Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 26
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 26 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
Chastity had an odd look on her face when she went to find Bob. He was in the bathroom, trying to get Maeve to stop playing with all the floating toys in the tub and get out. Brendan was already done with his bath and, hopefully, getting his PJs on.
“Guess what?” said Chastity, leaning against the door jamb.
“The Palestinians and Jews finally made peace,” Bob guessed.
“No, but it’s just as shocking.”
“I give up,” said Bob.
“My mother just called and asked if we’d take care of Chima tonight.”
“We help take care of Chima every night,” Bob observed, pulling a squirming little girl from the tub.
“She wants to stay the night at Chuck’s,” said Chastity.
“Wow. I guess her reservations have been resolved.”
“More like banished,” said Chastity. “My mother asked me for permission to get laid!”
“Is the role reversal giving you trouble?” asked Bob, drying off Maeve.
“Well, you’re a mother yourself,” said Bob. “Your maternal instincts must be in high gear.”
“It’s odd,” she said.
Bob stood up. Maeve made a naked dash to escape.
“Is it as odd as your father climbing on top of you and making babies in you?”
She laughed.
“I guess not. I just hope she doesn’t get hurt.”
“Yup. Your maternal instincts are in fine fettle,” said Bob. “Want to help me chase Maeve?”
“I’ll get Maeve. The only woman in this family I want you to chase is me.”
Nobody said anything when Trudy came in the next morning. It was early and she had to get dressed for work. She offered to take all the kids to Janet’s and soon Bob and Chastity were alone.
“She doesn’t act any different,” said Chastity.
“She’s more relaxed,” said Bob.
“Maybe it was good for her.”
“I’ll show you what was good for me,” said Bob, leering.
“You need to go back to work. And I need to check in with my doctor about getting my implant put back in or something. I think you’ve made enough babies in your poor daughter.”
“Awww,” said Bob, but he smiled.
“At least for a few years,” she teased.
“I have a request,” said Trudy. All three adults were present in the kitchen, feeding all the children and trying to eat something themselves.
“Yes, we’ll watch Chima for you again,” said Chastity.
Trudy blushed.
“It’s not that. The Super Bowl is coming up. Are we going to have a party, like last year?”
“We could,” said Bob.
“I want to invite Chuck,” she sighed.
“I could drink beer and watch football with Chuck,” said Bob. “That would be great.”
“The idea is for him to be here and spend time with me,” said Trudy.
“You can watch football and drink beer with us,” said Bob, beaming.
Life always serves up the bitter with the sweet. The bitter it served up to Trudy, the last week of January, was that the engine in her car blew up. There was a bang and the car shuddered to a stop. When she got out, a pool of oil was running from under the front. She called Bob and he had it towed to the shop he used for his own cars. The mechanic said it had thrown a rod, and when she asked what that meant, he said, “You need a new engine.” When he quoted her a price on that, it was more than she’d paid for the whole car. He offered her three hundred dollars for the car and she sold it to him.
Suddenly, she was borrowing Mona’s old car from her daughter, whenever she needed to drive somewhere. She was back on her bike for routine trips to work.
The Super Bowl was entertaining, thankfully. They did, in fact, drink beer and watch football, but also talked during the game. At halftime, Trudy rose and said, “Chuck, I don’t want to poke a stick in the spokes of all this fun, but could I see you in private for a few minutes?”
Once in her bedroom, she put her arms around his waist and rubbed her body against his.
“You can poke your stick in my spokes right now if you hurry.”
“Now? With all them in the house?”
“Yes,” she said. “Why not?”
“Well, one reason I can think of is that you sound like an air raid siren when you have an orgasm.” He grinned.
“I do no such thing!” she snapped.
“Yes, you do,” he argued, gently. “You make me feel like a rock star when you scream like that.”
“I do not scream!” she insisted.
“Tell me you didn’t hear my downstairs neighbor pounding on the ceiling with her broom handle while we were making love last Thursday night.” He grinned.
“Of course I heard that. But that was because you kept bouncing your headboard against the wall, not because I was making any noise.”
“Okay,” he said, brightly. “Let’s get nekkid and have us some fun.”
“We can’t take too long or they’ll get suspicious,” she said, as she crawled onto her bed naked.
“Oh, they’re gonna know what’s going on, just as soon as you get there. Trust me on that, Sweetheart.”
