Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 10
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
Getting her name changed back to Jeffries was fairly simple. She had to fill out a petition and get her fingerprints taken. When her hearing in court came, the judge asked her why she wanted to change her name and she explained about the divorce, and about her mother’s absence in her life. The judge nodded and signed the form. In one sense it solved another problem, because Trudy had never applied for a new social security card or changed the name on Chastity’s account. As far as the Social Security Administration was concerned, Chastity’s name had never changed. She had to get a new license, and change her school records, but other than that, her new (old) name caused no ripples in her life.
Life for the Jeffries family was remarkably dull, all things considered. She went to classes at the vo-tech, and he went to work. Her belly grew with each passing month. No one asked her who the father was, or why she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. 21st century man did not find a pregnant, apparently single mother unusual.
Her ultrasounds revealed nothing of concern to her doctor.
Only in the evening, and at night, would they have appeared shocking to those who knew them. Inside the house, they were consummate lovers, spending hours pleasuring each other and seeking pleasure for themselves. Mostly, the two were intertwined. Nothing was sweeter to Bob’s ears than the sound of his daughter’s voice as she squealed and whined her way through an orgasm, while impaled on his spike. Likewise, she loved the look on his face as he gushed into her the fluid that had created life in her womb.
She thought she was going into labor early, but it was merely Braxton Hicks contractions, which wasn’t unusual for a first time mother. One day short of her due date, her water broke and Bob took her to the hospital. As she was not accompanied by the father, his status as her father sufficed and he was allowed to go through labor and delivery with her. He had been ten thousand miles away when his daughter was born, but he got to be there as his son came squalling into the world, unhappy at being forced out of his warm cocoon. He was normal in every way.
Chastity named him Brendan, a derivative of the Welsh name meaning prince, or king. For “Father” she put unknown. His last name was the same as hers, of course: Jeffries.
Her labor started on the thirteenth. She presented her son to his father on Valentine’s Day.
Now a new facet developed in their romance. Bob had always loved her breasts, and she had always loved having him give them his attention and love. Now, those breasts produced milk, and if they made love before Brendan emptied them, they leaked. It was inevitable that he tasted a milky nipple, and she learned that having a man suckle her milk was very different than when an infant did it. Brendan was ferocious in his attack on a nipple, sucking strongly and greedily. He grew fat on her milk. Bob, on the other hand, teased milk from a nipple gently. Twice, she had an orgasm just from him feeding.
Time went by. Chastity was busy all the time, now, with school and her duties as a mother. She was tired all the time, but it was an honest tired, so she simply slept as much as she could, and was happy, even when she had to be awake. The school had a daycare center, which covered Brendan while she was in class, but of course she had him the rest of the time. Anyone who has had a baby in the house knows that the world orbits around the baby. The baby doesn’t care if you’re tired.
Their lovemaking moderated. Chastity solved the problem of being interrupted by Brendan by simply bringing him to bed with them while they made love. It wasn’t unusual for her to sit on Bob, impaled, while she fed their son. She rocked, not really trying to have an orgasm, just doing something wonderful while the baby did the same thing.
Brendan was walking and she was in her second year at the vo-tech when she weaned him and promptly got pregnant again. To be honest, all that unprotected sex when she was first reunited with Bob had been for the purpose of being impregnated by him. She hadn’t lied to him. She didn’t try to get pregnant. She just didn’t try not to. This time she did not intend for her father to impregnate her. Not this soon, anyway. It was as if her own body was trying to make up for their earlier forced separation. Again, it cannot be known for sure, but it is quite possible the baby of this unintended pregnancy was conceived on Valentine’s Day.
Chastity began her prelaw track at the Nathan Boone School of Law, in Evanston, which had, at one time, been eight miles from Barstow, but was now a suburb. Nathan Boone was a small school, but one with a good reputation. Her grades (and instructor recommendations) got her one of the slots at Boone for transfer students from the Vo-Tech, though her gender also added to the “diversity” the college was desperately trying to establish, in order to be able to suck at the tit of Federal money. In her case, it would only take her two years worth of work to get her bachelor’s degree and then go on to pursue a Juris Doctor degree. It was more expensive than some other four year institutions might have been, but she could live at home and all her credits from the vo-tech transferred.
In the interests of full disclosure, it probably helped that Chastity knew the dean. Rather well, actually. He had seen her dance at Buster’s ... many times. During her interview with him she did not threaten in any way, shape, or form to expose his sordid little secret to the august world in which he traveled by day. All she said was that it was nice to see him again, and that she was putting that part of her life behind her. She now wore a wedding ring, which she had put on primarily to discourage the bright young men she met in college, but it also identified her as “claimed” to others, like the Dean. She was also identified as “claimed” by the gentle, four month swell of her belly.
Classes at Nathan Boone went on a trimester basis, instead of only two terms per academic year, and there was no summer break. Nor was there an extended spring break. The period between December 20 and January 3rd was the only scheduled non-class time during the year. This allowed students to complete a year’s credit every nine months, and then keep going, if one’s classes could be scheduled that way (were available) and if the student could take the strain, both financially and physically. If everything could be made to work, it was possible to get one’s doctorate in 27 months. The emphasis was on getting educated, passing the bar, and getting out into the big, wide, world of practicing law. The lower classes joked about how lawyers always practiced law, because nobody was really any good at it. By the time they got to their fifth and sixth year classes, they didn’t joke about that anymore. As Chastity would soon learn, they couldn’t. There was too much law to learn, and nobody could learn it all. That was why, like medical doctors often did, most law students specialized. The specialties included admiralty law, business law, constitutional law, criminal law, environmental law, first amendment law, health care law, intellectual property law and patent law. Some students went for joint degree programs, but that was usually tied to a specific future employment situation, such as joining a family law firm.
