Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 24
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 24 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
When Bob got home from the hospital, he found Brendan and Maeve draped on Chuck, who was reading a book about The Rescuers in the swamp. Chima was dozing in the swing. Trudy was cooking for the adults.
“Smells good,” said Bob, entering the kitchen.
“I didn’t know if you’d eat at the hospital or not,” she said. “I’m making meatloaf.”
“Chastity didn’t want her pudding, but that’s all I’ve had. I’ll pop a couple of potatoes in the microwave.”
“Okay, good.”
“You look tired.”
“Been taking care of the kids all afternoon.”
“I see Chuck is here,” said Bob.
“He helped me,” said Trudy, her voice level. “That’s all.”
“Hey, Chuck is welcome here anytime,” said Bob. “And what you two get up to is none of my business.”
“If you could supervise bath time, that would be a big help,” said Trudy.
“Glad to,” said Bob.
The meatloaf and potatoes were eaten, the kids bathed, and now they were in bed. Bob had disappeared into his bedroom, saying he was bushed.
Trudy had left the dishes in the sink, and now she tackled them. Chuck offered to dry if she’d wash.
“We have a dishwasher,” she pointed out.
“It’s three plates, three forks, a spatula and a pan,” he said. “We can get them knocked out in no time.”
She gave in. It was nice to stand beside him, feeling his body heat on her arm. The plates and forks were done within minutes. Chuck put them in the drainer and then stepped behind Trudy. Her hands were busy with the pan the meatloaf had baked in. He leaned forward and kissed the side of her neck, gently. Her head lolled, giving him more room.
“Not fair,” she moaned.
“Haven’t you heard, all’s fair in love and war?” he spoke against her neck.
“Which is this?” she asked.
He took a chance. He slid his hands to cup her breasts through the T shirt.
“I think you know,” he said, lifting them and squeezing them gently.
“I shouldn’t let you do that,” she moaned.
“Of course you should. I haven’t had my dessert, yet.”
African men had, for the most part, left her breasts alone. But Trudy remembered what it was like when a man didn’t leave them alone. Bob had loved her breasts, and had made her almost crazy sucking them and playing with them. He had left them alone when Chastity was a baby and they had milk in them, though. She wondered now what it would be like if big lips sucked where only little ones had before. Instinct told her it would be intense. It might be too intense.
She abandoned the pan and turned with wet, soapy hands, to put them on Chuck’s pecs as she leaned back.
“You can’t do that,” she said, her voice breathy. “I’ll kiss you. That will be your dessert.”
Without a word, he leaned forward and kissed her.
Neither planned for this kiss to take on the meaning it did. Passions flared in both of them, and soon she was crushed in his arms as the kiss went on and on. He lifted her effortlessly and carried her to the couch in the living room. He laid her down on it, still kissing her, and knelt on the floor. Finally he lifted his lips. They stared into each other’s eyes and he kissed her again.
His hand, which had been resting on her stomach after he put her on the couch, began to move upwards. He did it slowly, so she’d have ample opportunity to grip it and stop its movement. Her hand did come to touch his hand, but it merely lay on top of it. He lifted his lips again. If this was going to happen, she needed to allow it.
“Please?” she whined.
“I won’t hurt you like the others,” he said. “You have my solemn promise.”
“I’ll lose control,” she groaned.
“I want you to be happy. I’ll exert control for both of us,” he said. “I just want you to feel good. That’s all. You’ve had a rough day. Let me relax you.”
Now her hand squeezed his.
“If this keeps moving I won’t be relaxed,” she said.
“I’ll be gentle,” he said.
He moved his hand to the base of one breast. Her breathing got ragged. He kissed her again, and smoothed his hand over the mound of her right breast. She tensed and he pulled back.
“It’s tender,” she said.
“Chima ate from the other one,” said Chuck. She nodded.
He moved both hands to the hem of her T shirt. Without comment he began lifting it. His intent was clear and Trudy’s eyes glittered as they watched her stomach being bared. Then the base of her breasts were exposed, and she arched her back so the shirt wasn’t bunched uncomfortably as her breasts came into view.
