Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 16
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 16 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
“What were you thinking?” he asked, when they closed Trudy’s door.
“I was thinking she needs to get back out there and find a man,” said Chastity. “She needs to know a man would be interested.”
“I think she already knows men will be interested,” he said. “That was part of her problem.”
“I know, but maybe doing that for you, and it not going anywhere, will help her understand.”
“Understand what?” he groaned. “Other guys aren’t going to react to that like I did.”
She stared at him.
“You’re not the only good guy in the whole world, Daddy.”
“Of course not, but I don’t see how that helps.”
“If she does meet a good guy, I want her to be willing to stick her neck out a little. That’s the only way she’ll know he’s a good guy.”
“I think you’re a little insane,” he said. He blinked. “Not like your mother insane, or your grandmother insane. But definitely goofy.”
“Nice try,” she said. “Now. Dancing made me horny. You need to do something about that.”
“You’re horny now?” He sounded skeptical.
“I said dancing made me horny. Are you going to do your duty or not?”
“Yes, your majesty. I will do my duty to my queen.”
“Well, don’t do it here, in the hallway. You men have no romance, sometimes.”
To be honest, Bob wasn’t in the mood. He had been, but right now he was disgruntled. Chastity’s heart was in the right place, but her methods were as screwy as the tail end of a submarine with twin propellers. That feeling was what made him take her by the wrist and drag her to their bedroom.
She was still naked. The sheen of sweat that had covered her body had dried, and now her skin had a faintly salty taste. He found this out by tossing her onto the bed and then putting his mouth all over her. He licked her thighs and her stomach as she batted at his head. He bulldozed his way to her breasts, and visited each nipple. He licked her neck. Her cries of “Daddy! Daddeeeee!” fell on deaf ears.
She had more or less ordered him to “do his duty”. She hadn’t told him how to do it.
Eventually, her attempts to get him to do more ‘conventional’ things died down and she lay there, enjoying this odd massage, of sorts. That was when he moved his mouth to her pussy and she arched her back, lifting her loins as her knees bent and spread wide.
“Yessssss, lick meeeee,” she sighed.
He gave her two orgasms that way before he crawled up and skewered her with his rampant prick.
She’d had her turn. Now it was his.
His only thought was trying to cum without putting too much pressure on the baby in her womb. In the middle of thrusting, he paused to use his knees to make her close and straighten her legs. Suddenly she was as tight as a virgin. He began thrusting again and wasn’t even aware that this position put extreme pressure on her clit. He already knew that making love in this position didn’t hurt the baby, as long as he didn’t rest his weight fully on top of her.
“I’m gonna cum,” he panted.
“Yes!” she yipped. “Cum in me, Daddy.”
“Gonna cum in my baby,” he gasped.
“Shoot in me,” she urged. “Cum in my pussy. My pussy is all for you ... only you.”
He groaned as release flooded through his cock and flowed into his illicit lover. Her orgasm joined his as they both tensed, and then went limp.
Only then did they become aware that Trudy, who hadn’t really fallen asleep, and was just lying there, comforted by the touch of two humans, had come to talk to them. She had heard some of the whispered conversation in the hallway, outside her door, but not all of it. Basically, she knew Bob hadn’t known what Chastity was doing, yet he had cooperated with her anyway. Her intent had been to try to make sense of the feelings and emotions she was dealing with.
Instead, she saw her ex-husband making love to their pregnant daughter - the daughter he had gotten pregnant. It was violent, but in a controlled, safe way. He had paid homage to her, lavishing orgasms on her before he sated his own lust. That was one of the things that made him different from the men she’d known - and fucked - since she left him. He cared about his lover enough to make sure she was satisfied. What she saw on that bed wasn’t her ex-husband and her daughter. She saw a grown woman, a mother, who was smart enough to grab Bob when he became available. Granted, it had taken years, but she was smart enough to claim a good man when she could.
She was also smart enough to disregard society’s rules that should have denied her what she’d just gotten.
For the first time since she left Africa, Trudy felt the tingling in her belly that meant she was turned on.
Watching the two on the bed had turned her on.
Seeing real love ... had turned her on.
“Mom!” groaned Chastity as Bob flopped down beside her.
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to talk.”
“You wanted to talk, naked?”
Trudy looked down at her body. She hadn’t even been aware she was naked. It was as if her mind didn’t have room to think about that.
“Well, you were the one who talked me into stripping.” She blinked. “I’m a stripper! I stripped for a man! I took my clothes off just to tease a man! I’m a stripper!“
“She is,” said Bob, rolling his head to look at Chastity. “And you did.”