A student could declare a specialization in his third year of school, but most of the course work for a specialization came during the last three years. All tracks had the same general courses needed to pass the bar exam.
School demanded even more of her time, now, and Bob took over seeing to Brendan’s needs. There was a woman three blocks away named Janet who ran a daycare in her home. She was a widow, who had one child of her own and limited the number of her charges to six. Bob was lucky he met her when someone had moved, creating an opening. They had taught Brendan to call him “Pappa” (pronounced paw-paw) rather than “Daddy”, and Janet naturally assumed - as they had planned - that Pappa was his word for ‘grandpa’.
Chastity didn’t need to rely on her connection to the dean. She was intelligent and motivated, and she did very well in her classes. She would not be ranked for three more trimesters, but everybody knew she was at the top of her class. She was invited to join several study groups and was delighted to find that one of them had someone in it she already knew. Her name was Juliette Towers. Her alias, used at Buster’s when she had danced, was Jasmine.
“Remember when you talked about going to law school and becoming a big shot lawyer?” Juliette said. “You inspired me. I talked to Dean Rusk one night as I did a private dance for him and he got me in here!”
“We wondered what happened to you,” said Chastity. “You just disappeared.”
“Dean Rusk said I had to quit dancing, and sever all ties to Buster’s.”
“Did he say you had to do anything else?” The innuendo in Chastity’s voice was heavy.
“No. Nothing. Not even a kiss! He helped me find a job, and I got a scholarship because I’m part Native American, but that’s all. I never even see him.”
“He may have made you quit, but he still goes there. Or at least he was still going when I stopped dancing, two years ago.”
“I think he’s lonely. His wife died about ten years ago. So you quit dancing, too?” Jasmine looked pointedly at Chastity’s swollen abdomen.
“Yes. I quit when my dad found me.”
“He did?” Jasmine’s eyes got round. “You talked about him so much. How did he find you?”
“He brought his boss to the club.”
“No!” gasped Jasmine. “Please tell me he didn’t see you dance.”
Chastity just nodded.
“Oh, how embarrassing,” moaned the older woman.
“It was worth it. I was so surprised by seeing him there that my routine was over before I could get flustered.”
Jasmine reached for Chastity’s left hand and pulled it up.
“It’s for show,” said Chastity. “I’m not actually married.”
Jasmine displayed her own wedding band.
“Me, too. This is the one I used to wear at the club. School is too intense to have to deal with a full time man.”
“I agree,” said Chastity.
“Looks like you couldn’t deal with a part time man,” laughed Jasmine, reaching to gently touch Chastity’s baby bump.
“I wanted it,” said Chastity. “Maybe not as soon as it came along. This is actually number two for me.”
“Get out!” gasped Jasmine.
“For real. I love their father, but we can’t get married.”
“Ooooo, a deep, dark secret,” whispered Jasmine.
“The deepest, darkest kind. I’m lucky my dad missed me as much as I missed him, and that he’s the understanding type. I live with him.”
“What ever happened to your mother?”
“Still in Africa, as far as I know.”
“Girl, you’ve had the strangest life.”
“Not really. I feel normal as pie.”
“Well you’re not, now. Now you’re part of my study group and we’re going to rock the hallowed halls of this place.”
“As long as I can pass the bar some day, that’s all the rocking I want to do,” said Chastity.
“You’ll pass the bar,” said Jasmine. “Trust me. This gig is way better than dancing. It’s hard work, but easier by far than what we used to do. That’s my opinion, anyway.”
“I’ll have to take your word for it, for now,” said Chastity. “This is my first year, here. I did my general work at the junior college in Barstow.”
“Won’t matter,” said Jasmine, firmly. “What you’re getting into now has nothing to do with general education.”
“Thank you for inviting me to join this group.”
“It wasn’t me. I didn’t even know you were here. Josh made that decision, probably because of this.” Again, Jasmine tapped Chastity’s belly.
“Please don’t tell me he’s got a thing for pregnant women,” moaned Chastity.
“No,” laughed Jasmine. “His wife is pregnant.”
“Good,” sighed Chastity.
“No, in this environment, not all the men want to fuck you,” said Jasmine.
“Good,” sighed Chastity again.
Jasmine grinned.
“No, here, it’s only half of them.”
She winked.
“The rest are gay.”
Chastity, now that she didn’t have to work, and could study as long as needed, powered through her first trimester of school between June and August. She just made it through her second trimester when, two days after finals, she went into labor and delivered a little girl baby, who they named Maeve. Some sources said the name came from the old Gaelic for “princess”. There were other meanings, as well, but they liked that one.
Now, the king and queen in exile had a prince and princess to carry on their legacy. Maeve’s delivery came more quickly, and more easily than her big brother’s. Christmas break gave Chastity a chance to relax and spend time with the baby, and she went back to classes after the new year.
Part of the ease of Maeve’s delivery was that Chastity was still in tip top shape. She was busy at school for long hours each day, and had no time to go to the gym, which might have been difficult for a heavily gravid woman, anyway. But she never stopped dancing for her daddy. That, and yoga, kept her fit and toned.
And, when Chastity had told Bob she was pregnant again, he purchased and installed a stripper pole in the living room. It was glaringly out of place, but Chastity loved it. She used it to exercise on.
Brendan danced with her, sometimes, if he hadn’t been put to bed when she got a chance to go through her exercise routine. He whirled like she whirled, though with less agility, since he was only eighteen months old. He tried to climb it, like his mother did, sometimes, and his antics were entertaining.
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