Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 6
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
“How do we find someplace for her?” asked Chastity, as they drove home.
“I have an employee whose father is in a long term care home. He’s mentioned to me several times how much he likes it. We can start there.”
“I don’t understand something,” said Chastity.
“What’s that?”
“Well, you know how he said he wasn’t allowed to give us any medical information about her?”
“If they couldn’t talk to us about what might be wrong with her, why did they let her leave the hospital with us? Why did they even have us sign papers for her?”
“Welcome to the world of adult laws and rules,” said Bob. “They make laws because somebody, often someone in the minority, yells and screams about how bad something is. Like once upon a time some doctor told somebody what was wrong with John Doe and John Doe got all upset about it because he didn’t want that person to know. And he sued somebody, or bothered his congressman long enough, and they made a law that says you can’t give anybody medical information without the patient’s express approval. It sounded good on paper. Who doesn’t want to protect their privacy? But they didn’t think about patients like your grandmother. Laws are always black and white, but life is always shades of gray.”
“Like laws that say I can’t marry you.”
He looked over at her.
“You want to marry me?”
“Since I was six.”
“Honey, you’re not six anymore.”
“I know that. Mom was stupid enough to let you go. I would never do that. But I can’t marry you, because of some stupid law.”
Bob drove on.
Suddenly, Mona’s face was right between them. She had unbuckled and scooted forward.
“You don’t have to marry him. Just live with him. Lots of people do it. Then he can get you nice and fat and I can have my grandbaby.”
“Nana, I’m your granddaughter,” said Chastity, turning to face her grandmother. “I’ve been your grandbaby all my life. If I got pregnant, the baby would be your great grandbaby.”
“Nonsense. I’m not that old,” said the woman. “You’re just trying to trick me. You’re trying to take my man.” She reached to stroke Bob’s shoulder. “Get us home quick, Honey. I need my man to fuck me long and hard.”
“I can’t fuck you in front of Chastity,” said Bob.
“Why not? She needs to learn how to do it some day. No time like the present. She needs to learn so she can get busy making me grandbabies.”
“She doesn’t even have a boyfriend,” said Bob.
“Who needs a boyfriend. You got me pregnant. You can get her pregnant, too. Drive faster. I’m hornier than a three-antlered goat.”
“Goats don’t have antlers, Nana,” said Chastity.
“‘Course they do,” said Mona. “People get butted with them all the time.”
Chastity decided there was no profit in arguing, so she badgered her grandmother into sitting back and strapping back in. Mona complained incessantly until Bob said, “Just rub your pussy until we get home and I can take care of you.”
The old woman’s face broke into a smile as she leaned back, spread her legs, and shoved her hand under her dress.
Chastity faced front and covered her face with both hands.
“You do it,” said Bob, leaning toward her and speaking softly. “Why can’t she?”
Whether Mona actually had an orgasm from her masturbatory session in the car or not, by the time they got back to her house she was sedate. She said she was hungry, so Chastity took her to the kitchen and sat her at the table while she warmed up some left over casserole. Bob sat across from Mona and talked to her. He asked her to tell him stories from when she was young, not so much to find out what she could remember, but to keep her occupied.
Quite suddenly, her eyes cleared and she looked at Bob.
“I never liked you,” she said. “I was probably wrong. I’m stubborn that way. But you’re right about me needing to go into long term care. It isn’t fair to Chastity that she’s saddled with me.”
“I’m not saddled with you,” said Chastity, who came to hug her grandmother from behind.
“Pick someplace nice,” said Mona.
Then she was gone again, as she leaned toward Bob.
“You need to get her pregnant. Time’s a wastin’. She’s only got so many eggs, you know. One gets wasted every time she goes on the rag.”
Chastity sat next to the old woman and turned her face, making their noses touch.
“I know you can hear me, in there, Nana. I love you. We’re going to take good care of you. Don’t you worry. I’ll find you someplace nice where you can make some new friends.”