“You’re not helping,” said Chastity.
“I tried,” he said, making his voice sound sad. “I tried to help. It sounded like you had a good time, but I guess not.”
“Stop it!” said Chastity as she sat up. “You made a mess. I’m leaking. Mother, go put on some clothes and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”
“Should I put on some clothes, too?” asked Bob, innocently.
“Well, nobody’s interested in seeing your hairy, wrinkly old body,” groused Chastity.
He laughed and she stuck out her tongue at him.
She went to the bathroom and sat on the commode to clean up.
Then she put on a robe and went to talk to her mother.
Neither of them noticed, but there was an almost comfortable feeling in the room as they made cups of hot chocolate and talked.
In May, the study group Chastity was in shrank by half. Four members received their honors and went out into the world to find jobs.
Courses were offered during the summer, but everyone still in the group was tired and they decided, as a group, to take some time off. Some wanted to work full time during the summer to make some money. Their student loan load was heavy, by this time in their academic career. Those hoped to get a summer job that involved interning at a law firm and getting paid for it. That would be ideal.
It was also decided that Chastity should do the initial work of finding new candidates for membership in the group because she was considered to be “older and wiser” than the others. Since they had met at the home of one of the graduating members, Chastity also offered to host future sessions, despite the fact that having seven “strangers” in the house three times a week would create some stress and pressure on the family. On the other hand, it would make it a lot easier for a mother of three to be both student and mother, and it would also lessen the parental stress on Bob. In any case, it would only last for nine months before Chastity received her honors and took the bar exam.
Chastity did not work that summer. Instead, she spent time with her children, and Bob when he wasn’t working. Her mother was busy most of the time, but the relative calm soothed Chastity’s jangled nerves and not having to rush here and there made it seem like she had all the time in the world.
Of course her belly grew more and more distended. Chastity was blessed to carry all three of her children in compact, basketball-sized packages that didn’t make her gain weight in her legs, thighs, arms and face. If anything, she looked “less” pregnant than she was. When the study group convened for the first time in late August, it was obvious she was pregnant, but not so obvious that she was actually within thirty days of delivering her third child.
Replacing the graduating study group members had been easy, in one sense. All four of those who left had ranked in the top quarter of their class. That said things to other students about the quality of the study group, and a lot more than four people wanted to join Chastity’s group. The hard part was evaluating which ones to invite into the group. Personalities mattered, because frayed nerves could lead to tension in the group, and tension in the group detracted from the quality of the studying. Another problem was that some men might be interested in the women in the group in ways that also distracted from the purpose. Chastity discarded two potential leads because they were men who openly ogled her, even though she was both (perceived to be) married and pregnant.
In the end, it was a well-balanced group of four men and four women who met at Bob’s house. Paul, Cyndi, Stephanie and Chastity were the veterans of the old group. They welcomed Chuck, Randy, John and Jewel to the group. None of the vets had been to Chastity’s house in the past, and all were surprised to find she lived in one of the stately, two story houses in the original part of town. This neighborhood hadn’t gone to seed, and the old homes sat proudly amid 90 year old oaks and walnut trees.
The previous members got there on time and almost together. Tardiness was frowned on in the group. The group was responsible for the fact that its members were highly ranked. The group was serious business. Jewel arrived a few minutes later. As she knocked, Randy and John arrived together. Chuck was the last to arrive and was six minutes late.
“Welcome,” said Chastity, when they were all seated in the living room. “Be on time in the future.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” said Randy, who was smiling, as if at a joke. Stephanie saw this and spoke up.
“If you’re late, you waste time, and by now you should know that we have no time to waste. If you’re not serious about this, then leave so someone who is serious can contribute to the group.”
“It won’t happen again,” said Chuck. He was black and had arrived on a bike. He hadn’t been to this part of town before and it had taken him longer to pedal there than he’d estimated. He had been trying hard not to look like he was fleeing from somewhere in this rich, white neighborhood. That could get the cops called.
“Okay. Let’s get started,” said Chastity.
The initial time was spent bringing the new members up to speed on how the group worked. It was a bit like clerking for a judge, in the sense that members often went out and researched a question, bringing the information they found back to the group later. They weren’t all taking the same classes, obviously, but doing research into the law, even if it was about real estate law and you weren’t taking any classes in real property law, was valuable. You would take classes later. And if only one member had to do the work, it conserved energy. You didn’t have to study eight issues. Somebody else would be gathering information on seven of those issues, while you only had to spend time on one. That’s why judges seem so smart about the law. They have half a dozen people researching it for them before they make decisions.
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