Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 27
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 27 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
The way Trudy went about broaching the subject of moving in with Chuck to Chastity was obliquely.
“You’re glad I’m in your life, now ... aren’t you?” she asked, as they gathered up dirty dishes after a meal one night and began filling the dishwasher. The women had made a deal with the men. The women would clean up, if the men would take care of the children. They heard growls from the living room, along with the sound of “terrified” children trying to escape from not-so-scary ‘monsters’. When Chastity peeked in, Chuck was lying on the floor while children climbed him like a mountain and he “threw” them off to Bob, who “rassled” with them until they escaped and ran back to climb Chuck again.
Chastity stopped and faced her mother.
“What’s this about?” she asked.
“You know I want to be in your life forever,” said Trudy.
“But something is going to happen to make that difficult? What’s going on, Mom? Please don’t tell me you’re going off to save the world again.”
“No!” yipped the older woman. “Nothing like that.”
“Then what?”
“Chuck sort of, kind of asked me to move in with him,” said Trudy in a rush.
“You’re kidding!” gasped Chastity.
“No,” said Trudy, who took Chastity’s surprise as censure. “So you think that’s a stupid idea.”
Chastity knew her mother well. She recognized in her mother a self-destructive streak that either blinded her to the truth, or robbed situations of positivity. It was this streak that had made Trudy decide divorce would solve her perceived problems, and then jump from the frying pan into the fire that was (at least for Trudy) Africa.
“Did I say I thought it was stupid?” asked Chastity, severely. “Am I not allowed to be surprised? Is it against the rules for me to express my surprise by gasping?”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry,” said Trudy, who had also gotten to know her daughter better since returning to America than she ever had before she left. “So what do you think?”
“I think it doesn’t matter what I think. You’re a big girl. You get to make decisions like this without my approval.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t be allowed to do that,” groaned Trudy. “If your approval had been required, I never would have gotten a divorce or moved to Africa.”
“If you hadn’t gotten a divorce and moved to Africa, you would not be the woman you are today,” said Chastity. “For the record, I like the woman you are today a lot more than the woman you were when you made those decisions.”
“But I caused so much pain and suffering,” moaned Trudy.
“Life has pain and suffering in it,” said Chastity. “I think when we’re born, we get this partitioned tin plate, like you see in old prison movies. There are sections in the plate for pain and loss and grief, and there are sections for love and joy and happiness. The cosmic cook just slops it all on, and then kicks you down the line. But it isn’t what’s on the plate that counts. It’s what you do with what’s on the plate. You don’t have to eat the bad stuff. Or at least you can resist eating it.”
“That’s very philosophical,” said Trudy.
“I’ve been called an existentialist,” said Chastity. “I slept through most of my philosophy classes, though, so I don’t really know. I got a C, which was all I cared about.”
“So you think I should do it,” said Trudy.
“What I think is that you should grab for the big brass ring every time the carousel goes around.”
“So I should do it,” said Trudy, nervously.
“Mom! Do you want to do it?” asked Chastity.
“I’m scared,” said Trudy. “And his apartment is so small I’d have to find someplace to store some of my things. Chuck said you might not mind if I stored them here.”
“Of course you can,” said Chastity.
“And he said if it doesn’t work out, you might let me move back in,” whispered Trudy.
“Did we let you move in when you first got here?” asked Chastity.
Trudy nodded.
Chastity smiled.
“Of course, if you come back this time, you and Chima will have to share a room with Maeve, because as soon as you move out of your room, she’s moving in.”
Trudy sighed as Chuck filled her vagina with sweet pressure. He was longer than any other who had plundered her pussy, and she always shuddered with pleasure as he eased his way into her. He never just rammed his prod in her. He was sensitive to her past. His lovemaking was different from them all, even Bob. Bob had gotten excited and rough once in a while. Or what she’d thought was rough ... before she went to Africa and found out what rough could be like. Chuck didn’t get excited like that until she squealed and came, her vagina clamping down hard on his steely penis.
Every time they made love, it was clear by the way he treated her that he loved her, cherished her, and wanted her to be happy.
