brightly. “Dennis said there was an angry woman who wanted to see me. You don’t look angry.”
“I’m not angry,” she said, staring at Dennis. “I’m just miffed. I asked to see the manager and three people tried to come up with reasons why I didn’t need to. Your customer service here is abysmal.”
Dennis looked chastened.
“How about I take you out to lunch to make up for my employees’ churlish behavior,” suggested Bob.
Chastity looked at her watch. Dennis stared at his boss.
“It’s nine in the morning,” Chastity pointed out.
“Breakfast, then. Have you had breakfast? We can do brunch if you prefer.”
Dennis blinked. Was Bob trying to hit on this customer? Granted, she was fine looking, a real babe, in fact, but she was way too young for Bob, and...
“Do you think we could eat at Sunset Retirement Home? I’d like to see what kind of food they serve there.”
“We can try,” said Bob. He looked at his employee. “You can go, now, Dennis. Thanks.”
“Sure thing, Bob,” said a thoroughly bewildered Dennis. He hesitated, though, peering at Chastity curiously.
“Oh,” said Bob. “Where are my manners? Dennis, this is my daughter, Chastity. Chastity, this is Dennis, one of my floor managers.”
“Hi, Dennis,” she said.
“Daughter,” said Dennis. He slammed the front of his head gently with the heel of his right hand.
“Should I have told you that?” she asked.
“I thought you were an upset customer,” he said.
“I was. Nobody would let me see my dad.”
“Nice to meet you,” said the man, recognizing a situation that wasn’t going to get any better.
They left and Bob drove to the retirement home. The administrator, who asked them to call her Cindy, said she’d be happy to serve them lunch, but it wouldn’t be ready for another hour. Chastity spent that time roaming the halls and talking to random residents she met. They were only too happy to list the things they were unhappy about. Most of that involved things the home really had no control over. As far as actually living there went, everybody said they liked the place. Much was said about all the activities that were offered.
At lunch, Cindy sat down with them, once they’d been served. The dining hall was run restaurant style, with a limited menu that changed every day.
“I need to ask you one more question,” said Chastity, looking at the woman.
“Dementia seems to have removed all my grandmother’s inhibitions, in terms of morality. Will that be a problem?”
“You mean she’s interested in sex?” asked Cindy.
“Most definitely,” said Chastity. “I’ll be honest. It’s almost an obsession.”
The woman shrugged.
“Lots of our residents are still interested in sex. In the old days, people tried to quash that. But they’re not teenagers, even if they act like it sometimes. They’re adults and their passions are genuine. We simply ask them to act out that part of their lives in private. We discourage things if the object of one’s desire isn’t interested, but other than that, we have a liberal policy.”
“So she could have a boyfriend if she lives here?”
“Yep. She’ll be in the controlled access wing, though, and those people get watched a lot more closely than elsewhere. It may be that her privacy gets interrupted.”
“She won’t care,” said Chastity. “She might even invite people to watch.”
“That bad, is it?” asked Cindy.
“I didn’t want you to call us later and say we should have warned you.”
“She’ll do fine. Many times, once a person is back with lots of people their age, who have the same kinds of problems, their behavior modifies a bit.”
“And I can come see her?”
Cindy looked at Bob, and then back at Chastity. It was clear she had expected much of this to have come from him.
“You are both welcome, any time you like.”
“Now the issue will be getting her here without a fight,” said Chastity.
“That part is rarely easy,” said Cindy. “It usually takes a week or two before they begin to acclimate. Many of our Alzheimer’s patients, though, adapt much more quickly. They’re already living in a world of their own. Where they live in that world doesn’t seem to matter.”
“Whether she likes it or not, she needs to be here,” said Chastity.
Again, Cindy looked at Bob. He simply looked back.
An hour later, the papers had been signed. The Medicaid counselor couldn’t meet with them for that interview for another week, but said he would meet them at Mona’s, so they didn’t have to drag her to an office somewhere.
Chastity reverted to her biological age, in a manner of speaking, once the business of making adult decisions had been finished. She wanted to go to a park. Once they got there, she sat on a swing and asked her father to push her.