As if Mona could somehow force a few seconds of control over her rebellious mind, she tilted her head and pushed it forward to kiss Chastity on the lips, gently.
Then she sat back and began talking about the time she got caught kissing a boy on a hay ride, and her father called her a slut in front of everyone there. Tears began to roll down her cheeks as she remembered being embarrassed in front of the boy, and her friends.
Suddenly, both Bob and Chastity had a tiny window into where some of Mona Perkins’s reflections about things sexual came from.
She’d been twisted and warped by her Puritanical father as a girl.
Bob left after Mona was tucked into bed. He left on purpose, even though he wanted to stay. He left because he knew that if he did stay, they’d end up in bed and he was pretty sure his self control was gone.
He went to the store and spent the next six hours catching up on work. He went home exhausted, but content.
He slept six hours and then went back to the store, which was open by then. He checked with Rudy, who said Bob needed to call a particular vendor who was dragging his heels on supplying arrows for the sports department. It was the same vendor who supplied other archery paraphernalia, and it wasn’t the first time he couldn’t provide product in the amounts his contract called for.
“Find another supplier,” said Bob.
“But that’s the approved vendor,” said Rudy.
“I don’t care. He signed a contract with Cokeley’s and now he’s in default. If the big boys give you grief, send them to me. Find another vendor and cancel our order with him.”
Working for the Cokeley’s empire, after serving in the Marine Corps, had been a difficult change to acclimate to. As a manager for Cokeley’s, there was almost never any adrenaline rush. Now, for the first time, Bob embraced the normal, peaceful, boring job, as he tried to deal with the changes in his life that finding Chastity had created.
Mona, for all her dragon-lady attributes, had done her best. She deserved a decent place to live out the remainder of her life in.
He reflected on how desperately he had wished he could find his daughter. Now that he had, their relationship had gone in a completely unanticipated direction. Who could have expected she’d be interested in him sexually?
For that matter, who could have foreseen that he would be interested in her, sexually?
Sigmund Freud could have. Masters and Johnson could have.
But he had never studied either of those sources of information.
What was clear to him was that he had done nothing to encourage her abnormal interest in him. Well, he had watched her dance, had stared as she stripped for him.
But her ... proclivities ... had already been well established by the time he did that. She’d said she always imagined she was stripping for him after she started dancing at Buster’s. It was normal for a little girl to fantasize about marrying the primary man and source of affection in her life. But most girls grew out of that.
Most girls.
He’d known men in the past who had daughters who were “daddy’s girl.” He’d seen enhanced affection between men and their daughters. Had there been more than mere affection? Had any of those men touched their daughters ... sexually? Had they let their daughters touch them?
He didn’t know what to do. He had no frame of reference in which to formulate a plan of action.
Chastity called him late in the day. All she asked was if he had explored any possibilities for Mona’s future.
Mona needed to be taken care of first.
The issues with his daughter could wait.
Bob talked to Bruce Jenson, the man whose father was in long term care. Bruce was effusive about how happy he was with Sunset Retirement Village. He felt like his dad got good care and was happy there. He knew the place had a wing for Alzheimer’s patients, but that was all. His father didn’t need that kind of care.
Bob stopped at the place on his way home. The administrator was still there, and said she’d be happy to talk with him. He represented himself as Mona’s son-in-law and said, “Trudy is her daughter, but she works for an NGO in Africa. She’s not capable of being contacted, right now because she’s in a remote area without phone coverage.”
After Bob described Mona’s mental behavior, one of the first questions the woman asked him was what kind of assets Mona had, in terms of savings. Bob guessed there wasn’t much, and that the only tangible asset she had was the house. Based on Mona’s age and status as a Medicare patient, it turned out that as long as she had no significant assets, getting her enrolled in Medicaid would be no problem. Her social security would go to the home, to help pay for her care. Medicaid would pick up the rest. They had several openings on their dementia wing.
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