“You’re terrible. Come on. Make me happy.”
Chuck had learned almost immediately, upon becoming intimate with Trudy, how to push her buttons. She was in that not-so-peculiar class of people who love sex, but feel guilty for loving sex. Her personal history hadn’t helped with that, but her emotions had mitigated the shame she felt for wanting to have sex often with the man she felt so strongly about. Her initial reluctance and misgivings about diving back into the sexual pool were almost gone, now. She was finally able to trust a man again, and now she felt like a teenager, just learning what swimming in the deep end of the sexual pool was like.
When Chuck went to work on her now, she went “under” a lot, and when she surfaced, she gasped for air in ways that were, indeed, noisy. She didn’t notice that because she was so elated. She was just having too good a time to think about what she sounded like when orgasms - and she almost always had two or more during a lovemaking session with him - threatened to drown her.
He knew it, of course. He loved it when she wailed with happiness. She had always been a passionate woman. That was, in part, why she had been so impatient with Bob when he didn’t behave like she thought a husband should behave, and why the lure of “doing something” in Africa had almost destroyed her. For Chuck, his own orgasms were often tied to the sounds she made while she had one of her own. She made him feel good, because she announced in volume what a good lover he was.
He had never teased her about this. He loved it, and would never do anything to diminish the joy they experienced together as his dark organ split her pale labia and stroked within her heated vagina. He had warned her on this occasion, but he was just as helpless to resist her as she was to resist him.
He tried, in fact, to cover her mouth with his lips when she came, thrusting up against his pinning weight. She was strong, though. The exercises on the stripper pole that she routinely engaged in had built wiry muscles in her arms, legs, and abdomen, and though he had 80 pounds on her, she could still lift her butt off the bed a few inches when she was particularly energetic. He lost his lip-lock and Brendan, who was bored with what was on TV, and was playing with a toy in his room next door to Grandma’s room, heard her and investigated.
He ran to his mother and grandpa to tell them Chuck was hurting Grandma.
The first time either Chuck or Trudy realized anything was amiss was when Chastity, from the now open doorway to Trudy’s room, said, “Mom! Really?!”
Chuck, who almost covered his lover completely, turned his head and grimaced. He’d been about to cum.
“I tried to warn her,” he gasped.
“It sounds like you tried to kill her,” snorted Chastity.
“Go ... away,” came the muffled sound of Trudy’s voice.
Eight minutes of the third quarter (which any of us who watch football know statistically represents roughly 25 minutes in real time) had expired by the time Chuck returned to plop down on the couch in the living room. Trudy was not with him.
“She’s embarrassed,” he said, without further comment.
“What were you thinking?” said Chastity. Bob remained silent.
“It was halftime,” said Chuck, shrugging his shoulders. “She wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“Well, that part sounds normal,” said Bob.
“Good grief,” sighed Chastity. “Somebody take Maeve. I’ll go talk to her.”
Bob reached for his daughter and she eagerly crawled from her mother’s lap to nestle on Bob’s.
Chastity stood and glared at Chuck and then Bob.
“Men!“ she snorted.
“Hey, at least we didn’t ask for a pole dance during halftime,” said Bob.
He grinned as Chastity stomped out of the room.
“Mom, come on. It’s no big deal,” said Chastity.
“It’s a huge deal! My grandson saw me acting like a slut!”
“Your grandson has no idea what he saw. He was just worried about you. You need to come back to the living room and sit by Chuck and show Brendan that you’re not hurt, and you’re not angry with Chuck. He needs to see that everything is normal.”
“Everything is not normal,” groaned Trudy. “Brendan’s grandma is a slut, and his mother is actually his sister, or half sister. He calls his daddy Grandpa and I haven’t even gotten to Maeve and Lance!”
“It doesn’t matter what the relationships are,” said Chastity, her voice calm. “They’re fine. I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re all fine. Brendan doesn’t even know what the word slut means, and he won’t for ten more years. I know that, eventually, the kids are going to have questions, and answering those will be difficult, but that will be years from now. Brendan will never remember what he saw, but only if you show him that you and Chuck are still friends.”
“Friends?!” squeaked Trudy.
“You know what I mean. Stop this. You’re acting like you did something wrong. Don’t teach my children that being in love and showing love is something to be ashamed of.”
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