They caught up, this being the first time they’d had real, casual time to spend together. She told him what her life was like after the divorce, and he told her a little bit about what military life was like.
“I had no idea they have so much control over you,” she said. “Whenever you left, I just thought you were going to work, like all the other fathers went to work. The difference was, you didn’t come home like they did. Now I’m beginning to understand why.”
“I wish your mother had understood,” he said.
“She isn’t as bat-shit crazy as my grandmother,” said Chastity, “but it’s close. I just hope it isn’t genetic. I love my Nana, but I don’t want to be her roommate at The Sunset Retirement Home, some day.”
“Most of us are a product of how we are brought up,” said Bob. “Trudy was brought up by Mona. She was taught to be crazy.”
“What about me?”
“I was part of your upbringing. Hopefully I had a saner effect on you, even if I was absent most of the time.”
“Well, you’re not absent now. I expect you to make sure I don’t go crazy.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” said Bob.
“You know when I feel the most sane?”
“Tell me,” said Bob.
“When I’m dancing for you.”
“I don’t understand that.”
“Dancing doesn’t take a lot of thought. I just feel it and move. When you’re watching me, I feel warm and loved. I feel safe.”
“You’re anything but safe when we’re like that,” he said. “You do things to me.”
“Of course I do. You’re a man. I’d worry if you didn’t respond that way.”
“Well, you have nothing to worry about, then,” he joked.
She got off the swing and embraced him. She ground her loins against his, rubbing her pussy on his thigh.
“Thank you,” she breathed, before kissing his lips. “I’m going to dance for you, later.”
“You have to work tonight?”
“This will be a private dance, at your house.”
“Okay,” he said.
In that second, he had abandoned his fears about this odd relationship.
Chastity would get what Chastity wanted. As twisted as it seemed ... he owed her that.
They checked on Mona and Chastity broached the subject of her grandmother moving into a smaller place, with more people her age. Because Mona was semi-lucid at the moment, it didn’t go well, until Chastity said, “You can have a boyfriend, Nana. I asked about that. In fact, you can have more than one boyfriend.”
“You’re saying I get my own stable?” asked the old woman.
“Your own stable,” said Chastity.
“Sign me up,” said Mona.
“We already did, Nana.”
“So when do I move?”
“We have to talk to a man from the Government, first.”
“Because you aren’t allowed to be rich and live there,” said Chastity.
“Actually,” said Bob, correcting his daughter, “you can be rich, but if you are, you have to pay the entire bill yourself. If you’re poor, the government will pay the bill. The man we’re going to talk to just needs to find out what assets you have.”
“They’re going to take my house?” Mona was upset.
“No. You can keep your house.”
“Good. I might want to have an orgy. I bet they don’t allow orgies at this place you’re taking me to. I’ll need to have a place to have orgies.”
“I’ll keep living here if that’s okay,” said Chastity.
“Of course it’s okay. I was going to leave the house to your mother, but she’s a flake. She’d probably sell it and give the money to starving orphans somewhere.”
“That’s how starving orphans eat, Nana,” said Chastity.
“I’ll give it to you, instead. You need a place to have orgies, too.”
“Thank you, Nana.”
“Speaking of orgies, why aren’t you pregnant, yet?” Mona looked at Bob. “Is your dick broke?”
“Not at the moment,” said Bob, restraining a smile.
“Well, start using it, then. I want grandbabies!”
With that, she was back in la-la land.
She sat down to watch TV. Chastity said she’d entertain herself that way for the rest of the day.
Bob took his daughter to dinner. The waiter didn’t blink an eye when Chastity ordered white wine to go with dinner.
Bob didn’t, either.
After dinner Chastity said she wanted to check on Mona, so they went there. Mona had heated up a microwave dinner and was slumped, asleep, in front of the TV. Chastity and Bob got her up and to bed, where she was snoring before they left the room. Bob waited while Chastity went to her room. She came out with a small suitcase ten minutes later.
“I’m not planning on coming back until tomorrow,” she said. “I’ll just go to school from your house.”
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