Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 14
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
Brendan wasn’t potty trained. He was beginning to understand the concept, but still enjoyed the sensation of warmth flooding his diaper too much to take it seriously. Trudy found this out when she also felt the sensation of warmth seeping into the leg of her jeans, where her grandson was sitting, leaning against her baby bump while she read to him.
She checked and found the problem. He wore pull-ups, which made it easy to change him, but she didn’t know where the spares were and didn’t think to ask him if he knew. She did the most natural thing, which was to go find Chastity and ask where the fresh diapers were.
It didn’t occur to her to knock, which was why, when she opened the door, she was in the perfect position to see Bob’s ass rising and falling rapidly, and then suddenly freeze.
“Ooooo, I love that feeling,” came her daughter’s voice, as Trudy’s eyes recognized Chastity’s knees lying on the bedspread, wide open.
“Yay! Can I rassle, too?” yelled Brendan, who had come around Grandma to see. He rushed forward.
Bob’s natural reaction was to pull out of Chastity and turn around. His cock was already softening, though it was still long. It was also milky-white and dripping. When he moved, Chastity’s pussy was displayed, weeping thick, white man milk.
“I’m sorry!” gasped Trudy. “He was wet and I...” She stopped as Chastity moved her heels, let them drop to the floor and then sat up effortlessly. Her knees closed and suddenly, she was simply a naked woman sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Brendan, go get Grandma a new pull up,” said Chastity, calmly.
“Then can I rassle?” whined the boy.
“Then it will be bedtime,” said his mother.
“Awww,” he groaned. Brendan hated bedtime.
“Go on,” said Chastity, gently.
“I’m so sorry,” moaned Trudy.
“I should have locked the door,” said Bob, watching his ex-wife closely.
“We shouldn’t have to lock the door,” said Chastity.
Trudy turned and followed Brendan.
“That was interesting,” said Bob.
“That’s why I’m an idiot for letting her stay with us,” said Chastity.
“She didn’t freak out,” said Bob. “That’s a good thing.”
“It’s going to make everything stiff and uncomfortable.”
“Maybe. I’ll go help get the boy in bed. We’ll see what she does next.”
Brendan had gone through his entire repertoire of excuses he had for not going to bed. He’d started with the fact that Grandma hadn’t finished reading Froggy Goes To The Fair. Then he moved on to being thirsty, and hungry, and afraid of the dark. He couldn’t find his stuffed bear, who he had to have to go to sleep. Bob knew where he hid it when he got up each morning so that at the inevitable next bed time it would be “lost”.
Through it all Trudy just watched. When Bob finally closed the door, they stood there in the hallway.
“I really am sorry about barging in on you,” she said.
“I believe you. How’d it make you feel?” he asked, getting right to the point.
“Embarrassed,” she said.
“Not angry?”
“Angry? Oh, you mean because we used to be married and she’s our daughter?”
“I can’t convey to you what I’ve been through, recently,” she said. “If you’re drowning and somebody throws you a tree branch to hold onto, you don’t complain that it’s not a life preserver.”
“Not quite the same thing, but I get your drift,” said Bob.
“I don’t get to have an opinion on this,” she said. “That’s how I feel.”
“Accepting it in principle is different than seeing it happen,” he suggested.
She stared at him.
“I haven’t told you everything that happened to me,” she said.
“Okay,” he replied. It was dark in the hallway, but they hadn’t moved toward the light, where the living room was bright.
“This,” she said, smoothing her hands over her swollen belly, “was very, very stupid. I did a lot of stupid things in Africa, but I should have known better than to do this.”
“I assumed it was an accident,” he said.
“I believed the man when he said he would, one day, be able to take care of me and that I’d be his number one wife. I let him have me to cement that bond. I didn’t know he’d give me to his sons as well. I should have. That’s not unusual in some parts of the continent. But I was desperate. I don’t even know which one got me pregnant.”
“I’m sorry,” said Bob. He actually meant it.
“I didn’t tell you that so you’d be sorry for me. I told you that to explain why I’m not going to let myself be shocked by what I just saw. I have enough on my plate without charging into the lives of others. That’s what got me in trouble in the first place.”
“Okay,” he said. “I’m glad you’re not uncomfortable.”
“I didn’t say that,” she said. “I remember what kind of lover you were. The sex we had was great. Seeing you like that brought back memories. Seeing you with another woman made me feel jealous. But then I remembered I don’t have the right to be jealous. I’ll be okay, though. You have no idea how grateful I am that I even get to be here for a little while.”
“In that case, I’m glad you feel like you can cope,” said Bob.
Instead of making Trudy go through all that again, with Chastity, Bob suggested they just go to bed and the two women could decide what to bring back up in the morning. Chastity frowned, but agreed.
Once they were in bed, Bob brought her up to speed.
“Wow,” said Chastity. “My mother ... getting gang banged. I can’t wrap my head around that.”
“You were desperate enough that you decided to be a stripper,” said Bob. “Do you remember that feeling?”
“Yes,” she said.
“She was desperate enough that she grabbed the first thing she thought would keep her afloat,” he said, remembering her analogy about a drowning person being thrown a branch. “It gave her hope, but turned out to only delay disaster.”
“So what do we do, now?”
“I vote for letting it blow over and going on like we did before.”
Chastity thought about it.
“Are you hard?”
Bob lifted the covers and looked.
“No. Should I be?”
“I want to be on top.”
“You’ll have to be quiet. Your mother is right behind that wall.” He pointed.
“I thought we were going on like before,” she said.
“It might take a little while to get him going,” said Bob.
“I want you to put your cock in my pussy, and then squirt me full of happy juice,” she purred.
“I just did that an hour ago,” he said.
“It leaked out of me when we were interrupted. I need more,” she said.
“Do you?”
“If I’m going to get all knocked up, I need more.”
“Hmmm. That did it.”
“I thought it would.”
When Bob left for work, Trudy still wasn’t up yet.
“I suspect she’s exhausted,” he said. “Want me to go in late?”
“We won’t need a referee,” Chastity said. “If she gets up in time, she can help get the kids to Janet’s. If that’s already done, then we’ll just talk.”
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