“I’ll just take the pressure off, a little,” he said.
His head dipped and his lush lips found the thick nipple of her right breast. They sucked gently, and Trudy shuddered as her milk let down.
He didn’t just take the pressure off. He emptied the breast. Then he moved to the other one and finished it off, too. What surprised Trudy the most was how relaxed it did make her as he gently sucked. It was incredibly intimate, but she felt completely safe and secure. He didn’t let his hands wander, or stroke her, or attempt anything overtly sexual.
But by the time he was finished, Trudy knew she was going to have to have an orgasm before she’d ever get to sleep.
Trudy knew she was in trouble. Chuck was gone. He hadn’t made a fuss at all about leaving without getting anything in return (other than a stomach full of mother’s milk). He had simply kissed her with sweet lips, asked, “See you tomorrow?” and grinned when she nodded. He made her feel so good. In many ways, he didn’t act like a man, at least not like any men she’d ever known before.
She’d thought about that a lot. He was obviously male, but he just as obviously didn’t act like the men she was intimately familiar with. Upon reflection, she decided that, maybe, she’d never really met a man before - a real man. A real man cared about his woman. A real man put her needs above his own. A real man’s focus wasn’t limited to fucking whatever slit he could get his penis near.
As she lay there thinking about Chuck, she had rubbed her clit until it was sore. Whether it was because she was distracted or not, she didn’t know, but she’d been unable to wrench an orgasm out of her little bud.
She knew what she needed.
She needed that big, beautiful licorice stick she’d sucked. She needed it inside her, moving in her, pounding her.
That didn’t scare her. She’d felt like that before.
What scared her was that the only one she wanted was the one swinging between Chuck’s thighs.
Trudy was saved the turmoil of actually talking to Chuck about her feelings when Bob brought Chastity and Lance home from the hospital the next day. Lance was a little colicky, so the noise level in the house wasn’t conducive to either talking or thinking. Chuck did show up, but the nerve-racking atmosphere of a constantly fussy or crying baby was enough to convince him he didn’t need to add to it, so he gave Trudy a little peck on the cheek and left. The baby’s misery and anxiety bled over into the other kids, when they got home from Janet’s, and they got agitated, too.
The next day, Bob had to go back to work, which didn’t help. So Trudy gathered up Brendan, Maeve, and Chima and took the scenic route to Janet’s. Once she got there, she said, “Do you need any help with anything?”
“I thought you had a job,” said Janet.
“I do, but I took some time off to help my daughter after she had the baby.”
“So why aren’t you at home, helping Chastity with the baby?”
Trudy explained she was taking a break from Lance’s crying.
“Well, it’s probably not dietary,” said Janet. “The hospital wouldn’t give her the kinds of foods that cause colic in her breast milk. She is breastfeeding, isn’t she?”
Trudy nodded.
“She can read up on it, but there are lots of things in the homeopathic community that might help. My grandmother introduced me to Chamomilla when my own baby had colic.”
“You mean like the tea?” asked Trudy.
“That’s what they call the active ingredient in Chamomile tea,” said Janet, nodding. “Of course you don’t want to give the baby tea. Have Chastity research it online and then call her doctor and talk to him about it. They should be able to find something that will relieve the poor little thing’s discomfort.”
Trudy went home and related to Chastity what Janet had said. Then, using Bob’s excuse, she went back to work herself.
The colic passed and Lance had been home a week before the study group met again. Chastity insisted that meeting at her house was fine, and said that made it easier on her to take care of her newborn. The only turmoil that caused was that Chastity needed to feed Lance, and didn’t want to miss anything that was being discussed in the group. The solution to that was to feed him in front of the group. The reaction of the men got them scolded by the women. Eventually, what Chastity did was turn around, let Lance latch on, and then turn back to the group. The only time her nipple was displayed was when he got full and spat it out. Eventually, he’d be old enough (and hungry enough) to empty one breast and move to the other, but by then they were all used to Chastity’s nipple being on display for brief periods.
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