She groaned as his pubic bone rubbed her clit, and he let his weight down on her, but it wasn’t a groan of discomfort. It was a groan associated with the concept that, fairly soon, it would be over and she’d feel empty. “Fairly soon” in his case meant half an hour, but her psyche had been trained too well to bemoan the fact that something good wouldn’t last long, and life would go back to misery, loneliness, and discomfort.
“I love you,” came his heavy whisper at her ear.
Joy exploded in her because she believed he meant it. He wasn’t just saying it to get something from her. He did love her. He made her life immeasurably better and she wanted to believe that she made his life better, too, though on a minuscule level, compared to what he did for her.
Trudy wasn’t aware of it but she was more confident than before she’d moved in with him. In merely three months of living with a man who made her heart and body sing on a regular basis, a man who paid her compliments when none were necessary, her self-doubt had faded. It would be years before she didn’t think about Africa two or three times a day, but by then she was viewed by many more than Chuck as a MILF.
Already, men’s heads turned when she walked through the aisles of the grocery store. Customer’s eyes lingered on her as she ran her Taco Bell like a well-oiled machine. Few people noticed how well she ran the store. People don’t notice efficiency and good service in a fast food store ... until it isn’t fast, or they get your order wrong.
She didn’t notice, but she smiled more. She wasn’t as tired. She looked forward to exercising. Chuck’s apartment was too small to put a pole in, and the landlord would have had a shit-fit anyway, so she still went over to Bob and Chastity’s to work out. Chuck went with her sometimes. He and Bob were good buddies, now.
Her fingernails grazed heavily across the dark skin of his back as he started moving in her.
“Do this to me forever,” she panted. “I love this.”
“No problem there,” he breathed. “I’m gonna keep going until I make you squeal, and then I’m gonna pop a major nut in your fine pussy.”
“Yes!” she hissed. “Cum in my pussy. I want your cum in my pussy.”
“Don’t get me too excited,” he warned.
“I don’t care. I know you’ll get hard for me again if you cum now. I want your cum in my pussy.”
“Ohhhh, Baby,” he groaned. “I’m so glad you got that IUD.”
“I wish I could let you make a baby in me,” she whined.
“It’s too dangerous,” he gasped.
“I know, but I wish I could.”
“Oh fuck!” he groaned. “I do, too.”
He went in deep and humped as his long penis spewed pearly white semen into her thirty depths.
“Never stop doing this to me,” she whispered in his ear.
In May the woman who attended her daughter’s, and lover’s graduation from law school would not have been recognizable to those who shook their heads sadly when they found out Trudy Jeffries had divorced her husband because he was in the Marines. Most of those people lost track of her, because she wasn’t the kind of person they wanted as a friend, so they didn’t know about the rest of the time she’d been “missing in action” from her daughter’s life.
None of those people had been aware that Chastity danced in a strip club, or that she was going to law school. They had their own lives to live, their own distractions to deal with.
Of course that didn’t matter, as none of those people were at her commencement ceremony. Trudy was thrilled, sitting by her ex-husband, as they watched their daughter walk across the stage and shake hands with half a dozen people. Bob thought it was a little anticlimactic, after what the woman he now thought of as his wife had to do to get to this point.
As it turned out, Chastity thought it was anticlimactic, too. When she came off the stage and sat down, in a row with ten other graduates, she wished she could be sitting down with her family. She didn’t feel excitement at receiving her doctorate. What she felt was relief. Passing the bar exam, on the other hand, had made her almost crazy with happiness. For some odd reason, when she got the results that said she passed, she felt like going to Buster’s and doing a couple of sets of dancing.
She went home and did a lap dance for Bob instead, asking Grandma to watch the kids for a few hours. She relived the very first time she’d gotten her daddy’s lovely, thick penis in her virgin quim by “dancing onto it” like she had back then. He didn’t oppose it this time, of course. This time he eagerly accepted it.
As she settled fully onto his stiff manhood, and started using extremely toned kegel muscles to milk the sap out of his wood, he pushed her upper body back, holding her under her arms, so he could lean forward and suck her nipples.
“I wish I could get you pregnant again,” he groaned.
“We talked about this,” she said, as if she weren’t interested at all. “Mom and I got matching IUDs because we’ve had enough babies.”
“I still wish I could make your belly swell again. I love the way you look when you’re pregnant.”
“Pregnant with my daddy’s baby?” she said, putting artificial horror into her voice.
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