Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 5
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
He insisted they both get up and get dressed. He made pancakes for breakfast and then, to get her out of the house so they didn’t end up back in bed naked, he took her to check on Mona.
Mona was “fine” if “fine” is defined as naked and dancing in the living room to imaginary music, with an imaginary partner. That it was a waltz was clear, and her chirpy, “Good morning!” sounded as normal as pie. But it was obvious her mind was going. All the energy and passion from sexual thoughts she had repressed all her life was bubbling out of her, and it seemed that was all she had room for in what was left of her mind.
Chastity took her to her bedroom and got her dressed, while Bob went to the kitchen to investigate a burnt food smell and see if there was any evidence she had eaten breakfast. The pan she had cooked eggs in was still on the stove, smoking. The gas was still turned on, though the flames were very low.
Still, it was evidence that Mona couldn’t be left alone. It was too dangerous. Bob was washing the warped pan when Chastity returned, with Nana in tow.
“She left the stove on after she cooked,” said Bob. “It’s lucky there wasn’t a fire.”
“Shit,” said Chastity, softly. “That’s never happened before.”
“We don’t have a choice,” he said. “For her own safety we need to get her into a home.”
“I’m going home?” cooed Mona. “Will my mother be there? Will Andy be there?”
“Who’s Andy?” asked Chastity.
“He’s my boyfriend,” whispered the seventy-two year old woman. “He fucks me so good, but don’t tell Mom. She’ll try to take him away from me. She has plenty of boyfriends of her own. Andy is mine.”
“Okay,” said Chastity, also whispering. “Your secret is safe with me.”
Mona’s hand went to Chastity’s abdomen and rubbed.
“Are you pregnant? You look happy. Pregnant women look happy.”
“Not yet, Nana,” said Chastity. “I’m working on it.”
“Well work harder. I want grandbabies!”
Suddenly Mona went silent and just stared. Chastity sat her down at the table and the woman didn’t move or speak.
“She’s lots worse,” said Chastity, tears leaking from her eyes.
“When was the last time a doctor evaluated her?” asked Bob.
“I don’t know,” said Chastity.
“What do you mean you don’t know? You live with her,” said Bob.
“She hasn’t been to the doctor since Mom left for Africa, okay? When I realized something was going wrong, I had to figure out how to dodge the bullet from the ‘Hi, I’m from Social Services and I’m here to take you to your new foster home’ people. She didn’t ever get sick, so I didn’t take her to the doctor, okay?”
“I think it’s safe to say she’s sick, now, Chastity.”
“Then I’ll take her to a doctor, now,” said the girl. “I’m doing the best I can, Daddy!”
He hugged her and overcame her resistance when she tried to get away. Finally she melted into his arms.
“I know you are, Baby,” he said. “You’ve been doing a fabulous job. Most fifteen and sixteen-year-olds don’t have to do a fraction of what you’ve been doing to get by and you’ve been taking care of your grandmother at the same time. But I’m here, now, and I’d like to help you if you’ll let me.”
“Mom will freak,” moaned the girl.
“Your mother should be here if she’s going to render an opinion. When she abandoned you two, she lost her vote, as far as I’m concerned. Anyway, how is she going to know?”
“She calls every so often,” said Chastity, “maybe every three or four months.”
“Do you want her to come home?” he asked.
She pulled away enough to look up into his face.
“She won’t do that. They don’t pay her anything and they won’t buy her a ticket back home until she’s fulfilled her contract.”
“I think she’ll figure out a way to get back here if I’m the one who answers the phone, next time she calls,” he said.
Chastity laughed, but it wasn’t one of joy.
“She’d have a conniption fit if you did that.”
“So, do you want her to come home ... or not?”
“Not if you’ll really help me.”
“I’ll really help you.”
“Fuck her!” barked Mona. “Fuck her pregnant pussy!”
Bob leaned down and put his hand on the woman’s shoulder.
“I will, Mona. Don’t you worry.”
“Promise?” asked the woman, looking up with rheumy eyes. “Will you fuck her good? Because she deserves to be fucked good. She deserves to cum while you fuck her. A real man makes his woman cum while he fucks her.”
“I promise to make her cum lots of times,” said Bob.
Mona relaxed and sat back in the chair.
“Good,” she sighed. “Good.”
“Did you mean that?” asked Chastity, as they drove toward the hospital. Bob was worried that Mona might have had a stroke. That was based on her uncharacteristic behavior. According to Chastity she had never danced naked in the living room, or left the stove on, unattended. The fact that all she could concentrate on was her own or others’ sex lives was also concerning. They were taking her to the ER to get her checked out. He didn’t think waiting to call a doctor two days later was a good idea.
“Did I mean what?” he asked.
“That you’d make me cum lots of times while you fuck me.”
He looked over at her, expecting to see an impish grin. She wasn’t smiling, though.
“Of course not,” he said. “I was just telling her what she wanted to hear. I wanted her to calm down.”
“Oh.” The girl sounded almost disappointed.
“I can’t believe you’d think I could mean that,” he said.
She was quiet for a long time, long enough that he looked over at her.
“You just don’t get it,” she said, staring at him.
“What don’t I get?”
“I never had boyfriends. Boyfriends were trouble. Mom told me over and over that boyfriends only want one thing and that they don’t really love you. But I had a daddy somewhere, and I knew he loved me, so in my mind, my daddy was my boyfriend.” She looked forward, through the windshield. “I never had a lover. In my imagination my daddy was my lover. That’s why I could dance for him at Buster’s. I imagined all those guys as you, and I was dancing for you. Every night I danced for my daddy.”
She stopped and stayed silent for so long that Bob thought she was finished.
“I understand, Baby,” he said. “You coped. You were incredibly strong, considering that Trudy probably has what your grandmother has, and might already be getting senile.”
“She’s not senile!” barked Chastity. “She’s weird, but she’s not senile. She’s aware of what’s going on around her. She just believes some strange things, that’s all.”
“Okay. I’m sorry,” said Bob. “Still, you have to admit that she basically abandoned you and her mother.”
“So did you!” snapped Chastity.
“The law kept me away,” he argued.
“Is it keeping you away, now?”
“Well, no,” he admitted.
“Why not?”
He thought about it for a bit.
“Technically, legally, I shouldn’t be with you. I’m not talking about the naked in bed and you masturbating me stuff. I mean that I’m violating the court order Trudy got to keep me away from you. But I needed to find you,” he said. “I needed to know you were okay.”
“And I needed you, all these years,” she said.
He was silent again, for a long time.
“What do you want me to say?” he finally asked.
“I want you to tell me you’re not going away again,” she said.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said. “I don’t give a fuck about any court orders. You need me, and I’m going to be here for you.”
“I want you to tell me you won’t argue with me about the way I want you to love me.”
“I’d love to tell you that, but we’ve already done things that are dangerous, things that would take me away if anybody found out. You’re still a minor, Baby. Just the fact that I let you dance at Buster’s would be enough for them to take you away. They’d say I’m a bad parent. And let’s not even go into the sexual things. That would mean prison. No, I’m going to have to set the rules about how we love each other.”
“Must I remind you that the only parent who has custodial rights is in Africa? You said it, yourself. The court said you can’t have any custody over me. You can’t tell me what to do. You can’t make any decisions for me. The only parent they can take me away from is Mom.”
“It would amount to the same thing,” he insisted. “They’d say I was unfit for not reporting all this, not to mention anything that’s happened since then. Just imagine what they’d say if they found out about the private dances.”
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